10 minute read
Jordan Hertner CTV Morning Live Traffic Specialist
It's Sunday morning, what are you most likely to be doing today?
Sleeping in! A sleep in for me is around 8am these days, nothing beats waking up naturally. Then it’s coffee, ‘epic breakfast’ and a documentary in my sweats.
If you didn't do what you do for a living, what would you love to do?
I have always loved to cook but as I have gotten older, the kitchen has become a place for me to really decompress and just be. I couldn’t keep up with the hustle of a restaurant chef, so maybe a home chef or a cooking class instructor. This question has me thinking of what I’ll whip up next...
What music is on repeat on your playlist when at the gym or keeping active?
I may be from the country but you won’t find country music on my playlists. My go to music is old school hip-hop, rap, and a touch of reggae. Some of my favourite artists are Dre, Kanye, Busta, Em, Snoop…(ah, so much goodness). If I need more of a cardio boost I go for upbeat remixes, can’t go wrong with Justin Timberlake, The Black Eyed Peas, and Rhianna.
If we were to peek in your gym bag right now, what would we find?
Please don’t, it needs some love. BUT if I am being honest, besides my shoes and water bottle there are some random bobby pins, pre-workout, a skipping rope, and probably a lone sock.
What's your favourite thing about the YEG community?
The people and the views! You don’t have to look far to see and feel community in Edmonton. We have so many small grass roots initiatives that have started here just because go-getters saw a need – I’m always inspired by them.
We are so lucky to have the river valley, get out and experience it! I get out and walk and do stairs often but there is so much more to experience. This winter I needed to get out of the house, so some friends and I bought wood and went to Hawrelak park for a winter campfire. It was a different but special way to spend a Friday evening.
Where is your dream vacation destination?
Oh, this is a tough one because there are so many places I would like to visit but my happiest place on Earth is at the cottage in Muskoka with my family. I would choose that 10 times out of 10.
What's your routine like for early mornings?
First things first, COFFEE and of course aqua. I typically have my lunch packed and my outfit steamed, so I am out the door pretty fast. Before I was on the morning show, and soaking up every minute of sleep, I used to love to hit up 6am hot yoga, it always started my day with a fresh slate.
What is at the top of your bucket list?
I really want to do a weeklong survival course. Not so glamorous but I think it would be incredible to get out in the elements and learn some new skills.
Who would you consider one of your major inspirations?
A lot of my inspiration comes from my mother who has always made fitness a priority. She used to be a personal trainer and now teaches classes in her community and in the basement of her house. She has shown me healthy eating habits but also how important it is to enjoy and indulge, so a lot of inspiration has just become habit because of her.
What is your favourite way to stay fit?
Group fitness classes are my go to. I live for them! My absolute favourite is body attack; I feel like I work harder and am more ‘in the zone’ when I have someone pushing me. If you ever feel like you don’t ‘fit’ in at the gym or you don’t know what to do, start with a fitness class and go at your own pace (if you need to, stay at the back). Once you get the feel for the class, you start to feel more comfortable and before you know it, you are part of your own little gym community.
Resistance Band Exercises FOR THOSE ON THE GO
If you are looking to invest in your next piece of workout equipment, you should consider buying a pack of mini resistance bands. They’ve become my number one tool that I use regularly for myself and my clients. Mini resistance bands are becoming increasingly popular and for a good reason too. They are light weight and do not take up much room, which makes them ideal for travelling. I always keep a pack in my bag wherever I go. They allow me to get an effective workout in without needing much space or any other equipment. One of their best features are that they’re relatively inexpensive. You can easily find them in most fitness stores for around $10-$20.
The versatility is almost ridiculous. Depending on my goals, I use them for mobility, strength training, abs and even cardio. Since there is no specific way to use them, the options are endless. One example would be using them during your warmup to help target and activate specific muscles or muscle groups. I’ll either use them to activate my glutes before leg day or to properly engage my lats and shoulders for upper body. They are not exclusive to one area; they can be used to workout any part of your body.
A pack typically comes in three different levels of resistance. As you begin to build strength you can switch out the band to continue to challenge yourself. I also love the “burn” you get while using them. Since resistance bands do not rely on gravity, your muscles are constantly under tension. For example, if you perform a squat with a band placed on your thighs the legs are working against the band even at the starting position. As you begin to lower down, the band continues to force the leg muscles to engage. The constant tension on the muscles will eventually lead to the “burning” sensation in places you didn’t even know existed! Below are a few of my favourite exercises with the mini bands.
This is a fun circuit that will target your core and lower body while bringing your heart rate up for that extra calorie burn. Make sure to properly warm up for 5 minutes before starting and cool down once the workout is complete. BY MEGAN BREZINSKI 4 Points Health and Wellness
EQUIPMENT NEEDED + Set of mini resistance bands + Yoga mat (optional)
THE WORKOUT + Completed as a circuit + Take minimal breaks in between each exercise. + Once you complete all 6 exercises rest for 60 seconds + Repeat the entire sequence for 4 rounds
1. Place the band above the knees on your thighs. Begin with your hands on your hips and feet hip-width apart. Step back with your right foot placing it behind and outside of your left foot. Lower your hips until your right thigh is parallel with the floor. The right knee should hover slightly above the ground. Keep the shoulders back and core engaged.
2. Come back to the starting position without touching the right foot on the ground and abduct the right leg out to the side. Return into your curtsy. That’s one rep. Repeat for 12-15 reps before moving on to the other side.
**Try to perform this exercise without having to tap your foot on the ground to add extra balance.
1. Keep the mini band above your knees, bring your feet hip-width apart. Begin to bend your knees and shoot your butt back and lower into a squat. Keep your core engaged, shoulders back
2. Stay in your low squat position and lift your right heel up. Rotate the right knee out to the side while pivoting on your toes. Return the knee the starting position. That is one rep. Repeat for 15-20 reps before switching to the other side.
1. Start with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Turn the right foot out while keeping your left foot facing forward. Loop the resistance band around your right foot and grip the band with the right hand.
2. Keeping your legs straight, arms extended into a “T” begin to lift yourself back up into an upright position using the strength of your core. Pause at the top before returning down slowly. That is one rep. Repeat for 15 reps before moving to the other side.
1. Return the mini band above your knees on the thighs. Begin on all fours in a tabletop position with your shoulders directly above your wrists and hips above the knees. Maintain a neutral neck and spine. Lift your knees slightly off the floors.
2. Keeping your knees slightly hovered, tap the right foot out to the side then quickly switch to the left foot bringing it out. Continue alternating between each foot for a total of 20 reps.
1. Keep the band above the knees on your thighs. Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring your arms behind your head with elbows bent. Lift your right leg up into the air foot flexed. Pushing through your left heel lift your hips up into a bridge position.
2. Slowly lower your hips down while keeping the right leg extended. Once your hips are on the floor bend the right knee and begin to twist from the torso bringing the left elbow to knee then lower your shoulders back onto the floor. That’s one rep. Repeat for 15 reps on the same leg before moving onto the left leg.
1. Begin in an elbow plank with the mini band above your knees on your thighs. Shoulders should be directly over the elbows, abs engaged towards the spine and neck neutral. Lift the right leg off the ground and bend the knee with the foot flexed.
2. Try not to twist your hips as you lift your right heel up towards the ceiling. Squeeze your glute at the top then slowly lower the bent leg down. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions before moving on to the left leg.
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