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Introducing…the Yates Growing Community
The current challenge is the Vegie Growing Challenge 2020. It’s open to all skill levels including newbies – you just need a passion for gardening and a willingness to share your journey.
The three main winners will each receive a $1000 Go Gardening voucher + $300 of Yates products. Plus runner up prizes too.
The Vegie Growing Challenge starts Mon 7th Sept, and ends Fri 13th Dec 2020.
Click HERE to get involved
Rachael Burgin

The team at Yates have recently launched a new community blog called the Yates Growing Community. It’s a place for gardeners to come together to share their successes, problems and aspirations while having fun growing. We’ll also A NEW all-year-round blog - a place for gardeners to come together to share their successes, get advice & win prizes in fun challenges along the way! have different challenges to make life interesting along the way. The current challenge is the Vegie Growing Challenge 2020. It’s open to all skill levels including newbies – you just need a The current challenge within the Yates Growing Sadly - we do need to share that our most passion for gardening and a willingness to share your journey. Community, is the Vegie Growing Challenge. dedicated and inspiring gardener CarolJane It’s open to all skill levels including newbies – from Waikato sadly passed away on 24th GREAT PRIZES you just need a passion for gardening and a willingness to share your journey. In fact this is the 11th year that the Vegie August 2020, and her passion and enthusiasm for gardening and the Vegie Growing Challenge will certainly be missed. Over $4000 worth of prizes up for grabs! Growing Challenge has been running. The The three main winners will each Many gardeners come back every year and Challenge is an exciting opportunity to share receive a $1000 Go Gardening voucher + $300 of Yates products. greet other returning gardeners like old all the ups and downs from your vegetable Plus runner up prizes too. friends. Others find themselves with a window garden, with the chance to win great The Vegie Growing Challenge in their lives for a couple of seasons, where prizes. Not only that, you become part of a starts Mon 7th Sept, and ends they have the time to garden and share their wonderfully supportive community of fellow Fri 13th Dec 2020. efforts. Everyone is welcomed like old friends. gardeners from all over the country, who are Click HERE to get involved One such gardener, Rachael from ‘Northland quick to offer advice and support. They love to Newbies’ started out as a new gardener with a celebrate your triumphs and commiserate with suburban backyard. With the encouragement you should you have a failure, in a way that only of the community her garden and confidence another keen gardener understands. grew as she taught her young boys where Since the beginning there have been some amazing gardeners and some of our previous winners have stood out with their passion and their food came from. Her boys also grew in confidence and as child entrants proudly showed off their own gardens. love of gardening. If you have a love of growing your own food, One of our long-term gardeners – ‘CarolJane from Waikato’, has been in every single challenge since the very beginning. Carol had a fabulous garden in the backyard of her unit no matter your experience or size of your garden, join us this season in the Vegie Growing Challenge and you will be welcomed into our community with open arms. and grew enough to feed herself and to share with her community. In the challenge, she came CHECK OUT: alongside the new gardeners and encouraged www.yates.co.nz/spring-vegie-growingthem to keep going when times were tough. challenge/this-year/