Idiot Genius Project

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d & e s b e d i g i t n y y e e d h e a d w e a u n n g

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


Ye r a p aE h un i c Hw D an e s i g | gn Idi ot S t u Ge d i niu o s-M au

I riz io Ca tt e lan

|F ina lP ro jec t

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Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


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.P ro g ram

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



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Untitled, Maurizio Cattelan, 2007


To practice skills to develop solutions through research, conceptual ideation, design exploration and development using the formal elements and basic principles of design, through to final solution.


I chose to do a design for Maurizio Cattelan’s exhibition. He is an Italian sculptor whoes style is simple and unique, and used many of satirical expression. His themes for art pieces were politics, fear, power, greed, anxiety, religion, and death. The works are commonly described or reviewed as both humorous and deadly serious.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Essence of Topic

Maurizio Cattelan likes describing himself as an idiot. Acutally many reviews agreed to describe his work as something between “childlike curiosity and sophomoric rebellion.” However, ironically when I saw his work at the first, I was so impressed and blown away. All the works were from such a briliant ideas. So I started having a question. “Is W he a hy do n idio pe t op or t h le ha e ge ve n co ius? ntr ov ers yo ve As the research was done further, I decided the r his ch ara title for the exhibition to be


Name of the Exhibition

Idiot Genius


Discovery |


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius








aurizio Cattelan is Italian sculptor. He expressed his satirical perpective on politics, power, authority, and religion. His works often brings controvercy and debates.

He was born in Padua in 1960, between the truck driver and cleaner. Cattelan’s family belonged to the underclass throughout the entire his teenage life. He would spend most of his time on the street as a expression of his desire for freedom from his parents and works. Cattelan started working since he was in grammar school. From that time, he was a gardener, a janitor, and a nurse, etc. All those fields could not accept an odd character like him. For example, he would sell holy effigies in the local parish while he was working as a gardener--which made him expelled from grammar school. Even when he started doing design work at the furniture company, he hated it. He was sick of designing furniture regard to the order from clients, having meetings, and other processes. He chose making art (sculture) to escape from all the other jobs. But now, he escaped from this be loved job, sculptor after the last exhibition at Guggenheim Museum in 2011.

“S esc o ba s it i apin icall yI s g -an no t s f ro m a r r e M a x t o b o t i ve uri ract ad her d a z i o e d , bu j o t t h is C a q u o t n b s. tte te ow Art line l a n f ro I h g a o f m v a t h e ve t e m wo rk o int f e my ( m a erv ind k iew way time ing ar s b wi t h t o e s a c k . t ) by A Ca ca tte pe nd lan art .” ,

All Ma , 201 1 Gu urizi gg o C e NY nh atte C, e NY im M lan us eu


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius








He co ’s a b mp i reh t com en de plica d b ted W hy yo do rdi to be es na he ry pe do Ho op w thi le. do s? es he co He me Bu said up t h h wi wo ow e e th rks a t c all tha an t s im the a h th g i se s e m br es. ? Do i n ake g t pe h ? oo eb ple rilli a an p He pre t like cia te st wi oc th all Is his h im he wo se rea rks l fa laly ? ni an dio idi t ot or the ge niu s?

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius




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Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


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ry Of t wo en t i fra rld b mes m y art ing ma , he w ‘di wor a po ny w as in slo ks ca fro lice r riters trod t e u m . e Aq d’. oth port That ced a at er (20 uote w ex his as s a t me 11), extr c h ro o o i bit s ion wn e nseq uble on anin ays acte d x g t for hib uen mak fro wo an in s. A hat his itio ced er m h r l t s k e e me s a r v o h the n, s fro in th thi an i e r e s i n me tea m e ve sag e cr w w cle ks nte ry r d e ling his art hu es, w eate ith C ared abou view p x a h d mo t ibi ctu ast; t Th tio rou hich with alvin hat h the on th e n al s b got su Tom e i ima e b wh con s c g ut, o ich ce t h k at he at a b ins. not a e firs ok ca Ca pt f the ten rilia Bu t, n lle tte or “on c o lan ide sa tion nt s t on nce ot d A ly me w ll ab co ntit e p t ou nta y d tim from nse, he s tual ith th Ca t i es u a n t t a t e e t h r r e h e n t f ,d ei he d t ign lan ea e wo d th ace, ist ma hro lin e d his crea rea h r g ly ug es e”. se ld of satir is h o pa ma piec ted t lly ha rio i ut rare ga es’ hre d t us art. H cal the ll t zin e-d his r p e e e o e, p en rso is Ba ph rodu imen imag tire the c n. oto for sed o cti tio e m o p gra on na roj nce ak idi furth n th l e p a p s i cts t hs s a cu ng o ,a co tic t er p e dis ; nd n im lptur proc nc e e a ep houg roces cove o s g s t te r he e t . H s e h mp ts, a s of y ab r m hro e c ve ha nd des out ed ugh are n th siz ia. i C b g the d ab oug att ed rillia n: . int out h nt to h elan ern ide av , tw e as et, , a juxt o go nd a lin posi als w ea er tion o ere m ele me f his ade nts as his

Design: Thumbnail Sketches The whole concept was to make a good juxtaposition with the two words: idiot and genius and to make it linear and somewhat imagery.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

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pm Ip en t: thu icked so mbn thre me ai e de l ske favo ve lop tche rite id me s a e nt. nd as o ma n de


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

De ve l op me nt Ev olu tio no f I dio tG en





overally, this design was a great start

illegible word ‘idiot’ thick stroke

weird looking [T]

looks like [R]

too normal typeface (Apollo MT) but after critiqe, some changes had to be made

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius St a firs rting the t rou off w ide evo gh, h ith nti luti e re the ty o de n of is sig n. the

and what’s next?

: ion lut So a.

ide nti ty

al Fin Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

b. type choices c. color study


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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

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d. gra ph ic e lem en t Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Inspired from Cattelan’s retirement exhibition All (hanging a total of 128 sculptures like laundries) at Guggenheim Museum this lines were added as a graphic element.This element provided overall consistancy (espeicailly from the identity) throughout the exhibition design.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



| d ent es ign a l G | d ra ev elo p h i pm c s en t| fin a

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Ide Bio ntity Inf grap Wal Ad orma hy W l Trea ve t rtis tion Wall Tr men e t em a en all Tre tme n t Tr ea atme t tm en nt t

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



ery Sin c e Ge th the nius e id e it w wo puts ntit y rd m a the s n ‘ge or for ide wo eces nius e we Idiot igh nti rd ‘ sa ’, r ty i t to on diot’ y to the ne sup wa xt to por ll. the t


Th tre is is a A s atme n ac the cale nt th tual w ab sec d ou at M all t o An ut t onda ima OM A h tre d the e ex r y m ge d did e a e h l i t ins me nde ibit ssa iver . ed gra pired nt fo ntity ion s ge tro r ph w b I y d ng a ic tre this iot G ll ly. atm pa en en rticu ius t. lar

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius




/D Th eve Ca is fou lop t n t e me his lan d p h nt wa char him oto wi y. So acte self grap th h r d the I de istic esc of ide cide in th ribe d nti d t o eb ty on put est the thi wa s ll.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Ad im ding his age w blue Ad sillin as w tone mo ding ess ork to t h i the re d this chara ng o e en ynam colo cte ut fo tire r p ris r i pro c thr rodu tic. jec oug ce t. ho d ut

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



Ide a l S nti ty o l u t Wa i o n ll T rea : tm e

Ide Bio ntity Inf grap Wal Ad orma hy W l Trea ve t rtis tion Wall Tr men e t em a en all Tre tme n t Tr ea atme t tm en nt t

aurizio Cattelan is Italian sculptor who expressed his satirical perpective on politics, power, authority, and religion with all art works that he did for decades. He was born in Padua in 1960, between the truck driver and cleaner. Cattelan’s family belonged to the underclass throughout the entire his teenage life. He would spend most of his time on the street as a expression of his desire for freedom from his parents.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Cattelan started working since he was in grammar school. From that time, he was a gardener, a janitor, and a nurse, etc. All those fields could not accept a character like him. For example, he would sell holy effigies in the local parish while he was working as a gardener--which made him expelled from grammar school. Even when he started doing design work at the furniture company, he hated it. He was sick of designing furniture regard to the order from clients, having meetings, and other processes. His desire to escape from working has been influenced his characteristic. He always wanted freedom and acted unexpectedly when the rule tried to tie his mind. Even though the other criticized his idiotic sense, he never had a doubt in himself. When he finally started his life in the art field, people began to accept his idiotic briliance and pleased by his stupidity. Making art became his new hole of escape from other works.

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Ide Bio ntity Inf grap Wal Ad orma hy W l Trea ve t rtis tion Wall Tr men e t em a en all Tre tme n t Tr ea atme t tm en nt t

Maurizio Cattelan (B. 1960) Spermini (Little Sperms) five-hundred painted latex rubber masks each: circa 6ž x 3Ÿ x 3 7/8in. (17.2 x 8.3 x 9.8cm.) Executed in 1997, this work is unique and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist. It formed part of the original installation of 500 masks at the Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia.

art work description

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

It o I d nly t thi on’t d akes inf ngs. o an a m of orma In th ythin inute co elect tion. is ca g. I to h j s n tha scio ion a And e im ust k ave t I d n m us. I nd s then ages eep he id e on y b e ’t k ra work para ther and atin ea. g e no in. I mo tion ’s a w t ’ s r t p e wh a h at dig with at’s roce s n of. es tiv my ot re s e p sto a roc ma lly es s. ch

Today we mostly see art through photos and reproductions. So in the end it almost doesn’t matter where the actual piece is. Sooner or later it’s gonna end up in your head, and that’s when things get interesting. I’m more interested in brains and memories than in site-specific works.

quotes by Cattelan

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Ide Bio ntity Inf grap Wal Ad orma hy W l Trea ve t rtis tion Wall Tr men e t em a en all Tre tme n t Tr ea atme t tm en nt t

Maurizio Cattelan Exhibition

m a u r i z i o c a tt e l a n

fro N o m 11 to v 20 21 D 13 ec

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


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n| fin al so lut ion

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Discovery: I researched about brochure design via published books, magazines, and portfolios on behance network. The main concept of the brochure was basically the same juxtaposition from the identity. As a result, an acordian fold was the best solution to keep the concept. But at the same time, I wanted the brochure to be like a poster.

design by Giles Dickerson found on behance network

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



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Ex bo tract e Th ok G d fr o r i n a Br kin phi m a a g by inst : Be c De o typ Ellen rmin yond sign o L alt gra up g ed e so rnat phy ton, ited w int impr ive g ith this e e r i r es ssi d w to n t gir explo ing. g an as d jux to re u I dec d s bro tapo how sing ided ch sitio th this ure e /po n on ste the r.





: Sin wa ce th fol s jux e co Bu d bec tapo ncep pa t the ame sition t for p wa ers, n wh my , an broc s So too ordi en I solut acor hure n to I de sim ar y explo ion. dian the cid ple ac re fol ed t an ordia d w din o g d b it g p ive ori n fold h ng att s o . ern m ec . ur v e


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

“T are hings Ca now that tte lan take mayb is o n se e s e r fte ex n d iously eme p da es su ress crib .” jok c thr h as ing u eb ed ou efo as gh pow niver a re sal wh er, at dea tru t ap pe th an hs a , b ar to d au out be tho the jok rity me es s or stu nts .





B Pop y flui Ar dly c t and and ombi con Sur the u ning tro rea npr the ver lism edi acc sial ct e im with abilit ssibili age ico n y of ty o ry Ca ic an Dad f ttela d o a n’s ften wo rk


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the Th distu and e way rbing am has he h aspec cle ong t insinu as app ts wit ver he , ev wo ated roac h abs ide rks him hed urd nce of ity se in of othe lf int stalla . a sly rs os tio and is sub paces n cun tle a and nin nd gm ind .

Final Solution:

12-inch by 18-inch


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

He as has e o im ne o mer g p of or ta f the ed g en the c nt ar most u t e r per rat ren ists i t o h inf aps n, ues es becau his s wo e he rk

not only with humor, but also with








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la n lialna, n ilarly a t i n as a t ne is sim aattetla m the C C tanced fro es; ng dis ’s cha world er, as an he n t l t u r e aswherisepsrojects v e i w o t s h in expe ruct cu he ate ut creas rim ured al strailizing ingly ents, b artist t i c i p t o t e t h h g l . wo e adv ies o e pr rld, ertis f par rid, g esent ing ide esent a o ing r b t o p f hy of a tes a w the he bef the p t gro ork t wh ore ubl up of pr ethe deci ic w odu r to din


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It o I d nly t ea on’t d akes t an ing t o an a m d in hin yt inu pro gs hin te fo tha cess rma . In g. I to h ju mo t’s n of s tion. this c st k ave t It’s re w ot re elec And ase eep he id t ea I d a dig ith m ally c ion a then imag . on ’t k estiv y sto onsc nd s ther es e e io no w e pro mach us. para ’s a wh ce t I io w t ha s at n m o rk n of. s. yb rain .

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


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| d es es i g ign n |f ina ls olu tio n


Discovery: 2x4’s Brooklyn Museum design portfolio

Shaheena Pooloo’s Banausic Mug

I decided to do a canvas tote bag and mug graphics, because people would actually use them in their daily life. I did not want people to throw the product away just because it is nothing more than a useless souvenir or get bored of.

Discovery Cont’d: This is a package template found in a book Pacakging Templates by Ju Hai. I wanted to keep the hole for a hanlde of a mug. So I measured a mug and started making some tweaks on this template.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius




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Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius



Ik n co ew mb I w of in an de his w ation ted s o i rks of h the d Th gn 17 ese d for th . So is qu esig an inch esig e gr I stra ote a n to b dt a n he canv s w phic ightl nd p e a ir p as ill b s o y w art ack tot n e e ag e ba app digit nt to es l a i g e l. s, . mu d to gs ,


mug package templates

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

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.P ro g ram mp Co 3D al Fin Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

wall treatments for:

identity biography informtation quotes




folded poster

package design:

17-inch canvas totebags a mug package a mug

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Mug package: This is how a package for a mug should look like. When people look from the left side, they will see the top image. The white rectangle on the bottom image, will be cut out for the handle of a mug. There is no cover on the right side of the package because there should be a identity design showing on a mug.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius


Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Bonami, Francesco. Maurizio Cattelan. London: Phaidon, 2003. Print. Lambe, Claire. “The Last Word-A Report on the Retirement of Maurizio Cattelan.” Rev. of Art Exhibition. Roll Magazine 2011: n. pag. Rollmagazine. com. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. <>. Pages, Sophie. “’I Don’t Do Anything. I Just Eat Images’: Maurizio Cattelan Fills Gallery with Jokes and Dead Animals. Now People Are Taking Him Seriously, and He Doens’t like It.” G2 23 June 2004: 11. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 15 Sept. 2012. Sirmans, Franklin, and Maurizio Cattelan. Maurizio Cattelan: Is There Life before Death?; [... Exhibition “Maurizio Cattelan”, The Menil Collection, Houston, February 12-August 15,2010]. Houston, TX: Menil Foundation, 2010. Print. Tomkins, Calvin. “The Prankster; Maurizio Cattelan’s Art Provokes More than Laughter.” The Conde Nast Publication 4 Oct. 2004: 80. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 15 Sept. 2012.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

Today we mostly see art through photos and reproductions. So in the end it almost doesn’t matter where the actual piece is. Sooner or later it’s gonna end up in your head, and that’s when things get interesting. I’m more interested in brains and memories than in site-specific works.

Studio I | YeaEun Hwang | Idiot Genius

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