pmt fund De juiste koers
PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
pmt fund
the right course The path to efficiency with a good interest rate product investing in investment products with above average performance expectations has gained increasing popularity over the last years. this is due to growing prosperity in combination with the strong rise in the new media, which makes it possible for investors to make increasing developments.
Investing, in practice, is associated with currency fluctuations in the positive as well as in the negative sense. Also, the rate and calculation of the returns needs a lot of time and attention from the investor. Hence, as an alternative, it is often chosen as an investment by independent institutions or banks. But, the problem of hefty price fluctuations remains as it is and the relationship with banks or funds is not personal, often opaque and usually involves relatively huge costs.
PMT Fund is thus proud of the fact that they can offer an innovative, stable and profitable investment product, based on the number of years of investment experience, at minimal costs. Thus, PMT Fund can serve you as an investor with a safe investment product. You will receive a 7.9% rate of interest per year on your investment. In the meanwhile, PMT Fund protects your investments to a great extent with a real-estate portfolio. This makes it an attractive and responsible investment, which every portfolio can take advantage of. You can also work up a considerable output,and that is precisely the objective.
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PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
pmt fund
What we offer you Independent setup of your assets. Only 2% issue costs and no exit fees.
Minimum investment of 25,000 Euros.
Leveling of fluctuations by paying quarterly returns, 7.9% of the principal of yearly basis.
Protection of the principal sum. Low annual fees for wealth building. Minimum term of 24 months.
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PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
pmt fund
Our vision
PMT Fund is soon going to move in the top segment of the international financial market and is active in Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden and England. Besides transparency, our starting point is the highest possible return with the lowest possible risk. We have kept the operating costs extremely low with the help of our unique business organization and corporate culture. Wherever possible, the organization is automated, without compromising on the personal touch. PMT Fund works with a small and fixed team of professionals who have more than 20 years of experience. We get additional expertise wherever necessary.
On the one hand, we realize our goals of investing 40% of global investment in FOREX, as well as dealing in commodities. On the other hand, we are building a real-estate portfolio step by step, with 60% of the investment. In this manner, we are minimizing the long term risks and contributing to the returns. In case of acquisition of property, we should firstly point at Dutch auctions and high yielding properties in the growing markets especially in South-East Asia. After some time, the value of the real-estate portfolio should cover the total capital, so that your investments are not subject to risks. This applies to all the participants and can reasonably be mentioned as unique. For an optimal contact with you, an annual meeting will be held, wherein the MPT Fund will explain the participants about the investments and present the annual results. It would be accompanied by a valuation of the real-estate portfolio. Also, the policies for the coming years would be set.
What we do PMT Fund initiates structurally new products, in order to hedge the possible risks for investors, while maintaining profitability. For this reason, we have created an organized close-ended fund of € 2,500,000 with a term of only two years. Our approach is characterized by a highly selective investment and an extremely alert management. Thereby, transparency, fixed payment per quarter and digital communication, combined with personal attention are the most important. Professionals with extensive knowledge of the financial world can assist you, if desired.
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PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
pmt fund
Returns we offer you a profit of 7.9% on your investments, on a yearly basis. this return is paid to you once a quarter. to be precise: in the first week after the end of the quarter. haste will not achieve anything.
Participation You can use this innovative product in two ways with the necessary guarantee and an above average return of 7.9% on a yearly basis. The minimum investment amounts to € 25,000.- (exclusive of 2% distribution costs). Participation in the funds is convenient for private investors as well as for companies. If your participation amounts to more than € 250,000.- you do not need to pay any extra costs.
You can chose for an interest payment, on quarter basis, of 7.9% per annum on the funds invested by you. In this manner, you can manage your returns immediately and increase your disposable income.
You can also chose the other variant wherein you can reinvest the returns in the PMT Fund, for increase in the capital. In this case, your capital would double within a period of ten years. For this growth strategy, which requires a lot of services from us, PMT Fund requests for a yearly recurring fixed contribution of only € 495,-.This amount is automatically withheld from your interest payment once a year.
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pmt fund
PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
Duration Participation is actually for an indefinite period of time, with the aim of increasing your income or to set up your wealth in an innovative way (see example). The minimum duration is two years for guaranteeing the flexibility of the participation. For comparison: in case of competitive products, you have duration of three to five years or even longer. 50.000 45.000 40.000 35.000 30.000 invest- 25.000 ment 20.000 15.000 10.000 5000 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 shares PMT Fund Setting up the O.G. portfolio
10 year
Bank agreements Despite the fact that we aim for a realestate portfolio which is 100% financed with equity, does not exclude the fact that with the scope of the acquisition or involvement of other parties, there will be external financing. If there is external financing, it should be for a maximum of 40% of the acquisition costs. PMT Fund is of the view that, otherwise, the
purpose would be compromised upon and the security of money invested would be undermined.
AFM Authorization As the value of the participants calculated over a period of twelve months amounts to lesser than € 2,500,000.the exemption Wet Financieel Toezicht (WFT) [Act on Financial Supervision] can be used and there is no authorization under this legislation. Hence it is not monitored by the AFM under the Prudential Supervision of Financial Companies section and the Supervision of Financial Enterprises section: Article 53 section 2 of the WFT exemption rule is applicable here in the participation in the Fund. This law is fully incorporated and accessible to pubic on the website of the Financial Markets Authority.
Risk factors Investing is taking risks. There was no guarantee for the future in the previous returns gained. Investing in a fund is always accompanied by a number of risks, thereby bringing about a negative investment result. Normally a fund is not resistant to macroeconomic forces and political factors, which can cause the result to be negative. Even a change in the financial and fiscal laws and regulations can influence the desired result.
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pmt fund
PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
Social involvement Our social involvement translates into sponsoring of the foundation of the National Sailing Ship “De Eendracht” [the concord]. This establishment familiarizes the youth with the sea and also teaches them the sense of responsibility and team building. Based on their registration, a voyage with “De Eendracht” [the concord] is allotted to them on a yearly basis. Thus your investments deliver more returns: namely a fantastic voyage.
Participation procedure In case you are interested in registering for this innovative product, but you still have queries or need more information, Please call - at your convenience - talk to one of our consultant on 08007683863. You can also set up a personal appointment, wherein we will provide you detailed information about this product.
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PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
pmt fund
You can send the registration form to: PMT Fund PO Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam The Netherlands
Rabobank 160652367 In the name of PMT Fund BIC/SWIFT: RABO NL 2u IBAN: NL14RABO 0160652367
Points for consideration
The prospectus is to be received by the administrator of the PMT fund on the above mentioned address and is also to be downloaded from
As a part of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and terrorism financing (Wwft), the participant should make the due payments from the bank/giro number stated on the front of this form. In addition to it, the name of this bank/giro number of the participant should be the same as the name on this form.
Enclose the identity proof For individuals
The registration should be accompanied with a legible signed copy of a valid passport, identity card or license. In case of a joint registration, both the participants should fill up the form and sign it and send it with a signed and legible copy of a valid passport. For corporations
In case a corporation wishes to register, the registration should be accompanied with a recent (not old than six months) excerpt from the commercial register of the chamber of commerce as well as a signed legible copy of a valid identity proof of the people representing the corporation.
Your participation should come from an account within European Union and not from the black list of the Dutch bank. If the participation is transferred from one bank account to another one or the participating investor is held by a bank outside the EU, the participant should contact an administrator of the PMT Fund for additional ID requirements.
Other information Participations can be refused by the administrator of the PMT Fund, without stating the complete or partial reasons.
After signing the participation form, the participation fee should be transferred immediately to:
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Triton pmt fund
PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
Registration form (S.V.P. FILL COMPLETELY IN BLOCK LETTERS) Name of the participant1 If applicable
Name of the partner Address Zip code / Place / Country
Telephone for the evening
Telephone for the day / mobile
Email address Date of birth / Place2
If applicable
Date of birth of partner / Place2 Citizen service number2 If applicable
Citizen Service number of partner2 Bank account for payment purpose3 1. Enter the name by which the participation in the PMT Fund is to be registered. In case it is the name of a corporation, also mention the registration number in the chamber of commerce. 2. In case it does not deal with a joint registration, then fill for all persons. 3. The ascription of the account number should be the same as that of the participation. In case of an ascription of the participation of several people, the ascription of the account number should be the same as one of them.
Registration amount The participant in the PMT fund wishes a nominal sum of €
,– participation with a minimum of € 25,000.-
The above deposits are increased with 2% distribution costs. After receiving your joining amount, the administrator of the PMT fund shall send you your joining certificate within 6 weeks. Participation is interest-bearing from the next quarter after your participation fee is credited in the account created for this purpose.
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Triton pmt fund
PMT Fund bv P.O. Box 33199 3005 ED Rotterdam Phone 0031 (0)800 7683863 Rabobank reknr. 1606 52 367 KvK. 52608964
Undertaking Hereby I confirm 1. For the previously mentioned amount to be included in the PMT Fund, I chose the option: Of quarterly payment of my investment, or Of wealth. 2. I have read all the information in this form. 3. I know and agree with the contents of the prospectus of the PMT Fund and the accompanying terms and conditions and accept them under the following conditions. a. To perform all necessary operations related to the grant of amount on behalf of the undersigned, and in compliance with the concerned ones in the prospectus and general conditions. b. To act as proxy for the other undersigned parties. c. To replace it by another (right of substitution). d. Further performing everything related to the above, which is necessary, useful or desirable.
Date / Place
Name of the applicant Signature
If applicable
Name of the partner Signature
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