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II LOVE MAGAZINE * Print the pages with this sign. II LOVE PDF mag is copyright© 2009 of Marko Zubak YEBOMAYCU PROJECT. It’s free for download and for personal use. Do not copy or edit any of the articles or material without permission. All the material is used with permission of featured artist. As it is a free PDF mag, you’re allowed to redistribute it, but always in the same form. Contact: 2.love@yebomaycu.com

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markozubak.com yebomaycu.com

Welcome to the “blank” issue of II LOVE, the last one in this year. Seems that all this time the focus on paper toys was on finished products, admiring the “skin” on certain shape. We can all witness how good skin design can impact even on simplest forms and how some shapes function well with any decoration. In the process of creation, these are two different phases which are easily separated. When you see large number of paper toys together, on certain shows, photos or in home collections, they are usually with “make-up”. In this issue we will remain on the first phase of creation, the form. Here the accent is put on the sculptural aspect of denuded paper toys, giving an impression that each one of them represents it’s own species. Here is shown a selection of more than 50 paper toys, but of course, there are lot of other different kinds of paper toys out there. Many great designs are left out because of various reasons and I feel really sorry for some of them. This issue brigs you also an unique paper toy art-project “H-man“, from Italian artist Vinsart and the exclusive paper toy this time comes from young Australian designer DMC. In addition, there’s a paper toy contest by Castleforte to keep you still busy, before the end of 2009, so hurry up and win cool prizes (like this skate deck here)! Hope you’ll enjoy it!

Marko Zubak

Limited edition laser etched Wack Skate Deck designed by Castleforte

     



Wack is Castleforte’s new paper toy, based on the Iphone App version of Wack, Castleforte’s original Tribalnots character, from the soon to be released Iphone entertainment app, Wack in the Box. He is a virtual pet monster in your pocket, that you can torment and play with, and interact with in lots of fun ways, whenever you like, which recently came to life in form of the resin toy as well. You can get your Wack paper toy for free and there’s still time to enter the contest and win some cool prizes, on wackapps.wordpress.com/contests You just have to print it, cut, fold, glue it & shoot it. Then send your wackiest pics to info@wackapps.com and favorites will be posted in the Capture Wack Gallery for all to see, and three (3) lucky winners will each win a prize: 1st prize - a signed, limited edition laser etched Wack Skate 2nd prize - a signed, limited edition Wack Resin Toy 3rd prize – a copy of the book “Urban Paper – 25 designer toys to cut out and build“ by Matt Hawkins, featuring an original Castleforte paper toy and signed by Castleforte Contest ends December 31st, 2009, so hurry up! wackapps.com castleforte.com

Limited edition Wack Resin Toy designed by Castleforte , sculpted by PrettyInPlastic

Wack, by Castleforte


Zec Nice, by FrĂŠdĂŠric Marino


Box Fox, by Cooper


Bertie, by Moopf


Gubi, by Painkillah


Bird, by 3eyedbear


Sizza, by Nick Knite


Mecha Bunny, by Nick Knite


Kamimodel, Tetsuya Watabe


Zamber, by Tetsuya Watabe


Rommy, by Tetsuya Watabe


by Mario Fijatovic


Sabio, by Marko Zubak


Pin Guinn, by Marko Zubak


Brickboy, by Sjors Trimbach


Bear, by 3eyedbear


Hoody, by DMC


Soldier, by 3eyedbear


DMC Chukka exclusive toy for II LOVE





fold over to create an inner pattern

shirt sleeve





shirt sleeve



Speakerdog, by Bentheillustrator


Nanibird, by Josh McKible


Paper totem, by Dolly Oblong


e440, by Ringo Krumbiegel


Just Botz, by JustUs


Foldskool heroes, by Marshall Alexander


Lil goon, by TheDayDreamKid


Anywere DIY toy, by Morgan Gleave


Madmo and Tubby, by Zerolabor


Boxcan, by Phil


NY fat, by Jonny Chiba


by Marko Zubak


Cubeecraft, by Christopher Beaumont


by Marko Zubak


Calling all cars!, by Horrorwood


ye-boT, by Marko Zubak


Limited, by Marshall Alexander


[mck] w w w. m at t h i j s k a m s t ra . n l

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]

Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]


H-man è un modello studiato per funzionare bene esteticamente sia da solo che associato ad altri H-men. Insieme gli H-men possono essere accatastati e disposti in torri o piramidi, come se fossero acrobati o equilibristi. Le libere composizioni degli H-men permettono una buona disposizione degli elementi adatta a mostre pubbliche. Il modello può essere anche ribaltabile, restando sempre adatto a formare le piramidi di modelli. Questa connessione con altri elementi dà la possibilità ad un creativo di realizzare una grafica su più modelli associati fra loro, oppure di fare un solo modello e collegarlo con quello di altri autori. Ho voluto inserire nel template bianco anche degli elementi opzionali per personalizzare il modello, anche questi elementi combinati fra loro possono assumere nuove forme e numerose scelte diverse.

H-man is a model designed to work aesthetically well , both unique and associated with other H-men. Together, H-men can be stacked and arranged in towers or pyramids, as if they were acrobats or jugglers. Free compositions of H-men allow a good arrangement of elements suitable for public exhibitions. The model can also be reversible, remaining always suitable to form the pyramids of models. This connection with other elements gives a possibility to the artist to realize a graphic on multiple models, or to make a single model and connect it with models from other authors. I wanted to include optional elements in the blank template as well, to customize the model. These elements, combined together, may take new forms and offer different choices. VinsArt

vinsart.it Vinsart



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