Portfolio 2015

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Cheung Cherie Leona Portfolio

Content 1. Impermanent Living, Spring 2013 2. Museum Boom, Fall 2014 3. Market Library- Urban Terrace, Spring 2012 4. New Walled City- Illegal housing in Hong Kong, Fall 2013 5. Fronton Beti-Jai- Empty Envelope, Fall 2012 6. Urban Room- Collective Memories, Fall 2011 7. House Design, Spring 2011 8. Body Map, Fall 2010 9. Work Experience


Spring 2013 The University of Hong Kong Tutor Dylan Baker-Rice Situated at the waterfront of the redeveloping district, Kwun Tong in Hong Kong, the project aims at providing a collective ambience for local film and creative industry workers. The group is characterized by their intensive and irregular working hours with high interaction with others. Desirable living is small scaled and may be temporary, while communal and public programs are highlighted to connect individuals with everyday activities. Impermanent living is introduced through modular plug-in units. Not only that modules extend the living area by different combinations, it is also crucial to optimize tiny usable spaces in these limited area. Folding and sliding furnitures provide various changing scenes to inhabitats. An ever-changing faรงade of each individual module represents each occupant own needs. As such, although living in high density, the project presents the possibility of customized living spaces and appearance with high flexibility within a closely tied community.

urBan anD ForM Strategy once the eastern hollywood, local film industry declines because of high compeition against the Mainland China in recent years. Kwun tong becomes a hidden film production center, which makes it a perfect destination for a mix used residential project aiming at film and creative industrial workers. Providing small scaled livework experience in a highly interactive environment, the project expresss itself through a shear wall and a modular system.

1:500 model on site- interactive living

typical plan

MoDuLar unitS FLeXiBiLity

original Modules

Flexible expanded layout type 1 typology

Small scaled living spaces are utilized by moudlar units and flexible layouts.

type 1 type 3

28m2 40m2

type 2 35m2 type 4 55m2

interaCtiVe MiXeD uSe enVironMent

impermanent living is emphasized through a differentiation of activities in the closedly connected environment.

type 3 typical residential unit

Communal Programmes gymnasium

type 2 horizontal expanded studio

horizontal expansion 56m2

FLeXiBLe oPtiMiZation type 1 typology





1. sliding bookshelf unit 2. flexible table 3. sliding wall unit (shelf and tV) 4. fold-down bed

Changing FaCaDe SySteM

vertical expansion 35m2




studio working

maximize kitchen

enclosed bathroom

work + library

screen projection

double expansion 112m2




house party

Void Sky garden type 1+2 typical studio

a changing facade echoes with the flexible modular units, where spaces and appearences of architecture is autonomous.the facade of the building is highly depedent on the needs and activities of users through the system of sliding and folding wooden panels.

The section summarizes how one may experience impermanent living through traveling bewteen live, work and interaction. The project is further enhanced by providing a welcoming open ground from inner Kwun Tong to the new waterfront. With a sunken courtyard at the center, the building does not only serve residents but creates a big interacting space for the neighbourhood. The changing units layouts, modules usages, public programmes and landscape offers a customised impermanent living space in a highly densed urban environment.

1:25 modelmateriality, flexible layouts

1:200 final model

MuSeuM BooM - ShuangLiu art ParK / SiChuaneSe oPera MuSeuM fall 2014 the UniverSity of hong Kong tUtor vereBeS thoMaS richarD in collaBoration with vivian laU Man wai

the design proposal establishes an autonomous cultural district scheme with a single culture institue in reply to the Museum Boom in China. Situated at the Shuangliu art Park in Chengdu, the proposal continues the city’s urban strategy of providing a massive landscape for citizens. the site is divided into a complexity of cultural zones, and is differentiated with various voronoi urban skins acoording to spatial and progrmmatic needs. taking South Bank, London as a precedent study, the idea of immersive interior environment is brought to connect with the intricate public ground. the proposal focuses on the Sichuanese opera Museum, with additional productive and theatric elements. not only that the boundary between exterior open spaces and interior public volumes becomes blurry to attract people, the Museum also explores the spatial qualities of three-dimensional voronoi system. the single cultural institute as such presents multiple systems in association with the complex exterior public landscape.

generative voronoi pattern study radial System - amphitheater and open event Spaces

amphitheater by the riverside

radial voronoi control

Circulation from voronoi urban skin Levels differentiation as open amphitheater

extension System - islands and exterior public landscape

Pattern extension towards the Programme continuity from land water to water


recreational exterior public spaces

2D and 3D voronoi connection

With associative design computational tools, the project investigates voronoi pattern as a study of sub-divisional sequences and distributions in surfaces and volumes. the result is seen as a division on urban skin and programmatic volumes. Putting it to Shuangliu art park, each cultural zone is designed in a specific pattern language and spatial qualities thorugh its programmatic and circulation requirements. the autonomous proposal therefore extends a higly patternised landscape.

overall site section showing different voronoi volumes

overall master plan showing different patternised urban skin

Precedent Study on South Bank cultural district, London

The Sichuanese Opera Museum took reference of South Bank, London where the connectivity of the public spaces breaks the boundary between the exterior and the interior. Together with subdivided 3D voronoi cells and loops of circulation, the museum creates the sense of continuity in between cellular spaces among the programmes.

Massing and Prgrommatic Strategy

1:200 study models on cellular spaces and form 1:50 sectional model showing continuity of celluar spaces

Circulation and programmes in sub-divided volumes

Ground floor plan showing integration of exterior and interior

Section showing the connectivity of the programmes

MarKet LiBrary: urBan terraCeS

SPring 2012

Shanghai StUDy center, the UniverSity tUtor wang fei


hong Kong

it is uncommon to see libraries going together with markets. the project develops a market-library through previous studies on Lockhart Municipal Services Building in hong Kong and Qipu Xinwang Clothing and accessories Market in Shanghai, where they demonstrate how incongruous programmes come together due to high density of urban city. Putting the two very different programmes together with a dancing studio, urban terraces serves the neighbourhood as a community leisure center. the main concpet is to emphasize the transition of scale and expand outdoor experience.

to create a Community Leisure Center

1500m2 Library

1000m2 Clothing Market

to emphasize the transition of Scale


atriums to create tall spacious public moments

500m2 Dancing Studio to suit exercising needs of diversed neighbourhood

interlocking programmes connection

attractor atrium facing the street to allure the public

Small rooms to contrast with the atrium and create intimacy

transiting ground access as filter of crowded street to the quite opera house

graduating Facade to stress on scale changes

under bridge circulation to introduce public to the courtyard

exterior Circulation welcoming path from the public courtyard

Views towards the courtyards

to expand outdoor experience

Courtyards to provide a private dancing platform and activate the public courtyard

roof gardens to open green public area

1:500 form study models

1:500 model on site

1:200 programme study model

site plan

unfolded section - transition of scale and variation of programmes

1:100 model

1:1 installation model

New walled city - Illegal housing in Hong Kong

Fall 2013 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale Exhibition Affect-T Directed by Dylan Baker-Rice In collaboration with Matthew Donkersley, Sara Campagna, Sam Ki, Jason Yeung Away from the ever-growing skyline of the uniquely dynamic metropolis, Hong Kong current state of housing is far from Ideal- it is dire when it comes to housing for its citizens at the bottom of the economic rungs. The exhibition maps the psycho-geography of illegal housing phenomenon as the New Walled City. It documents 7 typical local illegal dwellings which fill between gaps and edges of the city, and presents how effective they are at providing low cost high-density living. The exhibition also proposes an architectural solution - a temporary or transitional dwelling unit, which utilises typical local material, bamboo and ratten, to build a safe affordable alternative to the illegal structures. The proposal also suggests gathering these transitional housings in empty factories to create a new way of community.

road fill (people) road fill (car) people silhouette dash

rooftop housing

homeless tunnel living


wall fill 1

Capsule living

wall fill 2



5 3

6 6 4

3 7 1 2 9

industrial subdivided dwellings

temporary/ transitional dwelling units utilize factory's spaces

1:250 model

fall 2012

Fronton Beti-Jai- eMPty enVeLoPe

ie UniverSity, Segovia,SPain hKU DePartMent exchange PrograMMe tUtor ManUel ocana

the project focused on an abandoned historic building, Fronton Beti-Jai, situated in the busy neighbourhood in Madrid for more than 80 years. it was once the most popular gambling sports venue in the Spanish capital, however due to the gradual declination of sport pelota, it is now left as a wasted empty space. the project transforms it into a productive building, at the same time preserves its architectural values. one special perspective of the project is that the refurbishment plan contains no new programme. today, forms follow function does not suit in every single situation, one would be able to find surprisingly endless ranges of spaces designed in the absense of programme. instead, the envelope of the new block is focused.. the proposal is further developed to become an icon of Madrid, which situates at the new skyline of Madrid.

unfolded facade drawing


exploded axonometric drawing

the project also explores the feasibility of further extrusion such that the envelope becomes an icon of Madrid. the central and ground opening conherent to strengthen the concept of having no programme, which empty spaces are opened for all kinds of possibilties.

1:500 urban model

Urban Room - Colletive memories Fall 2011 The University of Hong Kong Tutor Joshua Bolchover

The Kwun Tong town center has been going through urban redevelopment by the Hong Kong's Urbal Renewal Authority since 1998. The project, Urban room, aims at looking for an alternative plan for the town center project. It focuses on the context of urbanisation and extracts potential programmatic ingredients, which brings the local and wide community a new social harmonic environment. Beginning with putting the concept of the neighbourhood's colllective memories into the site, the project develops new urban strategies in preserving the past Kwun Tong's taste, and introducing refreshing vitality to the old town center.




Design strategy

MASSING 1:1000

INTERIOR PROGRAM 1 RESIDENTIAL Estimated total no of households Estimated total population Estimated area

New blocks NEW BLOCKS

Connection transport interchange

outdoor cultural exhibitio


Connection CONNECTION interlocking blocks which bridge the preserved and the new blocks

New element residential use

concert hall

PRESERVED BUILDINGS existing buildings with significant collective memories of Kwun Tong people

Preservation typical local curved facade

2 RETAIL Estimated total no of shops 500 Estimated area 70000

external social spaces



4 CULTURAL EXPERIENCE Library Exhibition Center Theatrer / Cinema 5 HEALTH CENTER

9000 4000 8000 2000




176500 4.4 45%

shopping mall

Preservation The Silver Theater

1000 4000 80000

central library





Temporary market Unique personalised facade





SITE PLAN 1:2000 C



Exhibition center

Shopping Center

Theater / Cineama

Markets / Bazaar

Library / Cultural Center


Residential area



Public Services

Industrial area

Preservation of memorial buildings B A


1:1000 form study models


site plan showing various land uses E




selected axonometric view

h0uSe anaLySiS & DeSign tutor

1:50 plans

exploded axonometric analysis


1:50 model

1:100 conceptual models

1:50 conceptual model

Spring 2011 hirabayashi Miho

the project involves designing a house with the anaylysis of adolf Loos’s Steiner house. the openings on the facades, which link interior and exterior spaces, are emphasized in the design. the house is designed through the process of making vast variations of models with different forms, programmes, circulation, and openings.

BoDy MaP tutor

Fall 2010 McKee Daniel Chad

human body skin is a complicated and dynamic landscape. the project studies a vertical jumping motion of a leg through mapping the surfaces and its movement. not only to inquire into the the relationship between space, time and movement, it also developes an idea of spatial projection. the motion is transformed into conceptual drawings and a paper cladding model.

analytical drawing

1:1 model

other WorKS WorKing eXPerienCe

1. SUMMer rUral UrBan fraMeworK, facUlty


architectUre, hKU

the Workshop offered an on-site opportunity to explore a rural Chinese village, Lukzuk in guangdong province. through researching and investigating the site in materials, housing layouts etc., a schematic design to refurbish the community hall was presented to the villagers.

2. allMetroPoliS, internShiP


goweSt ProJect, Shanghai

a research project examing the feasibility and urban implications of applying Chinese special economic zone policy in Flevoland, the netherlands. through studying the urban history, political, economical and social aspects of different cities, the project extrapolates qualities from the Chinese model in to Western development.

3. Jiaxing iSlanD

internShiP at aiM architectUre/goweSt ProJect, Shanghai Building on a tiny island in Jiaxing, China, the mixed use project provides various programmes such as car exhibition space, short stay apartment and sports center, which are connected through a central sunken courtyard. i was involved in to schematic design stage, including massing and facade development, drawings and presentation to clients and it is currently under construction,

Cheung Cherie Leona 張倬怡 +852 97723872 yeecherie@gmail.com


2014-Present 2010-2013 Aug 2012-Jan 2013 Jan 2012-Apr 2012 2003-2010

Academic Results 2014 2013 2010

The University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture The University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts (Architectural Studies) School of Architecture, IE University, Segovia, Spain, Department Exchange Programme Shanghai Study Centre, Department Study Programme St. Stephen’s Girls’ College Jadine / Henry Lo Scholarship 2014-2015 BA(AS) First Class Honours Dean’s Honours List David Wong Memorial Prize HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships HKALE 1A3B1C

Archietctural Experience Jul 2013-July 2014 Jan 2014-Feb 2014 Jun-Jul 2012 Jun-Aug 2011

Aedas Limited, Hong Kong Hong Kong-Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale Exhibition Internship at GoWest Project & AIM Architecture, Shanghai Rural Urban Framework, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong

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