Yasmin Al-Qasrawi
Selected works 2011 |2013
Yasmin Mohsen Al-‐Qasrawi Amman, Jordan 21.02.1994 Jordanian Na=onality Y_alqasrawi@hotmail.com
Educa=onal Career 2011-‐2013
Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, German Jordanian University Bachelor of Architecture
Islamic Educa=onal College , Jordan GCSE and GCE (Bri=sh study-‐plan)
Rawafed Private School, UAE
Workshop 2012
Workshop on Hostel Design, Hochshcule in Koblenz -‐ Germany
Languages Arabic
Mother Language
So^ware Skills AutoCAD, 3Dmax, Rhino+Grasshoper, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, MS office
Hobbies Photography, Traveling
Contents Â
The NaCl | Restaurant Public | Architecture
The Tube | Mixed use commercial Building Public | Architecture
Royal Film Commission | Documenta=on Documenta=on| Architecture
The Twisted wall | Kiosk Parametric
Voronoi within Voronoi | Par==on wall Parametric
Public | Documenta=on | Parametric | Photography
The NaCl Project Restaurant in the dead sea panorama Year
Spring 2011
As the loca=on of the project was in the dead sea, I took the salt as an element of inspira=on. It consists of crystals that is made from interlocking cubes. The restaurant was elevated for maximum view. There is also pathway for the water to follow through the restaurant to give the feeling of relaxa=on.
Loca=on Entrance to the restaurant Elevated restaurant for maximum panoramic view Site-‐ Dead sea panorama
Pu The Tube Project Mixed Use Commercial building Year
Winter 2012
This Project was a mixed use building with retail shops, café, restaurant, and a hostel. In addition to a terrace to have a panoramic view to the Roman theatre.
Our Site had two Exis=ng Stairs that linked the two streets together. This was an important element in the history of the site neighborhood ( city center)
Connec;on For Indulgence
Yingjia Club at Vanke Beijing / Neri & Hu Design
Retail Shops
Café and Book Shop
Interior Shot
Royal Film commission Documenta=on Project Documenta=on for the royal film commission building Year
Spring 2012 Group Work
In 2006, an old Ammani villa built in 1919 in one of the oldest parts of the city, was acquired by the Board of the Royal Film Commission – Jordan (RFC) and turned into Jordan’s first center for the audio-‐visual arts, The Film House. We as students measured the whole building and drew it. The aim was to understand the historical architecture.
Site Plan
Site Sec=on
The Twisted Wall Project Parametric design for kiosk Year
Fall 2013
The idea was a con=nuous wall folded in different direc=ons senng up the func=ons of both educa=onal and communal. The wall unit does not create a bulky structure that is intrusive to its surrounding but rather creates an elegant element to the host court. The Nature of the works undertaken by GJU’s new kiosk and educa=onal point were devised to consider the rela=onship between two programma=c requirements of communal and educa=onal.
3D model
Voronoi within Voronoi Project Parametric design for par==on wall Year
Winter 2013 Group Work
The voronoi diagram is one of those mathema=cal oddi=es, like fractals and Fibonacci spirals, that turn up frequently in the natural world. It came from the intricate paoerns, such as the spots on giraffes, microscopic image of a leaf or the paoern of a turtle shell. In the par==on wall design we were mainly inspired by the leaf structure which is a voronoi within voronoi. This helps dividing space into different regions and gives an uneven distribu=on of loads and light penetra=on.
Step one Grasshopper +rhino were used to form the main voronoi Which was made by construc=ng an octagonal shape grid.
Step two A^erwards we extruded the main voronoi and started to divide each sec=on into another voronoi.
Step three Finally, we extruded the smaller voronoi. Some were not extruded to the end so it can be u=lized as bookshelves also.
3D Model
Photography Year
Spain, Germany, Jordan
Thank you.