2 minute read
There are many people to thank for their help with this eleventh edition of the Solent Handbook & Directory.
Firstly, we are very lucky to have the use of so many outstanding images from marine photographers Paul Wyeth, Rick Tomlinson, Sam Kurtul and Hamo Thornycroft. A special thank you to everyone who contributed photographs.
To all our advertisers we wish you a very successful season, and to our readers we say, do remember to tell people that you’ve seen their adverts in the Solent Handbook.
Tidal data for Cowes and Portsmouth, and the background chart of the Racing Marks Map and Location Map are reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (ukho.gov.uk).
We have received help of one sort or another from numerous others including: RYA, Shelley Jory-Leigh, Graham Sunderland, Simon Rowell, Pip Hare, Grabau International, Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Wildlife Trust, Isle of Wight Distillery, Cowes Week, RIN, SCRA, Richardsons Yacht Services, Marchwood Yacht Club, Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd, Bembridge Harbour Authority, Chichester Harbour Conservancy, MDL Marinas, Emsworth Yacht Harbour, Thornham Marina, Castle Marinas, Premier Marinas, Haines Boatyard, The Hayling Yacht Company, Cowes Harbour Commission, Cowes Yacht Haven, Cowes Harbour Shepards Marina, Dean & Reddyhoff, Folly Moorings, Island Harbour, the Isle of Wight Council (iwight.com), WicroMarine Yacht Haven, Portsmouth Marine Engineering, Keyhaven River Warden, Langstone Harbour Board, Lymington Harbour Commissioners, Lymington Yacht Haven, Berthon, Newtown Harbour Master The National Trust, Poole Harbour Commissioners, Poole Quay Boat Haven, Lake Yard Marina, Salterns Marina, QHM Portsmouth, Gunwharf Quays Marina, Camber Dock, KB - Boatpark Dry Stack, River Hamble Harbour Authority, Stone Pier Yard, Universal Marina, ABP Southampton, Town Quay Marina, Cheetah Marine, the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Yarmouth Harbour Master, Visit Isle of Wight (visitisleofwight.co.uk), Jan Ford, Daring Class, XOD Class Association, JOG, RORC, Island Sailing Club, Royal Southampton Yacht Club, MSJ Events, Gurnard Sailing Club, Royal Solent Yacht Club, Sarah Donohue, Domus.
Produced and published by Inspired Media. Printed by Bishops Printers, Portsmouth.
While every care has been taken in compiling this book the publishers do not accept any liability or provide any guarantee that the information is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. Inspired Media and its employees and contractors have used their best efforts in preparing these pages and this publication. Inspired Media and its employees and contractors make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the information supplied. Inspired Media and its employees and contractors shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the providing of the information offered here.
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