2019 Urban Design Portfolio - Georgia Tech works

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Designing for People.

yeinn grace oh

Contents 1 Village + Forest Atlanta, GA Urban Design Studio

2 UrbanFront Cincinnati, OH ULI Hines Competition

3 "Scenario C" Shenzhen, China Eco Urban Lab

4 Bankhead Courts Atlanta, GA Urban Design Studio

5 Mind & Grid Experiment Mind & Built Environment

* All images presented in this portfolio are produced by the author.

1 Village + Forest Atlanta, GA Urban Design Studio 02 - 04/2019

Group | Jennifer Johnson, Yeinn Oh Participation | Masterplanning, Diagramming, Street/Public Space Design, Board Layout




Greenbiar Mall is located in southwest Atlanta, where Langford Parkway ends and joins Campbellton Road. This project was to redesign Greenbriar Mall and the surrounding area to make this area to be revitalized and reconnected. The scheme suggests to bring down the Greenbriar Mall to reprogram it as a public green space, restore the forest along the powerline and make it as a trail, and make rainwater parks to clean up the runoffs from developents on the ridge line. The new development happens in between Campbellton Road and Langford Parkway, which is now a couplet wrapping around the ridge line, and is connected with other neighborhoods with new streets from the couplet. And there is a point where the village and the forest meets, where celebrates both nature and people.



Downtown Atlanta

Utoy Creek

Chattahooche River Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Int'l Airport Camp Creek

Campbellton Road is located on the ridge line between Camp Creek watershed and Utoy Creek watershed. On a storm event, the half of the runoff goes north to Utoy Creek watershed, and the other half goes to the Camp Creek watershed entering the site of current Greenbriar Mall.


5 8




2 5




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Preserved Forest Powerline Trail Flower Farm Tree Farm Rain Park Kroger & Green Parking Townhomes Weekend Farm Transit Station

200 feet

1,000 500


. . village

+ meets.

People arrive at the Greenbriar Transit Station where the forest passes through the village. The forest gives a rich experience of nature inside a city. The Greenbriar Transit Station serves as the crossroads for not only nature and city, but for the people.



Greenbriar Parkway

Campbellton Road (one way)

Langford Green Parking Rainwater Park

Campbellton Road Solar Farm




Lessons Learned Studying the couplet and new street connections around the site gave me the sense of scale of the streets. I tried to imagine what the streets will feel like when I walk through them, and tried to put as much experience that I can give to the streets. The forest also gave me the insight of how people can meet the nature. Street trees are all the nature we see in cities. What if we actually bring the forest to the city? People will learn what nature is by touching the wildreness.

2 UrbanFront Cincinnati, OH ULI Hines Competition 01/2019

Group | Helen Chen, Yeinn Oh, Haoxing Ma, Elliot Park, Luben Raytchev Participation | Masterplanning, Public Space Design, Board Layout





UrbanFront is a project to bring the urban fabric of downtown Cincinnati to The Banks. It reconnects the Ohio River to the city, redesigning The Banks with locating urban neighborhood and transportation. It adds public life to The Bank, inviting diverse population into a most vibrant urban front of the city. The front of urban living. UrbanFront adds a diverse neighborhood to invite people into the public space. The neighborhood will not only enjoy the sport events, but also make their own place the most interesting place in the city.

The front of transportation. People arrive in the new transit hub, 'Freedom Station' from different regions around Cincinnati. The Freedom Station will connect all kind of transportation, from the regional scale to AV and bikes. The front yard of Cincinnati. UrbanFront is the place where you come to experience the city. This is where the city meets the river, the people and the urban life.



*Images above were produced by Elliot Park.


*This image was produced by Haoxing Ma.





Lessons Learned It was the first competition for me and all of the group. The idea that the development is tied with real estate issues, and design should take its steps with financing together was challenging, but also lifted my limits to a whole new part of urban design. I learned a lot from the most diverse group ever. We had to interact with each other in different language of experties, and that was, of course the fun part.

3 "Scenario C" Shenzhen, China Eco Urban Lab 09 - 10/2018

Individual Work

This project is part of a bigger project, Georgia Tech - Tianjin University Shenzhen Institute Smart Campus Plan in Eco Urban Lab. The work presented in this chapter is one of the three schemes of the project. Based on the topography/slope of the site, the three schemes were developed to react to the topography in three different ways. The first scheme centralized all the buildings in the flat aera to minimize the impact to the ground. The second scheme clustered the buildings on different areas.

Finally, the third scheme, which is described in this chapter is a plan to decentralize the buildings to apply different strategies in different slope zone. Conventional mid-rise buildings were placed on flat areas, and clustered low-rise small buildings were placed in mid-steep areas, and terrace houses were placed in the steepest zones.






Lessons Learned GT Campus Shenzhen site was challenging to design because of the steep slope. The site rarely has a flat ground, so as a decetralized scheme I had to frigure out the way to locate the buildings. This project was somewhere in between urban design and architecture. This was a case that I had to use architectural strategies to solve bigger-scale issues.

4 Bankhead Courts Atlanta, GA Urban Design Studio 09 - 11/2018

Group | Debmalya Ghosh, Yasmeen Alawamleh, Jingxin Xu, Yeinn Oh Participation | Analysis, Bankhead Courts Masterplan, Board Layout

The purpose of this studio was to learn and implement stormwater management in a critically challenged sites in NPU-G. The Bankhead Courts and Industrial Park are both located in the bottom of the proctor creek watershed, in front of Chattahooche River, which means the site needs to deal with all the stormwater runoff that comes all the way from downtown Atlanta. Bankhead Courts has a valley shaped topography inside that gathers the large amount of stormwater coming from the surrounding impervious surfaces. The Bankhead Courts is not only interfered by the velocity of the stormwater, but also is challenged by the quality of the water coming in.

The street framework is aiming to the three goals: 1. to connect the community to the river. 2. to let the stormwater clean up by bioswales and filtration park. 3. to clean up the stormwater coming from outside of the site. In order to obtain the three goals, the streets were designed to connect the people and the water. It draws the water and send it to the centeral filtration park, as it does to the people too. The filtration park in the middle of the site is the connection of the site and the Chattahooche river. It serves as a trailhead where it leads the people to the river. The Bankhead Courts is now the starting point that connects the community to the river.



Bring the river to the city. Chattahooche river is currently isolated from any area near the river. It is physically unaccessible and visibly blocked. The idea of the riverfront walkway is to introduce the river to the people in Atlanta so that they can be aware of the river. The trailway has several access points and recreations that can let people contact and interact with the river. In order to connect the streets to the river, the parcels of the existing site was needed to be considered. Purchasing several parcels and subdividing it made the connectivity and the shape of the parcels better. The connectivity not only helps people access the river, but it also helps the water to infiltrate through green fingers and stormwater treatment strategies. All of the contaminated runoff from the industrial area would be cleaned up before it reaches the river.






Lessons Learned Stormwater management was not one of the things that I've dealt with before, nor is a easy topic to pick up. But after learning, It was more hard to not think about it when designing a site. The strategy used for this project is only a part of what we learned. I hope there will be chances to implement these strategies in different sites.

5 Mind & Grid Experiment Mind & Built Environment 02 - 04/2019

Group | Yasmeen Alawamleh, Elliot Park, Yeinn Oh Participation | Experiment Design, Data Analysis

This experiment was done to find out how form of grids affect our spatial memory. The hypothesis was that people will memorize the location of objects when they are in rectangular grids instead of triangular grids. We asked people to memorize locations of tokens that have numbers written, and asked them to place it in exact locations they think the tokens were. What we found was that people

use different strategies to remember the location, and the performance itself did not have difference. We tried once more in different condition: we asked the participants to place the tokens on the grid instead of the empty ground. People used different strategies again, but this time, people generally remembered better with rectangular grid.


Error distance A: 3.220241 B: 2.5426 C: 2.721863 Total: 8.484703


Error distance A: 4.436119 B: 2.35223 C: 6.423351 Total: 13.2117






Lessons Learned The experiment was measuring people's spatial memory, which is bringing psychology into the environment. As a student who is interested in both psychology and space design, I learned how to study the interdisciplanry topic.

Yeinn "Grace" Oh Master of Science in Urban Design Bachelor of Psychology Bachelor of Architecture yeinnoh@gatech.edu printed in 04.19.2019

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