AFC Newsletter 2016 01

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December 2016

News from the Academic Facilities Council of IFMA

AFC Board of Directors President: Jolie Lucas, CFM, AICP, LEED AP Sr. Facility Planner AECOM Email:

A Message from the President:

Vice President: James Gonsalves, CFM Physical Plant Operations Zone Manager San Diego Unified School District Email: Secretary: Todd Miller, FMP Director of Facilities University School of Milwaukee Email:

Treasurer: Greg Victor Ensworth School Director, Facilities Email: Past President: Bruce Boyer Director, Facilities Management Stonehill College E-mail:

In this issue President’s Message


Article: I wonder?


AFC News and Events


AFC Strategic Plan


Membership Map


Sponsorship Program


Officer Contact Information


When I sat down to write this, I swore I would not mention politics, but the subject seems to be omnipresent at the moment. Regardless of how you voted, if you live in the United States, the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that it appears there may be huge changes in our immediate future. From protests to policy change, many of us in this industry who thrive on maintaining order (or creating organization from chaos) may find ourselves in unchartered territory from time to time. One sure method to adapt to change is through preparation. The AFC would like to be proactive in addressing your concerns and helping you to prepare. Please let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll do our best to provide webinars, newsletter articles, and conference session content to assist you. One aspect of change is that it can lead to exciting things. Whether igniting passion and mobilizing resistance or introducing new and innovate programs—the possibilities are endless. Let us all approach the new year with enthusiasm to roll, bend and bounce as needed! In 2008, the AFC outlined our Strategic Plan. (See page 9.) While the plan is now in need of updating, contained in our vision was a succession plan to help to ensure that our transitions would be smooth and that your board would always be adequately prepared for their responsibilities. Two things are still necessary: for you to volunteer to fill vacant board positions, and to vote. Won’t you please consider joining the board? There are a variety of vacancies, from secretary of the Executive Board, to the chairs of the Education, Membership, Sustainability, Scholarship, and Corporate Partnership committees. Feel free to contact any board member for a full description of what each entails. You’d be surprised at how small the actual time commitment is when compared to the return on your investment. I wish you all a very happy holiday season, and I look forward to working with you (and transitioning to the new AFC President) in the exciting approaching new year— Jolie Lucas

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

I Wonder If They Had These Problems Building Downton Abbey?

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Almost every educational institution strives to become bigger, better, and more prestigious. Unfortunately many of us are land-locked in established areas and really can’t expand outward. The obvious solution for many of us has been to build upward if you can’t build outward. This is, of course, not as easy as it seems, either. The technical problems are the first hurdle. Most buildings weren’t designed to be stacked up on. Just the engineering in figuring that out is complicated, even if it is possible to do so. This often means tearing down an existing building to build a taller one. Since the impetus for building taller is to gain more space, the amount of space lost during construction can be painful to operations and makes the space issue all the more real. Assuming the space can be found (temporary relocations, rental space like trailers, and such); there are other issues that raise their ugly heads. For those campuses in well-established areas, there is a little problem called neighbors. Construction doesn’t only affect the construction site. All those trailers loaded with brick have to come down someone’s street. The new power requirements may impact roadways (digging trenches, etc.) and cause short-term shutdowns or accidental interruptions. Then there is the noise from construction, the view while construction is underway, and any number of other inconveniences that will occur. For Ensworth, we faced all of these. The biggest hurdle, however, is a group many of us have faced outside of the facilities arena. This group can make or break our plans. This group can has unimaginable power and wields it mightily. I am speaking of the homeowners association. (Audible gasp permitted here!).

Now, while our school property is not part of a homeowner’s association, we do sit smack in the middle of one. We also own some property adjacent to the school (an undeveloped residential lot and the headmaster’s house) and these properties are part of and governed by the homeowner’s association. We are at their mercy If we need to do anything with the headmaster’s house, we have very strict guidelines (sometimes dealing with Metro Nashville Government policies and procedures is a cake walk by comparison). We would like to eventually utilize the vacant lot so we have to play nice because we will have to get approval from the association gods to do anything. This spills over into everything we do at the school as we have to be very, very, very good neighbors. So, in an attempt to be good neighbors, a plan was developed. One of the big complaints from our neighbors has been traffic. What we call arrival and dismissal is called Armageddon by our neighbors who are trying to get down the street to go to work each day. As the school has grown over the years, so have the facilities. Each time a new building was added, more students came, more staff was hired, and more traffic followed. New buildings didn’t help with traffic either as they invariably took parking spaces away, slowing arrival and dismissal even more. How do we help with this? We build upward (a three story wing to replace a single story), we build wider (roads through campus to help get cars off of the neighborhood streets quicker) and we build under (regrading the backside of campus to have a raised roadway and building space underneath). It is not inexpensive being a good neighbor. Now referred to as “The Loop Road Project” we are creating a three lane road that loops around the school (and between the school and the sports fields) with maintenance shops, mechanical rooms, and facility storage areas built directly under the roadway. We are using the new spaces created under the road to temporarily house the displaced classrooms in the demolished wing, and the relocating the classrooms to allow for maintenance to take over the areas. We then will take the former maintenance areas and expand the kitchen and dining areas of the school.

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

Building Downton Abbey (Continued)

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It is an ambitious project and while it is happening, a close eye is kept on the things that will be noticed by the homeowner’s association. Phone calls have already come in. The first day (when we began digging into the hillside and stockpiling the dirt for later use) we received a call asking when “Mount Ensworth” would go away because it could be seen from one of neighbor’s back yard. The second day we were told we were making too much noise moving Mount Ensworth. It was very interesting on day nine when we had a miscommunication with the concrete deliveries (who would have thought that being told concrete would be delivered at 3:30 meant 3:30 A.M. and not P.M.). Somehow, the noise of twenty two concrete trucks cannot be masked at 3:30 A.M. like it can at 3:30 P.M., with other traffic noise to help muffle the sound. My only saving grace was that the architect arranged for the 3:30 delivery and not me. He had to make the calls and apologize. On the plus side, the neighbor association knows that in the long run we are attempting to be good neighbors and mitigate some of the traffic issues we create. We have also gotten to know our neighbors a little bit better, and they us. And who knows, two years and $22 million later we might get permission to paint the headmaster’s house or replace the driveway. The children’s TV icon, Fred Rogers, certainly put it all in perspective each week as he sang, “Could you be my, would you be my Neighbor?” - by Greg Victor, Director, Facilities, Ensworth School, Tennessee (and our AFC Treasurer)

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

AFC - News and Events

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The Stephen Strickland Showers Memorial Scholarship In our last newsletter, we were able to catch up with the previous recipients of the Stephen Strickland Showers Memorial Scholarship. (Some of us even had the opportunity to once again meet the 2015 recipient, Eva Buurma, at World Workplace in San Diego.) Allow us to introduce the newest (2016) recipient. The AFC is proud to be able to sponsor the Stephen Strickland Showers Memorial Scholarship, named after our former president. The recipient this year is a student at South Seattle College, Amy Cho. In addition to being a new mom to her son (born this year), Amy is working toward her degree in Sustainable Building Science Technology while working full time as an analyst Energy Manager at Honeywell. Already a Certified Energy Manager and LEED Green Associate, she will graduate in June of 2017 and hopes to continue to apply new technologies to bring about constant improvement to the field of facility management. It was our honor to meet her and to award her scholarship at the IFMA Foundation Scholarship award ceremony. On behalf of the AFC, we wish Amy success in her educational and career endeavors and hope that our scholarship will play a role in supporting her dreams! Are you interested in helping to further the education and careers of young, FM students? The AFC is seeking a chair to assist in the selection of students for scholarships, and the tracking/mentoring of new FMs. Please contact a board member for more information.

AFC “Virtual Meeting” The AFC board meets monthly via conference calls, but other than meeting at WWP or Facility Fusion, the membership at large rarely has the opportunity to interact. A year ago, the AFC hosted an interactive webinar that provided an overview of who the AFC is/what value there is to membership and ended with an open discussion. We would like to continue that discussion and make this a more regular venue for the membership to network, share successes and challenges, and engage with other members. We will host our first “virtual meeting” on Wednesday, January 25th at 10 a.m. Pacific Time. An email will be sent out in early January with all the relevant dial-in information— we look forward to your participation and input!

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

AFC News and Events (Continued)

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WORLD WORKPLACE—SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA World Workplace was held in San Diego October 5-7 this year. Since San Diego is my adopted home town, it would sound too much like bragging if I went on and on about how great it was, so I’ll just touch on the highlights and end with a description of the AFC portion of the event:  San Diegans like to brag about our weather (it is pretty spectacular!) But odds are that if you invite guests, their visit will coincide with one of the rare (but welcome) occasions that we receive rain during this drought. But this time, we were able to share our beautiful October climate without apology—it was beautiful.  There was an exciting new change at WWP this year. Non-members were welcome to register for free to attend the expo (only). This was an opportunity to invite local community members to join us (or as they may more accurately be called, potential members).  The Council Pavilion was formalized. No 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper on a tabletop this time, no sir! This Council Pavilion featured a forest of six-foot council banners near welcoming high tables and chairs to facilitate conversations.  The opening reception was held on the aircraft carrier turned museum, the “Midway.” Even after a seemingly endless line of buses unloaded their guests, the venue didn’t feel as crowded as the photos appear. That ship is huge!  You may remember that the movie, “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” was filmed in San Diego. For the award ceremonies, IFMA was treated to a “Ron Burgundy” host, impeccably played by local comedian Russ T. Nailz. His irreverence embodied “shock and awe” which kept the events lively.  The AFC Welcome Breakfast event was well attended, despite the location (I was sure I was going to reach the border crossing before the meeting room!) But the smell of bacon wafting was a good sign that we were nearing the target. The round table discussion included an overview of how the AFC has been evolving in response to members’ needs and a discussion about what issues are at the tops of academic facilities managers’ minds these days. We got some great feedback on where to apply our focus for the future.  Later that afternoon, our informal happy hour allowed attendees to become better acquainted. Two attendees even volunteered to assist with organizing our AFC event at the next WWP—See you in Houston (if not before)! The conference kicked off with a successful IFMA Foundation fundraising 5K. Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

AFC News and Events (Continued)

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The World Workplace Opening Reception on the aircraft carrier, the Midway.

The irreverent Ron Burgundy (Russ T. Nailz) was the host of the award ceremonies.

San Diego chapter members show off their chapter Tshirts—that became the hot commodity at WWP. Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

AFC News and Events

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FM Recognition in the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) In collaboration with IFMA’s Government Relations staff, the IFMA Foundation recently announced their request for Facility Management will have its own SOC code has been accepted for the 2018 revision. This is imperative as many institutions only recognize professions with an SOC code. Inclusion in the standard also means that the US Federal Government will now track FM workforce data as it does for hundreds of other occupations. The public comment period closed in late September, and the final approved SOC is expected in the Spring of 2017 and released in 2018. The next updates to the SOC aren’t anticipated until 2028. Congratulations to the Foundation for expediting this process! Collaboration with RICS IFMA is currently in the process of building a collaborative relationship with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the Foundation is doing likewise. Staff from both organizations met in Houston to review what each is doing with higher education worldwide, and began the groundwork on collaborative efforts to result in positive impacts on FM higher education. Content for this article is courtesy of Jeff Tafel, IFMA Foundation Chairman, per the IFMA Foundation - Board Update World Workplace Summary report.

Academic Facilities Council Web site Click here: Check out the AFC Web site for the latest information on conferences, officer contacts and much more!

AFC MISSION To provide networking opportunities, education and other resources of interest to those involved with the planning, design, construction and management of academic facilities.

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

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AFC News and Events

Webinar Attracting and Retaining Facility Management Talent Over the next few years, Baby Boomers (age 40 to 58) will be retiring. The upcoming “Generation X” population numbers 44 million people (ages 25-34), compared to 76 million Baby Boomers available for work. There are a lot fewer people available to work—how will you attract the right employees? Failing to retain a key employee is costly to the bottom line. How can you retain good employees once they are hired? Join the webinar on this important topic! Date: TBD (Email notifications will be sent out.) To view past presentations, go to our website ( and click on “Resources.”

Share Your Story! Have you come across an interesting article, written one or have a specific topic to hear more about? If you’d like to share this information with your fellow AFC members, please contact Jaclyn Lee, Council/Components Liaison at

The AFC is looking for possible topics for online webinars, content for the newsletter and website.

To stay up to date on all AFC news and events visit our website and social media sites daily. AFC website AFC Face Book AFC Twitter AFC LinkedIn

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

The AFC Strategic Plan

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In December of 2008, the AFC board gathered in Houston, and with the assistance of staff from IFMA’s Center of Excellence (headquarters), we crafted our strategic objectives and initiatives to guide our actions in the coming years. Many of the initiatives supporting these objectives have been achieved, and many remain as ongoing challenges. Adherence to these ambitious objectives was one factor that enabled the AFC to earn the IFMA Award of Excellence for both our Council Newsletter (2010) and Council of the Year (2012). Our board has struggled recently with vacancies, making it more challenging to maintain the value we all expect from the AFC. Compounding this, the AFC has experienced a sharp decline in membership in the past five years. Nearly all those members also dropped not just their council membership, but their IFMA membership. Additionally, membership in IFMA councils overall has decreased. In order that the AFC remain not just viable, but vibrant and relevant to our members, we desperately need your active participation, and our strategic plan should be revisited and updated if necessary.

Strategic Objectives: 1. Engage Members 2: Communicate and demonstrate the value of the AFC to the academic facilities management community. 3: Communicate and demonstrate the value of the AFC to our campus communities. 4: Ensure appropriate succession planning, governance, systems and processes are in place corresponding with the council’s strategic plan. 5: Strengthen and build collaborate relationships that advance the FM profession in the academic community organizations. 6: Create a culture and provides resources that instill innovation, passion, challenge and meaning. 7: Create a culture of expected active engagement. 8: Maintain viable fiscal position through reasonable financial management. NOMINATIONS NEEDED! Elections will be held soon for our new year. (Watch your email inbox for your ballot.) We are in need of nominees for the board position of Secretary. In addition, the following chair positions are open: Membership—tracks membership trends and reports to board, sends out new member welcome packages and renewal notices. Education—Schedules and coordinates speakers for webinars and researches topics for newsletter articles and presentations. Sustainability—Liaison between IFMA’s Center of Excellence Sustainability Committee, reports to board and submits newsletter articles. Corporate Partnering—Liaison with associate membership and coordinates sponsorship opportunities. Scholarship—Liaison and coordinator of the selection of the recipient of the AFC Stephen Strickland Showers Memorial Scholarship. If any of these positions are of interest to you, please contact a board member!

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

AFC 2014 Membership Map (pending update!)

Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

Sponsorship Program

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AFC FMs, We strongly encourage your favorite vendors to take advantage of becoming an AFC sponsor. They will have the benefit of being showcased as a supporter of the Council and our profession at AFC events, on the AFC website and newsletter. Our nearly 400 members will see their Company’s offering on a frequent basis. Thanks in advance for passing this on. If you have questions regarding the benefits etc. please contact a board member (see page 10 for contact info.) PLATNIUM LEVEL: $2500.00 The Platinum Sponsor is recognized as the sponsor of the premier event of the conference. There will be only one PLATNIUM LEVEL sponsorship available. 3 signs at event - (company provides) up to combined area of 40 sq ft Representative is introduced at event and brings greetings from company ( 2-3 mins) Company logo and link on AFC website noted as sponsor of event logo will remain for 45 days after event 4 tickets to event they are sponsoring Business cards and brochures available on table by their sign Tent cards for tables during their sponsored events Delegate gifts Mailing list of delegates GOLD LEVEL: $1500.00 The Gold Sponsors are recognized as the sponsors of 1 of the 2 lunches at the event. There are two GOLD LEVEL sponsorships available. Representative is introduced at event Company logo and link on AFC website noted as sponsor of event logo will remain for 45 days after event 2 tickets to event they are sponsoring 1 sign at event - (company provides) up to an area of 12 sq ft Business cards and brochures available on table by their sign 1 ticket to main social event Tent cards for tables during their sponsored events Delegate gifts Mailing list of delegates SILVER LEVEL: $1000.00 The Silver Sponsors are recognized as the sponsors of 1 of the 2 breakfasts at event. There are four SILVER LEVEL sponsorships available. Representative is introduced at event Company logo and link on AFC website noted as sponsor of event logo will remain for 45 days after event 1 sign at event - (company provides) up to an area of 12 sq ft 1 ticket to event they are sponsoring 1 ticket to main social event Tent cards for tables during their sponsored events Delegate gifts Mailing list of delegates BRONZE LEVEL: $500.00 The Bronze Sponsors may sponsor nutrition breaks, transportation as examples Company logo and link on AFC website noted as sponsor of event logo will remain for 45 days after event 1 ticket to event they are sponsoring Delegate gifts Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

Academic Facilities Council—Officers Contact Information

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Academic Facilities Council Officers and Committee Chairpersons

AFC Board of Directors Jolie Lucas, CFM, AICP, LEED AP - President



James Gonsalves, CFM - Vice President

San Diego Unified School District


Todd Miller, FMP- Secretary

University School of Milwaukee


Greg Victor - Treasurer

Ensworth School


Bruce Boyer - Past President

Stonehill College


AFC Committees Gary Rudkin, CFM - Membership Chair, CORIX Utilities (Oklahoma) Inc. Email: Open - Education Chair Jessa Gagne - Content Chair, Stonehill College Email: Open -Sustainability Chair Open - Corporate Partnering Chair Bill Turner and Steve Patterson, 2017 Conference Co-chairs , Northern Virginia Community College Email:;

Open - Scholarship Chair

Are you interested in joining a committee? The council is always looking for new folks to get involved! Contact a board member or the appropriate committee chair person!

About the Academic Facilities Council: Academic facilities offer facility managers and space planners many unique challenges. These

individuals must effectively plan, design, construct, utilize and maintain a variety of buildings, grounds and equipment including classrooms, computer labs, residence halls and apartments, athletic facilities, dining halls, theaters, laboratories, libraries and health care facilities. The students, instructors and researchers who utilize these facilities have needs that may radically differ from conventional building tenants. Academic Facilities Council 2016 Newsletter

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