Yellow Shirts Association Iza str., no. 3/3 Code 430073 Baia Mare, Romania
About Yellow Shirts Romania ……………..…… 3 About Youth in Action …………….…………..… 3 Quotes ……………………………………………. 4 “All for one and one for all” project ……..….….. 4 The games – intro ………….…………………..... 5 Energizers ………………………………….. 5 City hunting ………….……………………… 8 Non-formal education ……………………. 10 Self esteem ……………………………….. 11 Communication and cooperation ……….. 12 Roles, responsibilities and motivation ….. 15 Strategies to strengthen a group ……….. 19 See the conflict & diversity …………….… 20 Trust ……………………………………….. 24 Group dynamic …………………………… 25 Youthpass ……………………………….… 27 Evaluations ………………………………... 27 Useful links ……………………………………… 30 Thanks ………………………………………...… 31
All for one and one for all 1 February – 1 May 2012 ~ 11 – 18 February 2012 ~ Baia Mare, Romania
This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Yellow Shirts
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
About Yellow Shirts Romania
About Youth in Action
Yellow Shirts Association has been founded in April 2010 with the purpose of facilitating the sustainability and integration of youth in society. The organization is led by young people who possess the ability to understand easier the problems which nowadays youngsters are confronting with. The activities that we are implementing are organized at local, regional, national and international level through projects developed by our association, but also by our collaborators. These activities consist of training courses, youth exchanges, informative campaigns, language courses, competitions, study visits, public debates, seminars, working camps, social meetings, conferences, exhibitions, etc. in domains such as art, culture, sport, environment, human rights, active citizenship, health, etc.
“Youth in Action” has appeared as a result of the previous similar programs “Youth”, “European Voluntary Service” and “Youth for Europe”. The European Union sees through this a way of promoting active citizenship, solidarity, tolerance among young people and their involvement in building the future of the Union. The programme promotes non-formal education, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, encouraging the employment and integration of all youngsters, irrespective of the environment they are coming from; by answering to the youngsters’ needs, at the same time it brings an importance in accumulating the competences through the non-formal education and active participation in the society. Among the priorities of this programme are the ones of European citizenship, youngsters’ participation, cultural diversity, the inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities, while promoting at the same time the intercultural aspect, anti-discrimination, the equality between genders, and last but not least multilingualism.
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
“Teamwork makes the dream work.” “Teamwork divided the task and multiplies the success.” “Together we achieve that which no one can achieve alone.” “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. “ “It is better to have one person working with you than three people working for you.” “The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.” “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.” “Never be afraid to try, remember... Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.” “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.” “Together we make a difference.”
for one and one for all” project This project aimed at bringing together a total of 20 young people from 4 countries (Romania, Turkey, Italy and Germany) to Baia Mare, Romania from the 11th to the 18th of February 2012. For 8 days, the volunteers attended a youth exchange under the Action 1.1 of the Youth in Action programme, during which they have learned about the basic steps of teambuilding: self esteem, communication and cooperation, roles, responsibilities and motivations, strategies to strengthen a group, trust, solving conflicts and understand diversity, all combined with a lot of team-building games and cultural events. The participants had the opportunity to learn the basic information about how a team can be established and the right instruments required in order to set up a team and the good relations inside it. The participants have taken part in an intercultural and non-formal learning process through workshops such as round tables, role plays, presentations, cultural nights and a lot of games.
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
The games – intro Team-building is essential in developing a strong connection between the members of a group, that is why through this youth exchange we wanted to show to the participant how they can create and strengthen the connections inside a group in an interactive way. We believe that through this youth exchange we have succeeded in helping the participants to form an idea about how a team is supposed to work (how the chores are divided between the members, respect, self esteem, etc.), how to build trust and make usage of communication tools, and so to help them develop their working teams inside their NGOs and groups. In what comes next, there shall be described the activities according to their theme (evaluations, communication, trust, etc.) as they were planned in our project. The following activities can be used for different purposes as well as adapted according to your group, needs and expected results. The games that we used for this project are based on the experience collected from our entire activity, gathered from other projects we have attended to. Also, each national group brought their contribution by proposing other
games and thus enriching the diversity of this project when it comes about the types of games. We have named the games as we thought it would be more appropriate. For sure some of these games are already known by you.
Energizers We have decided to have something different than the typical energizers games and prepare a song for each day. It is easy when the one that leads this workshop learns the steps before. It is a great way to start your day and you definitely get energized. Materials needed: - songs (any danceable song, for example dance, pop, for Zumba, etc.) - learning the steps before
Ice breaking – getting to know each other games This type of games is needed each time the group is new and people don’t know each other. There should be given enough time for each to
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
get to know each other and should be done by the beginning of the session in the first day. 1. Name matrix On a flipchart paper held as landscape, draw lines and columns with the total number of the participants involved + 1. For example, for a number of 20 participants there shall be 21x21 squares. On the first line and the first column, write the names of all participants (use the same order for both the line and the column). Each participant will have to find a common thing with the other participants and write each one on a post-it. The post-its should be stuck at the intersection of his or her name with another participant. If there are 20 participants, at the name of the person X there shall be 19 post-its (1 is crossed out at the intersection with one’s own name). According to the number of the participants, there can be given enough time for everybody to finish or there can be given a strict time of 30 minutes to try to fulfill the task. The paper can be put somewhere visible and post-its to be added all around the week.
Materials needed: - flipchart paper - post-it notes - pens/pencils - tape 2. What do you remember? The participants form a circle. A ball is passed from one to another mentioning the receiver’s name and the common thing they have. Materials needed: - a small ball 3. Initial of the name, birth date, age The participants form a line. Once having the line done, they get arranged according to their names (alphabetically), then birth date, age, etc. There can be passed only one person at a time. For people with the same name there shall be taken the family name into consideration as well, for birth date day and month, and if the same the year as well, for age according to the month, etc. The participants shall not talk while finding out their position, using only their body.
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
5. Local artists There are no materials needed. Tip: you can form a circle with the chairs and ask the participants to step on them. There will be no other way than to pass but one by one till going to the final position. 4. Names and adjectives The participants form a circle. The first one says their name and an adjective starting with the initial letter of his or her name. The second one shall repeat the first participant’s name and adjective and then mention his own. It goes on like this till the last one which will have to say the names and adjectives of all the participants. For diversity and more interaction, after it is the 5th6th person’s turn, the persons before can change their place between themselves. Once having completed the circle the ones willing can say the banes of the group as well. There are no materials needed.
The participants form 2 lines facing each other. They can be sitting on chairs, at tables or lying on the floor. Each participant will receive a paper and color pencils shall be spread among the lines. The participants will draw one by one a feature of the person standing in front of them. After having drawn the face shape the paper shall be given to the right. On the new received paper they will draw the eyes, then the nose, etc. till the whole portrait is ready. Once having the drawing done, the name of the person and the country will be written and stuck on the wall. Materials needed: - papers - pencils - tape 6. Secret friends Each person receives an envelop and a small paper on which they write their own name. The envelops are stuck on the wall under the person’s portrait and the papers are folded and put in a cap, bowl, etc. Each participant picks up a note with a name that shall not be shown to
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
others. If the person picked up his or her own name, he or she will exchange it with another. During the entire period of activities, each participant should take care in secret of the person they have picked up. At the end of the activities, each one reveals who was their secret friend. The envelops are for leaving messages or small gifts not only to your secret friends but also for the other persons. Materials needed: - envelops - pens - a cap, bowl, etc. - tape 7. Use body language Each participant will have to write their name by forming the letters using their body except hands. There are no materials needed.
City hunting According to the number of the participants groups are formed with an equal number in each group. Each group has to contain participants from all the participant countries. The number of groups shall be decided beforehand as well as the tasks given to each group. The tasks have to be fulfilled once having arrived at each important touristic objective of the host community. Once arriving at each objective first there shall be given a short description of the place then the task (sing/write a song/poem, form the name of their group, write 5-10 names of songs containing a word, dance, etc.). The groups shall follow different routes but have the same tasks in the same locations. To each group there shall be given a map and a “keeper” (one of the project team’s or host country’s member who knows the city). The responsibilities of the keeper are to keep the tasks and give them one by one at the indicated points, take pictures of the group in each place and bring additional information about the touristic objectives and keep the score. The keeper should not help the participants to find the way or in solving the tasks and should be objective. The points shall be awarded according to the originality of solving the task; also, the way of marking the right/wrong answer is given only
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
to the keeper. There shall not be taken into consideration the time needed to get from one point to another but the right way of fulfilling the tasks (the participants should see the city, not be motivated to win the contest). Yet, some tasks might contain time limit for solving the task itself. One of the routes and tasks we have used is: Stephen Tower –a presentation about Stephen Tower is made, after that the group is required to mention 5 things they remember about it (no timing). If at least one of the mentioned things is wrong, they are given 5 minutes to be solved. If all the answers are correct from the first try, they shall be given 2 points for each answer. If the group has made a mistake and got into the ‘5 minutes’ time, there shall be given 1 point for each correct answer. Black Eagle Inn – a text is being read by the keeper; at the end, the participants are asked a question regarding the text. The Monument of the Romanian Soldier – “write’ the name of your group using your bodies and take a picture with the monument in the background; hint: you can ‘use’ the people around you.
County Library – write 10 songs that contain the word ‘love’ in their title (international known) New center – dance the dance learned in the morning as energizer; the keeper will play the song and record you. Mara Park – solve 7 riddles Prefecture statue – you shall make another statue with your group by having: 6 hands connected, 8 feet on the ground, 3 knees connected and 2 back-to back. Butcher’s Tower – there shall be written a poem using the words water, grey, smile, peaches, street, time and love. Materials needed: - map of the hosting community - tasks - camera - pens - papers
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Non-formal education 1. Education styles – how we learn during our life? Each participant will think about 5 things he learnt so far, noting down on a piece of paper what, how, when and with the help of whom he learned that. According to the total number of the participants form groups of 4-5 people. Each group will start debating on their personal assessments and then try to divide their learning into non-formal, informal and formal education while answering questions such as how, when, where, with whom, how often/much, what, etc. At the end, make a common list with the points regarding each education style from all the groups and debated on them. Further methods can be added by the leader of the workshop. Materials needed: - flipchart paper - marker - papers - pens
2. Pictures vs. experience Search beforehand pictures expressing nonformal, informal and formal education methods and present them to the participants. Once having filled in the flipchart paper with the methods from their own learning, add to the paper methods shown in the pictures (if different). In order to summarize the workshop about non-formal education, make a debriefing consisting of questions such as: - what determined you to choose those 5 experiences - did you have similar experiences/learning methods - how did you selected the methods, learning way, etc. in your group - do you consider the pictures to be representative for the shown methods, etc. The conclusions can be added on the flipchart used for the education styles or on a new one. Materials needed: - pictures - flipchart paper - marker
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Self esteem 1. I like you! Form 2 lines. From one end to the other, the person should hug and tell to the person on his left “I like you because…” and name a reason. The last person will run at the end of the row and tell it to that person. The person in the left will be always the same so the participants have to find different reasons why they like that person. For debriefing you can ask questions such as: how did you feel giving/receiving compliments? Did you thank? Were you honest? How did the person you gave to reacted? How did you reacted when receiving?, etc. There are no materials needed. 2. I like Precious, but…
to put back together the pieces to form the soul. As debriefing, the participants shall be asked “Is Precious’ soul the same as it was before?” and given time to reflect on it. After this, there can be used questions such as do you realize the impact of your negative feelings towards a person’s self esteem? How did you feel in similar situations? Do you feel sorry after saying something bad to a person? How much does a negative remark affect you (with examples)? How did you feel towards Precious when you expressed your feelings? After gathering back its soul what did you think about?, etc. Materials needed: - a ball/toy/character to be talked about - a piece of paper - a pen - tape 3. Your advertisement could be here!
On a piece of paper draw Precious’ soul. Each participant should tell why they don’t like Precious (we named our orange ball Precious) through the sentence “I like Precious, but …”. Each time a participant says the sentence, the leader of the workshop shall tear up a part of the soul. At the end the participants are being asked
Each participant will get a piece of paper and color pencils shall be available for everyone. Each person should prepare their poster advertising themselves regarding their abilities, capacities, hobbies, what they are good at and what they can do the best, a motto, what they
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
haven’t done so far and would like to try, etc. (anything that could make a great advertisement). The final products shall be posted next to their portrait and envelop. Each participant can have 1-2 minutes to present their poster or it can be left there for people to approach it whenever during the activities. The debriefing can be made about the process of creating the poster regarding the written issues. Now that they have analyzed themselves, how do they feel after finding so many qualities of their? Do they know to transform their lack of experience/lack of knowledge into qualities? Materials needed: - papers - pens, pencils - tape 4. Pictures vs. reality Beforehand select pictures regarding low, exaggerated and normal self esteem. The pictures shall be presented to the participants and discuss upon them trying to get out do’s and don’ts. The activity can end through questions like: Are you respecting these advices/ the advices given to the others? What is your life motto, the supreme motivation to do something?
Materials needed: - pictures - flipchart paper - marker
Communication and cooperation 1. Chinese recipe Choose 7 volunteers and take them out of the room. While the volunteers are out of the room, the rules will be explained to the rest of the group. There should be read a text containing a lot of information (numbers, details). The participants inside shall be split into 4 groups that should follow particular aspects of the story (geographical, eggs, bowl, end of the story). The group must not speak while transmitting the story from one volunteer to another. Only the first volunteer will hear the original story together with the rest of the group, while the rest of the volunteers will enter one by one and listen to the story from the previous one. The last volunteer will have to tell what he understood from the story. The volunteers can ask questions but only to the person transmitting it to him and only while
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
telling the story. The debrief of this game is first each group to mention how the story changed from one ‘generation’ to another and then talk about how did the volunteers feel while receiving and telling the story, was it hard to remember, did the person understood what you wanted to transmit, etc. The game is very important on how the communication is being made and through which channel we shall choose to send the information to be more effective and reach the final person in complete form. This recipe is being transmitted from generation to generation, from father to son. The recipe comes from YangtzĂŽ region, in the east of China, from the city Changchun. It is very important that this recipe is transmitted orally to the next generations not to be forgotten. You need 329 medium eggs with 235 brown spots from the same quail, you put them into a bowl and you mix them together with the egg shell. The bowl must be done from black clay, baked in an oven at the temperature of 1.000 degrees, after which it is let to dry at a temperature of 5 degrees during 3 nights under the starry sky. It is very important that the bowl to be made by a curly brunette craftsman, but this one has to be curly from birth.
You dig a hole with a depth of 57 meters in which you put the bowl with the contents covered and burry it. You leave it to macerate for a period of 5 years, after which you unbury it and take it out. For the connoisseur you can add syrup from spring cherry tree leaves for more taste. It gets served cold. Enjoy your meal! Materials needed: - the Chinese recipe - paper and pens (for groups to note down the evolution) 2. Use your sense The participants shall be divided into groups of 4. If there are persons without a group they can take the role as supervisors of the groups. One person of each group receives a paper with an object written on it which has to be transmitted to the next one describing it in writing without mentioning the word itself. If the second person believes he got the word turns to the third and draws references to the object but not the object itself. The third will turn to the last one and will describe the object verbally. The last has to mime the object to the first one; if it is correct the group gets a second word, if not, they would have to repeat the circle. When one person turns
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
to another, they shall not be seen/heard by the others from the group. Also, once finishing with an object, there is being made a rotation between the roles (the first becomes second and so on). At the end of the words, every person of the group should have written, drawn, talked and mimed a word. The debriefing can be done through questions such as how fast were the words being guessed? Was it difficult to understand? Which type of communication was the easiest? How did the coordination in the group work? etc. Materials needed: - papers - objects - pens 3. Cross the line Tie/stick a piece of rope/tape from one pillar to another at a height of approximately 1,5 m. The participants shall be all inside one side of the room. Their task is to help everybody cross over the rope to the other side. It is allowed the knee or any other part of the body to be half under the rope but they cannot go through under the rope or touch it (once it’s being touched everybody crosses back). Chairs or other furniture items
cannot be used; the participants have to cross only using their bodies. How did the cooperation go? How many methods did you try? How did you find the best method? How did you manage in the end with the last person? Etc. Materials needed: - rope/tape 4. The lake The participants shall split into 2 groups. Each group will get as many papers as the number of the participant from each group. The “lake” should be done with a length of at least 1½ m of the number of the participants (for example, for 10 persons at least 15 m). The papers shall be used as stones for creating a bridge. The participants can only step on the papers for passing further. Once having starting the “passing over”, the participants have to stay connected to each other as well as all the papers have to be “occupied. If the connection between participants is broken or one of them has stepped outside the paper that group shall restart. Also, if there is an “unoccupied” paper, the leader of the game shall take it. How did you find the best method? How did the cooperation and communication inside the group work? Did
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
you find it difficult to pass? Did you loose any paper or had to restart? Did you feel frustrated?
Roles, responsibilities motivation
Sleepyville Each participant will get a role and they will group according to it. Each formed group shall get a map of the Sleepyville town. The groups’ task is to decide whether a synagogue shall be built or not.
How the discussions did went inside the groups? Did you manage to get in the role? Do you feel you can understand better that community now? Did you have any moments when you weren’t listened to? Did you feel frustrated? Were you able to impose your opinions? Did you feel the decision was beneficial for everybody? What would you have done differently?, etc. Map of Sleepyville
Sleepyville There’s a new day starting in Sleepyville. After a while, there is something going on in the community. An important minority of Jews wants to build a synagogue close to the place where the majority of them are living. The judge, together with the administrator of the city, will have to decide whether to give the authorization for building it or not. There are no rules given but each leader of the game shall decide for them at the beginning of the game and explain to the others (there can be votes, more meetings, etc.)
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Roles: 1 Administrator of city, 1 Judge 3 Christians 3 Muslims 3 businessmen 3 representatives of youth 6 Jews
Christian You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life so far. You have few inconveniences with the recent new-comers to the city (the Jews). You would like more entertainment in your city.
Administrator In the following year will be the votes for new representatives of the city. Your task is to take care of: - all population is happy - all religions are respected - there are enough green spaces in the city - bringing foreign investments in the city - create new jobs - work with youth closely Judge Your task is to decide whether the synagogue will be built or not, and if yes in which place. You have to take into consideration the administrator of the city as well as the arguments brought.
Christian You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life so far. You have few inconveniences with the recent new-comers to the city (the Jews). Even if you are pleased with the green spaces, you were sad when the old spaces turned into a new neighborhood for the new-comers. You would like more entertainment in your city. You consider to be outrageous another religious building to be erected in the town. There are plenty and enough for everybody as they are now. Christian You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life so far. You have few inconveniences with the recent new-comers to the city (the Jews). You are pleased with the green spaces, and when old green spaces turned into a new neighborhood for the new-comers, you considered it a lack of respect towards the existent community. You would like new entertainment places in your city,
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
because the old places you used to go are now full of Jewish. Muslim You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life. You have some difficulties in the daily life and the current job is not too well paid. You would like to get a better social position and the new-comers (Jewish) are a ‘threat’ for you cause of this. You would like to change your job from the center of the city. Muslim You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life. If the synagogue gets build your community will get less money for the mosques, the total sum getting to be divided. Muslim You are a citizen of this city and pleased with the life. You live close to the Jewish neighborhood and you are already tired of all the construction/renovation done in the area. You would like to enjoy the peace of your neighborhood and not the noise from building equipment.
Christian youth You are a Christian youth. You would like to have more fun and you would also like a youth center to be built where to have more meetings with your friends and organize diverse activities. Businessman You are a national successful businessman. You would like to open a big mall in Sleepyville and you spotted the empty area in the hearth of the city. Businessman You run a construction company. You would like to get more work in the area and offer more jobs to the citizens from here. Businessman You run a company that takes care of the green spaces of the city. You get paid more for your job. Muslim youth You are a Muslim youth. You enjoy getting in debates for fun. You are not necessary interested on which side you are. You change your mind pretty fast according to the arguments
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
that come to your mind (pro/against). You want a youth center to be built. Jewish youth You are a Jewish youth. You would like everybody to have a place where to pray. You also would like to have a youth center where you could meet new people of same age and have fun together. Jew You are a rabbi and you’d like to have a place where to preach and gather your community. Jew You have recently moved here with work. You like it here, so you’d like to move permanent. You wish to have a synagogue to have a place where to pray. Jew You consider the synagogue, besides its religious role, a place where the community meats. Without one, you feel excluded from the social life.
Jew You wish you’d have a place where to practice after graduation. You are currently a student at Theology of Jewish branch. Jew You have a daughter and in few years she will be ready to get married. You want to make a big ceremony but you don’t have the synagogue where to make the marriage in front of god. Jew You are a rich person of the Jewish community. You want to invest into building a synagogue because you want people of your community to praise. You are not such a religious person, but supporting the building of the synagogue could bring you a lot of influence in your community. Materials needed: - map - roles
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Strategies group
1. The longest line According to the number of the participants form 2-3 groups. Their task is to make the longest line as possible using only what they have on them, including them. The objects that are forming the line have to be connected to each other. Each group has 2-3 minutes to decide on the strategy and on the materials to be used (they can be taken off but not tighten to each other). There shall be given a time of 5 minutes where the groups can start using the object to create the line. What objects did you use? Did you feel good/bad comparing to the other lines? How was the preparation time used? No materials needed. 2. Eggsercise The participants shall be divided into groups of 5 persons. Their task is to make an egg catching system using only paper. Each group will get as
much paper as they need according to the level of difficulty they want to approach. The time given is 20 minutes, time in which they have to decide on the strategy, create the catcher and demonstrate its viability. The system is working if after letting the egg fall from at least 1,5 meters height it won’t be broken. Each group has only one chance (one egg). How did you find the solution for the catching system? Materials needed: - paper - 5 boiled eggs 3. Square bombs Using paper tape make a square, which will be divided into small squares, the minimum dimensions being 3x5 (the dimensions could be modified according to the available space). On each row there shall be only one free square, the others being occupied by bombs (using paper tape we shall mark the area covered with bombs with an x). The first person from the group will be blindfolded using a scarf. His or her task is to take the group out of the square without any of the participants stepping on the lines or on the bomb square. There shall be only one way of moving forward, you can’t step back, you can’t
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
jump. The game is over when all the participants are on the other side of the square. The debriefing can be done through questions such as is it hard to be guided? Did you feel safe being guided by the persons behind? Have you stepped forward with confidence? Materials needed: - scarf - paper tape
leave the game, but they can observe and give solutions for the team. Materials needed: - a flipchart/A2 paper or a bed sheet, one for each group
See the conflict & see the diversity
4. How big is the paper?
1. Get the chairs
The participants are separated into groups of 4-5 persons. Each group receives a piece of paper, initially with the dimension of an A1 (or a flipchart paper) or a bed sheet. The whole group must fit on the paper. Once the entire group is on the paper for more than 20 seconds, they get to the next level. The paper/sheet gets folded in half, repeating the task. It goes on until the members of the group cannot fit on the sheet anymore. The group shall stay on the paper without external help (not being hold by someone that is not on the sheet). The participants can use only their body in order to fulfill the task (holding each other, carry another participant, etc.). If the participant(s) step aside the paper, he/they must
In order to fulfill this task, the number of participants must be divisible by 3. The extra participants can have the role of observers. Each participant shall receive a piece of paper with a task. The task is to get all the chairs from the room in front/in the middle/at the back of the room. Participants are given 5 minutes to solve the task. Due to the chaos that will be created, some persons might get injured. Pay attention! Questions such as Were the tasks contradictory? Was a leader chosen in each group? If yes, how? Did you define a strategy? How did the work go inside your group? can be used for debriefing.
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Materials needed: - a watch/time control - tasks on pieces of paper
• What excites you and what are you afraid of?
2. Step forward Each participant will be given a paper which will contain a role. They will have to keep it to themselves and not show it to anyone else. A calm atmosphere shall be created using soft background music. Alternatively, the participants will be asked for silence and to get into their role. To give participants time to reflect and build up a picture of themselves and their lives the facilitator shall read a series of questions: • What was your childhood like? What sort of house did you live in? What kind of games did you play? What sort of work did your parents do? • What is your everyday life like now? Where do you socialize? What do you do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening? • What sort of lifestyle do you have? Where do you live? How much money do you earn each month? What do you do in your leisure time? What you do in your holidays?
After the atmosphere is created participants should stand shoulder to shoulder in a line across the room. A series of statements will follow up, every time that they can answer "yes" they should take a step forward. Otherwise, they should stay where they are and not move. At the end everyone will be invited to take note of their final positions. The debrief and evaluation can contain the questions: • How did people feel stepping forward - or not? • For those who stepped forward often, at what point did they begin to notice that • others were not moving as fast as they were? • Did anyone feel that there were moments when their basic human rights were being ignored? • Can people guess each other's roles? (Let people reveal their roles during this part of the discussion) • How easy or difficult was it to play the different roles? How did they imagine what the person they were playing was like?
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• Does the exercise mirror society in some way? How? • Which human rights are at stake for each of the roles? Could anyone say that their • human rights were not being respected or that they did not have access to them? • What first steps could be taken to address the inequalities in society? Roles : • You are an unemployed single mother. • You are an Arab Muslim girl living with your parents who are devoutly religious people. • You are the daughter of the local bank manager. • You study economics at university. • You are the 19-year-old son of a farmer in a remote village in the mountains. • You are a soldier in the army, doing compulsory military service. • You are a disabled young man who can only move in a wheelchair. • You are a 17-year-old Roma (Gypsy) girl who never finished primary school. • You are an HIV positive, middle-aged prostitute.
• You are an unemployed schoolteacher in a country whose new official language you are not fluent in. • You are a 24-year-old refugee from Afghanistan. • You are an illegal immigrant from Mali. • You are the president of a party-political youth organization (whose "mother" party is now in power). • You are the son of a Chinese immigrant who runs a successful fast food business. • You are the daughter of the American ambassador to the country where you are now living. • You are the owner of a successful importexport company. • You are a retired worker from a factory that makes shoes. • You are the girlfriend of a young artist who is addicted to heroin. • You are a 22-year-old lesbian. • You are a fashion model of African origin. • You are a homeless young man, 27 years old.
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Situations and events: • You have never encountered any serious financial difficulty. • You have decent housing with a telephone line and television. • You feel your language, religion and culture are respected in the society where you live. • You feel that your opinion on social and political issues matters, and your views are listened to. • Other people consult you about different issues. • You are not afraid of being stopped by the police. • You know where to turn for advice and help if you need it. • You have never felt discriminated against because of your origin. • You have adequate social and medical protection for your needs. • You can go away on holiday once a year. • You can invite friends for dinner at home. • You have an interesting life and you are positive about your future. • You feel you can study and follow the profession of your choice.
• You are not afraid of being harassed or attacked in the streets, or in the media. • You can vote in national and local elections. • You can celebrate the most important religious festivals with your relatives and close friends. • You can participate in an international seminar abroad. • You can go to the cinema or the theatre at least once a week. • You are not afraid for the future of your children. • You can buy new clothes at least once every three months. • You can fall in love with the person of your choice. • You feel that your competence is appreciated and respected in the society where you live. • You can use and benefit from the Internet. Materials needed: - Role cards - soft & relaxing music
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
An alternative for this role game is each participant to play their own personality. There can be used the same questions. 3. Stereotyping Each participant will be given a role, stuck on his/ her forehead, this preventing him/her to see it. For 5 minutes they will walk around in circle and each of the participants shall react according to what he sees on the other participant forehead. After all the roles have been analyzed, some participants will be asked to step in front and explain how they felt the reactions of the others. All the participants will have to write down a word expressing what they felt regarding to the person in front, who in the end will have to guess his/her own role. According to the number of participants we will choose from the following roles: gay, lesbian, African prostitute, politician, blind guy, Jew, immigrant, porn star, single mother with two children, orphan, poor, thief, Lady Gaga, gypsy, rich, woman using burka, woman using veil.
Trust games 1. The human chair According to the number of participants there shall be formed groups of 9-10 persons. There shall also be 2 observers. Each group makes a circle from chairs. First, the participants shall be arranged in a balanced way (tall/strong people next to each other, alternative girl-boy, etc.). The participants sit on the side part of the chair and lean back on the knees of the person behind. In the end, each participant shall be holding someone and be held. Once the circle is done, the observers start to pull the chairs from beneath the participants, from different angles. Once all the chairs are out there shall be counted the time each group can stand like that without falling. Materials needed: - chairs 2. Rock star
Materials needed: -roles -paper tape
Form 2 lines apart from one participant who will be the “rock star� and 1-2 persons that shall be in charge with the safety of others. The people All for one and one for all ~ games ~
forming the 2 lines lay on the ground with the bodies in opposite directions, with their heads forming a common line. The participants from the ground shall raise their hands forming a bridge. Then the “rock star’ is being passed from one side to the other carried on the participants’ hands. The other 1-2 persons shall make sure that all the participants are in a safe position and no one gets injured. No materials needed. 3. Catch me The participants are divided into groups of 5 people, with one of them staying in the middle. The person standing in the middle would first lean on back keeping his/her body steadily. Then the “catcher” shall push slowly the person towards another one from the group. The participants shall change their role, in the end each of them to have been standing in the middle. No materials needed.
4. Spaghetti meal The participants shall sit on the ground, except of 2 persons (forks). The rest shall grab each the neighbors’ hands and legs in order to form a tight circle – the spaghetti plate. Once the circle is done, the persons outside the circle shall try to pull out the people. Once being out, the spaghetti becomes a fork and has to take out more persons. Once there are only 2 spaghettis left, if between 5 minutes the forks can’t separate them, the spaghettis win. Pay attention to possible injuries when pulling out a person. No materials needed.
Group dynamic 1. Thirsty? Cola, Fanta, Sprite Draw a long line. The participants shall stand all on one side of the line. When the facilitator says Cola, all the participants should cross the line in the left side, for Fanta in the right side and for Sprite a jump at 180 degrees. If the participant is already in the left side, when Cola is mentioned, the participants shall not change the position; same for Fanta. If the participant makes a
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mistake or looses the balance, it’s out of the game. No materials needed. 2. Drink the water The participants shall form 2 groups. One of each group shall stand on the ground, the others forming a line. At a distance of 5 meters, there shall be placed on the floor 2 glasses with water. From each group there shall be one participant at the time spinning around the one sitting on the ground. After 15 spins the participant shall reach the glass and take a sip of water, then returning to his/her group. Once the participant is back at the group, the next one goes for the spins. The game finishes when the last participants have done the same. Materials needed: - 2 glasses of water 3. Follow the shepherd There shall be 3-4 persons as observers and in charge with taking care of the participants’ safety. The rest of the group (sheeps) shall
decide on the leader (shepherd) and together on signs for directions (left, right, stairs, sitting down, etc.). Once the participants’ eyes are covered they can no longer to speak and just listen to the shepherd’s signals. If one sheep gets lost, it can let the shepherd know by making the sounds ‘bee’. The observers shall mention the way to the leader either before the group to start moving either during the movement to change/give directions. Materials needed: - as many scarf as the number of sheeps 4. Follow the leader’s move The participants shall get close to each other forming a compact group (there is no need to touch each other). A person takes the responsibility of being the leader of the movement, but this person will change according to the direction the group turns. The leaders are arbitrary chosen and are persons that take the initiative to make a movement. Once the group is formed, the leader takes the initiative to make an arbitrary movement. Once turning the group in other direction, the leadership is taken by another person. The participants should try to
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focus that their movements to be done at the same time. No materials needed. 5. I’m gonna jump! Make a group of 5-8 persons that shall form a circle by holding each others’ arms around the others’ shoulders, bending a bit the knees and getting as low as the heads are touching each other. Once the circle group is ready, another participant will jump on one of the participant and would try to reach the opposite side. Once having reached the opposite side the participant that has jumped will get on the ground while “hanging” holding him/herself by the knees of the person from the circle. While other participants are doing the same, one at the time, the other participants shall hold themselves until the last one fills in the task. Once all have jumped (number of person in the circle is with 1 more than the persons that jump), the roles change. There can be made several circles according to the number of participants.
Youthpass For understanding better the 8 key competences, we have chosen several tasks that comprise all these competences. The participants shall be divided in groups with different nationalities. The tasks are to find at least 4 common words in their languages; the words don’t have to have the same meaning or to be written same, but their pronunciation has to be as similar as possible (communication in mother/foreign language); make a plan for beverage and food for the farewell party (mathematic and digital competences); mention methods, places, ways of how each one studies (learning to learn); a way of greeting/saluting from each country (interpersonal, intercultural, inter-social competences); an artistic moment – poem, theatre drama, song, dance, etc. (cultural expression and entrepreneurship competences). Materials needed: - pens and paper for each group
No materials needed. These workshops aim at evaluating the previous day and at the end of the activities. All for one and one for all ~ games ~
1.Our way to … Each participant receives a small note with a task. In each national team there are 5 tasks, each participant receiving one task. These are to write down: - a verb to describe motion - the departure place, the arrival place - mean of transportation - a feeling before starting the trip - a feeling after the trip, once arriving at the destination point. On the flipchart paper write the sentence “We … from … to … with … . Before departing we felt … and now we are feeling …”. The empty places shall be filled in the same order as the tasks given above, leaving enough space when writing the sentence for each country to post their note. Once all the notes are posted, there shall be read the sentence corresponding to each country. The whole sentence can show you the emotions of the participants for coming to the project. Materials needed: - flipchart paper - marker
- post-it notes - pens/pencils - tape 2. Yesterday, it was… On a flipchart paper there shall be written: “Yesterday it was … and I felt … . I wish I could do … again. I didn’t enjoy that much …, but I learnt …” The way of feeling in the blanks is same as the previous game, this time mentioning: - an adjective/adverb - a feeling - a activity you liked - a activity you didn’t like - something you learnt Materials needed: - flipchart paper - marker - post-its - pens - tape
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
3. I’m going on a trip and I’m taking … with me
Materials needed: - a ball
Each participant has to repeat the sentence “I’m going on a trip and I’m taking … with me” and express a fact that they’ve learned from the activities.
There can be no materials participants go by the row.
No materials needed.
6. Like, dislike, learned Each participant should write on a post-it what they have liked, disliked and learned from the activities from that day and stick it on a flipchart paper.
4. Mime the feeling We all know that is hard to express the feelings through words so we want to challenge the participants to mime it. This can be about what they’ve learned, what they remember, how they felt during a certain workshop, anything related to the activities that they’d like to share.
Materials needed: - flipchart paper - post-its - pens - tape
No materials needed. 7. Final evaluation 5. Tell me more Each participant gets the chance to express a feeling, something to remember, something to be taken home, something that was impressive or any other thing related to the matter of evaluation.
Besides the typical written evaluation, we propose a contest between the participant countries. The questionnaire shall contain a question from each workshop held during the entire period of activities and shall be filled in by each group. There can be given a time to be
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filled in and the group that fills in the most correctly and as many fields as possible, shall win a special prize.
Useful links
Materials needed: - questionnaire - pens
Youth in Action: Project’s page: project/ Yellow Shirts’ page: Training kits: publications/T-kits/T_kits/ Council of Europe’s materials:
All for one and one for all ~ games ~
Thanks Participants Romania
Annemarie AMMER
Alessandra CARIAGA
Laurenţiu HADI
Georgiana HARANGI
Mareike LAUB
Yazgülü BİLGİÇ
Cristian ZAMFIR
Simona ROSSI
Project team Andreea CĂPLESCU Andreea CHIFOR Diana ZAHORTE
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All for one and one for all ~ games ~