Paul Wyeth
Heading out on the water at night can have its advantages - there may be less noise with fewer vessels around, you may hear or see nocturnal wildlife, and looking up at the heavens on a clear night without light pollution can be a spectacular view. However, there are a number of things to consider that will help you to prepare for a night cruise and ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible. Here are a few points to consider ahead of your next night-time cruise dependant on the ability of the skipper and the crew: Plan your route Thoroughly familiarise yourself with your route and select check points along the way that will be easily identifiable in the dark. Many GPS / chart plotters now have a night mode option which allow you to navigate your route safely without dazzling your eyes at the same time. If you are using a paper chart, you can also purchase overhead and chart lights in red lighting, which will help preserve your night vision. The RYA recommends that small craft sail defensively, by which it is meant that you avoid creating the situation where the ship is the giveway vessel that may be on a collision course and in close quarters with you in ‘stand on’ position.
Know your lights Your boat must be fitted with the correct navigation lights that comply with The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs). This will depend on whether you are motoring or sailing and the length of you boat. This is important as the navigation lights that you display will tell others what type of craft you are and