How to: Use the TMA Indivior BETA PBI Integration ASP.NET Web Tool (by Guillermo Julca / The Marketing Advantage TMA- 2016)
Introduction: The “TMA Indivior Beta PBI Integration Web Tool” is an ASP.NET project created in VS2013 Ultimate C# .NET Framework 4.5.1. This project is deployed in the TMA NTSRV21 IIS server and could be run in the “mktadvnt” domain intranet environment. This project will allow to get and visualize all the current reports, groups, dashboards, datasets, etc. published in the TMA_Invivior_BETA Power BI service account. In addition, this web tool will allow to update/delete the corresponding sql tables (PBI_Report, PBI_Group, PBI_Group_Report, etc) previously created and stored in the NTSRV21.Indivior database.
1) Run the Web Tool: from any TMA worksation that belongs to the “mktadvnt” domain run the app using the following URL: http://ntsrv21.mktadvnt.local.
2) Sign in to the current Power BI service account: In order to link this web tool with the corresponding TMA_Indivior_Beta Power BI service Account we have to click the “Sign in to Power BI BETA (Json Serialization)” button. If the sign in process was successfully then this click event will return the tenant user name account ( and a valid “Access Token” (128 bit encrypted string).
3) Get the Power BI Service Reports: click the “Get Reports From TMA_Indivior BETA PBI Service Account� button in order to get all the current global reports published in the above mentioned account.
4) Update the NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Global_Report sql table: click the “Update NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Report SQL Table” button in order to update the “PBI_Global_Report” table with the current record values generated in the Power BI service account.
Note: This task must be executed just for an IT TMA Admin user who has to enter his admin password previously assigned.
5) To Visualize any Global Power BI Report : enter an embed “url” for a report which starts with https:// and then click the “Embed Report From TMA_Indivior BETA PBI Service Account” button, this action will display the selected report into an embedded iframe control.
6) Get the Power BI Groups: click the “Get Groups From TMA_Indivior BETA PBI Service Account” button in order to get all the current groups published in the above mentioned account.
7) Update the NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Groups sql table: click the “Update NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Group SQL Table” button in order to update the “PBI_Group” table with the current record values generated in the Power BI service account.
Note: This task must be executed just for an IT TMA Admin user who has to enter his admin password previously assigned.
8) Get the Power BI Group/Reports: click the “Get Group/Reports From TMA_Indivior BETA PBI Service Account” button in order to get all the current group reports published in the above mentioned account.
9) To Visualize any Power BI Group Report : enter an embed “url” for a group/report which starts with https:// and then click the “Embed Report From TMA_Indivior BETA PBI Service Account” button, this action will display the selected report into an embedded iframe control.
10) Update the NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Group_Report sql table: click the “Update NTSRV21.Indivior.PBI_Group_Report SQL Table” button in order to update the “PBI_Group_Report” table with the current record values generated in the Power BI service account.
Note: This task must be executed just for an IT TMA Admin user who has to enter his admin password previously assigned.
11) TMA Indivior Web Application Data Flow General Overview: the “TMA Indivior Web App” will have the following components: Power BI Service Account, TMA PBI Internal Integration Tool, Back End database and the Indivior Web App Front End (see details below).