In my studio works I wanted to explore the potentials of new experimental geometry in various aspects of life from everyday living, school and work, and public activities.
I am interested in investigating the parameters that influences the form. Through simulations, we can understand the site and its existing environmental potentials and challenges better, as well as evaluating the design qualities.
Email : yehezkiel.wiliardy@gmail.com
Phone : +65 8251 6815
Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/yehezkielwm
Seeking a position as junior architect / computational designer / simulation specialist
2010-2012 Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
International Baccalaureate Diploma (41 Points)
2013-2016 Singapore University of Technology and Design
Bachelor of Science (Architecture)
2018 Singapore University of Technology and Design
Master of Architecture
May 2014 CPG Consultants - Singapore
Architectural Intern (4 months)
May 2015 WATG - Singapore
Architectural Intern (4 months)
Sept 2016 WOW Architects - Singapore
Architectural Intern (4 months)
Jan 2017 Bjarke Ingels Group - Copenhagen, Denmark
Computational Design Intern (12 months)
Sep 2018 DP Sustainable Design, Singapore
Senior ESD Analyst (3 years 10 months)
Apr 2016 BCA-CDL Green Sparks Competition
Merit Award
Aug 2016 SCPW 2016 - International BIM Competition
2nd Runner Up
Dec 2019
International Network of Tropical Architecture
Evaluations of different CFD porosity models on imitating wind flow through tree canopy in tropical context
3D Sketchup, Rhinocheros
2D AutoCAD
BIM Revit
Graphics Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom
Video PremierePro
Coding C#, Python
Simulation Kangaroo, Honeybee, Ladybug, OpenFOAM
Climate Studio, OneClickLCA
English Written (Fluent)
Spoken (Fluent)
Indonesian Written (Native)
Spoken (Native)
Malay Written (Mediocre)
Spoken (Mediocre)
Sundanese Written (Mediocre)
Spoken (Mediocre)
Singapore Green-Mark Accredited Proffesional (GMAP)
Hobby Fishing, Music (Bass and Guitar), Photography
CCA 2nd SUTD Student Govt, Chamber Ensemble, SUTD Bands
Mentor : Tom Verebes (CN Consultancy)
Year : 2015
The project was to design a 60 thousand seaters stadium for the coming olympic games in Tokyo, Japan 2020. The larger strategic objective of this project is to “optioneer” a manifold of possible future scenarios and configurations for the site and the Olympic facilities, which can be adapted to diverging orientations of future uses. Scenarios of multiple possible future uses can each be formulated as contingent on how economic, political, social and environmental considerations may play out in the future.
The approach was to introduce a continuous landscape into the seating arena. The main structure of the stadium is made of catenary shell which balanced out by the tension structure of the membrane roof.
There are 18 entrances into the stadium via tunnels. Stadium control room, VIP lounges and rooms are located at level 4 where the access are from the ground level. There are two vehicular entrances to the field which consist of ramps on each side of the stadium.
While sectionally, the stadium is one continous piece of landscape, as seen from outside it is a unique stand-alone structure. The project aims to provide the residence a pride for the new stadium. The functions are divided based on the surrounding neighborhood to attract people to visit the stadium when it is not used for the olympic games.
Mentor : Calvin Chua (Spatial Anatomy)
Year : 2016
The site is currently where the Kent Ridge park is at. It was to introduce an intervention of residential and mixed used between educational and office zones along the South Buona Vista road. The goal was to bridge the new upcoming generations and available industries, or perhaps new startups.
The loop connects the research facilities with NUS and both Science Parks to the Kent Ridge MRT as one of the entry points. The loop is targeted for personalised motorised vehicles and to improve existing shuttle bus routes. The flat terrain with varying topography on its left and right brings appreciation of the kent ridge park an inviting, dynamic, and easy access to the park.
The proposal targets the newly formed startups that have rather vigorous working schedule. It offers a balance between working and living. Even though they are placed connected together, the proposal offers each of the function its own privacy. The residential level is placed at the higher level to offer a private enclosure for the family. The split level allows extension of wall area for discussion space, working desks, and casual meetings.
The campus idea exist in the neighboring life with the community of loop 40. The collaborative space between the residential spaces offer a shaded, open, and close to nature shared space that can be utilised by the parents as playground for their children and at the same time interacting with the neighbors The interaction between the startups, will hopefully foster collaboration and progress of each of the business.
The kent ridge park is the last few urban gaps that still retain some native natural qualities that have to be treasured and cherished. Located in the intersection of residences and research facilities, we feel that people begin to see the ridge as barrier rather than a gem. The approach therefore, is to emphasis the importance of the area by bounding it with research and working facilities placed together with public and shared spaces.
Mentor : Oliver Heckmann
Year : 2015
The proposal was to provide a mixed used residential building at Joo Chiat road. Surrounded by low rise residential housings and strip of conserved shophouses, the concept was to integrate new experience of living through organic approach of the building design. The form was defined by the site plan, responding to the edges and reacting to the buildings around it. The shape was to increase exposure to the wind hence improving air circulation. Facade was designed to function as structure, shading for each unit. The organic shape takes form to minimise the amount of material needed for the structure.
The shell was modeled through computation coding in Rhino and exported for Revit use. The floor plans are layered based on the functions where the residential units will receive sufficient amount of sunlight followed by circulation. The axonometric diagram on the left shows hows the function works.
The units are catered to expanding families of various sizes. They stretch along the periphery of each of the floors. Each holes of the facade provides shading for the unit and also act as the structure for entire building.Revit was used to document the drawings of the floor plan, details, and sections while the entire form and zones were designed in Rhino and help of grasshopper
Mentor : Kenneth Tracy
Year : 2018
Looking at the natural form around us, the project is driven to mimic the aerodynamic quality of a pine cone. Located in Singapore, where presence of wind in dwelling spaces is important, the design is aimed to promote windflow around the open spaces to improve comfort.
The design also questions the future ability of building to be able to move and extend parts of its balcony, similar to ripening of pinecone when the weather is dry. The design process employed multiple iterations and simulations.
Learning on nature’s efficiency in arranging itself and adapting to the environment. The building takes inspiration from the shape of a pinecone and its movement. Thermally comfortable outdoor spaces which adapts to the direction of the incoming wind.
Future of building might take the ability to passively move, hygroscopically, without consuming any energy. The movement follows the temperature, humidity, and wind speed. The essence of comfort in the tropical climate.
Year : 2018
The thesis aim to produce and validate a series of urban planning toolkit that would help in evaluation of the current condition, propose a change to fit a specific design goal, and show how the condition will be improved. In the long run and a more stable environment, architects and urban planners can use it in various urban scale and different places on Earth. The basis of evaluation is energy consumption and efficiency for the people to travel from a point to everywhere else.
The simulation consider transit oriented development (TOD) of what type of mass urban transportation would be available. The agents are representation of activities and number of people occupying the area. The parameters, behavior, and growth factor are set based on historical data. The engine of the simulation is inspired by how OpenFOAM works; wach of the cells interact with the neighboring cells following rules, equations, and goals.
People’s oriented city would be defined as a city that is designed to meet the need of its people; a liveable city where the citizens are active physically and socially. The thesis attempts to numerically presenting this ideal and foresee the belieavable, somewhat efficient city for people, wellbeing, and environment.
The analysis shows areas which need wind buffers to improve comfort at certain areas. It takes account the annual dry bulb temperature data of the site and wind speed results of multiple directions.
Evaluation of space in terms of comfortability from wind speed, humidity, activity, clothing, air temperature, and mean radiant temperature.
Evaluation of glare in a year and how different design would help to reduce and mitigate glare issues.
Solar radiation deals with how much energy the building needs to spend for its indoor temperature comfort. Depending on the location, seasons, and building function, one should interpret the results differently.
The analysis provide information about the direct sunlight. It can be useful to determine how the shading of the building should be designed or how the shading performs. The result can propose design changes which allow direct sunlight to come in at certain times (morning times) for example.
Simulation to show how much light can penetrate through the space, depending on materials, volume to surface ratio, or internal partitions.
The analysis calculates the available sunlight along “plant” light spectrum daily, providing useful information regarding what plants suitable for which areas.
Given any location and the context, the analysis can shows the best angle and tilt of the PV panels, estimation of its annual / daily energy production can also be calculated.
Based on the location prevailing wind directions and averaged speed, the analysis can shows how the massing affects the wind flow to see if it accelerates the wind and causes discomfort. The analysis is also known as computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
The simulation allows us to know which shading strategies should be implemented to avoid glares from direct sunlight or reflected
For projects located in busy areas, the simulation allows projection of the sounds and shows which areas receives most noises. It also can be used to show which part of the room that does not receives the sounds well.
For projects located in busy areas, the simulation allows projection of the sounds and shows which areas receives most noises. It also can be used to show which part of the room that does not receives the sounds well.
The aim of the component was to implement Djikstra shortest path algorithm into architecture design. The analysis takes account the road popularity, city density, and functions of the areas into calculation for the areas.
In these three images, they show the time taken for the population to reach the nearest station if the areas have 1, 2 or 3 stations at different places.
The problem with organic modelling is the production and manufacturing of the parts. The tool was designed to panelize a curvy surface with uniform panels given some tolerance of compression and slight deformation.
Seeking to the future of living, the components calculates the solar azimuth, altitude, at given coordinates. The result can be used to strategize the massing proces to reduce the direct radiation from the sun.
In dealing with repetitive and complex analysis, often the setup requires automation to save time. The tool can be used for render based shadow analysis or multi areas glare simulation. Render based shadow analysis allows most accurate analysis on a very detail context.
NASA provide earth data which is useful in understanding the site from larger perspective. Post-processing is required to read terrain data, calculating slope, and potential flood locations.