Yates Growing With You Australia - Spring Edition 2021

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Ho me & Ga rden

Prob lem Solver

Guid e

Our bumper problem solver guide

Beginner's guide to

Spring! What to plant and our easy care tips.

Lawn overhaul Grow a brand new lawn from seed



Create a leafy

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Yates don’t just protect lawns. Now we replace them.


Couch Turf Great things start with Yates™

Now it’s easier than ever to get that dream lawn in next to no time. NEW Yates Couch Turf the perfect all-rounder for Aussie backyards. This hardy and weather tolerant turf is low maintenance, giving you more time to play... or just sit back and admire the view.

Currently rolling out in Queensland

More information will be available on our website Yates is a registered trade mark and Great things start with Yates is a trade mark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd

Letter from the editor

Each season brings something special for gardeners. I really enjoy winter, and it was very productive at our place this year. There was plenty of peas, broccoli, cauliflower and Asian greens, and we're still polishing off our winter citrus harvest (the mandarins were absolutely prolific this year). And I managed to do a lot of weed taming too! However spring in the garden is particularly wonderful. The carpet of petals underneath blossoming fruit and ornamental trees, tender new shoots unfurling and the excitement of a whole new range of vegies and herbs to sow and grow is pure magic. I'm so excited to see how many gardening adventures I can pack into this spring! I have a variety of home-grown tomato seedlings ready to go in as soon as there's no chance of frost, together with beds prepared for zucchinis, cucumbers, capsicums, beans and pumkpins. And my tromboncino arch is going to get another workout, as it was brilliant last season. And I'll dedicate an entire vegie bed to flowers too. I think a patch of tall Yates Yellow Empress Sunflowers will look fantastic and the bees will love the flowers. Our mulberries are the first fruit of the season and within a few weeks our freezer is full of juicy berries. It's lovely to invite the neighbours over for an 'all you can pick' (purple stained hands and faces) visit! Next to arrive are the plump and delicious blackberries. Our current blackberry patch is going to be relocated to a bed that's bordered by a trench lined with

old metal roofing sheets, to try and keep it contained, as the thorny suckers are diabolically invasive. I'm hoping the trench trick is effective. After many months in the planning, my 'She Shed' is at last in its final position in the back vegie patch. It's an old cubby house which my kids have outgrown, but it's large enough for me to stand up in and store all sorts of gardening paraphernalia. Moving it required a big machine, but it went off without a hitch and now I'm looking forward to decking it out with tool racks, a work bench and a big chalk board for my gardening to-do list! And to gardeners everywhere, spring is your opportunity to shine! Be adventurous and try growing something new, whether it's a vegetable or fruit you've always wanted to grow or your favourite flower. Just grow! I hope you have a wonderfully productive and rewarding spring in your gardens.

Angie Thomas

Horticultural Communications Manager

Bring ‘The Great Outdoors’ indoors Keep your plants happier and healthier with a range of Yates® plant care products. Indoor plant care is now much simpler with a specially designed range of potting mixes and fertilisers. From the smallest balcony to your indoor jungle, Yates® has a solution. This means every plant from leafy greens to stunning orchids will always get the care and nourishment they need.

Great things start with Yates™

Yates Yatesand andThrive Thriveare areregistered registeredtrade trademarks marksand andGreat Greatthings thingsstart startwith withYates Yatesisisaatrade trademark markof ofDuluxGroup DuluxGroup Australia (Australia)(Pty PtyLtd) Ltd

What's inside



Our best beginner's tips to get your spring garden off to a great start.





Fresh home-grown vegies & herbs - what to sow and grow during spring.





Create your own relaxing plant-filled tropical oasis at home.



How to start a brand new lawn from seed.

A handy guide to picking the best citrus for different climates around Australia.

Fill your home office with leafy colleagues. They're mood and productivity boosters too!







Learn about curl grubs and how to protect your lawn this spring.

Have you seen an insect with ferocious looking pincers? It could be an earwig!

Your handy guide to what gorgeous flowers to sow and grow in spring.






Are weeds ruining your lawn? We'll show you how to banish them.

How to grow your very own avocado PLUS growing an avocado from seed.





We feature five of Australia's most popular home-grown vegies & herbs.

Keep your roses looking fabulous with our easy-care tips.




Our bumper guide to solving spring pest, disease and weed problems in your garden.


Growing Australian natives for beautiful flowers and foliage.


Practical spring gardening tips for around Australia.

Beginner's guide to


After a long cold winter, spring is a wonderful riot of fresh new foliage and spectacular flowers. There are so many fabulous plants to sow and grow, so where do you start? Here's our beginner's guide to a sensational spring!

Vegies & herbs » When it comes to vegies and herbs, choose what you and your family love to eat and buy most frequently at the supermarket. If you love salads, then growing your own lettuce, baby leaf spinach, basil and rocket will create a delicious leafy blend, and then include some home grown vibrant cherry tomatoes for juicy sweetness. Dwarf cherry tomatoes and salad greens are ideal for growing in both the vegie patch and pots, so you don't need to have a backyard to grow your own salad. » Other spring edible favourites include cucumbers, zucchinis, pumpkin, beans, sweet corn and capsicum. Cucumber and climbing beans can be grown up a wire trellis, so they take up very little horizontal room and zucchinis really make the most of vegie patch space, producing multiple zucchinis over many weeks. » Before sowing or planting anything in your vegie patch, don't forget to improve the soil first with some handfuls of Yates® Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. It's fragrantly great for soil health!

Flowers » What about flowers? We can never have enough beautiful blooms to fill our gardens and outdoor entertaining spaces with pops of colour. Easy and quick flowers to grow in spring include petunias, cosmos, marigolds, sunflowers, alyssum, nasturtiums and zinnas. Pick your favourite colours, whether it's soft pastels or warm and bright tones and choose flower types for the space you have. Compact flowers for small spaces and pots or taller growing flowers for the back of garden beds and along fences. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Fruit » Never buy a lemon again! Spring is the perfect opportunity to plant a lemon tree at your place, or other delicious citrus like mandarins, oranges and limes. It will take 2-3 years for good harvests to start, but then you're set! Choose your sunniest spot, in well-drained soil, to grow citrus and look for dwarf varieties that don't take up too much room. » Strawberries are great for beginner gardeners. Start with small potted strawberry plants from your local garden centre, transplant into troughs or window boxes filled with Yates Premium Potting Mix and place in a warm sunny spot. Keep the potting mix moist and feed every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive® Strawberry & Berry Fruit Liquid Plant Food to promote healthy leaf growth and lots of flowers and fruit.

Trees & shrubs » Spring's mild conditions are perfect for planting a new tree, shrub or climber. Match the plant's final size with the space you have (otherwise you'll be continually having to prune) and think about how you can take advantage of its best attributes, including colourful flowers, autumnal foliage, summer shade, covering a bare wall or screening a less than desirable view. » Australian natives can also be planted in spring. From ground covers to tall trees, cottage-style flowers, climbers and bird attracting shrubs, there's an Australian native plant to suit most climates and spaces. Check the plant tags for helpful information about the conditions your chosen plants enjoy and the size they'll grow to.

Feeding & watering basics » For most garden and outdoor potted plants, ensuring soil and potting mix is kept moist is key, as moisture stress leads to poor plant health. Enable water to get down into the root zone where it's needed by applying a Yates Waterwise™ Soil Wetter over garden beds and potted plants. It helps break down the waxy, water repellent layer on the surface and allows moisture to penetrate evenly and effectively down to the roots. » Once plants are well-watered, plants can only grow to their healthiest best when they have access to enough of the right nutrients. The easiest way to ensure plants are well fed is by regularly applying a Yates Thrive fertilliser. There's a Yates Thrive fertiliser to suit the most popular types of plants, including citrus and fruit, roses and flowers, vegies and herbs and indoor plants. Follow the directions for use on the fertiliser label and apply at the recommended rate and reapplication timing for the best growth results. During spring, plants will be growing rapidly, and feeding them regularly will help promote healthy growth, masses and blooms and a more abundant harvest. » Your indoor plants need feeding too, which is as simple as inserting a Yates Thrive Plant Food Spike - Plants & Ferns into the potting mix. There's no mixing or measuring and the spikes feed plants for up to two months. Easy feeding!

Our beginner's guide to spring continues, with quick and easy jobs for your gardening to-do list.

Pruning & trimming » Give hedges a light trim to create a lovely crisp look. For less formal hedges and shrubs, prune back any untidy, wayward or dead stems. For flowering shrubs and perennials, delay trimming until flowering has finished. » For flowering annuals, regularly remove spent flower heads to help prolong the blooming season.

Lawn care » Bare patches in the lawn not only look unsightly, they are a magnet for weeds. Repair bare lawn spots by oversowing with lawn seed. Rake the bare area to loosen the soil, scatter over some Munns® Professional All Lawns & Patch Repair Quick Fix Premium Seed Blend and gently rake the seed into the surface. Keep the patch moist as the new seed germinates and establishes. » Create crisp lawn edges with a whipper snipper or lawn edging tool. » A well fed lawn will be greener, thicker and healthier. Give your lawn a quick and easy green up with Munns® Professional Golf Course Green.

Weed control » Weeds not only spoil the look of your garden, they also steal water and nutrients and can harbour pests and diseases. Weeds need to go! » When weeds sneak in, they can be controlled with quick spot sprays of ready to use Yates® Nature's Way® Organic* Weed Killer. Approved for use in organic gardening*, visible symptoms will appear on some weeds after just 1 hour.

Pest & disease control » Prolific spring growth can unfortunately play host to several common pests and diseases, all resulting in poor plant health. There's no need for your plants to suffer! » Aphids are small sap sucking insects that can be brown, green, yellow or black, that like to feast on tender new leaves, causing yellowing and distortion. Caterpillars are chewing pests that eat through leaves, stems and into flower buds. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


» Common diseases in spring include powdery mildew, which appears as a dusting of white spots on leaves, stems and flower buds. Black spot is a disease that attacks roses, causing leaves to yellow and develop black spots. » It's easy to control pests and diseases on ornamental (non-edible) plants with Yates Rose Gun®. It contains a dual combination of an insecticide and fungicide to control the most common insects and diseases on roses and other flowers. » For edible plants, including fruit trees and vegetables, Yates Pyrethrum Insect Gun controls a range of common sucking and chewing insects, including aphids and caterpillars. To control common diseases on edible plants, such as leaf spots and mildews, Yates Mancozeb Plus Fungicide & Miticide contains an effective combination of two fungicides.

Start (or expand) your indoor plant collection » Indoor plants will also enjoy spring's wonderful growing conditions and produce a flush of fresh new foliage. » Head into your local garden centre and choose some new indoor plant babies while they're looking their spring best. Maidenhair ferns and moth orchids will enjoy a humid bathroom, Devil's ivy is a hardy choice for cascading down shelves and it's hard to go past a peace lily for a lush table or bench display. Don't forget to pick up a bag of Yates Specialty Potting Mix Indoor Plants & Ferns too!

General maintenance » Applying mulch around garden beds and vegie patches gives the garden a finished, cohesive look, but also reduces weed growth and helps keep the soil moist and protected. Organic mulches such as bark chips and straw will also break down over time, adding valuable organic matter to the soil. » Check your hoses and irrigation systems for cracks, leaks and blockages that may have developed over winter. As temperatures rise, your garden will need regular watering.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Lawn overhaul A NEW LAWN FROM SEED If your lawn has seen better days or you're starting from scratch on a brand new block, then it's time for a lawn overhaul! A really economical way to start a fresh new lawn is by using lawn seed. Spring is an ideal time to sow seed, so to get you started, here are our easy steps to create a wonderful new lush green lawn. 1. Create a clean slate Young lawn seedlings do best when they're not competing with existing lawn or weeds. So the first important step is to control any grasses or weeds in the area with a Yates® Zero® Weedkiller. Allow 2 weeks for the weeds and grasses to die completely. 2. Soil preparation Lawn seed should be sown into welldrained, firm but not compacted soil that's rich in organic matter. You can help improve the soil's organic matter by mixing Yates® Dynamic Lifter® Turf Starter into the topsoil. It's a concentrated blend of composted manure and Waterwise™ water storage crystals and has been specially formulated to aid the rapid establishment of new turf. An application of top dressing can also benefit lawn establishment where the existing soil is heavy clay, poor, sandy or the surface is uneven. 3. Measure up Measure the area and calculate the correct amount of lawn seed. 4. Which lawn seed? There are lots of different lawn seeds to choose from, with Munns® Professional Pure Kikuyu Premium Seed Blend being one of the most popular. This Emerald kikuyu turf type seed creates a beautiful,

dense deep green lawn that's drought tolerant, hard wearing and less invasive than other varieties of kikuyu. 5. Sow Rake the soil surface in straight lines to create shallow furrows. Broadcast the lawn seed evenly over the area. It helps to halve the seed and sow half in an east west direction and the other half in a north south direction. After sowing, lightly cross rake the area to mix the seed into the topsoil. 6. Watering Water the area with a fine mist spray. It's critical to keep the top soil consistently moist for the first 14-21 days, to allow the seed to germinate. This may require you to water several times a day if the weather is hot or windy. As the new grass establishes, the number of waterings can be reduced, but increase the volume of water at each watering.

Keeping it green As the weather warms up and we want to spend more time enjoying our front and backyards, lawns need feeding to encourage thick, dense green growth. Munns Professional Golf Course Green and Munns Professional Buffalo Booster are organic based lawn fertilisers that improve soil health and feed the lawn with fast acting nutrients. They contain nitrogen to promote a rich green colour, phosphorus for a strong lawn root system and potassium for lawn health. The organic matter in the specially developed fine granules will benefit soil health and help improve soil structure. Water repellency is a hidden problem underneath the lawn, resulting in moisture not penetrating evenly or effectively down into the root zone. Munns Professional Golf Course Green and Munns Professional Buffalo Booster also contain an added wetting agent to help moisture get down into the soil where it's needed. Each 5 kg bag will feed 220 m2 of lawn and to keep the lawn looking wonderfully green, reapply at the beginning of summer and autumn.

New lawn feeding tip: Wait until your newly sown lawn is 12 weeks old before fertilising with Munns Professional Golf Course Green or Munns Professional Buffalo Booster.

EXCITING TURF ANNOUNCEMENT! Introducing NEW Yates® Couch turf launching this spring! Yates Couch Turf is a fine, soft leaf grass that’s the perfect all-rounder for Aussie backyards. This hardy, versatile turf needs minimal attention, giving you more time to play….or just sit back and admire the view. Yates Couch Turf will create a lovely lush and green lawn. It grows best in full sun, has a deep root system and is hardwearing. Rolls of brand new Yates Couch Turf will be available first in Queensland in spring 2021 and then become more widely available throughout Australia in 2022.

For more information on lawn care, visit www.yates.com.au/lawn/overview/

Time to control

Lawn grubs Dead and dying patches in the lawn during spring could mean there's a menace lurking in the soil curl grubs. Read on to learn about curl grubs and how to protect your lawn from damage. Curl grubs are the larvae of beetles like the African black beetle and Argentinian scarab beetle. The grubs have a distinct 'C' shape with pale cream or white bodies between 15 and 60 mm long, six prominent legs and often have a swollen darker tip on their abdomen. Their heads may be brown, black, red or yellow, depending on the species. Curl grubs feed on the lawn roots, creating the brown and dying patches you see on the lawn surface. Affected lawns may also be able to be rolled back like a carpet, as the grubs have nipped off all the roots. Large birds, such as magpies, pecking at the lawn are another indicator of curl grubs. The birds themselves can do additional damage to the lawn as they search for the grubs. To control African black beetle curl grubs, apply Yates® Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns in mid September and mid December for Argentinian scarab beetle curl grubs. The earlier you treat an infestation, the less damage they'll inflict on the lawn. Yates® Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns granules, containing professional Acelepryn® technology, are applied over the lawn by hand or using a spreader. Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns is also available in a liquid concentrate that is applied using a sprayer. For both the granules and the liquid concentrate, when used at the higher residual rate, curl grubs will be controlled for up to 6 months. Keep Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns on hand for use during summer and autumn, as it will also control destructive lawn armyworm caterpillars.

Lawns dam a by curl gru ged bs

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S



» Lawn weeds love spring. Existing weeds put on lots of fresh growth and weed seeds germinate in the warming soil. » Common weeds during early spring include bindii and clover, which are preparing to set seed and create future generations of weed heartache. For bindii, the seeds are doubly troublesome as the seeds are the prickles. » Other common broadleaf lawn weeds include thistles, dandelions, cudweed, plantain and capeweed. In addition to stealing moisture and nutrients from the lawn, they spoil the manicured lawn look we all aspire to. » If you have a kikuyu or couch lawn, hose-on Yates Weed'n'Feed® provides a quick and easy way to control the most common broadleaf weeds, including bindii and clover. For buffalo lawns, it's important to choose weed killers that are safe for buffalo.


Have weeds crept into your lawn over winter? Or do you have more weeds than lawn?! It's time for a lawn weed blitz!

Yates BuffaloPRO® Weed'n'Feed hose-on has been specially designed for buffalo lawns. It's also safe to use on other lawn types. » Yates Weed'n'Feed and Yates BuffaloPRO Weed'n'Feed also contain a boost of the nutrients nitrogen and iron to give the lawn a quick feed. » The hose-on packs make it simple to treat large areas of lawn and the handy on/off switch on the applicators makes it easy to start and stop applying. » Measure the lawn beforehand, so you apply the right amount of product over the area. The 4 L pack of Yates Weed'n'Feed treats 260 square metres of lawn. » For best results, apply when weeds are growing actively. Weeds will die slowly and effects may take up to 3 weeks to appear.

Thick and healthy lawns are better able to withstand weed invasions, so keep the lawn well fed and watered to promote dense, weed-repelling growth.

THE BIG FIVE IN THE SPRING VEGIE PATCH Five of the most popular vegies and herbs that Australian gardeners grow in spring are cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, coriander and basil.

Here's how to get the most out of your 'Big Five'!

Cucumbers Sweet crisp cucumbers are a home grown favourite, from long thin continental cucumbers, small pickling cucumbers for tangy gherkins, round creamy-skinned apple cucumbers and the ever popular thin-skinned Lebanese cucumber. Cucumbers are vine plants that can be grown up a trellis. They have small tendrils that curl around supports and help them grow vertically. Growing cucumbers upwards makes great use of space, as the plants take up minimal horizontal room. You can sow cucumber seed direct where the plants are to grow, next to a trellis, or raise seedlings in small pots for later transplanting. Enrich the soil before planting with Yates® Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. To encourage healthy plant growth and lots of flowers and fruit, feed established cucumber seedlings each week with Yates Thrive® Flower & Fruit Soluble Fertiliser. It's boosted with extra potassium, the key nutrient in promoting flowering and fruiting. Separate male and female flowers are present on the same cucumber plant, and to create fruit, pollen needs to be transferred from the male to the female flower. Bees and other pollinators are great at doing this for you, but you can also use a small soft paintbrush to move pollen from the male flowers (on a thin stalk) to female flowers (which have a tiny cucumber at the base). Water the plants regularly, as moisture stress can lead to bitter cucumbers. For the best taste and texture, and to help prolong the harvest, regularly pick Lebanese cucumbers when they're around 10 cm long and apple cucumbers when they're apple-sized.

Cucumber tip A common disease of cucumbers is powdery mildew, which appears like a dusting of white powder over the leaves. Yates Lime Sulfur can be used to control powdery mildew.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Tomatoes There's a tomato for everyone, whether you love big and juicy tomatoes or sweet and bite sized cherry tomatoes, or have a large vegie patch or a pot or hanging basket. The way to grow fantastic tomatoes is to give them lots of sunshine (at least 6 hours of sun a day), supporting tall growers with stakes or a tomato cage, regularly watering and feeding and keeping on top of common pests and diseases with easy to apply Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust.

Lettuce It's always fantastic to have home grown lettuce on hand for salads, sandwiches and wraps. Loose leaf lettuces are very productive vegies as you can pick individual leaves as you need them over many weeks. Yates Lettuce 'Baby Combo' is a selection of colourful and easy to grow loose leaf lettuces. Seed can be sown direct where the plants are to grow, in either a vegie patch or in pots, in a full sun or partly shaded spot. Keep the soil or potting mix moist and feed every week with Yates Thrive Natural Vegie & Herb Liquid Plant Food to promote lots of leaf growth.

Coriander If you're a coriander lover, it will thrive in spring's mild conditions. It's best to grow coriander from seed, sown direct where the plants are to grow (as it resents being transplanted) and it will be ready to start picking in just 6 weeks. To help promote lots of fragrant foliage and delay plants bolting to seed, grow coriander in a partly shaded spot and keep the soil or potting mix consistently moist. Feed each week with nitrogen rich Yates Thrive Natural Vegie & Herb Liquid Plant Food and pick leaves regularly to promote fresh new growth.

Basil Handfuls of home-grown sweet and spicy basil are perfect for delicious pesto, salads and bruschetta. Basil is so easy to grow at home, there's no need to buy supermarket basil! Grow basil in amongst vegies or flowers out in the garden or in a pot filled with Yates Premium Potting Mix. You can sow seed direct where the basil is to grow and seedlings will pop up in 10-12 days. Protect young plants from snails and slugs with a light sprinkling of Yates Snail & Slug Bait.

Turn barren into bountiful ® Yates® helps create healthy soil, the foundation for life in your garden. Yates® Dynamic Lifter® is an organic blend of composted chicken manure, fish meal, blood & bone and seaweed. It helps improve soil health for better water and nutrient holding capacity, whilst encouraging beneficial earthworms and micro-organisms. Give your plants the perfect start and turn barren, ordinary dirt into bountiful, nutrient rich soil.

Great things start with Yates™

Yates and Dynamic Lifter are registered trade marks and Great things start with Yates is a trade mark of DuluxGroup Australia (Pty Ltd)

Yates and Dynamtic Lifter are registered trade marks and Great things start with Yates is a trade mark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd

Bumper Garden Problem Solver Guide

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S




Low-growing, ferny-leafed cool season weed that produces prickles. Spray lawn as soon as bindii plants are noticed during winter and before they flower and set seed (prickles).



Yates Weed’n’Feed, Yates BuffaloPRO Weed’n’Feed (for buffalo lawns)

Creeping weed with leaves with three leaflets and white or pink flowers. Can smother patches of lawn during cool months. Spray lawn as soon as clover is noticed. Yates Weed’n’Feed, Yates BuffaloPRO Weed’n’Feed (for buffalo lawns)


General Broadleaf Weeds

Weeds with broader leaves than grasses. Includes catsear, capeweed, cudweed, lamb’s tongue, thistles and dandelions.

Yates Lawn Weedkiller Bindii & Clover, Yates BuffaloPRO Weed'n'Feed

A lime green fine leafed grass with creamy white seed heads. Winter grass seed starts germinating in cool conditions during autumn and spring. Prevent and control during autumn, winter and early spring.

Winter Grass

Munns Professional Winter Grass Killer


Slow, pale or thin growth

Poor soil health, pale growth


Nitrogen deficiency. Regularly apply a lawn fertiliser to increase nutrient availability and promote thick green growth. Apply every 8-12 weeks during the growing season.

Soil requires regular improving with a rich source of organic matter and the lawn needs regular feeding to supply nutrients for healthy growth. Apply every spring, summer & autumn to nurture soil and feed the lawn.


Munns Professional Buffalo Booster, Munns Professional Golf Course Green

Yates Dynamic Lifter Concentrated Lawn Food, Munns Professional Golf Course Green

Lawn is deficient in key nutrients, including nitrogen and iron. Apply a specialised lawn food. Munns Professional Green Dominator

Pale Growth

Water pools on the soil surface and doesn’t penetrate evenly and effectively down into the lawn root zone. Apply a soil wetting agent.

Water Repellent Soil

Munns Professional Smart Wetter, Yates Soil Wetter hose-on




Larvae of scarab beetles that chew lawn roots, causing the lawn to die off in patches. The lawn can be rolled back like a carpet. Treat grubs during spring and summer, when they are most active. Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns

Curl Grub

Caterpillars of moths that feed on grass leaves, causing rapidly expanding brown patches of lawn. Treat when armyworm are first detected, usually during summer and autumn. Yates Grub Kill & Protect for Lawns, Baythroid Advanced for Lawns


Small black beetles that are the adult stage of curl grubs. Control the adult beetle to help to stop the curl grub life cycle. Treat during late winter and early spring, or whenever adult beetles are detected.

Adult African Black Beetle

Baythroid Advanced for Lawns

Fungal diseases like brown patch and dollar spot that cause yellow or brown patches in lawns. Apply a fungicide as soon as symptoms are noticed.

Lawn diseases

Yates Mancozeb Plus


New Fine Textured, Hard-wearing Couch Lawn

New Hardwearing, Drought Hardy Kikuyu Lawn

New Lawn In Sun or Shade



Need a new fine-textured, hardwearing rich green lawn that’s suited to most areas of Australia. Sow seed during spring or early autumn. Munns Professional Couch Premium Seed Blend

Need a new premium grade, drought hardy, thick and hard-wearing rich green lawn. Sow seed during spring or early autumn. Munns Professional Kikuyu Premium Seed Blend

Need a new fine-textured, hard-wearing, rich green lawn that will tolerate up to 80% shade and is suited to most areas of Australia. Sow seed during spring or early autumn.

Munns Professional Sun & Shade Premium Seed Blend

Need to quickly repair bare patches in lawns or thicken up thin lawns in areas with up to 80% shade.

Patchy or Thin Lawns

Munns Professional Quick Fix Premium Seed Blend

Vegetables PROBLEM



Small black, brown, green, yellow or grey sap-sucking insects that cluster on young shoots, flower buds or leaves. Cause leaf distortion and yellowing and poor plant health. Yates Pyrethrum Insect Pest Gun, Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust


Chewing pests that can damage leaves and stems and tunnel into fruiting vegetables.

Yates Success Ultra, Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust


Small white sap sucking insects that often congregate on the undersides of leaves and fly up in a cloud when disturbed. Cause leaf yellowing and poor plant health.


Yates Pyrethrum Insect Pest Gun, Baythroid Advanced for Gardens

Tiny sap sucking pests that cause leaf mottling and poor plant health. Large colonies form spidery webbing.


Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust, Yates Lime Sulfur




Fruit can be ‘stung’ while they are still small and before they change colour. Eggs hatch and larvae (fruit fly maggots) tunnel into and ruin the fruit. Apply a fruit fly spray each week onto vulnerable plants. Yates Nature’s Way Fruit Fly Control

Fruit Fly

Leaves or fruit show yellow or brown spots, which can spread. Plant health suffers.

Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust, Yates Mancozeb Plus

Leaf Spots

White or grey powdery spots on leaves, leaves can yellow. Plant health suffers.

Powdery Mildew

Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust, Yates Mancozeb Plus

Chewing pests that can damage leaves and stems and destroy seedlings.

Snails & Slugs

Yates Snail & Slug Bait

Citrus & Fruit PROBLEM


Citrus Leaf Miner

Bronze Orange Bug



Small black, brown, green, yellow or grey sap-sucking insects that cluster on young shoots, flower buds or leaves. Spray aphids directly.

Larvae tunnel through leaves, causing silvery trails and leaf distortion. Requires preventative spraying of new leaves every 5-14 days during spring and late summer / early autumn.


Yates Scale Gun, Yates Pyrethrum Insect Pest Gun


Also known as stink bugs, sap feeding insects that attack new leaves and stems, and flower and fruit stalks. Spray bugs directly.


Yates Nature’s Way Citrus & Ornamental Spray

Yates Nature’s Way Citrus & Ornamental Spray

Yates Nature’s Way Citrus & Ornamental Spray

Brown, white, black or pink sap sucking insects that appear as raised bumps or cottony growths on stems, leaves or fruit. Spray scale directly. Yates Scale Gun, PestOil

Yates Nature’s Way Citrus & Ornamental Spray



Fruit Fly

Fruit can be 'stung' while they are still small and before they change colour. Eggs hatch and larvae (fruit fly maggots) tunnel into and ruin the fruit. Apply a fruit fly spray each week.

Caterpillars, Codling Moth, Pear & Cherry Slug

Caterpillars damage leaves and fruit, codling moth caterpillars tunnel into apples and pear & cherry slug skeletonise pear and cherry leaves. Spray trees every 7-14 days as soon as pests are noticed.

Fungal disease that causes stone fruit leaves to discolour and deform. Requires preventative spraying in winter.

Leaf Curl

Root and Collar Rot

Poorly drained, wet or heavy soil can lead to root and collar rot diseases. First symptoms include plants wilting and leaves yellowing. Spray fungicide over the leaves.



Yates Nature’s Way Fruit Fly Control

Yates Success Ultra

Yates Lime Sulfur, Yates Liquid Copper

Yates Anti Rot

Yates Nature’s Way Caterpillar Killer (for general caterpillars)

Roses & Ornamentals PROBLEM



Irregular black spots with yellow margins on rose leaves. Large infections can weaken and defoliate the plant. Yates Rose Gun, Yates Rose Shield

Black Spot

White or grey powdery spots on leaves, stems and flower buds. Leaves can yellow. Plant health suffers.

Powdery Mildew

Yates Rose Gun, Yates Rose Shield

Small black, brown, green, yellow or grey sap-sucking insects that cluster on young shoots, flower buds or leaves. Cause leaf distortion and yellowing and poor plant health.


Yates Rose Gun, Yates Rose Shield

Chewing pests that can damage leaves, stems and flowers.


Yates Rose Gun, Yates Rose Shield




Sap sucking insects on stems that appear as brown, white, black or pink raised bumps or cottony growths on stems or leaves.


Yates Scale Gun, PestOil

Small white sap sucking insects under leaves and along stems that are covered in a white furry coating.


PestOil, Baythroid Advanced for Gardens

Tiny sap sucking pests that cause leaf mottling and poor plant health. Large colonies form spidery webbing.


Yates Scale Gun, Yates Rose Gun

Sap sucking pest which lives on the underside of leaves, leaves develop silvery bronze mottling.

Azalea Lace Bug

Baythroid Advanced for Gardens

Indoor Plants PROBLEM



Feed orchids regularly with a specially formulated orchid food to promote healthy leaf growth and lots of blooms. Yates Thrive Spikes Orchid, Yates Thrive Orchid Liquid Plant Food

Feeding Orchids

Feeding Cacti & Succulents

Feed cacti & succulents regularly with a specially formulated plant food to promote healthy growth. Yates Thrive Spikes Cacti & Succulents, Yates Thrive All Purpose Liquid Plant Food

Feed indoor plants and ferns regularly with a specially formulated plant food to promote healthy leaf growth and lots of flowers.

Feeding General Plants & Ferns

Yates Thrive Spikes Plants & Ferns, Yates Thrive Indoor Plants Liquid Plant Food

Use a coarse, free-draining bark mix that’s specially formulated for orchids.

Potting Orchids

Yates Specialty Potting Mix Orchids




Use a sandy, coarse, free-draining mix that’s specially formulated for cacti & succulents.

Potting Cacti & Succulents

Yates Specialty Potting Mix Cacti & Succulents

Use a premium grade specialty potting mix that’s suitable for most potted plants and ferns.

Potting General Plants & Ferns

Yates Specialty Potting Mix Plants & Ferns

Sucking pests such as mealybugs and mites can infest indoor plants, causing leaf yellowing and poor plant health.


Yates Nature's Way Vegie & Herb Spray


Prevent annoying winged adult fungus gnats and reduce damage from fungus gnat larvae by breaking the fungus gnat life cycle. Apply a layer of abrasive granules over the potting mix.

Fungus Gnats

Yates Gnat Barrier

Home Pest & Weed Control PROBLEM




Ants can become a nuisance both inside the house and around outdoor living areas. Inside the house apply a gel to kill the ants you can see as well as the nest. To stop ants coming into the house, spray a barrier spray around entry points and outdoor areas.

Spiders can be frightening and some have a painful or dangerous bite. To stop spiders coming into the house, spray a barrier spray around exterior spider entry points and also inside where spiders are seen.

Cockroaches can contaminate food, carry diseases and damage household items. Inside the house, apply a cockroach gel to kill the cockroaches you can see as well as the colony. To stop cockroaches coming into the house, spray a barrier spray around entry points and outdoor areas.



Yates Home Pest Ant & Nest Killer Gel, Yates Home Pest Long Term Barrier Spray

Yates Home Pest Long Term Barrier Spray

Yates Home Pest Cockroach Killer Gel Bait, Yates Home Pest Long Term Barrier Spray

Wasps have a painful sting and are a nuisance if their nest is constructed near the house or outdoor living areas. Dust wasp nests directly. Treat at night and wear protective clothing.


Bayer Ant & Wasp Dust


Unwanted Trees & Shrubs

Weeds In Hard Surfaces

Moss & Algae On Hard Surfaces


Weedy or unwanted trees and shrubs need to be controlled, roots and all. Spray a woody weedkiller over the foliage or onto cut stumps. Yates Tree & Blackberry Killer

Broadleaf weeds and grasses are a common problem in hard surfaces such as paths and driveways. Spray Yates Pathweeder over the entire area to kill existing weeds and prevent new weeds germinating for up to 12 months. Yates Pathweeder

Moss & algae can develop on paths in damp, poorly drained or shaded areas. To reduce moss and algae growth, improve drainage, cut back overhanging plants to allow more light in and spray surfaces with a moss and algae killer.

Weeds and grasses growing along fencelines, garden beds and edges and when planting new gardens and lawns. Control weeds with a systemic or glyphosate-free weed killer.

General Weeds


Yates Nature’s Way Organic Weed Killer

Yates Zero weedkillers & Yates Nature's Way Organic Weed Killer


to sow

As the weather warms up, there's a fabulous range of vegies & herbs to sow and grow.









Beetroot - Baby Beets, Derwent Globe, Super King

Basil - Gourmet Mix, Purple, Sweet, Thai

Asian Stir Fry

Broccoli - Shogun Winter Harvest, Summer Green

Cabbage - Red Mini, Sugarloaf

Chives, Garlic Chives

Broccoli Shogun Winter Harvest

Brussels Sprouts Drumtight

Capsicum - Giant Bell


Celery Green Crunch

Celery Green Crunch

Carrot - All Seasons, Baby, Manchester Table, Topweight


Leek Welsh Wonder

Leek Welsh Wonder

Chinese Cabbage - Buk Choy, Wom Bok


Lettuce Salad Mix

Lettuce Salad Mix

Cucumber - Apple, Burpless, Continental, Gherkin Pickling, Long Green

Parsley - Curled, Italian Plain Leaf

Mesclun French Salad Mix

Mesclun French Salad Mix

Dwarf Beans - Borlotti, Bountiful Butter, Brown Beauty, Gourmet's Delight, Hawkesbury Wonder, Tricolour Mix


Spinach Baby Leaf, Summer Supreme, Winter Queen

Spinach - Baby Leaf, Summer Supreme, Winter Queen

Climbing Beans - Purple King, Stringless Blue Lake


Turnip - Japanese Hakurei, Purple Top White Globe



Rockmelon Hale's Best

Alpine Strawberry

Eggplant - Blacknite

Lettuce - Baby Combo, Buttercrunch, Cos, Frilly Mix, Great Lakes, Iceberg, Green Mignonette

Watermelon - Candy Red, Country Sweet, Sugar Baby

Microgreens - Cabbage Rubies, Mizuna Red Gems, Rocket Emeralds Pumpkin - Butternut, Hybrid Grey Crown, Queensland Blue Radish - French Breakfast, Gentle Giant, Salad Crunch, White Icicle, Confetti Mix

Check seed packs for sowing directions and the best sowing times in your area.

Rocket - Large Leaf, Wild Silverbeet - Compact Deep Green, Fordhook Giant, Perpetual Green, Rainbow Chard Spring Onion Sweetcorn - Earlichief, Honeysweet, Sun'n'Snow Tatsoi Spoon Mustard Tomato - Big Beef, Grosse Lisse, Patio, Sweet Bite, Tommy Toe Zucchini - Blackjack, Lebanese, Solar Flare

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Here are the three easy steps to sowing and growing delicious vegies and herbs in spring: Step 1


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Shop for all seeds great and small. From juicy tomatoes to fresh leafy greens. Start growing vegies with our online shop. Choose from over 200 varieties of seeds all available at


Step 3 Once the seedlings are established, encourage lots of healthy growth by feeding each week with Yates Thrive® Natural Vegie & Herb Liquid Plant Food.

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Follow the directions on the seed packet and either sow seeds direct where the plants are to grow or sow into trays of Yates Speciality Potting Mix Cuttings & Seeds. Water gently and keep the soil or potting mix moist. For beans, limit watering until seedlings emerge as seeds can rot before germinating if the soil is too wet. For seedlings grown in trays, transplant them into their final home once they're large enough to handle.


Step 2

Never visit the grocery store again 1LJ>QL

Choose a sunny spot in the garden that receives at least 6 hours of sunshine a day. There are some vegies and herbs, such as Yates Silverbeet Rainbow Chard and Yates Sweet Basil that can be grown in part shade. Many vegies and herbs are also perfect for growing in pots. Consider delicious options like Yates Dwarf Bean Tricolour Mix and Yates Parsley Italian Plain Leaf.

Great things start with Yates™ @yatesgardening



The sub-tropics is the climate sweet spot for most citrus, however there's a citrus tree to suit almost every climate zone around Australia, so you too can be picking your very own fresh and juicy citrus fruit from your backyard, courtyard or balcony. Here's our handy guide to help you choose what citrus to grow at your place.

Temperate zones Areas that receive no or only very light frosts and have warm to hot summers can grow a wide range of citrus. Juicy Valencia and sweet Washington Navel are two popular oranges for temperate areas, providing you with delicious oranges over many months. Most mandarins, including Imperial and puffy-skinned Emperors, are suited to growing in mild areas. In cool temperate areas, satsuma mandarins (Citrus unshiu), such as Engall's Seedless, are the best choice. For lemon lovers, look for acidic Eureka lemons or the sweeter 'Lemonade' lemon. Both yellow and red fleshed varieties of grapefruit will also do well. A lime that will do well in temperate zones is a 'limequat', a tangy lime cumquat hybrid with fruit that can be eaten whole, as the rind is relatively sweet. By creating or utilising 'microclimates' (spots that are protected from weather extremes) within your temperate garden, you can further extend the types of citrus you can grow. Look for areas that are protected from winds or frosts (including next to buildings), or create a sheltered area with attractive screening panels. In arid areas, ensure you mulch around the root zone of citrus to reduce moisture loss from the soil and a create a windbreak to shelter trees from hot and drying winds.

To give citrus trees a great start, mix Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser into soil in the planting hole when planting a new citrus tree, and then water it in well. Regular watering of citrus trees is important as they have a shallow root system and can dry out quickly. Citrus trees are hungry all the time, particularly in spring when they're flowering and producing fresh new foliage. Feed them every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive® Natural Citrus & Fruit Liquid Plant Food to promote healthy leaf growth and a great harvest.

Citrus protection Protect new citrus foliage from citrus leaf miner damage by spraying trees every 5-14 days with Yates Nature's Way® Citrus & Ornamental Spray.

Sub-tropical zones Lucky sub-tropical gardeners have the pick of most types of citrus, so all the temperate and cool zone suited citrus can be grown in the sub-tropics. Additional choices include limes, such as flavour packed finger limes, which are native to rainforest areas in northern NSW and southern QLD, and do well in full or part sun. Kaffir limes, grown primarily for their lush green aromatic leaves and tantalising Tahitian limes also thrive in the sub-tropics.

Tropical zones West Indian limes, also known as Key Limes, have small fragrant fruit with a strong acidic flavour. Native to south east Asia, they're great for tropical climates and produce fruit from autumn to spring. Another tropical citrus option is pomelo (also called pummelo). Related to grapefruit, there are several varieties of pomelo available, including Nam Roi, which produces very large sweet seedless fruit with a thick rind. Dwarf grafted Nam Roi is available, growing to a manageable 1-2 m tall.

Cool zones Although citrus prefer warm climates, Meyer and Lisbon lemons are the pick for cool zones. Meyer lemons produce golden yellow, slightly rounded and juicy fruit that's less acidic than many other lemons. Lisbon lemons are large and reasonably cold hardy trees that produce heavy crops of thin skinned, highly acidic fruit in winter and spring. Protect trees from frost, particularly while they're young. In very cold areas, position lemons next to a protected north facing wall or grow dwarf varieties in pots, which can be moved under cover (or even indoors in a brightly lit room) during winter.

Small space citrus If you're short on space, look for dwarf grafted varieties of citrus. They produce standard sized fruit on compact plants. They're perfect for smaller gardens and also growing in pots. A 40 cm diameter Yates Tuscan® pot makes an ideal home for a dwarf citrus tree. Oranges, lemons and limes can also be espaliered, which is where the stems are trained to grow flat against a wall, along wire or timber supports. It's a great way to save space and cover a bare wall with lush green foliage, spring blossoms and colourful fruit.

What's an


Have you seen small dark brown crawling insects in your garden with viscious looking pincers? Then you've seen an earwig! In large numbers, earwigs can create garden havoc. Here is our guide to earwigs and how to control them when they've become a problem.

What are earwigs? Earwigs are dark brown, small, long and skinny insects, usually 12-24 mm long. They are easily identified by the pointy set of pincers at the end of their abdomen. These are used to defend themselves against predators and male-male competition. During autumn, earwigs lay eggs in a nest underneath organic material or in the soil. Eggs hatch into young, which look like small versions of the adults. Earwig numbers swell during spring and they can form into large groups. Earwigs generally feed at night, on a wide range of living and dead plants and small insects such as aphids, spiders and caterpillars. Small populations usually do not cause an issue, however when numbers increase they can cause significant damage to herbs, fruit trees, flowers and vegetables like tomatoes, beans, broccoli and cucumbers as well as leafy vegetables like silverbeet and lettuce. Symptoms of damage include holes in seedlings (or the tops of seedlings removed completely), shredded or jagged edges of leaves and flowers and irregular holes in leaves, flowers and fruit. Earwigs can also become a problem if they venture into homes.

Treatment Spray Yates® Nature's Way® Citrus & Ornamental directly onto earwigs when you see them damaging plants. Look for earwigs during late afternoon and early morning. Repeat spray each week until the population has been adequately controlled. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


For all lawns great and small . Make it Yates Weed’n’Feed® Whatever type of lawn you have, caring for it is easy with Yates Weed’n’Feed® and Yates® Buffalo PRO® Weed’n’Feed™. Scientifically formulated to do two jobs at once; eliminate broadleaf weeds, like Bindii and Clover, while at the same time giving your lawn a quick burst of nutrients to promote healthy, green growth. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Yates, Yates Weed ‘n’ Feed and Buffalo Pro are registered trade marks and Weed ‘n’ Feed is a trade mark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd

Home grown Smashed Avo! Smashed avo on toast, creamy guacamole, hummus and salads are just some of the delicious ways to enjoy avocado. Avocados are packed with nutrients, beneficial fats and antioxidants too, so there's lots of wonderful reasons to include this tasty fruit in your diet. Better still, grow your own! Avocados grow mostly in tropical and subtropical climates, but they can be grown in sheltered temperate climates and protected cool areas too. Check the plant tag and choose the right variety for your location. 'Bacon' is cold tolerant while 'Wurtz' performs better in warmer areas. Different avocado varieties have different flowering habits and are categorised into two groups: A and B. To maximise pollination, it's best to grow both an A and B type. Type A varieties include 'Haas', 'Pinkerton', 'Reed', 'Rincon' and 'Wurtz'. Type B varieties include 'Bacon', 'Edranol' and 'Fuerte'. Avocados grow into large trees (10 - 12 m tall) and need a sunny spot with welldrained soil. When planting a new tree in a garden, enrich the soil beforehand by mixing some Yates® Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser into the planting hole. Keep the soil moist while the tree establishes. To promote healthy growth and flowering, at the beginning of spring, summer and autumn, scatter Yates Thrive® Natural Citrus & Fruit Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food around the drip line.

You can also grow dwarf avocados in pots. They typically grow to half the size of full sized trees or can be kept more compact with regular pruning. A 50-60 cm diameter pot, such as a Yates Tuscan® pot, is an ideal size for a dwarf avocado. Use a good quality potting mix, such as Yates Premium Potting Mix, keep the mix moist and feed every 1-2 weeks with Yates Thrive Citrus Liquid Plant Food. Grafted trees can take 4-5 years to bear fruit, so you will need to be patient. But picture walking out into your backyard and picking your very own avocados. Definitely worth the wait! When harvesting, look for slightly shrivelled fruit with a dull appearance. To see if it's ready, pick one and let it ripen indoors (avocados don't ripen on the tree). If it's good to eat in 7-14 days, then you're ready to pick more fruit.

Fun fact! When an avocado flower first opens it's female. When it re-opens the next day, it's male!

HOW TO GROW AN AVOCADO SEED You can grow an avocado from seed, though they can take up to 10 years to fruit, and fruiting is not guaranteed. However the process is fascinating to watch and fun to do, especially with kids. Here's how to grow an avocado seed in water: 1. Remove the seed from the avocado, taking care not to cut or damage it. Remove any flesh and clean it under water. 2. Peel the brown seed coating from the seed. This can take a bit of time, so be patient. 3. Moisten a paper towel and wrap the naked seed in the towel. Place inside a plastic bag and seal to help retain humidity. Store in a cool, dry spot for 7-14 days. 4. After this time, check the seed to see if a root has formed. If not, place it back into the plastic bag and check again in a few days. 5. If a root has formed, place the seed on top of a glass jar (or similar) filled with water. Allow the root to sit in the water, but keep the water away from the seed, otherwise it can cause the seed to rot. Look for a jar with an opening smaller than the size of the seed, so it can just rest on top. 6. Position in a bright spot, out of direct sunlight, and top up the water as needed. A stem will eventually grow from the top of the seed. 7. Cut the stem back when it's approximately 15-20 cm tall, removing about half the stem. This will help stimulate strong healthy growth. 8. Leave it growing in the jar of water (it makes a wonderful leafy addition to your indoor plant collection) or once the small plant reaches 25-30 cm, you can plant the seed in a garden or into a pot. Start with a small 20-30 cm diameter pot to begin with, and move to a larger pot when the tree becomes too big.

Root & collar rot Poorly drained or over-watered soil can lead to avocados developing root or collar rot. Help prevent these diseases by spraying trees with Yates Anti Rot Systemic Fungicide.

Avocado pollination: European honeybees can pollinate avocado flowers, however blow flies, hoverflies and lady beetles, are other important pollinators. Filling your garden with lots of flowers that attract a wide range of beneficial insects will help give you more fruit.

Floral fantasy Spring rose care

From early spring, roses emerge from their winter hibernation and we see a fabulous flurry of new growth and beautiful blooms. Here's how to keep your roses looking gorgeous » Well fed roses will reward you with lots of growth and flowers. Whether you have a large rose garden or have a few potted roses, feeding them is easy. Yates® Thrive® Natural Roses & Flowers Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food combines more than 50% natural ingredients with fast acting fertilisers to promote healthy leaf and stem growth and prolific blooms. Spread the pellets around the base of the plant every 8 weeks from spring to autumn and water in well. Yates Thrive Natural Roses & Flowers Organic Based Pelletised Plant Food is perfect for feeding both in-ground and potted roses. » To keep your rose looking neat and tidy, regularly remove spent flowers. This will also encourage more flowers to develop. » Prune off any shoots that develop below the graft (the bump on the lower stem). This vigorous growth will eventually take over the rest of the plant if not kept in check. » Apply a layer of mulch, such as bark chips or straw, around the root zone. Keep the mulch a few centimetres away from the stem to allow for good air flow around the base. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Rose pests


» Aphids love roses in spring! These small sap sucking insects, which can be green, black, yellow or brown, feast on the sugary sap that is flowing through the tender new rose growth. They'll often be seen clustering in large numbers on flower buds and along stems and also underneath leaves. Aphids deplete roses of valuable nutrients and sugars, can cause leaves to twist and distort, and can also transmit damaging viruses. So it's important to control aphids as soon as they're noticed.


» Caterpillars also enjoy roses, chewing through leaves and also into rose buds and petals. Often well camouflaged, caterpillars can cause significant damage. » Thrips are tiny, slender insects, 1-2 mm long, that suck the sap from rose leaves and flowers. They can cause brown blemishes on petals and leaves to appear silvery or distorted.

Thrips Caterpillar

Rose diseases » One of the most troublesome rose diseases is black spot. Leaves can develop irregular black spots that become feathered or fringed with yellow margins. If left untreated, leaves will prematurely yellow and fall, weakening the plant. » Another common rose disease is powdery mildew. It appears as white powdery growth on leaves, stems and flower buds and is most active in warm, humid weather.

Black spot

w Powdery milde

» The easiest way to protect roses from the most common pests and diseases, including aphids, caterpillars, thrips, black spot and powdery mildew, is with ready to use Yates Rose Gun®. Spray roses thoroughly every 2 weeks, as soon as pests or diseases are first noticed. » If you have lots of roses, concentrated Yates Rose Shield is ideal. It's diluted in water in a sprayer and the 500 mL pack size makes up to 50L of rose protecting spray. G GR RO OW W II N NG G W W II T TH H Y YO OU U -- YA YAT TE ES S


Spring into natives F LO W E R S & F O L I AG E

You can create a backyard that's brimming with Australian native plants, providing food and shelter for our native insects, birds and animals. And our unique range of native flowers and foliage plants help create inviting outdoor spaces for humans too. Here are some of the most attractive Australian native plants that put on a show during spring. » Blueberry Ash (Elaeocarpus reticulatus) - an Australian native evergreen rainforest tree that grows up to 5 m tall. It produces frilled white or pink flowers in spring, then colourful blue bird-attracting berries. Blueberry ash makes a great screening or hedge tree and tolerates light shade. » Lilly Pilly - many varieties of lilly pilly develop striking colourful new growth in spring. Acmena smithii 'Red Head™' from OzBreed has deep red to claret new leaves, which change to chocolate and then mature to dark green. It grows 6 m high and 2 m wide and its dense foliage makes it perfect for hedging. Birds and insects enjoy feasting on lilly pilly's white spring flowers and the bright pink or purple berries that follow are edible. » Callistemon - another favourite for birds and bees, callistemon (bottlebrush) flowers range in colour from bright red, burgundy and pink to creamy white. There are pint sized varieties for small spaces and tall growing trees for larger gardens. For stunning foliage, Callistemon 'Red Alert™' has vivid new red growth in spring.

» Grevillea - many grevilleas can flower throughout the year or some have their peak flower flush in winter and spring. Dense and low growing grevilleas provide shelter for small native birds and their spidery flowers provide delicious nectar for nectarfeeding birds and bees. Larger grevilleas make excellent screening plants or blend beautifully in amongst mixed native shrubs. » Geraldton wax (Chamelaucium uncinatum) - native to Western Australia, these attractive shrubs have needle-like leaves and waxy white, red or pink flowers in late winter and spring. They don't like humidity and need a well-drained soil. In areas with heavy soil, try growing Geraldton wax in a pot with good drainage holes, filled with a quality potting mix like Yates® Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter®. The flowering stems make a great cut flower, if you can bear to steal them from the adoring bees and butterflies.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S




Over thousands of years, Australian native plants have become accustomed to growing in our relatively nutrient poor soils. This means that many Australian native plants can be damaged by strong fertilisers. It's still important to feed Australian native plants, as this helps promote attractive and healthy growth, but the choice of fertiliser is important. Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser is rich in organic nutrients, that are released slowly and gently to plants, making it ideal for feeding native plants. Apply Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser around the root zone of native plants each spring and autumn, and water in well. Many Australian native plants will also look much better if regularly trimmed. After flowering has finished, prune shrubs like callistemon, banksia, correa, grevillea and melaleuca back by 20 - 30 % to promote a bushier and much tidier habit. Avoid cutting into old, leafless stems as plants may not produce new foliage.

Scale tip: Native plants like callistemon and lilly pilly can be prone to scale infestations. The disease sooty mould will often be seen in conjunction with scale. Scale can be controlled with regular sprays of PestOil®. It's important to spray the scale directly on all sides of leaves and stems.

A unique blend of natural ingredienTs to enrich & improve the soil & feed plants with gentle, slow release organic nutrients


in a

tropical oasis

Imagine the plants you've seen during coastal and island getaways. Lush foliage in different shades, leaf shapes and textures and colourful flowers abound, so that's the first step in creating a tropical look and feel. Layers of plants at different heights also help create a greater sense of space and depth. Tall plants for the rear of the garden include palms, crotons, hibiscus, Radermachera 'Summerscent' and frangipani. In smaller spaces consider a climber for the back of the area, covering a bamboo or wooden trellis. Tropical-feel climbers include pandorea and dipladenia, which have the double benefits of green foliage and gorgeous flowers. In the middle of the space, leafy green gingers, aspidistra, brightly coloured acalypha, ixora and vibrant cordylines (choose red and burgundy varieties to contrast with surrounding green and gold foliage). Towards the front, more compact plants like clivias, ferns and bromeliads create a lovely border.

With overseas travel a distant dream and domestic holidays being skuttled by COVID lockdowns and border closures, here's how you can transform a corner of your deck, courtyard, balcony or backyard into a lush oasis. Using careful plant selection and clever landscape design ideas, you can create a mini tropical retreat. Island time at home!

For places like courtyards and balconies, many tropical plants can also be grown in pots. The same design principles still apply - taller plants at the back, smaller plants at the front. You can also use colourfully designed pots to bring extra tropical flair. It's important to choose plants that are suited to your climate. Cool, frost-free areas can still achieve a tropical feel by using hardy plants like bangalow palms, flax, cordyline, fatsia, cold-tolerant clumping bamboo, grassy foliage dianella and liriope, colourful leafy heuchera and nandina. Position your tropical oasis in the warmest, most protected spot you have. Against a wind-protected, north facing wall is ideal. Make your tropical-inspired retreat more appealing to relax in by including some shade. Dappled shade can be provided by palms and frangipanis, however for instant shade, install an umbrella. Look for vibrant tropical prints or thatch umbrellas create an instant south Pacific feel.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


A well-placed stone or wooden sculpture also adds to the oasis feel, such as a Buddha or Balinese statue peering out from amongst the foliage. The calming sound of water is another element of tropical relaxation. You can add water sounds into your backyard haven with a compact water feature. This could be a gently bubbling amphora urn, a low bowl with a small fountain or a cascading water wall. There are self-contained, ready to install water features readily available, just waiting to complete your home oasis. Before you plant anything, adding a rich source of organic matter to the soil will improve soil structure, increase moisture and nutrient holding capacity and attract earthworms and beneficial soil microorganisms. It's as easy as mixing some Yates® Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser into the soil when planting. It's full of organic rich, fragrant goodness! Keep the soil moist while the plants settle in. For potted plants, use well-drained pots, such as Yates Tuscan® pots, filled with Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter.

Once the plants are established, regular feeding with a complete fertiliser, such as Yates Thrive® All Purpose Soluble Fertiliser will provide a balanced blend of nutrients - nitrogen for healthy leaf growth, phosphorus for a strong root system and potassium for healthy plant growth and lots of flowers. Mix 1-2 spoonfuls into a 9 L watering can and apply over the foliage and around the root zone every 1-2 weeks during the growing seasons. Don't forget a hammock or small outdoor setting to enable you to spend lots of time in your home-grown tropical retreat. And perhaps include a Tahitian lime in your planting scheme to top off a well-deserved 'holiday' cocktail.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Create a leafy

Home Office

The COVID 19 pandemic has meant that working from home, either full or part-time, has become a reality for many people. Create a much healthier and more calming work space by including some indoor plants in your home office. In addition to helping purify the air, studies have demonstrated that plants can make you feel more relaxed, inspired and positive and help reduce stress and negativity. Plants make fabulous co-workers!

When it comes to choosing plants for your home office, first assess the amount of sunlight that comes into the room across the day. Most plants do best in a brightly lit room, out of direct sunlight, however some plants tolerate more dimly lit positions. For low light areas, choose plants such as: » Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) - hardy plants with attractive ribbons of variegated foliage. They even enjoy being pot bound! » Dieffenbachia - large green and cream or yellow patterned leaves, which bring a lush tropical feel. » Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) - a neglect-loving plant with large, upright glossy green leaves. » Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) lovely long dark green leaves combined with elegant white flowers. Then look at the space you have available. In tight spots, compact plants like these will still leave you enough room to work: » Zebra cactus (Haworthia fasciata) a clump-forming succulent with striking horizontal white stripes on its pointed leaves. » Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides) - round, pancake shaped leaves develop on an upright central stem.

» Air plants (Tillandsia spp.) - fascinating plants in the bromeliad family that don't need soil and can absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves. » Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) - a low maintenance succulent with fleshy green upright leaves. For shelves, plants with cascading foliage or stems are ideal, including: » Chain of hearts (Ceropegia woodii) - a delicate trailing plant with chains of small green and red heart-shaped leaves. » Devil's ivy (Epipremnum aureum) - a tough, low maintenance trailing or climbing plant that can be left to drape or grown vertically up a support. » Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera) - interesting long, thin green stems spill out over the pot edge. » Hoya (Hoya spp.) hardy vines with thick succulent leaves on long stems and clusters of waxy flowers.

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


INDOOR PLANT HEALTH Your leafy office colleagues need to be cared for, so they're healthy and grow lots of foliage and flowers. It doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. Here are three easy indoor plant care tips, that are quick enough to do in your stretch break! » Check the moisture levels in the potting mix by gently digging around in the top few centimetres of the mix with your finger. Some plants, such as chain of hearts and aloe vera, prefer to be kept on the dry side, others, such as mistletoe cactus, need more moisture. » Feed your plants by inserting a Yates® Thrive® Plant Food Spike into the potting mix. The spikes contain concentrated nutrients that feed plants for up to 2 months. They're easy to use and out of sight, no measuring or mixing required. » To break the fungus gnat lifecycle (the annoying black winged insects that can plague indoor plants), apply a layer of Yates Gnat Barrier granules over the surface of the potting mix. The abrasive granules deter the adult female gnat from laying her eggs in the potting mix.

INDOOR PLANT READING: For handy, easy to read information on growing indoor plants, check out 'Yates Top 50 Indoor Plants and how NOT to Kill them!'

A natural non-toxic physical barrier against fungus gnats

Win the war on gnats! Win the war on gnats with Yates® Gnat Barrier – natural pumice granules which provide an effective barrier against fungus gnats. Fungus gnats are pesky little flies commonly found around indoor plants. The adult flies lay eggs in potting mix, and these hatch into larvae which can cause damage to the roots of plants. The best way to protect your indoor plants (and help prevent annoying fungus gnats) is to use a physical barrier on top of the potting mix, such as Yates® Gnat Barrier. Yates is aa registered registeredtrade trademark markand andGreat Great things start with Yates a trade mark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd Yates is things start with Yates is aistrade mark of DuluxGroup Australia (Pty Ltd)

Great things start with Yates™


flower seeds It's time to sow a fabulous range of flower seeds, to bring glorious floral colour into your garden and outdoor spaces over the coming months. And the bees and butterflies will love you for it!




Aster Colour Carpet

Alyssum - Carpet of Snow, Cameo Mixture

Alyssum - Carpet of Snow, Cameo Mixture

Bee Pasture

Chrysanthemum Snowlands

Chrysanthemum Snowlands


Gypsophila Baby's Breath

Delphinium Pacific Giants

Butterfly Field

Paper Daisy Yellow

Gypsophila Baby's Breath

Californian Poppy Sunshine Mix

Swan River Daisy


Carnation Fragrance

Swan River Daisy


Virginian Stock

Coleus Pots of Beauty Cosmos - Bright Lights, Sensation Cottage Garden Mix Dahlia Cinderella Dianthus Double Pink Echinacea Everlasting Daisy Festival of Flowers Gerbera Colour Mix Marigold Cupid Nasturtium - Jewel Mixed, Cherry Rose Paper Daisy Pink Phlox Drummondii Dwarf Portulaca Sun Dancer Salvia - Blue Bedder, Dwarf Scarlet Snapdragon - Tetra Mixed, Tom Thumb Sunflower - Bronze Shades, Dwarf Sensation, Yellow Empress Wildflowers of the World Zinnia Sunrise Mix

G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


Shop for your flowers online How cool, temperate and sub-tropical is that?




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It’s easy to brighten up your garden from our online shop. Choose from over 200 varieties of seeds all available at

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Great things start with Yates™ GROWING WITH Yates is a registered trademark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd

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Shop for all seeds great and small.

Easy to grow


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Bee Pasture


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Pollen & Nectar


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Double Mixed

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Flowers for bees



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pollen and nectar A colourful blend of provide forage for flowers to attract and pollinators. honey bees and other

Artist’s Glory


Iceland Poppy



Gardening in different climates All around Australia, there are lots of things to keep you wonderfully busy in the garden during spring. In cool climates: » Plant rhubarb crowns or potted rhubarb plants in a sunny spot in a well-drained vegie patch. Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable (yes, vegetable!) and can be productive for many years. It's best to delay picking stems until the second year, to allow the plants to become well established. To promote lots of healthy growth, feed plants each week from spring to autumn with Yates® Thrive® All Purpose Soluble Fertiliser. » Sow Yates Broccoli 'Summer Green' and Yates Brussels Sprouts 'Drumtight' seed in late spring so you'll have fresh and healthy home grown produce to pick during autumn. Protect young seedlings from snails and slugs by lightly sprinkling Yates Snail & Slug Bait over the soil around the plants. » Winter grass (Poa annua) is a common grass weed in lawns. It has tufted lime green leaves (so it appears different to the rest of the lawn) and small creamy white seed heads, which enable winter grass to spread. In cool climates winter grass seed will start to germinate as the weather warms up. Control these new winter grass seedlings with Munns® Professional Winter Grass Killer. It comes in an easy to use hose-on applicator and a 2.4 L pack treats 240m2. G R O W I N G W I T H Y O U - YA T E S


In temperate climates: » As the weather warms up, we'll be using more water in our gardens. Make the most of every drop and re-use the greywater from your laundry, bath and shower. Mixing Yates Greywater Fertiliser to this greywater neutralises the effect of alkaline soaps and detergents on soil pH, helps kill unwanted microbes, contains calcium to reduce potential negative effects of greywater on soil quality and adds missing nutrients to feed ornamental plants and lawns and encourage healthy growth. » Fix bare patches in the lawn, to stop them becoming a magnet for weeds. Munns Professional Quick Fix Lawn Seed is a blend of premium lawn seed that has been specially developed to quickly repair bare patches and has an advanced germination booster coating to promote fast germination. » Start a strawberry patch! Grow delicious alpine strawberries with Yates Alpine Strawberry seed or look for small pots or punnets of strawberries in your local garden centre. Choose a sunny spot in the garden (or in pots or troughs) and feed established plants each week with Yates Thrive Strawberry & Berry Fruit Liquid Plant Food.

In tropical and subtropical climates: » The soil underneath the lawn can become water repellent (hydrophobic), particularly after a dry winter. Applying Munns Professional Smart Wetter over the lawn will break down the water repellent layer and enable moisture to penetrate deeply and effectively down into the lawn root zone. » Sow watermelon seed, like long and delicious Yates Watermelon 'Country Sweet' or round and petite Yates Watermelon 'Sugar Baby'. They'll be ready to pick in around 14 weeks, perfect for enjoying chilled on a hot summers day. Monitor leaves for signs of downy mildew (yellow spots on leaves that turn brown) and treat with Yates Mancozeb Plus Garden Fungicide & Miticide.

We also plant seeds in the heads of gardeners

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Great things start with Yates™ @yatesgardening Yates is a registered trade mark and Great things start with Yates is a trade mark of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd

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