Cpsc16 drainclnrs blch

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GENERAL CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 2063(a), the parties identified in boxes 3, 4, and 5 (as applicable) hereby certify, based on a reasonable testing program (and third party testing, as applicable), that the product identified in box 1 complies with the regulations, rules, bans, and/or standards identified in box 2. Issue Date: 12/29/2009 1. Specific product covered by this certificate: Drain Cleaners (contains bleach) (Roundy’s, Thrifty Maid) 2. Specific regulation(s), rule(s), ban(s), and/or standard(s) for which this product is being certified: Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA; 16CFR1500): 16CFR1500.121 (Labeling Requirements); Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA; 16CFR1700): 16CFR1700.14 (Substances Requiring Special Packaging); 16CFR1700.15 (Poison Prevention Packaging Standards) 3. Domestic or foreign manufacturer (as applicable) certifying compliance: Name: CR Brands, Inc. Mailing address: 9100 Centre Pointe Drive, West Chester, OH 45069 Telephone number: 513-860-5039 4. Importer certifying compliance (provide this information only if the product is imported): Name: Not Applicable Mailing address: Telephone number: 5. Private labeler certifying compliance (provide this information only if there is a private labeler): Name: Not Applicable Mailing address: Telephone number: 6. Individual maintaining records of the test results upon which this certification is based: Name: Plant Chemist & QC Manager Mailing address: 141 Venture Blvd., Spartanburg, SC 29306 Telephone number: 864-587-9308 7. Date and place where this product was manufactured: Varies – indicated on each unit by standard code (YYDDDS). YY – 2 digit years (e.g. 09 = 2009) DDD – three digit Julian calendar date (e.g. 036 = February 5th) S – unique shift and location code for manufacturer. Additional detail may be obtained by calling 864-587-9308. 8. Date and place where this product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s), rule(s), ban(s), and standard(s) cited above: Date(s) of test reports: Not Applicable Address(es) where testing occurred: The need for cautionary labeling is determined based on product type (e.g. aerosol) and internal CR Brands safety assessments of the individual product conducted prior to market introduction. Product is not flammable pursuant to 16CFR1500.3(c)(6)(iii)(B) as it is an aqueous solution containing less than 24% water miscible alcohols by volume. 9. Third party laboratory(ies) that conducted testing upon which this certification is based (provide this information only if this certification is based, in whole or in part, on testing conducted by one or more third party laboratories): Name(s): Not Applicable Mailing address: Telephone number:

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