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Sky Book Library / Library for all

International Design Competition | maison h

Instuctors Maison H


Date Winter 2021

Location Songdo, Korea

Team Martijn de Geus, Han Zhang, TsunXian, MinHui, YingWei, YeeShyang

An open, permeable landscaped environment that invites visitors to stroll through the gardens, as much as it invites them to come inside for a sense of wonder.

By positioning the larger, non-library specific public program components (auditorium or multi-functional classrooms), directly on the ground floor, all connected with the neighboring landscape, we enhance the connection to the neighboring community. All access from three sides as well as mandatory parking are seamlessly integrated in a one-level landscape, covered with a sprawling community garden.

Cultural Expression in Facade and Interior Design

A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. The Sky Book Library takes two local, familiar cultural concepts as its inspiration for this defamiliarizing expression of culture in the facade and the interior.

The external facade is inspired by the traditional Korean Dance ‘Seungmu’, known for its soloperformances in which the dancer wears a long sleeved robe that creates a beautiful mixture of flowing movements and stillness.

The interior takes after traditional Asian books scrolls to create a diversified public space as an endless array of flying books, stairs and light, akin to an MC Escher painting or a Harry Potter fairytale.

External Facade Inspiration: Traditional Korean Dance ‘Seungmu’

Internal Atrium Inspiration: Traditional Hanging Book Scrolls

The metal mesh facade plays an important role in reducing the energy use and carbonfootprint during the lifetime of

The metal mesh of varying openness, depending on orientation, helps to minimize solar gain, while maximizing daylight

Facade Detail Stair Details

The atrium is critical to both the technical performance of the building, as well as to furthering a social-cultural connection between visitors. It maximizes daylight penetration into the darker, northern corners, it creates lines of sight that connect visitors to each other, and create a sense of wonder.



3. Waterproofing







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