2022 Black & Gold Gala Digital Program

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Attorney King Aminpour

SpecialThank You to IBEW-569 2022 TITLE SPONSOR

LoriHowardakaLadyR.O.Chasbeenamodeland actor over 26 years. She is a NYFW & LAFW model andModelingCoach.LorihasmodeledinChicago, New York and California. She has choreographed and coached numerous fashion shows. She has managed her own children who are in the entertainment business. Her love for modeling makes her the ideal modeling coach & Runway Coordinator.

ReviveOurCultureisacompanywhosegoalisCreatingaCultureofCaringWorld Wide We strive to change how we, as humans, should care for one another We have a clothing line that will be used to encourage and remind everyone about Revive Our Culture. We have modeling classes that teach individuals about modelingaswellascaringforothers. Congratulations! Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd Annual Black &Gold Gala



Michael Taylor is an archaeologist and President of NWBEnvironmentalServices,LLC,aculturalresource management firm specializing in an array of archaeological services. He is an infantry veteran after 13½ years of honorable service in the United StatesMarineCorps.HeisanalumnusofSanDiego City College with an Associates degree in Anthropology and a certificate in Archaeology. He transferred from City to Columbia University in the CityofNewYorkwherehegraduatedwithadegree inAnthropologicalArchaeology.Hehasprovidedtwo $500 scholarships to City College archaeology studentseachyearforthepast5years.

Heisthehost,director,andproducerofTheatreCornera2021&2022EMMYAwardwinning theatre interview series dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in thenationaltheatrescene,bothonthestageandintheseats.Theprogramcanbe seenonKPBS(SanDiego)andthePBSapp/website.Throughtheshow,hespotlights Black actors, playwrights, directors, and other theatre, television, and film professionals.TheshowcanbeseenonKPBS,andonthePBSwebsiteandapp.

Congratulations! Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd
Annual Black &Gold Gala


KarleneChavis, ChiefMeteorologist,Channel8News

Karlene Chavis shares her knowledge and passion for science and meteorology as a Chief Meteorologist. She delivers the forecasts every weekday evening on CBS 8 in San Diego, where her weatherforecastinghasbeenrecognizedbytheSan DiegoPressClubforExcellenceinJournalism.

KarlenejoinstheCBS8teamfromWSVN TV,Miami, Florida. She served as the Weekend Morning Meteorologist and was recognized as ‘Best Meteorologist’ by Miami New Times and the 'Top 40 Under40'byLegacyMagazine.

Karlenereceivedabachelor'sdegreefromTheWalterCronkiteSchoolofJournalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University and earned a master's degree in Geological Sciences from Mississippi State University. Karlene also completed a fellowship in broadcast journalism training through the MeredithCronkiteFellowshipProgramatKPHOTVinPhoenix,Arizona.

Congratulations! Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd
Annual Black &Gold Gala


NinaCicolo,SanDiegoFashionWeek TopDesigner

Nina has been a fashion designer for over 15 years, with a background in traditional fashion education. She specializes in pattern making and offers impeccable fits and clean finishings on all of her designs.ComingfromSãoPaulo,themegalopolisof Brazil, this designer takes the vibrant, passionate, andenergeticcultureofherhometownandblendsit seamlessly with the young, fresh, and easygoing nature of San Diego, creating a truly unique style to reflectherexperiencewithbothworlds.


Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd Annual Black &Gold Gala

An artistic play on paradoxes is one of the most striking features of her designs. Rigid,yetfluid.Bold,yetplayful.Modern,whilestillfeminine.Allofwhichmixtogether into a fun nightlife atmosphere. Nina believes art to be alive, and that clothes are alive. A reflection of each person shines through in her outfits. They reimagine and transformhergarmentstocreateabeautifulstorycutfromthesameclothandstill be unique in every way.aspect of running a successful business. As a systems engineer, Taylor spends her days managing and monitoring company systems in effortstofindaneasieryetmoreefficientwaytocometoconclusions.

Jamal Johnson

Ihavebeeninvolvedinrealestateforover10yearsoriginallystartingoutinproperty managementandcomefromafamilywithabackgroundinrealestate.IwasborninOhio, raisedinSanDiegoandhavelivedalloverSanDiegoCountyfromNorthcountyinland/coastal, centralSanDiego,Eastcounty,DowntownandtheSouthBay.Thisgivesmeadistinct understanding/feelofthedifferentareasandmarkets.IwenttoEastlakeHighSchooland graduatedfromSDSUwithadegreeinbusinessmanagement.I'mafulltimerealtor/investor specializinginresidentialandincomeproperty.I'mabletoassistyouwitheveryrealestate need,whetherit'sfindingyouahome,findingthebestloan,orhelpingyougetthemostoutof sellingyourhome -Buyers:Ispecializeinworkingwithfirsttimehomebuyers/VAbuyersand provideindepthknowledgeonthehomebuyingprocessandmakethetransactionassmooth aspossible.

Realtors of the Year

BornandRaisedintheheartofSanDiego,Iconsidermyselfvitaltoyourrealestateexperience. Ifyouareplanningafirsttimemovetotheareamyresourceswouldgreatlybenefityouandyour family Withoveradecadeofexperience,mypromisetoyouisnota“salesgimmick”andIgive noexcuses TomylocalSanDiegan’s,asyouknowourhousingmarkethaschangeddrastically overtheyears Whoknowsbetterthanyouwhenitcomestowhatyouwant?Noone,butyouof course.Givemeacalltoday!Tellmeyourwants,yourneedsandconcernsandIwillhandlethe rest.Myguaranteetoyouisunlikemost,Ilookbeyondthesaleandfindthebestreward…your trust.YoursuccessismysuccesssowhenWEsucceed,webothwin!Movingisalreadyatrivial processandyourfirstchoiceshouldbeyourbestchoice,Iamtheone!




Originally from Prince George’s County, Maryland, Taylor graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with her bachelor’s degree in Geospatial Information Systems. Used to store, visualize,analyze,andinterpretgeographicdata,GIS uses information gathered from satellites to answer and solve questions. For example, GIS applications can be used to collect how many children of high schoolageareinaspecificareatohelpwithschool rezoning.

Upon graduation, she had the opportunity to work with some of the top defense companiesintheworldinseveraldifferentEngineering/Technologypositions.From working as a Geospatial Information Systems Analysts, Project Coordinator, Data Analysts, and currently a Systems Engineer, her goal was always to gain as much knowledgeaspossibleineverydifferent aspect of running a successful business. As a systems engineer, Taylor spends her days managing and monitoring company systems in efforts to find an easier yet moreefficientwaytocometoconclusions.

you for your
and participation in the
Congratulations! Thank
2nd Annual Black &Gold Gala



2023 Ms. Black CA USA Tiffany Delisa is a veteran journalist and Emmy nominated television producer/director/writer,whohastraveledtheworld telling stories and creating thought provoking content for popular networks and digital publications. She was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama and graduated from The University of South Alabama, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Theater and served as HomecomingQueen.

She founded the charity “Choose Bliss” to remind the masses that every day we have the opportunity and the power to create the life of our dreams by regaining control of our minds. Her goal is to help underserved communities access mental healthcareandalternativeformsoftherapy.Herbeliefisthatifeachpersonaimsto become the best version of themselves, we can change the world. Tiffany is a memberofTheInternationalAssociationofCounselorsandTherapists,TheNational Association of Black Journalists, The Black Women Film Network, and Alpha Kappa Alphasorority.

Congratulations! Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd Annual Black &Gold Gala


We would like to thank you for supporting Young Black & N" Business through out the year The annual signature gala is our opportunity to reward and recognize our outstanding business community Thank you to our members, sponsors, and supporters that have helped to grow the Young Black & N' Business network It was truly a pleasure planning this years event, and we look forward to planning many more


Meet the Planning Team

San Diego Fashion Week

Carleton "CEO" Overstree, Jr.

Taminika Randle

Ramisi Briggs Brittany

MEET OUR MEMBERS NationalElectricalContract Congratulations! Thank you for your support and participation in the 2nd Annual Black &Gold Gala Electrical contractors count on NECA to deliver the resources that help them make better business decisions, provide excellent customer service, and take advantage of innovative technology. NECA's national office and local chapters advance the electrical construction industry through advocacy, education, research, and standardsdevelopment

African American Heritage Night

The Pathway to Legacy

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