10063 Charity Box 4” x 4” x 5” $30.00 Min. 2
10064 Platter 14" $36.00 Min. 1
10065 tidBit Set 7" x 5¼" x ¾" Set of 3 $30.00 Min. 1
10059 Mug 5" x 3½" x 4½" $13.00 Min. 2
A woman of valor is a unique collection inspired by a Biblical poem honoring a woman in gratitude, praise & appreciation. Each orignal design is an expression of admiration & celebration of all women. A portion of all manufacturers sales will be donated towards the education and research of breast cancer causes, treatment and search for a cure.
10043 trinket Box 5½" x 3" x 1½" $15.50 Min. 2
10044 trinket Box 5½" x 3" x 1½" $15.50 Min. 2
10068 Bowl 7" D x 3" H $17.50 Min. 2
10058 VaSe 7¼" x 3¾" x 8½" $25.00 Min. 1
10066 CandleStiCkS 3½" x 3½" x 8¼" $30.00 Pair
10060 goBlet 4¼" x 4¼" x 8" $25.00 Min. 1
10029 tzedakah Box MuSiCianS 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
Star Star CuP 6" $25.00 Min. 2
20061 tzedakah Box wedding 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
20062 tzedakah Box tree of life 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
Judaica 10008 guitar dreidel With stand. 2¼" x 1 7/8" x 5¼" $19.00 Min. 2
MiriaM MiriaM CuP 6" $30.00 Min. 2
10005 Cello dreidel With stand. 2¾" x 2¾" x 6" $19.00 Min. 2
10040 Piano dreidel With stand. 2¾" x 2¾" x 6" $19.00 Min. 2
by Jessica
10009 druMS dreidel With stand. 2½" x 3" x 4¼" $19.00 Min. 2
10007 SaxoPhone dreidel With stand. 2¼" x 2 1/8" x 5 7/8" $19.00 Min. 2
10006 Piano dreidel With stand. 2 3/8" x 2½" x 5¼" $19.00 Min. 2
10020 glaSS Beaded Menorah 6¼" x 2¼" x 12½" $150.00
10019 glaSS Beaded Menorah 6¼" x 2¼" x 12½" $150.00 10806 MuzeuM CandleStiCkS 3" x 2¼" x 8" $30.00 Pair
7863 MuzeuM Menorah 12½" x 3" x 6" $50.00
30070 MuzeuM dreidel with Stand 2" x 2" x 4½" $18.00 Min. 2
Etched Lettering
10071 glaSS Beaded dreidel 5½" $35.00 10069 glaSS Beaded dreidel 5½" $35.00
e-noSeS Eyeglass holder with Judaica icons. $9.50 Min (6)
ah Whim k k u n sy Ha 23951 hanukkah whiMSy Star tidBit SerVer 7" x 7" x 1½" $13.00 Min. 3
27356 latke Plate with diSh 13"x 8¾" $30.00 23949 hanukkah whiMSy 9" SnaCk Plate $13.00 Min. 3
23950 hanukkah whiMSy dreidel tidBit SerVer 5¾" x 7¼" x 1¼" $13.00 Min. 3
23952 hanukah whiMSy Menorah tidBit SerVer 5½" x 6½" x 1½" $13.00 Min. 3
27864 MoSaiC Menorah 8" x 8" $30.00
23966 SPreaderS Set of 4 6" x 5" x 1¼" $14.00 Min. 2 23974 hanukkah 13" round SerVing Platter 13" x 4" $26.50 91001 Star of daVid neCktie $15.00
30067 hot Plate triVet 7½" x 9" $20.00 Min. 2
23878 renaiSSanCe Menorah 8½" x 9½" $85.00
91000 hanukkah dreidel neCktie $25.00
30049 oy Vey! 14 oz. 4" x 3½" $12.00 Min.2
30048 #1 Morah 14 oz. 4" x 3½" $12.00 Min.2 30050 MaVen 14 oz. 4" x 3½" $12.00 Min.2
Back 30046 BeSt BuBBe 14 oz. 4" x 3½" $12.00 Min.2
30038 i aM a great zayde 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30041 i aM a great ShadChan 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30036 i aM a great BuBBe 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30040 i aM a great Morah 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30042 alef Bet SouP 5"D x 3"H 28 oz. 17.00 Min. 2
10049 Bowl of naChaS 7½" x 4"H $15.00 Min. 2
30047 BeSt zayde 14 oz. 4" x 3½" $12.00 Min.2
30045 i aM a great reBBe 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30043 JewiSh PeniCillin 5"D x 3"H 28 oz. $17.00 Min. 2
10048 Bowl of SiMCha 7½" x 4"H $15.00 Min. 2
30037 i aM a great Cook 4"D x 4" 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30039 i aM a great ShMoozer 4”D x 4” 14 oz. $12.00 Min. 2
30044 refuah ShleMa 5"D x 3"H 28 oz. 17.00 Min. 2
10046 Bowl of Mazel 7½" x 4"H $15.00 Min. 2
10047 Bowl of noSh 7½" x 4"H $15.00 Min. 2
74000M noah’S ark Menorah w/Monkey 6" x 8" x 2¼" $55.00
74000S noah’S ark Menorah w/Star 6" x 8" x 2¼" $55.00
74008 SCoreBoard Menorah 14" x 2¼" x 11" $75.00
74006 SPortS Menorah 9½" x 2¼" x 6¾" $55.00
74005 tree of life Menorah 7½" x 13¼" x 2¼" $55.00
74017 tranSPortation Menorah 10½" x 2" x 8" $55.00
74003 wedding Menorah 10½" x 13" x 2¼" $60.00
74002 MuSiCianS Menorah 9" x 14" x 2" $60.00
74012 dreidel w/Stand 7¼" x 2¾" x 10½" $40.00
74004 faMily Menorah 11¼" x 1½" x 23/4" $80.00
74007 golf Menorah 14¾" x 2" x 8½" $65.00
74009 CookBook Stand 10" x 5" x 15" $32.00
74010 Bat MitzVah PiCture fraMe 10" x ¼" x 7½" $27.00
CC-46 deluxe white taPered hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box $7.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-47 deluxe Blue taPered hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box $7.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-70 deluxe taPered Blue SPlaSh hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box $9.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-48 deluxe taPered hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box. Assorted Solid Colored Candles $7.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-044 Standard hanukkah CandleS 44 Candles Per Box (50 boxes) $100.00
CC-45 deluxe taPered hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box. Assorted BlueWhite Colored Candles $7.00 EA. 12 pack min.
2077 12 aSSorted dreidel-Star gel Candle w/Counter diSPlay 3½" x 4" Counter Display $6.00 EA. 12 pcs min.
CC-74 deluxe taPered tri Colored hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box $9.00 EA 12 pack min.
14544 waxoff-Prevents Wax from sticking to your Menorah or any candelabra $7.00 EA. 24 pack
CC-76 deluxe taPered rainBow SPlaSh CandleS 45 Candles in a Box. Assorted Tri Colored Candles $9.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-77 deluxe taPered Blue rainBow Colored hanukkah CandleS 45 Blue Rainbow candles in a box $9.00 EA. 12 pack min.
CC-73 deluxe taPered Multi SPlaSh hanukkah CandleS 45 Candles in a Box $9.00 EA. 12 pack min.
23983 Ballerina Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23990 noah'S ark Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23993 SPortS Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23988 Cat Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23989 dog Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
24004 ShoeS Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2011 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
24002 CirCuS Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2011 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
24003 ConStruCtion Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2011 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23982 railroad Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23980 fire truCk Menorah 10" x 3" x 4" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
23992 SChool BuS Menorah 10" x 3" x 3¼" $40.00 ©2007 A.J.I. Booklyn, NY
98093 illuMination eleCtriC Menorah Silver plated with flickering bulbs to simulate real candles. 12" x 4½" x 14" $110.00 ©2003 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
1919 StainleSS Steel eleCtriC Menorah With flickering bulbs to simulate real candles. Each bulb has a separate switch. 18" x 2" x 11" $100.00 Designed by Yair Emanuel ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
hB-10 fliCkering hanukkah BulBS $11.00 (12 pcs. min.); $9.00 (24 pcs.)
hB-B Blue hanukkah BulBS $6.00 (12 pcs. min.); $5.00 (24 pcs.)
hB orange hanukkah BulBS $5.00 (12 pcs. min.); $4.00 (24 pcs.)
8657 SilVerPlated eleCtriC Menorah w/fliCkering BulBS 12½" x 4" $42.00
all iteMS aVailaBle in Colored Box
98091 SilVerPlated eleCtriC Menorah With flickering bulbs to simulate real candles. 27" x 19" $180.00 Designed by Yair Emanuel ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
98092 U® L SilVerPlatedLISTED goldPlated flower eleCtriC Menorah w/fliCkering BulBS 27" x 19" $250.00 ©2003 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
hB-10 fliCkering hanukkah BulBS $11.00 (12 pcs. min.); $9.00 (24 pcs.)
9171 SilVerPlated eleCtriC Menorah With flickering bulbs to simulate real candles. 12½" x 3½" x 11" $80.00
hB-B Blue hanukkah BulBS $6.00 (12 pcs. min.); $5.00 (24 pcs.)
©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
917 SilVerPlated eleCtriC Menorah With flickering bulbs to simulate real candles. 12½" x 3½" x 116" $80.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
all iteMS aVailaBle in Colored Box
hB orange hanukkah BulBS $5.00 (12 pcs. min.); $4.00 (24 pcs.)
e-5 low Voltage Standard BulBS $4.00 (12pcs.)
98098 SilVer, low Voltage eleCtriC SilVerPlated Menorah 10" x 1¾" x 6½" $60.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
9657 led Menorah (AC and Battery Operated) 12½" x 4" $42.00 e-55 low Voltage elongated BulBS $4.00 (12pcs.)
Prl850 PlaStiC eleCtriC Menorah 10½" x 12½" $31.00
914 high PoliShed, low Voltage eleCtriC SilVerPlated Menorah 10" x 1¾" x 6½" $60.00
Prl851 PlaStiC eleCtriC Menorah High Polished Silver, 10½" x 12½" $38.00
98097 Silver Plated Menorah 8" x 8" $35.00
98096 Silver Plated Menorah 10" x 10" $40.00
9803 Modern ChroMe Plated tree of life Menorah 12" x 5" x 9¾" $45.00
9802 Menorah 10" x 6" x 10" $40.00
10091 aluMinuM Menorah 8¼" x 8" $35.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
7119 BraSS Menorah 6" x 8" $23.00
14-20B BraSS lionS Assorted Blue and Green 9" x 4" $14.00
5192 5½" x 6¾" $14.50
122a Menorah BraSS 5" x 3" $15.00
14-20a BraSS Menorah Assorted Blue and Green 9" x 4" $14.00
ChroMe-1 ChroMe Menorah 9" x 4" $19.00
6193 BiCyCle Menorah 5" x 6" $27.00
122C Menorah BraSS 5" x 3" $15.00
Br-1 BraSS Menorah 9" x 4" $19.00
7950 Glass & aluMinuM MenoRah 8½" x 2½" x 5½" $42.00
27865 scaRlet GaRDen MenoRah $50.00 by Jessica Sporn
27864 Mosaic MenoRah 8" x 8" $30.00 23878 Renaissance MenoRah 8½" x 9½" $85.00
4317sPG silveR PlateD tRee MenoRah 10" x 11" Velvet Box $125.00
99033 chaveRiM PRayinG foR the Peace of isRael $65.00 6¾" x 7¾" x 3¾"
By Fred Spinowitz
Designed by Uri Kaufman
7513s aRt Deco MenoRah 12½" x 13¾" $65.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
1294 aluMinuM tRee of life MenoRah 8½" x 47/8" x 7¼" $37.00
7514s aRt Deco MenoRah 8¼" x 9½" $48.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
7513G aRt Deco MenoRah 12½" x 13¾" $65.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
7514G aRt Deco MenoRah 8¼" x 9½" $48.00 ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
5091 hanukkah String lightS $15.00: $12.00 (12 Min) 5089 holograPhiC Menorah window deCoration 12" x 10" $15.00: $12.00 (8 Min.)
81983 hanukkah window gel ClingS 5" x 8" $3.50 81985 haPPy hanukkah window glitter Cling 12½" x 8¼" $3.50
28362 CaStle Menorah 10¾" x 2¾" x 5¾" $20.00 Designed by Wynter Rosen
90204 raBBi’S Study grouP Menorah $80.00 Designed by Shepsil Scheinberg
81984 Menorah window glitter Cling 12½" x 8¼" $3.50
1286 golf Menorah 9¾" x 4½" x 3¼" $50.00 Designed by Gail Cohen
x eM-6
eM-5 eM-6, eM-7, eM-8, eM-5, hand Painted wood dreidel 3¼" x 1½" $18.00
Designed by Yair Emanuel
66404 hinged noah’S ark dreidel 3¼" x 1½" $10.00 Designed by Mordechai Hazan ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
9843 PorCelain hinged dreidel Box w/Stand 3½" x 1½" $12.00
28402 friendS dreidel w/ Stand 4"H $10.00
80459 noah"S ark MuSiCal trinket Box. Spins and plays Rock of Ages 5"H $20.00
12124 aluMinuM Menorah 10½" x 1¼" x 7½" $28.00
1583 traditional BraSS Menorah 11¾" x 9¼" $35.00 $30.00 (4 Min)
31583 S.P. traditional SilVer Plated MuSiCal Menorah Plays Rock of Ages/Ma-oz-Tzur 11¾" x 9¼" $41.00; $37.00 (4 Min)
1590 BraSS Plated kneSSet Menorah 12" x 11½" $42.00; $37.00 (4 Min)
Colored Gift Box
11583 traditional SilVer Plated Menorah Gift Boxed 11¾" x 9¼" $35.00; $30.00 (4 Min)
Colored Gift Box
21583 traditional BraSS Plated MuSiCal Menorah Plays Rock of Ages/Ma-oz-Tzur 11¾" x 9¼" $41.00; $37.00 (4 Min) 12106 aluMinuM Menorah 8¼" x 1¾" x 5¾" $25.00
Colored Gift Box
7942 aluMinuM Menorah 8¾" x 2 ¼" x 8" $28.00
11590 SilVer Plated kneSSet Menorah 12" x 11½" $42.00; $37.00 (4 Min)
9815 Star of daVid BraSS Menorah 7¾" x 4" x 7¾" $23.00
42000 SMall hand Painted wood dreidelS 4 Pack $3.50 (12)
4000 4 PaCk 1" natural wood dreidelS $2.50 (12)
81941 Paint it yourSelf SunCatCher Includes 1stencil, 6 paints, brush, suction cup $4.00 (12); $3.50 (36)
81967 BounCing dreidel $4.00 (12); $3.20 (24)
42001 large hand Painted wood dreidelS 2 Pack $3.50 (12)
40001 2 deluxe 3" natural wood dreidelS $3.50 (12)
1386 MuSiCal lite uP dreidel $4.00 (12)
81952 deCo-dreidel Comes with Dreidel Stand and Decals Single Pack Asstd. 2 Styles $4.00 (12)
deco dreidel-Create your own dreidel
81970 laSer dreidel High speed spinning top with 2 laser circles. Min. 12 $7.50
4355Mld MuSiCal light-uP SPinning dreidel in diSPlay Box $3.00 (36)
1384 MuSiCal light-uP dreidel In Display Box $4.00 (24)
d-2 Med PlaStiC dreidel (Bulk) $21.00 (100)
d-1 SMall hand Painted wood dreidel 100 Pack ¾" x ¾" x 1¾" $60.00
52006 Star wood dreidel 2½"D x 2½"H $2.50 (Pack 25)
52007 Square wood dreidel 2½"D x 2½"H $2.50 (Pack 25)
d-4 1" natural wood dreidel $35.00 (100) d-8 deluxe 3" natural wood dreidel $1.50 each (Pack 24) d-4C 1" Colored wood dreidel $30.00 (100)
741a 2 Part dreidel (Blister-Carded) $2.00 (24)
MC-1 Milk ChoColate CoinS $17.00 (24 mesh bags)
d-5 large hand Painted wood dreidel 1" x 1" x 2½" $1.80 each (Pack 25)
741 2 Part dreidel (Bulk) $1.00 (48)
52004 flower wood dreidel 2¼"D x 2½"H $2.50 (Pack 25)
745 2 Part dreidel in diSPlay Box $1.25 (24)
design your own hanukah Craft!!
81965 Paint-your-own fully uSaBle Menorah $12.50 (6) 2 Styles assorted.
Back View
front View
81964 Paint-adreidel $7.50 (12)
81963 Paint-your-own deCoration $3.50 (12) 3 Styles assorted.
81975 Make your own dreidel kit $8.00(6)
81973 hanukkah Bingo $9.00 (6)
81976 hanukkah PoP uP StaMPerS $9.00 (6)
81974 hanukkah doMinoeS $9.00 (6)
5229 JewiSh holiday doMinoeS $9.00 (PCK 6) ©1992 A.J.I. LTD MeMory “MatCh the MitzVah” MeMory gaMe $11.00 (PCK 6); $9.50 (12) ©1992 A.J.I. LTD
lotto BroChoS lotto gaMe $11.00 (PCK 6); $9.50 (12)
aB013 My firSt alePh Bet Cloth Book $21.00 (PCK 6) ©1998 A.J.I. LTD
©1992 A.J.I. LTD
C270 alePh Bet MagnetiC Board with 40 MagnetiC letterS $10.00 (PCK 12)
89129 Bat MitzVah teddy Bear 6" H $7.00; $5.00 (12)
hB013 My firSt holiday Cloth Book $21.00 (PCK 6) ©1998 A.J.I. LTD
81939 around the year holiday Bingo $11.50 (PCK 6); $10.50 (12) ©2000 A.J.I. LTD
4621 alef-Bet MatCh-uPS 2PC. Puzzle $11.00 (PCK 6); $9.50 (12) ©1992 A.J.I. LTD
©1992 A.J.I. LTD
81954 Cookie CutterS $2.50 (12) C261 40 alePh Bet MagnetiC letterS in reuSaBle tuB $7.00 (PCK 12) ©1992 A.J.I. LTD
daVid heger JudaiCa ColleCtion 27361 oVal Bagel CeraMiC BaSket 12¾" Dia. $30.00; $25.00 (8pcs)
27500 oVal Challah CeraMiC BaSket 12¾" Dia. $30.00; $25.00 (8pcs)
©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
Designed by David Heger ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
28090 rugalaCh diSh 12" x 73/4" $20.00
22338 gefilte fiSh Platter hand Painted 12" x 9½" $25.00; $20.00 (8)
22352 lox and Bagel Platter hand Painted 13" x 7½" $20.00; $17.00 (8)
Designed by Wynter Rosen
Designed by Wynter Rosen
8545 anodzied SMall BraSS CandleStiCkS 3"H $35.00
8547 anodzied BraSS CandleStiCkS 7"H $45.00
18546 Pewter CandleStiCkS 6"H $48.00
946321 SPiCe Box Replicates Jerusalem's Montefiore Windmill $17.00; $12.00 (4)
946322 JeruSaleM tower SPiCe Box $17.00; $12.00 (4)
aJ-3 BeSoMiM SPiCe Box $20.00; $17.00 (4)
27363 6¾" Sour PiCkleS diSh $20.00; $17.00 (12pcs) Designed by David Heger ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
8546 anodzied BraSS CandleStiCkS 6"H $48.00
7130 Square tower Blue/white/ gold SPiCe Box $20.00; $17.00 (4pcs)
7125 PaStel tower SPiCe Box $17.00; $12.00 (4)
aJ-5 SPiCe Box $14.00
946324 4 PC JeruSaleM CeraMiC haVdalah Set $45.00; $36.00 (4) Designed by Sharon Muchnick
7120 round tower Blue/white/ gold SPiCe Box $20.00; $17.00 (4pcs) 946325 4 PC JeruSaleM CeraMiC haVdalah Set $45.00; $36.00 (4) Designed by Sharon Muchnick
Honey Plates 85025 tree of life honey diSh w/ Bowl and diPPer 9" x 9" x 2" $35.00
85026 SCarlet garden honey Pot and SauCer 4 Piece Set Plate: 6"D Bowl: 4¼"H x 3½"D $28.00
85023 aPPleS honey Plate w/Bowl and diPPer 9" x 9" x 1" $33.00
85022 JeruSaleM aPPle and honey diSh Set 9" x 3¾" $33.00 Designed by Sharon Muchnick
Designed by Jessica Sporn
Tzedakah Boxes 10063 woMan of Valor tzedakah Box 4” x 4” x 5” $30.00 Min. 2 1687 CeraMiC tzedakah Box 3" H$25.00; $18.00 (12)
20062 tree of life tzedakah Box 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
9616 touro Synagogue newPort, r.i. Charity Box 5" x 6" $31.00 10029 klezMer MuSiCianS tzedakah Box 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
20061 wedding tzedakah Box 4" x 4" x 5" $25.00 Min. 2
90758 zaBludow Poland wooden Synagogue tzedakah Box 5" x 6" $31.00
27359 girlS SPortS tzedakah Box $25.00; $20.00 (6) Designed by Wynter Rosen
17359 heart ShaPed Charity Box $25.00; $20.00 (6) 6½" x 5¾" x 4" Designed by Ema Rothchild
90759 Prague altneSChul tzedakah Box 5" x 6" $31.00
80461 Shtetl tzedakah Box 5" x 6" $31.00
27377 hand Painted CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 143/8" x 113/8" x 1¼" $44.00; $32.00 (6)
27048 hand Painted CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 143/8" x 113/8" x 1¼" $44.00; $32.00(6) Designed by Yair Emanuel ©2002 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
Designed by Yair Emanuel ©2002 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
30850 hand Painted CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 143/8" x 113/8" x 1¾" $44.00; $32.00 (6 Min) Designed by Yair Emanuel ©2002 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
28089 hand Painted CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 14½" x 15½" x 1¼" $40.00; $35.00 (6) Designed by Wynter Rosen ©2002 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
54005 wood Challah Board Bubinga wood, silverplated engraving around the rim of the tray with knife and removeable insert. 17"L x 11½"W $85.00; $75.00 (4 Min) ©200 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
5085 StainleSS Steel waSh CuP 5"H $23.00
6886 StainleSS Steel waSh CuP 5"H $23.00 hf-01 StainleSS Steel waSh CuP 5"H $23.00
3100SP SilVer Plated waSh CuP 5" H $44.00
54004 wood Challa Board Bubinga wood with knife and removable insert. 17"L x 11½"W $85.00; $75.00 (4 Min)
9807 ©200 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232 StainleSS Steel waSh CuP 5"H $23.00
2243 SilVer Plated waSh CuP 5" H $44.00
3136 SP SilVer Plated waSh CuP 5" H $44.00
8557 Pewter waSh CuP 5" H $42.00
7432 5½" $16.50
726 6½" $22.00
7436 6¼" $18.00
7435 5¾" $17.00
1074 5½" $14.00
1691VB 6¼" $22.00
2255 5" $17.00 2248 6" $18.00
7448 7" H $22.00
1808 4¾"H $22.00
1160 5½" $17.50
1812 5½"H $22.00
2254 4¼" $10.00
1075 wine CuP in VelVet Box 6" H $32.00
1342e niCkel Plated yad 11"L $24.00
1166 niCkel Plated yad 11"L $24.00 7153-SP SP yad in VelVet Box $24.00
81285 wine CuP in VelVet Box 6" H $40.00
1342a niCkel Plated yad 11"L $24.00 1342f niCkel Plated yad 11"L $24.00
7153-Br Br yad in VelVet Box $22.00
10163 ColleCtorS “fiddler on the roof” Mini teaPot 4¼" x 5½" $18.00; 15.00 (8)
10498 golda 4.25" x 4.125" x 7" $25.00; $20.00 (4 pcs) Musical Plays Tradition
10499 lazar wolf 4.25" x 4.125" x 7" $25.00; $20.00 (4 pcs) Musical Plays Tradition ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
98659 Mazel toV wedding doMe Plays Tradition 7" H $25.00; $20.00 (4)
CSP-60 yellow floral CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 10 x 7½" $32.00; $26.00 (6)
CS-60 CeraMiC CandleStiCkS 7" H $32.00; $26.00 (6)
wkCo-60 CeraMiC wine CuP 6" $20.00
CS62 CeraMiC CandleStiCkS 7" H $32.00; $26.00 (6)
98658 MatChMaker doMe Plays Tradition 7" H $25.00; $20.00 (4)
CSP-62 Blue floral CeraMiC ShaBBat tray 10 x 7½" $32.00; $26.00 (6)
Designed by Shepsil Scheinberg ©1998 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
Designed by Shepsil Scheinberg ©1998 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
8475 ColleCtor'S ShaBBat teaPot 4" x 4¾" $25.00 arM-May arMenian MayiM aChroniM Set $20.00; $17.00 (4) 18475 ColleCtor'S ShaBBat teaPot 4" x 4¾" $25.00
CS61 JeruSaleM CeraMiC CandleStiCkS 7"H $32.00; $26.00(6)
97448 PorCelain wedding hinge Box $15.00
9479 JeruSaleM PorCelain hinge Box 3" x 2¼" $10.00
36404 noah’S ark Mini teaPot 3" x 5½" $8.50 Designed by Mordechai Hazan ©2001 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
2869 arManian CandleStiCk Set 3" H $25.00; $20.00 (4)
arM-k arMenian CeraMiC wine CuP 6" $18.00
4642 noah"S ark PiCture fraMe 4" x 6" $20.50
2339 Bat MitzVah Pewter fraMe 4" x 6" $20.00
9643 noah"S ark PiCture fraMe 3" x 5" $18.00
2294 Bat MitzVah Pewter fraMe 3" x 5" $18.00
21224 Bar MitzVah PiCture alBuM (50 pgs.) 100 Picture Album $15.00 (3)
9688 Bat MitzVah PiCture fraMe 3" x 5" $18.00
2338 Bar MitzVah Pewter fraMe 4" x 6" $20.00
2181 noah'S ark Pewter PiCture fraMe 3" x 5" $15.00
2337 Bar MitzVah Pewter fraMe 3" x 5" $18.00
All Picture Frames are ©1999 Aviv Judaica Imports, BROOKLYN NY 11232
21226 Bat MitzVah PiCture alBuM (50 pgs.) 100 Picture Album $15.00 (3)
1001-BarMitz Bar MitzVah alBuM $19.00
9684 Bar MitzVah PiCture fraMe 3" x 5" $18.00
21225 wedding PiCture alBuM (50 pgs.) 100 Picture Album $15.00 (3)
21222 BaBy Boy Mazel toV (50 pgs.) 100 Picture Album $17.00 (3)
1013 noah'S ark Pewter PiCture fraMe 4" x 6" $17.00
2335 noah'S ark Pewter PiCture fraMe 3" x 5" $16.00
2336 noah'S ark Pewter PiCture fraMe 4" x 6" $19.00
74010 karen roSSi Bat MitzVah fraMe 10" x ¼" x 7½" $27.00
21223 BaBy girl Mazel toV (50 pgs.) 100 Picture Album $17.00 (3)
Passover Base Platter
SP-190 exoduS 7 PC. Seder Plate Designed by Rich Sigberman 14"D $120.00
27375 Children'S PaSSoVer Plate Designed by Wynter Rosen 14"D $50.00
23995 florentine Matzah Plate 9" x 9" $30.00
37351 Painter'S Palette Seder Plate Designed by Wynter Rosen 14" x 8" $30.00
27373 daVid heger horSeradiSh Bowl w/ CoVer 4"H $17.00
23997 florentine wine CuP 6½"H $24.00
27374 daVid heger eliJah CuP 8½"H $20.00
Renaissance Collection
23870 Seder Plate 13" $75.00
23871 Matzah Plate 8½" x 9½" $35.00
23877 Mezuzah 4" x 1" $30.00 23875 CandleStiCkS 7½" x 3" $50.00
23879 Challah knife 16 x 2½" $25.00
23878 Menorah 8½" x 9½" $85.00
Ck1993 CeraMiC ShiVat haMiniM Challah knife $25.00; $20.00 (6) Designed by Mordechai Hazan ©1998 A.J.I. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
arM-eCCo arMenian eliJah CuP 7" $20.00 23887 JeruSaleM wine CuP 6½" $20.00
eCCo-62 Blue floral CeraMiC eliJah CuP 7" $20.00
eCCo-63 graPe Motif CeraMiC eliJah CuP 7" $20.00
wkCo-63 graPe Motif CeraMiC wine CuP 6" $20.00
MzarM-2 $8.00
MzarM-3 $8.00
MzarM-4 $8.00
MzarM-5 $8.00
MzMh-13 MzMh-14 MzMh-30B MzMh-32B $15.00 $14.00 $15.00 $15.00
23877 $20.00
28358 $7.00
28917 $7.00
MzarM-7 $8.00
MzMh-33B MzMh-34 $15.00 $15.00
60011 $15.00
CMel-8l CMel-9l CMel-18l kiB-2B $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $12.00
MzarM-6 $8.00
kiB-2P $12.00
60012 $15.00
kiB-2y $12.00
60013 $15.00
kiB-1 $12.00
MzarM-9 $8.00
MzarM-10 MzarM-12 MzarM-13 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00
MzMh-36 MzMh-38 Mzel-4 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00
Mzel-5 $10.00
MzarM $8.00
Mzh-1 Mzh-9 Mzh-12 $14.00 15.00 $15.00
60014 $15.00
CMe-7S $8.00
CMe-8S CMe-20S CMe-28S CMe-31S CMe-27S $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00
kiB-4 $12.00
kiB-5 $12.00
kiB-6 kiB-7 $12.00 $12.00
Mzw-1 $3.00
Mzw-2 70040 70041 $3.00 $8.00 $8.00
15CM, 12CM, 10CM, 6CM
(the Size of the ParChMent) in Six ColorS: SilVer, gray, BlaCk, Bronze, Beige, gray/Blue, gold
15CM, 12CM, 10CM, 6CM
(the Size of the ParChMent) in Six ColorS: SilVer, gold, BlaCk, Bronze, Beige, white.
WHITE ParChMent Size PriCe Color SilVer gold BlaCk Bronze Beige grey/Blue grey
CurVed & SandBlaSted 6CM 10CM 12CM 14.50 16.00 17.00 iteM# iteM# iteM# 80601 81001 81201 80602 81002 81202 80603 81003 81203 80604 81004 81204 80605 81005 81205 80606 81006 81206 80607 81007 81207
traditional oCtagon -anodized 15CM ParChMent Size 6CM 10CM 12CM 18.00 PriCe 12.00 13.00 14.00 iteM# Color iteM# iteM# iteM# 81501 SilVer 70601 71001 71201 81502 gold 70602 71002 71202 81503 BlaCk 70603 71003 71203 81504 Bronze 70604 71004 71204 81505 Beige 70605 71005 71205 81606 white 70606 71006 71206 81607 parchment conversion sizes 6cm=Appx 3"-10cm=4"-12cm=43/4"-15cm=6"
15CM 15.00 iteM# 71501 71502 71503 71504 71505 71506