Help Your Child Rebound From Summer Fit Loss

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Help Your Child Rebound From Summer Fit Loss Each summer, millions of kids swap outdoor equipment for game controllers snack more than usual and some put on weight. How can your child rebound from summer fitness loss?

One – third of children are overweight or obese and children are shown to gain weight three times faster during summer months.

Why?  Kids can easily over – indulge in snacking which can add over 400 calories per day.  Only fifty percent of children play outside each day with a parent.  With kids taking four hours of watching TV and three hours of video gaming each day.

Kids who are overweight now are five times more likely to be obese as adults, which can lead to: 1. Heart disease 2. Diabetes 3. Stroke

Do ’t let ou hild e o e a u health statisti . Togethe , let’s ju p sta t the ew s hool ea rebounding from summer fitness loss.

Top 3 Tips 1. Talk to kids about being healthy – Educate kids on the importance of sleep, diet and exercise. Clean out the f idge. If ou do ’t u it, the wo ’t eat it. Ne t ti e ou’ e i the g o e sto e, show ou child why certain foods are healthier than other. Let your child pick out a favorite fruit in the produce section to make it a treat! 2. Make fitness fun – Use technology as a force for fitness! Interactive games on Wii like Nickelodeons Fit gets kids moving a d ju pi g. Do ’t have a gaming console? For $2.99 in the ITunes store, Workout in a bag for Kids includes simple to follow floo e e ises that does ’t e ui e a e t a e uip e t. Users 8 year old and older have the option to turn on exercises that use hand weights if they want. 2. Be a role model – Parents! This means you. Modeling healthy habits for your kids encourages healthy behavior. Exercise together as a family: take a hike, ride bikes, have a catch in the backyard. Family fitness promotes great family bonding.

Sources: Kids Health; National Learning Association; Daily Mail Online; TIME Health and Family; Center for disease Control.

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