Illustration Portfolio 2018

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Port folio 2018

Illustration Eka Hardiningtyas


Im only present my illustration work in this portfolio that I’ve created recently. If you’re interested to see my graphic work, you could find it on this URL:

Portfolio Index Vector Illustration

Digital Painting

Analog Illustration

Vector Illustration

I’m using Adobe Illustrator for creating vector based image. In this section there are work from my Fulltime and partime works. Lets have a look and Enjoy!

Vector Illustration


01. Paperina Calendar Illustration (2017) Deio Indonesia Illustrator & Graphic Designer: Eka Hardiningtyas Creative Director: Muh. Immaduddin & Erlingga Nandini


This Illustration was used for alternative design for pitching 2018 Paperina Calendar. The idea is how to make an illustration that describe what kind of activities and services can be covered by Paperina.

Batik as a local content also used to create a uniqueness and we matched its meaning with compatible activities. For example the pink one will be use for february. As a month of love, we use truntum batik that has a meaning as a true love.

Vector Illustration

02. Illustration for walpaper room 204 (2015) Binus University This Wallpaper used KMI room in 204, Binus University Anggrek Campus. KMI /Knowledge Management and Innovation is an unit division in Binus University that work for entire Bina Nusantara Group and provide products such as Video, Website Design & Apps, Digital Content, etc. This illustration tells about general workflow of KMI. You can see more about the illustration process here: gallery/47590441/KnowledgeManagement-Innovation-RoomMural

03. Icon Illustration for all website (2015) Bina Nusantara Group Blue for University, Red for Binus School, Green for Affiliation University and Purple for Binus Group

Vector Illustration

Infografis Proses Panen IG Madu Hutan Sumbawa 02.






05. 06.


03. Menyiapkan api poyong (api untuk mengasapan) dengan bahan kayu kering yang dibungkus dengan daun yang masih hijau dan berdaun kecil.



Menyiapkan peralatan yang akan digunakan untuk mengambil madu. Antara lain: Reyan (wadah tempat madu), tali, jerigen dan pisau stainless.

Memilih sarang lebah yang siap panen dengan ciri-ciri warna kuning kecoklatan, kepala sarang kelihatan lebih tebal, dan sarang tersebut sudah tertutup.






Memulai proses penirisan di tempat berjarak 100 m dari lokasi panen. Memisahkan antara larva, pollen, kotoran, atau lebah yang telah mati

Iris sarang yang mengandung air secara melintang sehingga rongga sarang menjadi terbuka, dengan demikian madu akan menetes

Penyaringan. Dilakukan dengan menggunakan saringan putih dengan ukuran mess 100 dan 200

Memasukkan madu kedalam jerigen tertutup, kemudian dibawa kembali kerumah. Setibanya dirumah, madu ditempatkan kedalam wadah tertutup untuk diendapkan selama 1x24 jam

Dikemas ulang, diberi logo IG Madu Sumbawa dan Logo Nasional


Memulai pemanjatan dan pengasapan. Ketika lebah sudah meninggalkan sarangnya maka dimulai pemotongan kepala sarang dan menyisakan 10% dari sarang tersebut yang bertujuan untuk pakan anakan lebah (larva)

Setelah itu wadah yang sudah berisi madu diturunkan menggunakan tali. Lalu pemanjat turun dari pohon Boan, kemudian wajib memadamkan api poyong (api pengasapan) sebelum meninggalkan lokasi panen.

Boan Aning Sumbawa Honey Infographic (2017) Deio Indonesia Illustrator & Graphic Designer: Eka Hardiningtyas Creative Director: Muh. Immaduddin & Erlingga Nandini

05. Icon Illustration for BINUS RECTOR NOTES (2013-2014) Bina Nusantara Group

Vector Illustration

06. Mama Rine Packaging Design Alternative (2017) Deio Indonesia Palembang Songket Pattern for Packaging

07. Binus Bandung icon, Illustration and Website Interface (2016) Bina Nusantara Group

Vector Illustration

08. MoBaroka Promotional Material (2016) MoBaroka Apps - Freelance Work Illustration and Layout for promotional material such as: Leaflet, Namecard, Brochure, XBanner, and Merchandise

09. Musrembang Infographic (2017) ICEL / Indonesian Center for Environtmental Law - Freelancework

Vector Illustration

10. Competition Announcemen Poster (2016) Aidia Creative Course - Freelance Work Illustration and Layout for Printed Poster and Social Media

Digital Painting

After sketching, I’m using Adobe Photoshop and Pen tablet when I create Digital Painting. In this section there are work from my partime, internship, college and personal work.

Digital Painting

01. Line Themes & Sticker (2016-2017) LINE At First, KangMas and MbakYu stiker was created for Line sticker competition but I couldnt make it as a winner. After that I start selling my sticker personally and I also tried creating LINE themes.

02. Sketch for SHE and Indosat (2013) Semut Api Colony - Internship Work

Digital Painting

03. Good Partner Campaign (2012) College Work Good Partner Campaign is a social campaign that would like to realize the teenager and make them rethink about their dating behaviour. See it more: gallery/7113963/Good-PartnerCampaign

Analog Illustration

When I created analog illustration, I often try several painting media such as watercolour, coloured pencil, crayons, marker, etc. Mostly I created this kind of illustration for fun or self project

Analog Illustration

Thank You






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