Amazing Interaction Design Portfolio

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Divcap: Dive Into Sleep Creating a sensory sleep environment Exploring a future olfactory interface

Project Sensory experience design Product design





Primary research focuses ongathering information about sleep and insights as well as identifying user needs and opportunities

Aims to identify and analyse problems as well as look for other people's sleep solutions

The goal of this phase is trying to testing potential solutions as I did three iterations

Puts product test. Thinking about the form of auxiliary products in the future

Composition Wearable device Olfactory interface





Date Dec. 2019 - Mar. 2020 Desk Research

Introduction Insomnia is a common sleep problem for adults. To solve this, I developed Divcap, a powerful wearable device that can track people's data throughout the day and then treat people with sleep disorders through auditory and olfactory dimensions based on that data. After learning thermophilic fabrics in the Center for Digital Innovation, Tongji University as an intern, I made the original olfactory feedback products into the form of fabrics.



Academic Research User Understanding

Project Review Ideation

Experiment 1

Logic Theory

Case Study

Experiment 2

Three Prototypes

DivcapTex Future Potential


Academic Research

Sleep Research Factors that influence people’s daily routine

Insomnia rate in adults for one year

Golden Sleep Rules

Sleep Cycles

Long Term



Internal Cause Data From World Journal of Sleep Medicine


1. Narrowing the difference between body temperature and body surface temperature is good for sleep.


2. Take advantage of the brain's nostalgic qualities. If you want to listen to music before bed, choose the same monotonous song.



The following is my summary of the “Stanford Sleep Efficient Method”.


External Cause

3. Soak your feet before going to bed to promote blood circulation in the feet.


4. Hard and important tasks are done as early as possible in the morning. It is suitable for relatively simple work after lunch and in the afternoon.


Adults suffer from insomnia for 208 days of the year.

Short Term

People's clothing, food, housing, and transportation will affect sleep quality.

Conclusion The most fascinating aspect of sleep is that it’s highly connected to almost every aspect of our waking lives are highly individualized.This matters because it means that the best way to better rest and recovery through sleep science is an awareness of how sleep impacts our moods and feelings and health and how our lives in return - impact the way we sleep. However, Insomnia is a common problem for adults.


of the general population complains of sleep disruption.


have associated symptoms of daytime functional impairment consistent with the diagnosis of insomnia.

The National Institutes of Health estimates.

5. It is better to take a nap for half an hour in the noon, do not go into deep sleep.

Sleep is an interesting area of science. While there is still no agreement on “why” we sleep - there is plenty of evidence that sleep, as incredibly complex as it is is important for proper function of the human body. So, the problem of sleep is worth exploring and solving. In the spirit of humanism, I want to design a program that can intervene and regulate sleep.

6. Use habitual breathing. There are two basic types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep (which has three different stages: Falling Asleep Stage, light sleep stage and Deep sleep stage).

Conclusion After researching some academic knowledge about sleep, I understand that minutes of sleep. By this, it means Falling Asleep Stage and Light Sleep Stage are quite important for getting a good night's sleep.

Academic Project Review Three projects are from the Dream Lab which is from the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab. DORMIO builded future dream interactions. From this, I learned some techniques for detecting sleep. However, I think sleeping with sensors on hands is not very comfortable, this system could be implemented in other interfaces.

COCOON aimed to see and shape the dream. From this, I have a deeper understanding of the relationship between dreams and sleep. But I think this device is not easy to use and cannot be commercialized.

The content of the ESSENCE project is to release the corresponding odor based on human data. From this, I know the importance of olfactory perception and this project sparks my interest in olfactory research.


User Understanding

Motivation & Interviews To better understand the specific characteristics of people with sleep problems and their own experiences as well as to understand their expectations for solving sleep problems, I chose a group aged from 15-47 to investigate their reasons for insomnia. There were 35 interviewees, 23 of whom suffered from insomnia for a long time. Here below are three typical cases.

Typical Users “I have had sleep problems since childhood.” Sichun Dong

“My failed love makes me depressed.” Xiaoya Liu


“I have a lot of work pressure.”


Kunmi Qian

Customer Service

Fashion Design



Factors affecting

Factors affecting

Factors affecting

Light, sound, stress, bad mood

Relationship and psychological problem

Neck Pain, stree




Once used a sleep app, felt slept well but feedback score was not good.

Used a sleep product, but its active intervention was too strong.

The sleeping environment was not comfortable.




Hopes there is a product that can help to maintain a good mood and fall asleep quickly.

Hopes a product can be symptomatic treatment.

Hopes there is a product that can improve thoughts at night.

After so much academic research and brainstorming, I try to explore a product that can be worn on people to intervene and regulate people's sleep. In sketch, I considered the human-computer relationship and I was trying to design a product that can help sleep.


Design Concept

Among the insomniac people interviewed, they have taken some measures to treat: taking sleeping pills, using sleep monitoring apps, microcurrent stimulation treatment devices, etc. However, these products have not been treated for the user's own condition, and the treatment effect is not very good, and it is not a proactive intervention product.

I want to design a product that can treat people with sleep disorders through auditory and olfactory dimensions, combined with expression recognition technology and brain wave detection technology.

Experiment 1: Promoting Sleep Factors Verification Purpose

After the experiment, I compared the four groups of data and found that music can help to enter shallow sleep early 450s and aroma can help to enter shallow sleep early 900s.

Validation researches indicate that smell and music can truly promote sleep.

Experimental plan description

Analyze whether music and smell can promote sleep by comparing the amplitude of brainwaves when people sleep in the ordinary state with the variation of brain waves when people are accompanied by music or smell.

Testing Rig Bluetooth

Ear clip

Bluetooth Module TGAM

Battery Holder

TGAM Module

Dry Electrode

Experiment 2: Determine Odor & Music Based on Mood

emotions determine several songs and smells.

Expression Recognition Experiment negative effects of this mood. Music example: Hundred Birds Phoenix, Autum Moon. Music can improve the stability of the mental state and affect the personality of the individual, so as to reduce the body's sensitivity to adverse social environment stimuli, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

Experiment Data The following waveforms are the values of attention and mediation detected by the TGAM module, ranging from 0-100. The red line is attention and the blue line is mediation. The bottom four graphs ranged from 100s to 2600s. (excluding the unstable data at the beginning of 100s) Meditation

Control Group

Control Group





The main symptoms of insomnia are the effects on daytime performance, such as feeling tired, irritable, emotional disorders and inattention. It is vital to know a person’s all day mood rather than just detect his/her brainwaves at night. I hope to collect a full day's data of people and analyze the data in two aspects to get a treatment plan.

STEP 1 Control group test. STEP 2 Fall asleep with music. STEP 3 Fall asleep with aroma. STEP 4 Fall asleep with music and aroma.



After the experiment, I compared the four groups of data and found that music can help to enter shallow sleep early 450s and aroma can help to enter shallow sleep early 900s.


Why using this technology

Aroma Group

Music Group

I did four kinds of tests. All are starting at 0:00 AM and each lasts one hour.

Smell example: Agarwood, Real Lavender, Rosa Fragrant.


parameters needed in this experiment: attention and meditation.

Experiment Process




This program I worked with Han Ding, a computer scientist, and uploaded it to GitHub:

Design Concept

Function Operation Process

Good sleep is not only a necessary condition for physical health, but also a prerequisite for a happy life. Divcap aims to help people with sleep problems have a better sleep experience. Technically speaking, it combines AI and big data analytics to subtly connect human emotions with sleep. It can monitor brainwave data in real time and provide feedback, which meets the personalized needs of different users and the intelligent adjustment enhances the user experience.

A person during a day

Product prototype

Stage 1: Awake

Stage 2: Sleeping

Facial Recognition Tech

directly onto a nightcap; The shape of the second generation uses 3D printing (resin material); The appearance of the third generation uses the silicone mold.

Brainwave detection Tech

TGAM module

Concept model Dry Electrode In line with ear shape

1.An app can record 2.Analyze the data a person's emotions through the phone's person's emotions front-facing camera. today and determine the overall mood.

Mirco SD Bluetooth Speaker Microcontroller Atomizer

1.Real-time monitoring 2.When a particular of brain waves during brain wave is measured, sleep. music and aroma will be released.

Prototype I

Atomizer Speaker


5 4 9

1 3



Circuit Diagram

Logic Theory

Inner Structure





Signal Transmit


Brainwave Data Detect




Power Supply




Container Store aroma



Inject aroma into the hole on the outside of the product 9

Dry Electrode

I used a 3D printer to make the model and conduct functional tests.

Brainwave Data Input Output

Attention Value > 65

Active the product

Continuously Detect

Attention Value < 10 Meditation > 80

Model Test



Stop working

Ofactory Feedback Auditory Feedback

This means that you have gone from Falling Asleep Stage to Light Sleep Stage

Prototype II Prototype III

Further Exploration

Three Trends in Technology

The fourth iteration of the design was inspired by the knowledge I learned about smart fabrics from my internship at Center for Digital Innovation, Tongji University in June 2020. Olfactory feedback wearable devices are currently quite thick and the most common is to use atomizer plate including my preivous three prototypes, which requires liquids and is not easy to carry. To solve this, I develop DivcapTex, a smart fabric with a scented structure can release olfactory feedback through fabric deformation after being energized.

DivcapTex Structure

The above structure is the same as the ShapeTex.

Kapton: Shape change material

Fabric: Shape change material

Case Study

Aluminum foil composite membrane: Heat conduction

ShapeTex bends when current goes through it and recovers its original shape when it cools down. It has a three layers structure: A thin copper/ aluminum layer, a fabric and an ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE).

Cotton paper: Store aroma

Front Face

Revenue Streams

Back Face

Video Link: https://vimeo com/240741701

Verification of the ShapeTex Structure After studying the paper ShapeTex: Implementing Shape-Changing Structures in Fabric for Wearable Actuation, I bought corresponding materials myself and made a demo according to their structure. When the voltage reaches 9V and the current is 3A, the fabric can really deform!

Because of how thin and light DivcapTex is, it opens up a lot of possibilities in designing scenes. However, it still takes a long time for research and development. I believe it illustrates a entirely new form of olfactory interaction and it has the

Selling products and charge of derivative products; After-sales service (in addition to the free warranty products) ; Selling hybrid technology

Future Potential DivcapTex can be connected to a brain computer interface, and according to the different states of a person’s EEG, it can release aroma for interaction.

Smart Fabrics

Future Vision Canvas

This is an opening here to facilitate the replacement of cotton paper Note: The two halves of cotton paper are for the convenience of fabric deformation. The fabric is organza yarn, because it is lightsome and conducive to deformation.

Flexible Electronics Interfaces with multiple sensory inputs, in the form of smart fabrics, could be ready by 2050.

Fabric: Fix action

Key Words Shape-Changing Interface; Thermal Transformation; Material Design

Brain-Computer Interface

Aluminum/Copper: Generate heat

For the sleep scenario, it no longer needs a complex and massive EEG sensor and it can be directly attached to the face. It can be heated and deformed after receiving certain EEG data to release sleep-promoting fragrances.

For the social interaction scenario, it can be attached to the clothes as a role of toy. When you see a charming person that you would like to communicate, you can activate the DivcapTex, allowing it to deform to create beautiful patterns and release fragrances to attract attention.

Customer Relationship 1. Improvement of products, together with the customers creates value to sustain relationships 2. Insomnia social software communication group, to retain customers with these sticky sweepstakes

Value Propositions Make sleep a pleasure Products: DivcapTex. It can comprehensively monitor and treat people's living conditions and sleep quality. Social softwae offical account: Provide after-sales service, dry sleep knowledge sharing and exchange platform, technical answer

Sens Coffee: The Bean Tales

Research Question

Research on the Experience of Coffee Shops

Redefine the way coffee is consumed Enhance its sensory experience

Coffee is the second largest circulating commodity in the world. However, in coffee houses today consumers tend to only interacts with coffee through our sense of taste, which is not conducive to the spread of coffee culture. Can we extend a sensory experience and design a synesthetic interaction for coffee?

I visited three coffee shops to grab a cup of coffee because I wanted to study the olfactory experience of coffee beans and learn about how to enrich the existing coffee experience process.

Project Sensory experience design

Composition Interior space design Coffee order design Product design


Observation and Experience After researching olfactory experiences, I experienced existing services that focus on sensory experience. Bartending and Chinese tea ceremonies create interesting sensory experiences and a create a connection between people and objects. However, the experience of coffee consumption is too standardized, the interaction between people and coffee beans too little, and the connection too weak. Cocktail Mixing

Walk In Feeling

Name Overall

Oct. 2019 - Jan. 2020 Ultraviolet Restaurant by Paul Pairet

Introduction In order to enhance the interaction between people and coffee, I designed a new way of choosing coffee. After smelling the aroma of coffee beans and listening to their individual sounds, users can choose a coffee blend according to their expanded sensory preferences, which breaks the traditional stand evaluation of coffee. In Sens Coffee, everyone is a barista and everyone is a musician.

In scent libraries, people can recall the familiar scents of everyday life, and we


through each different smell.




Exit Sit



Walk Out

Starbucks Reserve Roastery %Arabica Coffee Is

Tea Ceremony


Scent Library




%Arabica 1. The store is popular due to the quality reputation of the coffee sold. 2. People can buy coffee beans in store, but can not blend the beans and make a blended cup of coffee in store.

1. This coffee shop introduces unique new products from time to time, such as a coffee which is added to osmanthus. 2. People can taste specialty coffees that the store manager blends.

Starbucks Reserve Roastery 1. This coffee shop shows the journey of the bean from raw coffee bean to roasting to packaging. 2. People can experience cocktails, chocolates, ice cream, and even a combination of craft beer with coffee.

Nowdays, the whole process of ordering coffee is divided into four parts. Walk into the store

Each dish is paired with unique tableware, auditory experiences including music, and smell.

Coffee Is

Find the coffee menu

Choose type of coffee

Drink the coffee

1. There is little interaction between the baristas and customers. 2. The barista could have shared some knowledge about coffee beans to people because many people do not know the varieties of coffee beans. 3. People do not have the chance to blend different coffee beans to modify their favorite taste, despite the huge varieties of coffee on offer. 4. The multi-sensory experience of coffee drinking is not strong enough.

Design purpose Design Theme 2. Design a more economical and sustainable coffee experience system. 3. Enhance the user's experience of smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch in the coffee shop.

Design Plan 1. Experiment with coffee 2) Make music according to blend of coffee.

Sensory Experience

Concept Evaluation

x I asked two baristas working in different coffee shops the situation in the coffee industry nowdays.

sight touch

Background: A barista working in Starbucks Reserve Roastery. He shows customers a way to make coffee. The photo was taken when he showed us how to make coffee in a siphon pot.

smell sound taste 0




Coffee Aroma & Brain





Prefrontal Cortex

2. Design a coffee experience process Make this coffee shop no longer be a simple store. Through the combination of products and interior design, this will be a multi-dimensional experience center where people can purchase, relax and enjoy themselves.




Needs: Many guests do not know how to choose a cup of coffee, and there are no coffee beans on site for customers to smell. He hopes there is a place where customers can feel the difference between different coffee beans.


Olfactory Bulb

Ping Wang 25 Hobby: Travel, Cook

3. Design a substantial new trend for the coffee economy Help to create economic development, new social trends and produce environmental sustainability within the sector.

Sketch I drew lots of sketches of gumball machines, toy claw machines, coffee aim is to design a new coffee experience machine and experience process.

Aspirations: He wants to help people understand the beauty of coffee and create different kinds of coffee for people.


Full of curiosity, cheerful, likes to try new things

Conclusion: He wants to create better coffee with different tastes. He thought my blending coffee beans idea may create

Nasal Cavity Amygdala


Background: A barista working in %Arabica. The photo was taken when he was making pour-over coffee.

Aromatic Substances

Aspirations: Passionate about making better quality coffee.

Different Beans

Needs: the menu for people who don't understand coffee. It would be nice to have something that gives customers a direct visual sense of the differences. I drew a map of the human structure involved in the passage of the smell that coffee produces into the nasal cavity.

Barry 31 Hobby: Fitness, Films Works conscientiously, pursues efficiency

Conclusion: He needs a tool to help people understand the differences among the coffee beans on the menu. He believed that despite the variety of coffee blends, it may not produce a 1+1=2 effect.

Experiments Experiment Theme

Experiment Plan

Explore the aromas produced by

Use a pressure pot to brew coffee for 3 minutes. Dosage (per serving): 10g/150ml water

musical note for each coffee bean.

2. Try adding two or three coffees to each other.

Experiment Rules

Music Notes For Beans

Before making coffee: I chose to use a French Press to make coffee, because the coffee extracted by a French Press is pure and mellow. I bought an electronic scale to measure the weight of the coffee beans, making the experiment rigorous. Furthermore, I used a grinder to ensure a medium grind throughout.

According to my preferences and the characteristics of coffee, I make a note for each type of coffee. My measurement is based on the mellowness (0-10), sourness (0-10). (Note selection range: within the seven tones starting from Middle C)

Tasting coffee process:

According to the addition of the two scores, the lower the score, the lower the pitch. Among them, I think the two tones of Re and Fa cannot represent coffee beans, so I skipped these two tones.

2. Gently stir the coffee, then "chew" the coffee, making a "squeaky" sound. Finally, look for the characteristics and taste of the coffee.

Experimental Materials Name

Place of Orign


South America


Huila-Columbia: Do (Middle C) (mellowness: 4; sourness: 5 )

Veroso-Red Fruits: Mi (mellowness: 5; sourness: 6)

Limu-Ethiopia: La (mellowness: 5; sourness: 9) Veroso-Red Fruits

South America





Processing Method

Washed Process

Natural Process


Baking Degree

Dark Roast

Medium Roast

Dark Roast

Light Roast

Special Flavor

Tea, nuts, caramel, apple, cream

Sea salt, cereal biscuits, malt flakes, plums, syrup, fragrant alcohol

Lemon blossom, nuts, soft berries, acidic, chocolate

Washed Process



Maraba-India: Si (mellowness: 6; sourness: 9)


Hambella-Ethiopia: So (mellowness: 5; sourness: 8)

So La Si

Africa Natural Process


Mix Huila, Veroso-Red Fruits, Maraba, Limu, Hambella = 5:3:4:1:2. The rhythm is based on the proportion of the beans in each coffee.

Dried almonds, raisins, red wine, balanced

Light Roast Passion fruit, guava, rose scent, red berries

Five types of coffee beans for music visualization

Music designed according to the notes of five beans

Blending Machine Rendering

Model Test

Design Concept

Blending Machine

A blending machine that can mix coffee after users experiencing the sound and smell of the coffee bean.

Interactive Experience Activate the screen, and choose a coffee bean that you would like to experience

Olfactory Zone The ventilation emits the aroma of the coffee beans to the user

Smell the aroma released from the Olfactory Zone Touch Screen Hear the note released from Auditory Zone

Materials Arduino Nano, Arduino Uno, Breadboard, paper, Speaker, Switch, Atomizer plate Prototype It has three buttons. Each of them corresponds to an atomizer and a speaker pressed, the atomizer emits gas and the is made up of two parts (see Figure 1). The top part is for choosing coffee beans. The bottom section is used to experience the characteristic of the coffee beans

Beans Opening NO Like?

Circuit Diagram

Gumball Machine

Limitations: I used two Arduino boards because I found that there could only be one switch in one line. I have connected these three switches to three lines, one of which is controlled by Arduino Nano and two by Arduino Uno.

Circuit Diagram

Materials Arduino Nano, Breadboard, Jumper wires,


paper, Speaker, Plastic ball Auditory Zone

Emitting the sound of the coffee bean

One blending ingredient

This egg is made up of coffee and a

Store essential coffee oil

END? Store different types of coffee beans


music will be emitted. The source of the music is from the ingredient of randomly blended coffee, which means that the composition of the coffee in the egg can be judged according to the sound.

Twisted eggs’ internal structure


Sens Coffee Shop Introduction Introduction of each subject

Logo Design

Way 1

Gumball Machine: The customers can take ‘eggs’ which contain music representing the composition of the coffee beans from the machine. Grinding Zone: A place where customers have the ability to witness how coffee beans are grinded and patterns will appear with rotation.

Sens Coffee

Payment Zone: Customers can put the ground coffee powder in a bowl to measure the weight and pay according to its weight.

The left side of the Logo represents the shape of the ears and the right side represents the shape of the nose. Sens Coffee is dedicated to creating a new

Sustainable Coffee Products: There will be a lot of environmentally friendly products made from coffee grounds.

Step 1 (Zone 1) Twist an “egg” from a gumball machine.

Way 2

Step 3 (Zone 6) Pour the beans selected into the container in the upper section, then rotate the disk.

Step 4 (Zone 7) Weigh the coffee grind in the cup and pay by weight.

Step 2 (Zone 5) Smell the coffee beans and listen to their unique sounds, and then choose your favorite coffee beans for blending. Grinding Zone Gumball Machine



Payment Zone

Blending Machine

Payment Zone Grinding Zone



Sustainable Products Bar Counter



Bar Counter


4 5

Experience Route There are two ways to experience the coffee. This route is a stimulating way to blindly choose coffee. No.1 is a gumball machine, where the customer can't determine which coffee beans are contained in the blend inside. When the customer pays, they can go directly to the bar counter (Zone 7), give the coffee to the barista, and then choose their coffee style. While customers are drinking their coffee, they can see a variety of sustainable products made from coffee grounds in Zone 8. The second route is through Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. In this route, people have the ability to choose what kinds of coffee beans they want. The rest of the procedure is the same as described above. In conclusion, through this coffee experience process, not only can people choose the type of coffee bean, but they can also have the ability to choose the style of coffee they enjoy.

Algae Mask Consider the relationship between humans and nature

Related Artworks

Desk Research

Forages Dunne & Raby, 2010

Human behavior has led to an increase in the content of CO2, resulting in a greenhouse effect.



Date Apr. 2019 - Jun. 2020


Introduction It is clear from the state of the world that humans have little respect for our natural environment, and wanton emissions of carbon dioxide are causing a phenomenon, I developed a special mask for the Post-Anthropocene times, using a“what if” scenario: what if we continue to release pollutants into the environment as we are doing now, then will we need to one day maintain the environment by limiting the gases emitted by human breathing?


In the face of natural disasters, mankind appears very small. Humans have to design products that protect themselves, such as masks.

The Change in CO2 Concentration Humans think that they are the masters of the planet. They destroy the ecological balance, resulting in the destruction of the natural environment and leading to a variety of disasters on earth. Earth is again facing the stresses implicated in its past mass extinctions, including marine anoxia, , warming, ozone loss and increased UV-B radiation, hypercapnia, acid rain, atmospheric oxygen depletion, as well as unprecedented threats in habitat destruction and pollution.

CO2 Concentration(ppm)

Sustainable product Material future


Taiwan's Contaminated Water Ice Catalogue Students in NTUA, 2017













100 (B.C.)

Ice core data before 1958 CO2 Concentration(ppm)


Human recklessly emit polluting gases from factories; use cars as vehicles in large quantities; throw garbage into the ocean with abandon; cut down or burn trees. These actions raise the level of carbon dioxide on earth.

The world is running out of food but we still continue to over-populate the planet, use up resources and ignore all the warning signs. In this scenario, a group of people use synthetic biology to create microbial stomach bacteria, along with electronic and mechanical devices, to maximise the nutritional value of the urban environment, makingup for any shortcomings in the commercially available but increasingly limited diet. These people are the new urban foragers.

Popsicles are made from water from rivers, ports, and canals in Taiwan. The color of the package represents the pollution level.


Smog Di Wu, 2013











Data from the Mauna Loa Observatory after 1958

A little girl sitting on a fence with balloons. The little girl's nose is connected to a breathing tube, leading to the clean air left in the balloon.

Ideation Critique of recent pollution

Sketch Ways to use the product

I explored the shape and function of this speculative product. This includes the structural design of how to keep chlorella alive in the mask.

Ways to show pollution

6CO2 + 12H2O = C6H12O6 + O2 + 6H2O In addition to reducing CO2 content by reducing factories, low-carbon travel, etc., plant photosynthesis can also reduce CO2 content because it can convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.

Masks are worn in front of people's mouths and noses to block bacteria. This inspired me, because people breathe through their mouth or nose. I want to design a mask to prevent people from releasing CO2 into the environment.

The human breath is almost silent, so people don't realize that the products of their breath are also contributing to the greenhouse effect. Automobile exhaust is a major cause of the greenhouse effect, and the emission is loud. So I want to compare the sound of human breathing to the sound of car exhaust emissions. The sound makes people feel the emission of CO2 through hearing.

Cyanobacteria cellular structure. Picture from wikipedia

Usage Mode

Usage Performance

Usage Scenario

Analysis of product modeling

Analysis of purification system

Logical Speculation CO2 Time

280ppm Pre-industrial revolution





415ppm 2019

450ppm, +2°C

1500ppm, +4°C



By 2035, global warming will lead to an increase in extreme weather events with catastrophic and irreversible effects. In 2100, humans cannot live directly on earth. Pictures from the Science and Plants for Schools

Chlorella is a biological material, which conforms to the concept of sustainable development. The algae balls in the picture were used for photosynthesis experiments and proved that chlorella could still survive in this form. I'm going to grow chlorella, add sodium alginate and calcium chloride to it, and make algae balls like the pictures above.

A mask that seals the mouth and nose tightly. that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, thereby reducing human pollution in nature.

I want to put a carbon dioxide sensor and a speaker in the mask. The higher the concentration of carbon dioxide received by the sensor, the louder the sound of car exhaust played by the loudspeaker. In addition, LEDs can allow people to visually perceive CO2 emissions better.

My hypothesis In the post-Anthropocene era, our new relationship with the natural world and with sociotechnical systems are calling these previous understandings into question. What if humans continue to release pollutants into the environment, cut down plants arbitrarily and create population booms, then we may only be able to maintain the environment by limiting the gases emitted by human breathing.




3D Prototype

Size is too small Resin is not enough Support broke

The brightness of the LEDs and the volume of the speakers increase with the concentration of CO2.

Electronic Components


As I was not familiar with the LCD 3D printer, I printed it four times before I succeeded.

CSS811 Sensor: Detect the amount of carbon dioxide. Micro SD: Store the music of the car's exhaust. WS2812B: 8 RGB LEDs in series. Arduino Nano: Control input and output.

Biological Materials Experiment

6 1







Facemask Main Part






Rotary Knob


Prevent carbon dioxide from being emitted directly into the air; Storage electronic component


I added sodium alginate to chlorella and injected it into the syringe. This liquid is then dribbled into a solution of calcium chloride to form pellets containing chlorella. Finally, I put the ball into a 3D printed container. On the other side of the container, I injected nutrients to provide water and nutrients to chlorella.

Connect the main part of the mask to the replaceable part

3, 4, 5 and 6 parts are made into a whole and form a replaceable part 3

Transparent Container


The cylinder is divided into upper and lower parts, with chlorella on the upper part and the liquid on the lower part


Nutritive Water

Chlorella The conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen by photosynthesis


Provides water and nutrients for chlorella to survive

Filter Layer An entry where air enters the mask; For human and chlorella to breathe

7 and 8 parts are electronic components 7

Speaker Play the sound. The volume will vary according to the amount of CO2


LED Strip The intensity of the light will vary according to the amount of CO2

Logic Theory People's breath Output Input

CO2 Amount (0-5000)

LED Brightness (0-255)

MAP Function Output

Speaker Volume (0-7)


The prototype warns that the human breathing is also a form of environmental pollution. Therefore, if human beings do not stop emitting CO2 recklessly into the air, then in the post-human era, human beings can only control their CO2 emissions to protect the environment.

Exploded View

Feedback There are also some problems. 1. This mask is a bit heavy, so it's not very comfortable to wear. 2. Changes in photosynthesis in chlorella were not effectively highlighted.

Interactive Experience

(excluding CO2) is not high enough for algae balls. For

2 Breathing 1 Wear The Algae Mask contains a CO2 sensor. When a person wears it, the amount of CO2 exhaled will be measured.

The higher the CO2 content, the brighter the brightness of LEDs. The speaker in the mask play the exhaust of the vehicle's exhaust gas sound, and the volume increases as the amount of CO2 increases.

LED Strip Chlorella The role of chlorella in the container is to prevent humans from polluting the environment. Chlorella will convert humanproduced carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis.

The LED plays a role in visualizing exhaust emissions, making people visually aware that we emit exhaust gas all the time.

exploration is needed on the morphology of this material.

Further Exploration Algae Mask makes audiences think: if we need to control human breath to protect the environment in the future, what kind of world will we live in? What can we do about it?

Sustainable Idea

For myself, I found the material "chlorella" in the production process

Clean chlorella treated with broken cell wall digestibility can be made into takeout boxes using the above experimental method.

For technical reasons, it may work not very well. But in the spirit of sustainable recycling, I tried more experiments with chlorella. Chlorella is a biological material, which conforms to the concept of sustainable development.

Mask Filter Cloth

Experiment Process 1: The mixture liquid of chlorella with sodium alginate. (1:30)

Speaker The sound plays a critical role. The emission of industrial exhaust gas is currently the most harmful factor. By auditory process of human exhalation, everyone is aware that we are exhaling exhaust gas.

3: A chemical reaction vessel. Mix the chlorella solution with the calcium chloride together, a "chlorella cloth" will be made.

Make chlorella into the shape of cloth instead of balls, which makes easier to replace. Cleaner Air Filter


Chlorella ball

Take-Out Box

The material of chlorella is added

Thicker material

Thiner material

Those materials feel elastic, which means they can be stretched.

exhaust and other industrial pollution better.




Social Media Platform Analysis

Exploration of sensibility and reasonableness Promoting fairness on social media

Today, with the internet as ubiquitous as it is, information resources are growing rapidly. Although mass media has brought people a wealth of information resources, this often confuses people, affecting people's moods and falsely manipulating public opinion.

Humans never stop looking for rationality.

I studied the interface structure of six commonly used social media platforms.

Project Social Media Interaction Design

The Enlightenment

Astroturfing Creating the impression of public support by paying members of the public to pretend to be supportive. - Urban Dictionary

Twitter Instagram

Definition Composition User Interface Design (Graphic & Tangible)

Date Aug. 2020 - Sep. 2020

Social media is a tool and platform that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences and opinions with each other.

Desk Research 3.80 billion active social media users worldwide

Although this movement is a historical event, the Enlightenment has never stopped. In the history of mankind, the philosophy of 'enlightenment' has always existed and has continuously guided people's development and progress.



Tik Tok


Country Breakdown

Introduction With the prevalence of social media manipulation and

1.4 billion Internet users 0.7 billion active social media users

has rightly been questioned. To address this, I developed social media platforms to classify user comments according to their emotional sentiment. In this way, users will be able to identify which comments are positive and which are negative, which then allows us to 'sort by' according to the sentiment we wish to explore. My intention is to encourage users to explore public opinion outside of their echo


The internet gives people the platform to express their opinions and become increasingly prominent. They obstruct, muddy and even manipulate "internet public opinion", greatly affecting the normal expression of public opinion online, and increasingly arousing the dissatisfaction and hatred of netizens.

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind


“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.” - Gustave Le Bon

Over the years, the comment function on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Weibo and Bilibili has developed a growing number of ways for people to express their comments and opinions, including text comments, liking, and reposting, as well as the ability to post emojis and images in the comment area. However, these mainstream platforms still lack the ability for people to truly convey their emotional expression. And in the comment area, opinions are negative trend.

Research on Twitter Reasons for choosing Twitter

Interaction Prototyping and Evaluation Tweet Structure Analysis

1. Twitter is a tool that users use to share with the world. 2. Twitter has helped bring the world closer together by giving everyone a microphone. 3. Twitter is now an old platform by social media standards and needs innovation to gain more younger users.


Users' Feelings Introduce a Dislike button besides the Like button, or features similar to YouTube and Facebook. By the way, I love and enjoy Twitter.

General Feedback

Twitter desperately needs nuance in the convos here. When someone tweets about something sad, something that rightly causes anger, etc, we have to give it a like to acknowledge we read it & are with them. But sometimes, a Like seems so inappropriate, ppl reply w.”that’s a like of” Twitter has a harassment problem, and every woman on this site has seen it. A man can continuously antagonize survivors and shrug off mass reporting, but the moment a woman shows anger at him, or at the system enabling him, she is punished. We’ve seen it time and again. I ‘m beginning to feel like my voice doesn’t matter anymore. I tweet out my opinions and nothing but silence. Why? I’m struggling with this today.

Conclusion 1. Strengthen the distinction between positive and negative emotions 2. Strengthen post moderation and combat harassment 3. Fully meet people's needs for self expression


Conclusion The Tweet page consists of four parts: Content, General, Feedback, and Comment. Replies. Words + Pictures + Gif + Vote + Locations Retweet. Like Share. Share tweets within or outside the platform. I will redesign the Feedback and Comment sections.

I proposed three Assumptions and made a simple interactive prototype. I found three users to show them several new comment functions. In the process of communicating with them, many new ideas emerged.

Interview Bon



22, Business Administrator

28, Entrepreneur

25, Engineering

Assumption 1: Real thoughts about the attitude of people you don’t know (does it matter or not?).

A rational male college student with a calm mind

A sensitive person with a strong sense of curiosity

A opinionated and self-aware person

Assumption 2: Would you like to see an emotional change process as an event ferments?

Attitude towards comments on social media

Attitude towards comments on social media

Attitude towards comments on social media

Assumption 3: What does social media lack the most. What features do you want to add?

1. Whether or not to respond to negative comments depending on his mood. 2. He thinks the majority of people hold moderate opinions. 3. Rarely reports negative comments, and rarely gets angry.

1. Will avoid negative comments which can affect her emotions. But she is also curious about bad reviews. 2. Will not block or report negative comments, as she thinks this will make her feel more guilty.

1. Online comments are exaggerated, and many

Vision Comments could be

Vision To react to extreme comments, people could "throw rotten eggs", and there could be an animation that is thrown out and pasted on the screen. This could be decompressive and satisfying.

Vision When people complain, the platforms could recognize the content, publish some of it but cause other parts to be pending subject to moderation.

comments cannot be blocked, because the world is diverse and speech is free.

reality. They express negative opinions on the internet and have no bottom line. the past, but realises this and now takes a strong stance.

Conclusion Personality 1. People's ability to accept negative reviews is still very high. 3. People still strongly support freedom of speech. Methods 1. Categorize comments based on their positive or negative emotion. 2. For other people's comments, people can "give a monetary gift" or "throw rotten eggs" for evaluation. 3. The system automatically hides extreme comments (but doesn't delete them).

Problem Definition

Design Aim

Schematic Diagram

manipulation by actors commenting in bad faith.

Design a plugin that can add people‘s emotions before they comment. Comments will be categorized into four kinds of emotions: Gloomy, Cheerful, Annoyed and Neutral.

After activating this plugin, comments on social media platform will be divided into these four categories, so that people can more intuitively check the emotional tendency of comments. In addition, users can conduct emotional evaluation when making comments, which can more directly express their own emotions.

2. People can't express their feelings through comments visually.

Design Inspiration Nature provides rich precedent for the ability for individuals to unite as groups. The sound of crickets chirping is the expression of both an individual’s voice, and a greater chorus of many insects, coordinated in a decentralized manner to the collective whole. The overall appearance is of an organism of much greater size and power than would be implied by a number of disconnected individuals. Reference: Berke, A., Sanchez Lengeling, T., Nawyn, J. and Larson, K., 2019. Bike Swarm. Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing,.

For comments, users take corresponding interactions: 1. Give monetary gifts to comments. The more positive gifts, the comment is highlighted, and the more negative gifts, part of the user’s ability to comment will be restricted. 2. Users can see comments similar to their own. Design a tangible interface that can dynamically showing the magnitude of the change in the mood of the commentator and strengthening the sense of belonging among people who share the same feelings about the same topic at that moment.

Design Concept of the comment is of the same position, it is considered a group. vibration frequency.

Technical Feasibility Analysis Galvanic Skin Response





LOGO Design

The skin tells us everything. One of the most sensitive measures for emotional arousal is Galvanic Skin Response (GSR).


Sentiment Analysis

background color fades from blue to green, corresponding to the mood from gloomy to cheerful.

In general, the purpose of sentiment analysis is to topics or to a viewpoint at both ends of the text.





Design Outcome

Wire Flows


interface prototype.


Tangible Interface



Skin Current Change Value



Lamp Flicker

Plugin (Design based on Twitter)

User Flow Viewer

User Interface Sketch


Click on the event and activate the plugin

View comments


Make comments

Watch evaluation &

Give feedback on the topic (sending gifts, blackout, scoring)

People's emotional orientation towards the event

After people make comments, they can see the magnitude of change in emotions and the number of people with the same emotion at that moment on the tangible interface.


Main Page

The comments are categorized Entry

Plugin Framework Read References

Publish events

View evaluation

Activate the plugin

Emotional Trends Note: When the Viewer “makes comments”, they become publishers.

Read Comments

based on emotion groups



Ranking Emotion Response

View comments


The commentary focuses on expressing emotions.


Gift Giving Block

Sentiment Analysis

according to their emotions.

Quality Evaluation Emotion Evaluation

Open the plugin. Comments will be sorted according to emotions.

Emotional change of the comment of the event can be seen (people's attitude towards this event).

Express users' emotions through comments.

The tangible interface will show people with the same emotions as the user in sense of belonging among users.

See the shift in public opinion clearly over time. Express emotions quickly with emoji.

Tangible Interface

Future Interface

Design Concept

Logic Theory

1. It can detect the user’s emotional changes when the user sees the comment. It means it can feed back the authenticity of the user’s comment.

When the GSR sensor detects the user's skin current change (that is, the greater the emotional change),

2. It can enhance the interest of the user’s comment. 3.For the future scenario, when people make emotional comments, The tangible interface can show the number of people who have the same which can enhance people's sense of belonging.

Electric Components

Product Usability Evaluation User 1 Overall Score: 65 User 2 Overall Score: 88 User 3 Overall Score: 76 The overall evaluation is good. Although one test user thought that it is not meaningful to do sentiment analysis on social media, he believes that this type of software is a place for people to express their opinions freely, and there is no need to classify comments. The combination of emotion analysis plugin and the tangible interface will be a new way of social interaction in the future.

GSR Sensor, Arduino Nano, LED Soft Board

Note Due to lack of time, I made the prototype into the shape of a wooden box. And the modeling behind the mobile phone case lacks more detailed exploration. The concept is actually a mobile phone case or smart mouse

When people express their emotional opinions on social software, the GSR sensor will detect the changes of people's emotions to verify whether the user's emotional comments are true. The intensity of emotional change is enhances people's sense of belonging.



Wish disease to stay away from the world


Illness Research

I looked for news stories about young people suffering from geriatrics



310 294
























01 8


01 7



01 6


Past age of onset: After 65 years of age Now onset age: About 40 years old Reasons: The people use the brain excessively.The pressure is big and so on also can lay the hidden trouble for the senile dementia. Detection mode: This problem can be partly detected based on the pulse phase meter based on DSP.

Past age of onset: Between forty and fifty Now onset age: Childhood Reasons: Young people, especially adolescents and children, suffer from diabetes mainly because of their poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and parents' "doting". 01 5




Urban 268


01 4

99 5


209 174




01 3

189 174

99 0

With the rapid development of information today, young people have become "workaholics". No one cares much about their physical condition, and there is no time to get enough check. Some aging diseases are getting younger. Based on the principle of intelligent medical technology, I conceived four medical devices that can be skillfully combined with public places, so that people can take advantage of fragmented time to conduct physical examination and understand their physical conditions.






01 2



01 1



01 0





00 9



00 8

Apr. 2019 - Jun. 2019



00 7




9 Y/O., complications from diabetes

The 45-year-old patient had gout for 15 years

Changes in the death rate from chronic diseases in urban and rural residents in China from 1990 to 2018 (%)

00 6

App design User experience design

34 Y/O., programmer, early cataract

00 5


28 Y/O., acute cerebral infarction

00 0

Conceptual design Future life-style design

Past age of onset: Between fifty and sixty Now onset age: More than thirty years old Reasons: It is generally believed that gout in young people is caused by problems such as alcoholism and obesity. Detection mode: This disease can be prevented by skeleton detection and analysis system based on AI.


From the data, it can be seen that the number of people with Chronic Diseases in cities is higher than that in rural areas. It may be that people in the countryside live in healthier environments than those in the city and people in the city are under pressure from work and don't care enough about their health.

Expert Opinion Prevention is more important than cure. Individuals can assess their risk of disease based on 19 factors, including age, height, weight, previous illness and so on. In addition to reasonable exercise, it also needs to regularly go to the hospital to check.

Detection mode: This disease can be prevented by the technology of automatic urine analyzer.

Past age of onset: After fifty Now onset age: 10 to 20 Reasons: Malignant melanoma may be caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light and the use of a large number of inappropriate chemical skin care products. Detection mode: This disease can be prevented by the AI skin detection.


Design Opportunity

Physical examination is very important. People's health status and potential diseases can be found through physical examination. But now fewer and fewer people go for physical examination, and their enthusiasm for physical examination is somewhat reduced. Why does this happen?

Most people think that the disease is far away from their own. However, when we suddenly fell ill, we find that the disease is in fact around us. So we should always pay attention to our own health. Only a healthy body can ensure that we go further and further in our career and life.

In order to find out about people lives and their attitudes on physical health and health centers,I interviewed several people.

Design Aims Aimed at people aged 25 to 50, who are busy at work. Promote people to keep in control of their physical conditions, prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases, and go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. To design four sets of devices that can detect people's physical conditions in public places where people often pass by. At the same time, there is a mobile app that can display and record people's physical conditions in detail. Name: Li Chen Age: 25 Occupation: HR Assistant

Name: Mark Wang Age: 32 Occupation: Software Engineer

Name: Hong Fang Age: 38 Occupation: Teacher

Name: Will Zhang Age: 49 Occupation: Designer

Service Flow Chart

Problems: Always works overtime so the life time is irregular. Besides, eats irregularly. Only eats what she likes.

Problems: Has family burden. He is very busy and seldom has time to have a physical examination but often feels backache and headache.

Problems: Thinks the physical examination really time-consuming and inconvenient. And there is a long wait for the report.

Problems: Only goes to the hospital when feels sick. Thinks there is no need in having a physical examination. It only affect his working hours.

Face Examination:






Busy Unhealthy

Goals: Hopes to have an app that can recommend diet according to physical condition.


Situation: Busy Unhealthy

Goals: wants to know physical condition anywhere and anytime.

Free Healthy

Situation: Busy Unhealthy

Goals: Hopes to have a place that does not need so much time waiting in line for examination.

Free Healthy

Busy Unhealthy

Goals: Hopes to have a strong body to work all the time and not wastes much time in hospital.

1.The devices can be set anywhere to insure anyone can detect. And the scene is not limited to the four described. 2. Ingenious integration of the device and the environment, no obscenity.

Stand in front of the mirror

Look at the mirror

Show problems in the mirror

Maybe people wash thier hands at sinks

The device recognizes a person's face

Detect possible problems with people's faces

Hands Examination: Stand on the escalator

Put a hand on the handrail

Maybe people have an empty hand

The device recognizes the pulse on the hand

1. Four people lacks concern for their health. They are all quite busy and don't have enough leisure time. 2. The physical examination is time-consuming and inconvenient, and the waiting time for the report is long.

Show problems on the handrail Detect possible problems with people's hand

Urine Examination: Stand in front of the urinal Men urinate in front of urinals

Body Shape Examination:


Record data in the app

Look at the urinal The device detect the composition of urine

Show problems on the urinal Analysis of possible diseases based on urine composition

Stand in front of platform glass

Look at the glass (wall)

Show problems on the glass

People wait at the metro platform

The device scans information about the human body

Analyze the possible diseases based on their physical indicators.

Face Examination

Hands Examination

Urine Examination

Body Shape Examination

Scenario selection

Scenario selection

Scenario selection

Scenario selection

The reason why I choose the mirror is that everyone will look at their face in the mirror, and the bathroom is one of the places that people often go.

The reason why I choose the escalator is that it can be seen almost everywhere in public places, such as subway station, and people touch the handrail in the escalator directly.

I chose the urinal because everyone needs to go to the toilet. If you can check the composition of your urine after urinating, you can better understand your health.

Anyway, the device is in direct contact with people's face.The toilet mirror is just one of the more appropriate scenarios I can think of.

Principle of Intelligent Medical Instrument

Principle of Intelligent Medical Instrument

Design of pulse phase meter based on DSP.

Technology based on automatic urine analyzer.The essence of the principle of the urine analyzer is the absorption and reflection of light.By analyzing the quantity, nature and composition of urine, it is possible to diagnose diseases effectively.

The reason why I choose the subway platform is that the subway is the most popular means of transportation. There are a lot of people in the subway and it takes a lot of time for people to wait in front of the platform. Therefore, I plan to use the time of waiting for the subway to let people do tests. So people can know their physical conditions while waiting.

Test Content Complexion Analysis; Skin Sensitivity; Skin Oil Condition; Black Head; Black Eye; Pimple; Acne.

Pulse condition carries rich health condition of human body. Pulse meridian is one of the most characteristic diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine, which has a long history and rich contents. Human Hands Power Module Pulse Sensor Touch Screen Module

Acne Black Eye




Signal Transformation

LCD Module

Lung Liver


Stomach Heart

Problems Predicted by Testing

Problems Predicted by Testing

Viscera Problems; Allergic Diseases; Endocrine Dyscrasia

Angina Pectoris; Stomach Trouble; High Blood Lipid; Inflammation; Chronic Disease; Liver Function Problem

The device, combined with a doctor's test, can tell if a person has more serious problems.

Uric Dry Chemical Analysis

Morphological Examination

Urine Discharge

Test Content Urine Color Urine Leukocyte (LEU) Urine Protein (R-PRO) Urine Glucose (U—Glu) Urine ketone bodies (U-Ket) Urine specific gravity (SG) Urobilinogen (URO)

Test Content Twenty-Eight Kinds of Pulse Condition; Color of Hands; Intestines Area; Stomach Area; Cadrdiac Area; Lung Area; Liver Area.

Urine Collection

The device, combined with a doctor's test, can tell if a person has more serious problems.

Problems Predicted by Testing Jaundice Diabetes Nephrotic Syndrome Kidney Stone Chronic Nephritis

Inflammation Lithiasis Urocystitis Urethritis Lithiasis

The device, combined with a doctor's test, can tell if a person has more serious problems.

Principle of Intelligent Medical Instrument Attitude detection and analysis system based on computer artificial intelligence. The CPM factional filtering intelligent technology is adopted to automatically collect key points of the human body for posture analysis, and the intelligent analytical system carried out multi-point depth quantitative analysis on the skeletal muscle.

Test Content Gesture Detection Bone Structure Muscle State Gait Analysis Risk Prediction

Problems Predicted by Testing Head Tilt; Head Forward; High and Low Shoulders; Center of Gravity Shift; Pelvis Forward; Pelvic Lateral Bend; Obesity.

The device, combined with a doctor's test, can tell if a person has more serious problems.

Design Outcome Information Architecture Level-2 Page

Wireframe Level-3 Page

Face Examination


Hands Examination

Current Situation

Urine Examination



Mood Board Information


Level-3 Page

Home Page

Profession Body Shape Examination


Usage Instruction There are two ways to go from home page to level-3 page. The first kind of jump is for those who are eager to know what's wrong with their bodies. Clicking on a person's organs on the main page (The person on the homepage directly shows the user's physical problems) will take you to the page showing the organ problem. The second way is to click the first button on the left at the bottom of the page, and the four detected items will pop up. Selecting one of the items will jump to the Level-2 page, and clicking the corresponding button in the Level-2 page will jump to the Level-3 page.

Logo Design



The logo is composed of two elements: the heart shape and the E character, which are quite in line with the design definition.



Level-2 Page

Level-3 Page

Level-2 Page


Monet's grey

Klein's blue

Conclusion More interesting: Improve the user's favor and approval of the prduct; Weaken the tool nature of the product. Easy to use: Improve the recognition of icons and the accuracy of the text to enhance the recognition of the function, so that users can easily understand and operate; Emphasis on functional guidance. More unified: Combine similar functional styles to ensure the consistency of the same operation in different locations; Reduce users' learning costs. The color of the APP: Dominant hue is blue. It combines klein's blue with Monet's gray. Pure blue presents a high cool stunning visual impact and spiritual sensibility. Blue symbolizes calm, profound, pure and solemn.

Selected Pages

Scenario Example of Urine Examination Scenario

Face Examination

Hands Examination

When someone looks into a bathroom mirror, the device automatically detects the condition of the person’s face and displays a message on the mirror.

When a person places a hand on an elevator. The device is activated, automatically detects the person’s hand, and displays information on the stairs where person is standing on.

1. The device automatically detects urine when a person urinates.

2. Click on the page for general information.


spareExam Download


Function 1.View examination details 2.Check out ways to prevent chronic diseases More


Urine Examination

Body Shape Examination

When a man urinates, urine passes through the device and some of person's condition will be displayed on the screen.

Sensors in the windows and on the ground. when someone is waiting on the platform, windows will show people’s contours.

Scenario Video:




3. Scan the QR code and download the app.

4. Check the urine test results.


Plant Research

Exploring the musical interface between humans and plants

Plant Communication

Project Human-plant interaction

Composition Tangible musical interface design Sound design

Date Oct. 2020 - Apr. 2021

Introduction To explore how to visualize plants inaudible sounds, I designed PlantMax, an interesting interactive interface for plant music. It combines a GSR sensor with capacitance sensors to capturer plant data, which can be processed by a computer and transformed into music that the human ear can perceive. Giving plants a voice, a possibility to respond and engage us would lead to new forms of entertainment, enhance our lifestyles and form a new environmental computational platform that can be used to make a “dialogue” between humans and plants. By reusing what nature has given us and designing an organic plant interaction, we can start a digital revolution back to nature.


Plant HCI

One of the striking differences between plants and animals is that they cannot move in response to changes in their surroundings. Plants are often thought of as lower creatures, lacking the typical means of communication with which we are familiar, such as sound and gesture. However, they have evolved a number of strategies to listen for and respond to harmful external conditions. Plants have no specialized organs for hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting, and their movements are usually too slow to be detected by the human eye, but they have advanced sensory systems - several receptors distributed horizontally throughout the plant. Plants also have special communication strategies that produce electrochemical reactions to the environment around them [1]. Recent advances in plant biology have shown that when plants are in a state of dangerous stress, the amount and properties of volatile organic compounds released into the atmosphere will change [2]. These molecules can be eavesdropped by nearby unstressed plants and enhance a rapid defense response to impending stress [3]. For example, plants not only release volatile compounds to attract pollinators and animals to ensure seed reproduction and diffusion, but these air signals have also been shown to be involved in plant-plant communication [4]. Runyon et al. [5] demonstrated the ability of parasitic plants (Cuscuta pentagona) to smell the presence of nearby tomato plants and grow towards them. In addition, Engelberth et al. [6] showed that when plants are attacked by herbivores, they can sense volatile organic compounds released by nearby plants and enhance timely defense responses to impending stress factors. [1] Thomas A. DeFalco, Kyle W. Bender, Wayne A. Snedden; Breaking the code: Ca2+ sensors in plant signalling. Biochem J 1 January 2010; 425 (1): 27–40. [2] B. Niederbacher, J.B. Winkler, J.P. Schnitzler, Volatile organic compounds as non-invasive markers for plant phenotyping, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 66, Issue 18, September 2015, Pages 5403–5416, [3] Gen-ichiro Arimura, Atsushi Muroi & Masahiro Nishihara (2012) Plant–plant–plant communications, mediated by (E)-ocimene emitted from transgenic tobacco plants, prime indirect defense responses of lima beans, Journal of Plant Interactions, 7:3, 193-196, [4] Arimura, G. I., Shiojiri, K., & Karban, R. (2010). Acquired immunity to herbivory and allelopathy caused by airborne plant emissions. Phytochemistry, 71(14-15), 1642-1649. j.phytochem.2010.06.021 [5] Runyon JB, Mescher MC, De Moraes CM. Volatile chemical cues guide host location and host selection by parasitic plants. Science. 2006 Sep 29;313(5795):1964-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1131371. PMID: 17008532. [6] Engelberth J, Alborn HT, Schmelz EA, Tumlinson JH. Airborne signals prime plants against insect herbivore attack. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Feb 10;101(6):1781-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0308037100. Epub 2004 Jan 28. PMID: 14749516; PMCID: PMC341853.

Plant Art

Plant Sound Design

The collaboration between artists and plants demonstrates the relationship between humans and art, nature and the environment. They reveal the interactions and processes of these connections.

Cyborg Botany The Fluid Interfaces group of the MIT Media Lab uses plants as sensors to connect to the digital world, forming an interface that can perceive the environment and present feedback Growing a Green Future, 2012 Anna Garforth used moss in various designs and created green walls to give the building a more natural feel.

Florence People only need to input content on the terminal device to realize the “communication” between humans and plants. After the input information is processed by natural language, it will be mapped into certain emotions, and plants will respond to human emotions.

Das Verschlossene Paradies, 1995 Herman de Vries tells the story through the arrangement and combination of plants. It is a kind of creation to express emotion.

Pieces for Plants, 2013 This project is a work of plant and human interaction through the use of highly sensitive capacitive sensors. When people get close to plants, they can hear the plants reacting to their presence.

Bio-Box, 2013 This project establishes audio communication between different ecosystems (mosses and algae). These bio-communication systems generate tiny voltages as a human gesture in response to their physical stimuli, producing audible audio.

Design Concept Nature is filled with countless beautiful creatures, many of which have unique senses and expressive powers. They can sense the environment and other living things and regenerate, drive or grow. Unlike our interactions with traditional digital devices, our interaction mechanisms and channels of communication with creatures in nature are subtle. Plants, for example, know how to express themselves, synthesizing and transmitting large amounts of information through electrical impulses and chemical signals. If plants could talk to us, what would they say? Also, if we could talk to them, what would we say to them? Combining the knowledge of biology, art, design and engineering, I created a Plant Musical Interface (PMI) through the power of music, which enables people to express themselves together with plants through music. In the design process, I focused on plants, used a Galvanic Skin sensor to measure the bioconductivity of plants, and transformed it directly into sounds that representing plants. At the same time, I designed the plant as a capacitive touch interface, so that users can touch different leaves of the plant and generate mysterious music processed by different music synthesis technologies, so that users can interpret the beauty of life with the plant through electronic music.


Product Picture

Interaction Mode

Hardware Design

PlantMax generates sound all the time, visualizing the "physiological state" of the plant. PlantMax has two forms of interaction. When users engage in contactless interactions (such as approaching with fire, high-fiving, etc.), PlantMax responds to these stimuli in the form of sound changes. PlantMax is a music control interface when users engage in contact interactions (such as stroking or tapping). Users can change the area and duration of contact between the hand and the blade to produce different sensory sounds. The reason there are two modes of interaction is that PlantMax uses two kinds of sensors - a GSR sensor and a capacitance sensor. The non-contact interaction changes the plant's physiological values, which are obtained by the GSR sensor, and thus the plant's initial sound. Contact interaction mainly changes the capacitance value between people and plants, thus changing the parameters in each music synthesizer to change the sound. The sound changes produced by non-contact interaction are subtle, while the music produced by contact interaction is more obvious. I used Arduino Mega 2560 to collect all the data from the sensors. Then these data are fed into Max/ Msp, through a certain music synthesis technology to form a unique music. One electrode of the GSR sensor is connected to the leaf (stem) and the other electrode is connected to the soil (water). There are also nine capacitive sensors, each connected to nine different leaves. In the circuit of this capacitance sensor, I used a resistor of 1M. The resistance of this value can detect whether the finger is touching the sensing surface. By this, it means that the capacitance value changes only when the finger is touching the plant.

What is PlantMax? 1. A tangible music interface beyond a graphical interface. 2. Using sensor network breaks the traditional interaction experience between people and plants. 3. Expresses the plant signals that people can’t feel through music and enhances people’s cognition of the world.

Contact Interaction

Non-Contact Interaction

By connecting nine capacitive sensors to a single plant, the position of the plant leaves can be determined more accurately by observing the frequency affected by the user's touch signal. However, plants have complex and dynamic electrical structures. There will be some interference between these nine sensor. This means that the quality of the music generated each time is erratic, and more optimization needs to be done.

Sound Design

I tried a variety of music synthesis techniques, such as Texture Synthesis, AM, FM, Addition Synthesis, Reverb, etc. After a number of user experience tests, the Texture Synthesis technology was abandoned because its sound was not good enough to represent the characteristics of plants. The final music synthesis technique will be described in detail below. The overall logic of the program is as follows: 60000 bioimpedances of the plant are obtained by the GSR sensor in advance (1 data is collected in 1s.) and then these data are converted to Digital to Analog Converter. Serial number 1 is an audio signal with 60,000 data stored in the buffer~ (amplitude range: -1. ~ 1.). In addition, the GSR sensor captures the plant’s bioimpedance in real time at a rate of 10 data points per second, constantly updating the stored data. This is the sound produced by the plant - the purest sound. The other compositing technologies listed in the serial number all require the interaction between humans and plants to produce sound changes, that is, the compositing technologies required for the music made by humans based on the interface of plants. Their composition realizes the essence of PlantMax: human-plant interaction. Serial number 2 is used to change the playing speed of the original plant music. Serial number 3 and 8 are FM Modulation. One of the characteristics of FM is the ability of consolidation, which can realize the time-varying control of the spectrum content. It is more in line with the characteristics of natural sound as the spectrum content of sound in nature often has complex dynamic changes. Adjusting the part of serial number 3 can change the frequency of the carrier oscillator signal. When the frequency is low, the tremolo effect will be produced. With the gradual increase of the frequency, the tremolo effect will gradually disappear, and more sideband waves will be generated as well as the timbre will start to change. Changing Ratio can give the original plant music a metallic feel. Serial number 4 can make the music produce empty inspiration. Serial number 5 is to make the music reverb. Serial number 6 can make the music cloudy. Adjust the Lo, Mid and Hi parts of the serial number 7 to make the music more layered. Serial number 9 is an additive synthesis technology, whose principle is to superposition multiple harmonics of different frequencies and amplitudes to obtain harmonic-rich compound sounds. Based on this synthesis technique, the sound waveform generated by the plant can be superposed with the sound waveform generated by the human touching the leaves, and the resulting sound fully embodies the theme of the “dialogue” between the human and the plant. The sound effect video of PlantMax can be found on the website:

Blooming Distance


Online Interview

Help children with autism understand the appropriate social distance

The prevalence of autism has risen from 5000 to 1 in 1975 to 54 to 1 in 2021, making it the most common and highly prevalent developmental disorder in the world. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad developmental disorder characterized by varying degrees of communication difficulties, social impairments, behavioral abnormalities, and repetitive behaviors. In particular, deficits in face-to-face social communication are most common among autistic children, who are therefore more likely to be isolated and unable to integrate well into society.

On April 3, 2021, we asked for information about autistic children through an online communication with a teacher from Beijing Stars and Rain Education Institute for Autistic, an educational institution that provides services for autistic children and their families. In the interview, the teacher shared a video case: a basin of autistic children for water use, there are a red line. The purpose of this red line is not to worry that he can't see the water line clearly because of his vision problems, nor is he worried about his inability to concentrate and cause too much water, but to establish a norm for children with autism. Without norms, they don't know how much water to hold, and what is the "clean" standard for a "clean table".

Project CAFA 8-week workshop Teamwork (Yage Chen, Yechen Zhu)

Composition Jewelry design Interaction design

Date Mar. 2021 - May 2021

Dr Ralph Adolphs, of the California Institute of Technology, used information collected from the Autism Research Project and the Autism Gene Resource Exchange (AGRE) on children's social behaviour. They compared the scores of 766 children with autism with 766 unaffected siblings on a standardized questionnaire on autistic social behavior.


79% of children with autism were less aware of proximity and more likely to invade personal space than their normally developing siblings.

Social Distance Social distance is a very important factor in social interaction. It is one of the six basic non-verbal social factors (smile, nod, eye contact, gestures, social distance and physical contact). Having a good grasp of social distance is crucial to successful socializing. Conversely, inappropriate displays of social distance tend to cause the other party to feel their personal space is being invaded (resulting in strong discomfort) and lead to misunderstanding of social intentions (e.g., personal aggression, indifference, etc.).


Public space, 7.6m

Personal space, 1.2m


Private space, 0.45m

I mainly designed the interactive part (coding), Yage mainly designed the jewelry structure.

Social space, 3.7m

Children with autism are often isolated due to social barriers. Without proper intervention, it is difficult for children with autism to carry out correct social activities, and social distance is an important factor in social skills. In response to this problem, in order to help children with autism to perceive and understand the social distance in social activities and make correct behaviors, we designed wearable smart Blooming Distance to help them perceive social distance.

In this model, private space is generally used for hugging, touching or whispering; Personal spaces for interaction with close friends or family; Social space is the scope of interaction with ordinary people; Public space is the distance kept from strangers in public. In addition, social distance includes not only the distance between others, but also the relative direction between others. For two people who are not very close, standing side by side in a crowded space is often more natural and comfortable than standing face to face.

Research on preferences of autistic children Color: Children with autism don't like yellow, they prefer brown; Overall preference for cool colors over warm colors. Its color order is: green, blue, red, purple, orange, yellow. Shape: Because autistic children have a defective understanding of things, their mental development is not mature, and they can only distinguish simple shapes. Children with autism use visual observation as their main learning method, and children with autism have a long-term interest in a particular shape. The overall appearance needs to adopt relatively simple lines, such as cylinder, cone, cube, cuboid, ball and other shapes, which can bring them different feelings.

Design Opportunity 1. Social distance is an abstract concept for children with autism, and it is difficult for children to understand what the appropriate range is in the interaction with people. Furthermore, it is difficult for them to have such self-awareness. So we can define a standard for children with autism: what is the appropriate social distance. 2. Many children with autism will show the high sensitivity on the sensory system, such as to sound, light, temperature, etc. Therefore, children can be presented with a rich variety of graphics (such as a kaleidoscope), through visual stimulation to attract the attention of children with autism.

Design Concept Children with autism are often isolated due to social barriers. Without proper intervention, it is difficult for children with autism to carry out correct social activities, and social distance is an important factor in social skills. In response to this problem, in order to help children with autism to perceive and understand the social distance in social activities and make correct behaviors, we designed wearable smart Blooming Distance to help them perceive social distance. When a person came to socialize with him face to face, when the distance from the autistic child was gradually reduced to 3m, the flower on the chest would slowly bloom; But when less than 0.4m, the flower will gradually close. - To encourage autistic children to get closer to others.

Interactive Testing Rig

Design Process

Design Outcome

Arduino Nano, distance sensor HC-04, servo motor

Logic Theory >3m 2m~3m Distance Data


1.2m~2m 0.4m~1.2m <0.4m


Rotate 0 degrees Rotate 40 degrees Rotate 100 degrees Rotate 180 degrees Rotate 0 degrees

Schematic Diagram

Scenario 1. Closing 2. Blooming



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