yaya chen protfolio 02

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Yaya Chen Portfolio

陳尹之 2007~2011

陳尹之 Yaya Chen Contect Information: 1989/02/11 zoeyy88@gmail.com +886 921520130 104台北市北安路821巷2弄8號4樓

Education: 2004-2007 2007-


台北市立麗山高中 國立台灣科技大學 工商業設計系 資訊管理系 Exchange Program Department of industrial design engineering, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

Experience: 2008



Summer Workshops at Boisbuchet -Experimental approach of materials

生活體驗者 Design


+ Living experience + Observation + Project

經驗,帶給人真實的感受,讓人得到體悟。在不 同的城市生活、旅行、學習的經驗,讓我重新思 考人們的行為、邏輯、人生哲學。 人,有無限的可能性。 什麼樣的經驗令人難以忘懷? 什麼樣的經驗足以讓人改變? 我是生活的體驗者 期許設計讓人親身體驗後 帶來感受、感動,甚至體悟。


Product Design


Tea Up








Design Visualisation


Other Works


Will Design


Enjoying the Chaos


Phate Talk


Product Design



Tea Up 提壺 茶具輔助器





Product Design

飲茶是現代人生活品味的一部份,尤其是對長輩而言,泡茶 除了是補充水分,更是日常生活不可或缺的活動。 但當年紀大了,手部肌肉、關節退化,拿重物時愈來愈困 難,倒茶時常常發生茶水外濺、燙手的意外,無法好好享受 品茗的樂趣。

Concept 一個像茶壺外套般的隔熱輔助器,在使用大容量茶壺時,可以有另外一個 把手施力,方便提起、倒茶。使用環境以家庭為主。 利用大茶壺的重量特性,使輔助器自動的包覆茶壺,在拿開輔助器時也輕 而易舉,不需要特別撥開輔助器。藉此幫助雙手比較無力的族群也能輕鬆 享有品茶的樂趣。


Operational Process

先將輔助器打開,把裝滿熱 茶水的茶壺放入輔助器中。

茶壺的重量下壓輔 助器時,輔助器會 自動包覆茶壺。

一手握住茶壺把手, 另一手握住輔助器, 便可以順暢的倒茶。

需要加水時,直接將 茶壺往上拉,輔助器 會自動被撐開,方便 下次使用。

User Study 調查結果發現年長者確實有茶壺拿不穩的問題,對於輔助器的操作方 式也給予肯定,但對於輔助器如何收納但到質疑,畢竟台灣平均居住 空間不大,如何再將這麼大的輔助器收在廚房。再者,如何讓輔助器 適用於不同種類的大茶壺,可能使用有彈性的材質,能讓輔助器的功 能更多樣化。



Product Design

Feature 造型呈現圓潤的茶壺形象,上下兩種顏色象徵現代材質 與陶器的結合,同時藉由分界曲線防呆,更容易辨識放 置茶壺的方向。 茶壺置入後能讓原本的茶壺呈現完全不同的風情。 材質以PP製成,可耐熱至攝氏135度,可清洗。



Phyllis 花伴 環保餐盤


Problem 當我們外出用餐或野餐時,通常會使用紙餐盤或紙餐盒代替 瓷盤。無形中造成了相當多的垃圾,而用餐的品質也大打折 扣。自備保鮮盒或便當盒,會佔用包包的空間又不好攜帶, 用餐時也沒有質感。 ”如果紙餐盤可以像家中雅緻的瓷盤該有多好!”



Product Design

Concept Phyllis的概念是減少免洗餐具的使用和增加外出時用餐的品質,不使用的 時候可以完全攤開好收納、方便攜帶,使用時只需要扣上盤腳的扣子就是 優雅可愛的餐盤。 使用完畢後只要解開盤扣沖水洗淨,下次用餐又可重複使用,雅緻的造型 也令人不捨輕易丟棄。


Feature Phyllis的造型是以花瓣發想而來,有如被微風帶下的花朵 落在掌上,背後有支撐盤子的底座。 三種尺寸分別有不同的適用設定,最小的是個人用餐盤, 較深的可盛裝沙拉或餅乾供大家夾取食用,長型盤則是 盛放蛋糕或三明治。



Product Design

Materials 防水紙(和美術紙堆疊)、金屬扣、塑膠底盤 未來希望製作PP材質和塑膠扣的款式,大幅提高使用 次數和硬度,並且更能徹底清潔。但我認為紙盤層次 上所呈現的質感,是塑膠盤無法達到的。



Bracelist 腕記得 手帶型購物清單


Problem A shopping list is almost a must-have tool for grocery shopping. People use “Post-it� or note pad as a shopping list. But sometimes it become inconvenient to find it in your bag or pocket when you are carrying heaps of the goods you pick out. Some people even write the list on their hand, despite the ink might stay there for three days.



Product Design

Concept The main idea is to made shopping process not only more convenient but also elegant. Therefore, I made a shopping list which quite like “post-it.� Users can bind it on their braces. It’s easier to skim the list while shopping.


Operational Process

Bracelist can be placed in user’s purse or on a table indoor.

Whenever users have something in mind. They can write it on the list.

Before go shopping, wear Bracelist by stick the tail to the main part. It’s possible to adjust it to fit user’s wrist.

While shopping, user’s can skim Bracelist to check the Item.

User Study To make sure the product works, user study is necessary. The user study was done by four ladies with the prototype. To sum up the result, they argee with the problem of general shopping list and like the concept of Bracelist. But the product need to be more attractive for female, strengthen and more comfortable. Therefore, I make an effort to find the best material and shape of Bracelist. In order to stengthen it, I combined tracing paper and thin fabric by spray adhesive. The result is quite successful, and also made it look nice.



Product Design

Feature The topic group is modern housewives, who go to supermarket or hypermarket once a week instead of grocery shopping every morning. Bracelist can be both personal and home-use. On the other hand, it’s also designed as an accessorize while wearing. The oriental lines made Bracelist more feminine.



Pri-vatic Home Health Monitor 浴知 居家健康監測系統


Problem 健康,是一切的根本。現代人的生活總是忙碌緊迫的,常常 沒有時間去了解自己的身體狀況,忽略身體發出的警訊,等 到真的病倒時才去就醫,即使是醫學進步,還是彌補不了很 多遺憾。但就算是家中擁有各種健康記錄器(如血壓計),提 供的也只是數據,到底要如何改善、是否應該就醫,才是我 們想要了解的。



Product Design


透過無線網路從 主機取得資料 內具多組感測器


水龍頭、沖水鍵 具即時指紋辨識 演算法

健康監測馬桶 藉由座墊上荷重元 量體重 溫度感測藉由皮膚接觸測量體溫 心電圖貼片與大腿接觸測心電訊號

無線感壓地板 透過無線感壓地板得知使用者的移動 同時可偵測浴室跌倒 picture by Roca W+W

Concept 利用每個人每天都必須使用的盥洗浴室,可以收集長期、持續性 健康資料,並即時給予使用者個人健康資訊判斷和建議。結合健 康監測馬桶的技術,藉由開關水龍頭時辨識指紋,將個人在上廁 所時測量的各種健康指數結果顯示在浴室的鏡面,同時給予建 議。由於需要指紋辨識開啟資料,可以確保個人生理狀況的私密 性。另外,浴知系統也提供使用者改善衛生習慣的功能。


Feature 健康監測馬桶: 如廁設備一天之中感測裝置與人體皮膚最有機會直機接觸的時刻,安 裝於馬桶作墊上的感測器,藉由大腿的接觸便可在非察覺性的前提下 獲得體重、體脂、體溫和脈搏等資料。在馬桶中的尿液收集器,更可 以分析尿醣、尿蛋白、女性生理期、懷孕等資訊。最後在使用者壓下 沖水鍵的同時辨識指紋建入資料。

洗手台認證: 欲開啟個人健康資訊,只需要開啟或碰觸水龍頭進行指紋辨識,資料 就會在鏡面上開啟,以觸控技術選擇鏡面上的功能。除了可以觸控關 閉系統,地板有壓力感應,離開洗手台浴知系統會自動關閉。

浴知鏡面: 除了當天測得之健康資料之外,更提供長期的記錄以及建議。使用者 更可以另外設定自己想追蹤的身體狀況,例如生理期、更年期、糖尿 病等。鏡面更貼心提供時間、當日天氣,提醒使用者外出前的時間規 畫與衣著和雨具準備。 鏡面藉由無線網路連線至家用電腦主機,進行資料儲存、運算、上 網,鏡面以顯示功能為主,只進行簡單運算,及時回饋使用者。



Product Design



鏡子發射低頻磁場 測定貼紙的磁力大小改變 判斷刷牙的角度位置



在使用者刷牙時可以告知是否清潔完全。將感應貼紙貼 在普通牙刷的尾端,拿起牙刷鏡子上就會在出現一圈牙 齒模擬圖。當使用者刷牙時,系統會感測貼紙角度,判 斷使用者是不是每個角度都刷到了,當角度和次數合格 時,牙齒上的顏色會慢慢被刷掉變成白色的。

Design Visualisation

Vespa by GAP 3D-sketch 2009


Design Visualisation Poster design drawings/sketches 2010



Design Visualisation

Design Visualisation Poster

digital photos, renderings and playacting pictures 2010


Transparency Photoshop 2010



Design Visualisation

Other works


產品設計實務課堂上六名同學所組成的設計 團隊,並接受利欣科技公司的委託案,進行 設計案報價的評估以及高中低三款數位相框 之設計。 Work Team: 設計總監 陳尹之 設計師 官佩萱 羅正皓 曾怡嘉 張琬琦 吳嘉偉



Other Works

創 意 工 作 團 隊

The Case 個案分析

操作行為 使用心理 人機互動關係

Design Trend Strategy New Life Style

Data Collect


產品規格 機能造型 材質配色 市場現況 產品定位、區隔 價格定位

目標族群特質 空間關係 使用情境

Design Process




Market Research 市場分析

照片數位化 壓克力外框:

黑灰白+金屬色 飾框、亮面外殼、紋路裝飾

顯示螢幕: LCD、LED 7~10吋

軟體功能多 按鍵:

開關、menu、enter/OK、方向鍵(上下左右)、 options、volume 正面或背面



薄 記憶卡插槽




Other Works

10,000 (NTD)

8,000 7,000


3,000 2,000 1,000 7吋


經由數位相框的架構分析、風格十字軸分 析、競爭品牌分析、市場價位分析、趨勢分 析等,進一步了解市場潛在需求,定義出設 計策略。





User position

使用者定位 (高價位)


形 簡練大器,不失細節/可與室內整體風格融合 shape

色 單色主體/較低飽和度之色彩,表達成熟意象 color

質 霧面金屬與自然材質搭配/增加手感與價值感 texture



Other Works

Design present 設計提案 (高價位)

10吋(16:9) 8000NTD


結合長輩喜歡講電話的習慣,一邊講電話可 以一邊看相片,來電時數位相框會播放來電 者照片。底座與電話線連接同時也是充電 座,背面貼上木紋以增加手感。



User position

使用者定位 (中價位)


形 造型搶眼/在較小室內空間中凸顯為焦點 shape

色 單色主體/較高飽和度之色彩,醒目顯眼 color

質 單體塑膠/高度光澤表面處理,強調曲面 texture



Other Works

Design present 設計提案 (中價位)

7吋(16:9) 4500NTD

前側與後側的特殊曲面造型,與市場現有產品 差異化。鮮亮的外型和顏色使本產品不論在賣 場或居家環境都引人注目。



User position

使用者定位 (低價位)


形 小巧可愛/特殊圓型螢幕,凸顯個人風格 shape

色 雙色搭配/高飽和度之色彩搭配, color

質 亮面塑膠/金屬圓型底座形狀呼應, texture



Other Works

Design present 設計提案 (低價位) 1.5吋(圓型) 900NTD

本產品設定為放大頭照的功能,使用者可以放 上自己鍾愛的孩子、寵物的相片。圓型的外框 加上特殊的使用方式,成為新穎的個人小物。


Enjoying the Chaos

Cross Media Interaction Design The Team: Anna Bernard Christiaan Kieft Jennifer Vlieland Yaya Chen



Other Works

Briefing Theme: “Enjoying the chaos” Because of the arrival of a whole new train station and railway tunnel, there will be a big ‘moving’ construction place. The different stages of the construction bring a lot of changes with it affecting the paths travelers used to follow through this area (the way to the platforms, bus/tram stop, bicycle parking place etcetera). Target group The target group is young working people & students waiting at/around the station in Delft. Those people have the time be “entertained”. The results of our questionnaire show us that this group of people is not much concerned. And when they are, it is about the time schedule of the public transport they currently use. It should be possible for the target group to play an interactive role in the solution. The solution also has to be something new/innovative and something they could “share” with other people (e.g. link something to Twitter/Facebook etcetera). The estimated amount of people within this target group will be about 800 a day. Identity The solution should be something new/innovative, fun and interactive. This way the waiting travelers will never have a dull moment. Communication goal In the first, the station area (where the chaos will be) should be a fun place to be. Secondly, there could be thought of a way to inform people about the project of Spoorzone. Cross media could give a good solution to achieve the goal, because it will be a periodically changing something. Choice of media The media that is going to be used should not be just the old-fashion ways to communicate (e.g. posters, newspapers etcetera), but it also should be a kind of medium that is more innovative and can be changed easily (e.g. QR-code and other digital media). The target group contains young people, who are using these types of media a lot. Interesting places to use these media are the places where the target group will be around: on the train/ bus/tram, at or nearby the station platform/ bus stop/ tram stop, at the bicycle parking place, at/around the construction site, in/around the water. Different kind of situations should be taken into account. The target group is waiting on their bus/ tram/ train. This can take between 5 and 25 minutes. The weather could also be an influence on the solution. For example, when it rains people do not want to get wet. There are also moments that there are much more people at/around the station than average. Examples of these situations are before/ after work or school and at the MooiWeerSpelen. Proposition The target group is not much concerning about chaos, because they think it is all arranged well. The solution has to come up to their expectations and keep them satisfied. It will be a fun place to be! Scope The solution will have a long-lasting effect. It will be used during all stages of the project. Possible cooperators/stakeholders: - Free newspapers; NS train; Veolia (bus); HTM (tram); ProRail (railway); Taxi companies; Delft Bouwt; WeSD; TUDelft; City of Delft...


Conceptual Design Media Strategy Because our target is to entertain and guide people in between 5-20 minutes the media we use should be easy accessed and fast in use. Therefore the main interaction will be done by sms, blue tooth and direct contact with LED screens. Sms and Bluetooth are fast communicators our target group is familiar with. Our system will be CM level 3 because people are able to interact and influence the system. The information on the various media is different, although has cross-overs at some points, for example the system is explained on the website as well as posters in the trains, etc. The website refers to all media, Sms & Blue tooth <-> Guiding Line, Guiding Line->interactive walls, bluetooth->interactive walls.

Concept While building the Spoorzone, there will be a long construction time around the station. And routes to bus stops, tram stops, and parking space around the station are going to change a lot, which might confuse passengers. The main idea of Enjoin is to guide the passengers to the main transportation spots around the station area. Considering most of the trails will be surrounded by walls or fences that are the perfect places for guiding, we decided to put LED panels on it to lead the way. The LED light will be connected with users cell phones by SMS and bluetooth. A game kind of bluetooth software will be developed, in which users can type up their name (will be showed above the LED light), choose their destination, appearance of their guiding light etc. After users send the request through the software, there will appear a personal light on the wall leading them to their destination. While they are following the guiding light, downside will be another LED panel interactive with users, like a shadow. In addition, there will be interactive walls in platform, bus stops, tram stops etc. Users can post digital graffitis or play games on interactive walls or watching lighting show to spend their waiting time.




Other Works

Visual style

Media The media we are going to use for the EnJoin project are : - website; sms; bluetooth; LED screens/walls; posters/information panels People will get to know the system through posters or information screens in the buses, trains and trams that are travelling to Delft, at the bus/tram stops in Delft and the station area itself. Also the website will give more information. Content and Communication The Design will consist of different platforms that work together to create a fun experience. The Guiding Line Travellers will log in when they arrive (or a short time before) through sms and/or bluetooth. They can download a program that communicates through bluetooth with the system or just connect for the system to be able to track them. If they download the programm it can be used to pick the location where you want to go and the time you have to be there or choose from a menu a final destination (TUD, Museum, Hospital, …). If the traveller doesn’t want to download the programm they can send a sms with their name, a departure time and a code of destination. These codes wil be at each central point like the station, the bus stops etc… If a traveller makes connection with the system their names will be displayed on the LED “Guiding Line” with a guiding arrow pointing in the direction they should follow and a countdown to the time they entered. The Personal Guiding Arrow will follow the traveller through the blue tooth connection and this way be able to guide it in the right direction. If a traveller is getting out of time the arrow might start flashing to show them they should hurry up. The Guiding Line could also be used to pick someone up or be able to find each other in the chaos. One of the travelers sends a message to the system with the code of his/her location, phone number and name of the person they want to invite. This invited person will receive a message that asks if they want to accept the guiding line invitation and simply have to answer the message with YES and location code to be guided to the other person. Shadow panels At certain parts of the path the traveller has to walk, there will be responsive LED screens below the Guiding Line. This LED screens will react on movement and this way could form a ‘shadow’ that’s following the traveller or another form that moves along. The traveller could play with this shadow by moving in different ways or speeds. The form of the shadow could be changed every week to keep regular travellers interested. The shadow panels will only work on movement sensors so if people are just passing by without logging in to the Guiding Line it will also interact with them. Interactive Walls At the main connection points and waiting areas (busstop, train station/platforms, tramstop)


there will be bigger LED screens that also interact with the people through moving forms that can be manipulated by the traveller through movement and in this way form some kind of interactive grafitti. Besides this interactive grafitti there could be simple games travellers can play together (for example something like pong). If you are logged in scores can be taken and shown after the match. These games and forms will be changed weekly.

Media Strategy Because our target is to entertain and guide people in between 5-20 minutes the media we use should be easy accessed and fast in use. Therefore the main interaction will be done by SMS, Bluetooth and direct contact with LED screens. SMS and Bluetooth are fast communicators our target group is using daily. And internet is also a medium they are familiar with. Our system will be CM level 3 because people are able to interact and influence the system. The information on the various media is different, although has cross-overs at some points, for example the system is explained on the website as well as newspapers, posters in the trains, etc. Ryan on the train, reading newspaper with advertisement about Enjoin.

The media we are going to use are: - website: to inform and design their own guiding light, and show digital graffiti are saved. - Bluetooth: to connect with guiding line system. - SMS: Guiding line system connects with invited user (those might not on Bluetooth yet). - LED screens/walls: the main media. To lead the way for users, and it is a digital graffiti wall at the stop as well. - posters, newspapers: to inform users and show the instruction. The aim of the media (AIDA):

Ryan try to connect with guiding line.

Awareness: LED panels, posters, newspapers. Raising Interest: LED panels, website. Creating Desire: LED panels, (users want their own guiding lights with their names on it.) Action: Bluetooth, SMS, website, LED panel (digital graffiti wall). The website refers to all media, SMS & Bluetooth <-> LED panel (Guiding Line), LED panel (Graffiti wall) -> website.

with shadow panel.

with shadow panel.



Other Works

Detailed Design Task Analyses The lists below will show the activities that the final design has to support. To make it clearer the lists are divided in lists of the tasks of the users and lists of the tasks of the system (for each system within our project). Guiding Line (Use it yourself or invite someone else) Users will need to be able to: read instructions on posters or on the website; turn on a Bluetooth connection on their mobile phone; send a message (via Bluetooth) to the service with the required information; receive a message (via Bluetooth or SMS) from the service; follow the arrow.

Task flow.

The service will need to be able to: receive a message (via Bluetooth) from the user; send a message (via Bluetooth or SMS) to the user. Guiding line.

Graffiti wall Users will need to be able to: choose to pick a different color; draw something by touching the screen; choose to erase their drawing; choose to save their drawing. The system will need to be able to: display the drawing of the user on the screen (in the chosen color); erase the drawing of the user from the screen; save the drawing of the user on the website.

Graffiti wall.

Shadow Panels & Interactive Walls The system will need to be able to: react on movement; lighten up LED lights. movie storyboard


Evaluation of the design Setup of the evaluation: We will show the conceptual design and movie to possible users, and use questioner to know how they like this project. Does it meet users’ need? • Methods: We will show the conceptual design and movie to IO student who have to commute through Delft station every day, and ask the questioner blow: 1.Do you understand? 2.Do you think it is interesting?(1 to 5) 3.Do you think it help them out with the chaos?(1 to 5) 4.Would you try the guiding line? 5.Would you play with the graffiti wall? 6.Would you invite your friend with it? 7.Is there any problem you can think of in this project? 8.Would you support this project? (how) • How many people did you ask feedback from and what characterizes these people? 10 people • Summarized results: People like the whole project, but the guiding line most. People think it does help with the chaos, but sending the Bluetooth message might be troublesome. The Problem they think of: 1.What are we going to do with the blind people? 2.When a lot of people get out of the train, how are you going to do with too many people start at the same time. 3.Will it be too expensive? Who are going to support it? 4.How to preserve the LED panel? 5.The commuters might get bored with it. • Recommendations and suggestions: 1.The guiding light could be something else but arrow at first. Because it looks “construction”. Could be just users name. 2.Because the student of TU Delft would like to support the project. Instead of sponsor, they would like to help with the technical level. So it can be a project build by TU Delft. 3.The project can be extending to the whole city by some interactive posters every place around. It can help travelers and the new residents to find shops, cinema, streets, etc.



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Phate Talk 嵌入式網頁即時對話系統 資管系實務專題研究 Work Team: 陳勁瑋 陳尹之 莊皓翔 余晨暉


嵌入式網頁即時對話系統 (Phate Talk) 是一種可以讓任何人申請的服務,申請後 可以在自己的網站上加入即時對話的功能,只要使用者能在自己的網頁上插入 JavaScript就可以安裝本服務。 嵌入式網頁即時對話系統是一種跨平台的全新的服務。本系統擁有高度的 相 容 性 , 站 長 只 要 在 自 己 的 網 頁 內 新 增 一 串 Ja va S c r i p t 即 可 , 不 論 網 站 用 .NET、PHP、MS-Sql、MySql都能安裝。



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