'22 PD Portfolio | Yasser Nazmy

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PD Projects | 2021 Yasser ProductNazmyDesign PortfolioDesign Manager



popular design & project management softwares, and I have previous experience using:

Products & Clients

Egyptian designer/researcher whose passion for UX stems from a fascination for solving puzzles and a desire to transform design & technology into a tool for social impact.

Throughout my professional career, I have designed services that aim to solve many of Egypt’s infrastructure-related problems in the fields of education, museum curation, and eGovernment. I've also managed product teams in multiple startups in the MENA region and launched transformative and impactful experiences.


Hi, I’m ProductYasserDesign Manager

About Me

I help companies define, design & launch disruptive digital products

Project Showcase

― Egypt’s Cultural Heritage Portal

Designing a national platform for preserving Egypt’s cultural & literary heritage


Very generic product with multiple stakeholders in mind, and there are no previous research efforts that went into identifying the product’s core value proposition and value units. There are general ambiguities as to who the potential users will be and how to find a solution to their problems. And the fact that there is a general lack of interest in cultural heritage and that there are no "problems" to be cured but rather "luxuries" to be offered.

Minds For Integrated Solutions

The Problem


The Client

After consolidating and analysing our research data, we defined 6 personas that best segment the unique search behaviours and needs of the general public - from the academic researcher to the average wanderer. Empowered by these insights we designed a portal to engage users in exploring and browsing including a discovery experience, interactive widgets, visual search, and a subscription program.

Read The Full Case Study Here


Egypt’s Cultural Heritage Portal

Enriching the available digital Arabic content in all its forms using cutting-edge digital transformation technology.

The Solution

MinistryClient of Communications and Information Technology

#digital#egovernment #digitalIndustryServicesUXAuditinUserInterviewMarketResearcPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinVisualDesigPrototypingtransformation archiving

My team was approached by MCIT to create a cultural repository/database, similar to the US Library of Congress, that profitably utilises Egypt’s cultural wealth in its many content variations that include books, articles, magazines, videos, audio, artwork, 3D Tours, locations, events and digital assets.




― Noon

A social e-learning platform to learn, play & build bonds with friends & teachers

small startup to an EdTech giant. A social elearning platform where you can engage with your friends in “live” sessions with the best tutors online and join different study groups Saudi Arabia

Noon Academy at the time was just a small locally based test-prep platform based in KSA, that had high hopes for regional expansion and solving the problem of educational boredom and students’ lack of motivation. They also dreamed of bridging the gap not only between students and teachers but also the gap between the students themselves.

Studying is a boring and arduous job that no kid does willingly or is excited about. Studying in the MENA region is especially harder given the fluctuation of quality between different classes, localities and countries, poor internet connections and intense peer and parental pressure to get astronomically high grades. Our job was to make studying fun, accessible, usable and

7 FromNoona

Noonprofitable.had to be transformed from a test-prep service into a fully-fledged social learning platform; a term we coined during the project. Gen Z is the most adapted social generation and is always on their phone so we aimed to create a social platform for students to share their notes, ask questions, find teachers, engage in competitions, attend sessions and join study groups designed to fit their academic level and needs.

The Client

#pedagogy#socialapps #edtech #elearning #digitalIndustrServicesUXAuditinUserInterviewPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinDesignSystemVisualDesigPrototypingtransformation

The Solution


The Problem




ReimaginingWork the future of Egyptian television, a new spin on Live TV meets OnDemand streaming ― Watch iT!

Watch iT! is one of Egypt’s premium video on-demand and live streaming service that caters to Arabic audiences around the world with a catalogue filled to the brim with precious classics, exclusive originals, and national sports content. They approached me to redesign their platform across all devices mobile, tablet, web, and TV, as well as the commercial landing page.

The Solution

One of the core challenges of this project is the scale and creating an atomic design system across 4 different platforms in 2 languages. Another challenge was the existence of a legacy design token that I helped the Watch iT! team solve internally. And lastly, there were many tech constraints that limited my ability to innovate and create new features and introduce new interaction patterns.

The service experience is designed to marry traditional TV channels with OnDemand content catalogues that encapsulate the wealth of the Egyptian Entertainment Industry. The service also promises giant leaps in content diversity and technological infrastructure as it will produce original content, introduce content that has never been seen before, reintroduce rare content, digitally remaster classics, and colourise productions for the very first time.

#multimedia#streaming #entertainment IndustrServicesTheatre”UXAuditinUserInterviewPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinDesignSystemVisualDesigPrototypinAnimation

7 Watch TurningiT!asecond

hand local service into Egypt’s foremost multi-device streaming platform that encapsulate the wealth of the Egyptian Entertainment Industry in the areas of “Movies, Series, Programs and

The Problem

The Client


Parents will enjoy live TV channel streaming over the On-Demand catalogue because they do NOT want to hassle themselves into taking a decision and rather want to have content effortlessly curated to them via a channel

Boomer Generation in Egypt nd the notion of paying for TV very ridiculous and are initially very resistant and hesitant towards nancial commitments Millennial and Gen X Generations will be interested in the service but not towards its nostalgic content like their parent but rather towards new, edgy and relatable Original Productions Paradox of choice can be caused by excessive stacking of content within the screen and in each row. E.g Netflix, Amazon Prime.


Fathers are less pragmatic nancially since mothers handle homemaking and expenses. This might affect fathers’ purchase power as they will choose not to spend on amenities if pressured by luxuries

Parents will be overwhelmed with On Demand experiences and will look towards traditional TV to escape the learning curve


hand local service into Egypt’s foremost multi-device streaming platform that encapsulate the wealth of the Egyptian Entertainment Industry in the areas of “Movies, Series, Programs and


#multimedia#streaming #entertainment IndustrServicesTheatre”UXAuditinUserInterviewPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinDesignSystemVisualDesigPrototypinAnimation

Hypotheses & Assumptio s

There’s a huge interest in sports and animated content from younger generations

Payment methods are as equally important as price, the more effortless it is the closer we get to convert a user into a customer Patment plans must be fle ible and packaged as a “bargain” to decrease barrier of entry and incentivise household decision makers to try before they buy


Method of scrolling and grid/content monotony can induce boredom and parado of choice while browsing the catalogue


Egyptians relate content to its stars, a navigational solution should be considered to allow them to search by a star or even follow him/her for new content

Hypotheses & Assumptio s


Device numbers should not factor in the subscription design as Egyptian will want the most value for their buck and the fact that Shahid offers unlimited devices.

hand local service into Egypt’s foremost multi-device streaming platform that encapsulate the wealth of the Egyptian Entertainment Industry in the areas of “Movies, Series, Programs and

#multimedia#streaming #entertainment IndustrServicesTheatre”UXAuditinUserInterviewPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinDesignSystemVisualDesigPrototypinAnimation


Purchase power is often affected by family leader, number of viable devices and internet speeds. The more independent the family members are the more likely they will subscribe

Younger generations want to catch up on classics because they are used in memes & pop culture and they don’t want to miss out

Interview Insights Big Generational Gap

Viral Nostalgia & FOMO

Exclusive Content Matter

UX A uditin

Paradox Of Choice

U ser IPersonaInterviewCreatio


Turning a second hand local service into Egypt’s foremost multi device streaming platform that encapsulate the wealth of the Egyptian Entertainment Industry in the areas of “Movies, Series, Programs and Theatre Services

V isual PrototypinDesig


Internet Quality & Speed Have Improved

#entertainmen t streamin g multimedia

Poor usability, system performance and constant crashing defy the netflix user high expectations and demotivate parents

TV Is Dying & Digital is Rising

A nimation

There are huge differences in family members interest in local content. Some depend on it daily and others watch only foreign content.

Endless scrolling can be very boring and costs family members 15 to 30 mins before they start their watching session Dislike of Arab Services

Paying for multiple subscriptions is hard because each service has exclusive content so it’s usually a matter of what’s the cheapest or most unique

The content catalogue matters immensley since it will always be compared to competitors, youtube & pirate sites in terms of inclusivity, diversity and originality.

Internet services have improved during covid to cope with demand and have consequently made the family cope better with tech and streaming

Younger generations want global caliber shows that are creative and outgoing like La Casa De Papel and Stranger Multi-SubscriptionsThings are NOT Affordable

Watch iT!

Thirst for New Formats

Free Beats Convenient

Younger generations find huge amounts of content for free online and have no problem downloading or streaming Originalsthem&

/A & U ser Flow W DesignireframinSystem

Indu str


The ritual of gathering around the TV is being forever changed by streaming services and by younger generations seeking independence

MENA’s first stock resources platform & community


― Media Destination

The Client


I helped Wazner design a platform that allows photographers/videographers to contribute with their work by hunting categories that require the most support and are in demand. The platform also features a diverse marketplace that is carefully curated to creative designer/ videographer needs such as “search by technique, type and user scenarios”

I was approached by Wazner Design House to design their new platform for their photography network across the MENA region. The objective was to create a digital marketplace for creatives to find resources and upload their work.

7 Media Destination A stock resource platform that promotes diverse Arab models, products, scenes, cities & sounds WaznerClient Design House #stockmarketplace#photography #media IndustrServicesUserInterviewMarketResearcPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinVisualDesigPrototyping

The Problem

Stock platforms like Shutterstock do not have enough diverse cultural representation, particularly for the middle eastern ethnicity. Most resources showcase cliche clothes and models that do not cover enough scenarios for designers and creatives to purpose them in their final work.

The Solution



7 MENA’s first Ai-powered grocery marketplace for single & bulk ordering ― Moheet

They had a legacy application that was poorly designed and did not ha e any compepti e edge in the sense that it did not ha e any unique features or alue propositions that make it stand out in the market. Therefore extensi e market research was made to anlayse the competition in order to set the produt strategy and placement in the market.

The Problem

The Solution

This design reflects on Baqala shopper beha iours while shopping for groceries in terms of disco ering the content catalogue and searching for items. A framework was designed to break down how we should approach presenting the Moheet marketplace to our users, and to suggest new techniques/hacks that we could apply to maximise the efficiency of the user experience. This was achie ed by creating curated sections that inspire our users into buying items they didn't think of or couldn't find the traditional way. From a design perspecti e, such categories were clustered cle erly and tailored to help shop owners entice their customers and therefore increase their sales.

The client wanted to get into the eCommerce business but did not ha e an idea to penetrate the already o erly saturated MENA market.


7 EcommerceMoheet B2C marketplace for online grocery single and bulk #ecommerce#onlineordering #groceries IndustrServicesorderingUserInteriewMarketResearcPersonaCreatioI/A&UserFlowWireframinVisualDesigPrototyping

The Client


Egypt’s largest automotive digital marketplace ― Abdullatif Al Jamil, Auto Store

Abdul Latif Jameel is one of the most prestigious entities with a huge portfolio of diversified business of independent entities that include automotive distribution, auto parts manufacturing, financial services, renewable energy, environmental services, health, land and real estate development, logistics, electronics retailing and media services.

Halan is a super app leading the fintech field in Africa, operating in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. Through Halan app, users can order rides (tuktuk, or motorcycle), delivery (orders or point-to-point).



The Solution

Abdullatif Al Jamil

#marketplace#ecommerce #autoretail #automotive IndustrServicesUsernterview/A&UserFlowUserResearcenchmarkinWireframinDesignSystemVisualDesigPrototypinConceptsExploratioAnimation

The Client

user research efforts and market exploration, designed a digital marketplace with a smart assistant that helps users choose the car most suitable for their individual needs and budget. As well as a robust discovery experience for those who want to explore more before they decide. Along with novelty features such as buying new cars, customisable insurance bundles, buying/selling secondhand cars and applying for funding.

An ambitious digital marketplace project called “Autostore” that aims to solve the immortal problem of buying a car in Egypt. ssues such as the choice of car, budget, payment methods, funding and rental are all shrouded with mystery and confusion within Egypt’s paradoxical and heavily saturated market. There was also little research made to understand the Egyptian personas in the market, their purchase power, motivations and overall brand preferences.



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An eCard marketplace personalised for every need & occassion ― Resal

A magical video shopping experience connecting worlds & businesses


― Raed

MENA’s most secure online

escrow services for business & individual transactions ― Waffy ﺪﻤﺣأ ﻞﻴﻋﺎﻤﺳا ﺔﺻﻮﺑ 55 ترﺎﻤﺳ ﺞﻧﻮﺴﻣﺎﺳ نﻮﻳﺰﻔﻠﺗ 10,200+لاير



7 The future of child enrichement : Fun social, language & practical skills from home ― Raed


Laila & Jaleela

Ms Amal El Harby

1 Phone: +20 120 295 1108 Email: yasser.nazmi@gmail.comThank You!

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