YES! Co-creating an education

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YES! Co-creating an education

y a s

YES! is a new education in Greenland, co-created with the youth and business community. Though still ‘in the making’, the intention of YES! is to nurture a generation of creative people, who will contribute to the social, environmental, cultural and commercial development of society. During the education, the trainees will solve real problems, and turn ideas into reality – thereby creating value for others while learning.

A land of opportunities �������������� 3 The short version ������������������ 4 On the edge of a new era �������� 6 Higher education in Greenland ���� 8 A need for change ���������������������10 Co-creating for a better future ������������� 12 The YES! manifesto ���� 14 Say YES! ������������������� 16



Maybe it’s u, we are looking 4?

The truth is out there!


Where, what and when?


and Classes



T he m any ha ts wor fully-tr n by a ained chang e agen t

A world without silos ����������������������������30 Telling the story ��������������������������������� 40 Behind the scenes ��������������������������������32 Broadcast yourself ������������������������������42 Money makes the world go round ��������������36 Getting there ������������������������������������� 44 Innovative educators around the world ������� 38 Huge thanks ������������������������������������� 46

A land of opportunities

In order to make a difference in your own life, in the lives of those close to you, or in the community where you live, you need to develop the courage, the strength and the will to make a change. You need to grow a clear understanding, of how you can make that change in interaction with others.

realization of YES! The idea has received extremely good support and, at present, 19 Greenlandic companies have supported the initiative financially. The production of this magazine owes much to the positive support, which the initiative has received.

YES! is a new education, dedicated to those who hunger for change, and who will open themselves to the challenge of creating something new. Though still ‘in the making’, the purpose of YES! is to nurture a new generation of strong and creative people, who will contribute to the social, environmental, cultural and commercial development of society.

The purpose of this magazine is to present a clear image of the education. It is a snapshot, because initiatives like this are in a continual process of development. The education is uniquely co-created in interaction with both potential applicants and future employers. And continually being formed through the input and ideas, which flourish at meetings, workshops and on Facebook. Thus, this initiative is the result of many people’s dreams, ideas and views.

During the 2 years of education, the YES! trainees will solve real problems, and turn ideas into reality. So even during the learning process, they will cause a meaningful impact, and create immense value for their fellow citizens. The inspiration for YES! comes from a long series of positive stories about Greenland as a land of opportunities. However, many people experience ideas unrealized, challenges not met, problems not solved and opportunities unopened. In other words, there is a great need to acquire new skills in the craft of solving problems and turning ideas into reality. The idea for YES! is co-created with various actors in society – with progressive companies, with creative young people, with practitioners from existing educational institutions, and others with an interest in the

The magazine is published in English, in order to send the clear signal, that we are connected to the whole world. The ambition is to attract competent resources, and involve relevant experiences from Greenland as well as from the rest of the world. We hope you will enjoy exploring the magazine! If this should inspire and motivate you to contribute to the development of the education, then please involve yourself, and feel welcome to present your ideas on:

Inaluk Brandt

Nicolai Seest


K mik Naatsumik oqaatigalugu

Peqatigiiffik 2012- mi martsimi pilersinneqarpoq, Kalaallit Nunaanni inuusuttunut ineriartortitsi­- niartunut allannguiniartunullu ilinnia- gassaannik pilersitsinissaq siunertara- lugu. Saaffigineqartut tassaapput aallarnisaasut, suliffeqarfinnik ineriar- tortitsisut aamma allanngortitsisartut, taakkulu inuiaqatigiit imminut nappassinnaanerulernissaannut tapersiissapput.

Ilinniarneq YES!-imik atsigaq inuu­ suttunut sammitinne­qarpoq inuttut annertuumik piumassuseqartunut pisoqartitsilersarnermillu piginnaasaqartunut, kisiannili atugarsornerulluni ilinniarnissamik immaqa pilerigisaqanngitsunut. Peqatigiiffiup siunertaraa Kalaallit Nunaanni allan­ nguinermik ineriartortitsinermillu inuusuttut sungiusarnissaat kiisalu atuagarsorluni ajornartorsiutit pinnagit unammilligassat piviusut aallaavigalugit ilinniartitseriaaseq ingerlanneqarluni.

Ilinniarnerup ilaatut ilinniakkami traineet Kalaallit Nunaanni arlaleriarlutik paasi­ sassarsiortinneqartassapput. Tassani siunertaavoq inuiaqatigiinni inuttut atukkanik, kulturimi, avatangiisini niuernermilu unammilligassani piviusuni aaqqiissutissanik ineriartortitsineq.

Ilinniarneq piffissaq tamaat ilinniarneru­ voq ukiunillu marlunnik sivisussuseqarluni. Traineet piffissap ingerlanerani sakkussat aalajangersimasut atorlugit isumassarsianillu naleqartitsilerluni ineriartortitsinissamut sungiusarneqassapput. Ilinniarnerli aamma traineenut ataasiakkaanut piffissap ingerlanerani piginnaasaqalersussanut paasisaqarne­ rulersussanullu inuttut perorsaataavoq. Anguniarneqartut inuussutissarsiutillu ilinniarnermik ineriartortitsiniarluni pilersitsiniarnermi tamarmi peqataa­ tinneqassapput, tassanilu inuusuttut namminneq kissaatigisaat sulisitsisullu pisa­riaqartitaat tunngavigineqassapput. Tassunga ilanngunneqassaaq sulia­ qarfiit akornanni inuussutissarsiutit

immikkoortuisa akornanni suleqatigiinnissamut, ilikkagaqarnissamut nutaali­ ornissamullu ilinniarneq tunngavissiil­- luartinniarlugu sammineqartumi piginnaasallit soqutiginnittullu allarpassuit aamma peqataatinneqassammata. Kalaallit Nunaanni suliffeqarfiit maannamut 19-t aningaasatigut aalajangersimasunilluunniit sullissinikkut suliniut taperserpaat. Taassuma saniatigut inuit arlallit immikkut piginnaasatik atugassanngortippaat attaveqarfigi­ sartakkaminnullu ammaasseqataallu­ tik. Atugassiami uani suliniutip sammivii arlallit allaaserineqarput amerlasoorpassuillu ataatsimiinnerni workshop­ inilu peqataasut isumassarsiaasa tapersiissutaasalu amerlaqisut kingu­ neralugu. Maanngaanit ingerlaqqit­ toqassaaq, aningaasaqarnikkullu aaqqissuussaaneq naammassippat pilersaarut malinneqassappat traineet ukiut tamaasa 20-t missaaniittut ­ilinniakkami aallartittarsinnaassapput.

short version The


Kort Kort fortalt

Foreningen blev stiftet i marts 2012 med det formål at oprette en uddannelse i Grønland for unge, der vil skabe udvikling og forandring. Fokus er at udklække iværksættere, forretningsudviklere og forandringsagenter, der vil bidrage til at rykke samfundet i en mere bæredygtig retning.

YES! er blevet valgt som navn til uddannelsen. YES! målrettes unge, der har et stærkt personligt drive og et talent til at få ting til at ske, men som ikke nødvendigvis føler sig tiltrukket af mere boglige uddannelser. Foreningens ambition er at involvere og træne unge i at skabe forandring og vækst i Grønland samt at udfolde en praktisk pædagogik, der tager afsæt i virkelige udfordringer frem for teoretiske problemstillinger.

Som en del af uddannelsen vil trainees på uddannelsen, blive sendt ud på flere ekspeditioner i Grønland. Her er det målet, at de udvikler løsninger på virkelige sociale, kulturelle, miljømæssige og kommercielle udfordringer i samfundet. Uddannelsen er et fuldtidsstudie og varer 2 år. Undervejs vil trainees blive trænet i en lang række konkrete redskaber og det håndværk at udvikle idéer til noget værdifuldt. Men uddannelsen vil også være en personlig dannelsesrejse for hver enkelt trainee, der undervejs vil blive styrket og mere afklaret.

Målgruppen og erhvervslivet involveres i hele tilblivelsesprocessen for at udvikle en uddannelse, som både rammer de unges egne ønsker og arbejdsgivernes behov. Dertil kommer,

at mange andre med kompetence og interesse i feltet også involveres for, at uddannelsen kan blive en stærk platform for tværgående samarbejde, læring og innovation på tværs af sektorer.

Indtil videre har 19 grønlandske virksomheder valgt at støtte initiativet økonomisk eller med konkrete ydelser. Derudover har en række personer stillet deres ekspertise til rådighed og været med til at åbne døre til deres netværk. Dette magasin beskriver en række forskellige facetter af initiativet og er resultatet af de talrige idéer og inputs fra de mange, der har deltaget i møder og workshops. Rejsen fortsætter herfra og når den finansielle struktur er på plads, vil ca. 20 trainees optages på uddannelsen hvert år.

The short version

The association was founded in March 2012, with the object of establishing education in Greenland for young people who want to create development and change. The focus is on training entrepreneurs, business developers and change agents who will help move the society in a healthy direction.

The name, “YES!”, has been chosen for the education. YES! is targeted at young people, who have a strong personal drive and a talent for making things happen, yet who are not necessarily drawn by academic studies. The ambition of the association is to involve and train young people in creating change and growth in Greenland, by using practical teaching methods based on real challenges rather than theoretical problems.

As part of the education, trainees will be sent on several expeditions in Greenland. The goal here is that they will develop solutions to real social, cultural, environmental and commercial challenges in society.

The education consists a full-time 2-year education. At YES! trainees will be educated in a long series of specific tools, and trained in the craft of developing ideas into something valuable. But the education will also be a personal journey of learning for each individual trainee. Potential trainees and the business community are involved in the process of creating an education, which supports the wishes of both the young people and their future employers. Moreover, many other experts with an interest in the field are also involved,

so that the education will become a strong platform for co-operation, learning and innovation across many and varied professions.

So far, 19 Greenlandic companies have chosen to support the initiative, either financially or with specific services. Furthermore, a number of people are offering their expertise, and the development of broadening networks and contact bases has already begun. This magazine describes a number of different facets of the initiative, and is the result of the ideas and input from the many people, who have taken part in meetings and workshops. The journey continues from here, and when the financial structure is in place, approx. 20 trainees will be admitted to the education each year.



a new era Greenland is experiencing a period of transition, where development and new thinking are needed. More and more international companies are focusing their attention on Greenland, in order to explore the prospects of extracting minerals and raw materials. At the same time, Greenland is facing the challenge of major public spending, and an ever-increasing number of senior citizens in relation to the number of people of working age. There is a serious need for new thinking within all sectors, private as well as public, in order to maintain and develop welfare, and build a strong economic foundation. It is crucial that we, as a population, are equipped for the future, and feel capable of engaging in the journey. YES! will therefore focus on new thinking, innovation and entrepreneurial activity, as well as on executing and implementing ideas in new, or existing independent companies and organizations. The new educational initiative, YES!, can make a difference in society, by establishing close ties between existing companies, public institutions, the education and its trainees. The education will form society, just as society takes part

in forming the education. And the trainees will be productive and create real value for Greenland within the social, cultural, environmental and commercial areas even while learning. YES! will activate people who, with a personal drive and commitment, can contribute to create change. Over time, YES! will also help to raise the level of education, and ensure employment for more people. In this way, the education will be able to contribute to providing a breeding ground towards a stronger society in Greenland’s future. YES! intends to reach beyond the walls of the institution itself, by taking part in influencing the community around it and, by turns, being influenced itself also. This will

partly unfold, owing to this new and different form of education, where qualifications are immediately put to work in the community. But additionally, through the influence on society to move in the direction of a stronger culture of transformation and entrepreneurial activity, for instance through new forms of co-operation between different professions. Despite many opportunities for education and studies in Greenland, a large segment of the population has no education. In all societies, this is a hindrance to development. Therefore, there is a need to raise the level of education, and to activate more resources at a higher level. This may be the reason why the idea is being received so well.


in Greenland


Fisherman’s and hunter’s school


Social education college


Building and construction school Minerals and petroleum school Language school National costume and skin processing school


University: - administration - culture and social history - journalism - language, literature and media - social science - theology Teachers college Nursing school Business school Iron and metal school Art school Acting school



Navigation school

NARSAQ Food technology school QAQORTOQ Business school

YES! places itself in Greenland’s educational landscape, by appealing to young people who want to express themselves more creatively. In positive comparison to the existing offers of education, YES! will fulfil and cultivate qualifications such as initiative, curiosity, inner drive and energy. With this offer, more kinds of people will be given a chance to study in this country. 2,500 Greenland’s educational system is much like the European, with 10 years of schooling, upper secondary level or vocational training and education at academic levels. The country offers education and training at all levels, though with limited professional choices. Therefore, certain education and training is forced to take place abroad.







0 2007


People to begin training or education

People between 25-65 years, 62% do not have professional qualifications

T h e vi s io n of the countr y is that, b y of each 2025, 70% genera young t people ion of w ill have receive d prof e s s i o na l qualifi cation s



A need for

The education is driven by three clearly id The education is driven by three clearly identified needs

tran The n sfo eed r m to cult ure

Wi th on an l y ful b e lo ab educ f le at to in inn deve itiativ to tu ional r init e. the ovat lop W no ins ion a str e w ut y iative in pira and ong ill al oung like er so n of their t th e co- itiativ tion p to ew th entr be a nter is, w u ke u e, op o b r p e m . , a b in era the e g r p ts in tio tra ake a king rene le to ising will n ing t to m live talen w n u i i e n y o n n o , o d r n acr e n n gr wan the heir ay i ir oss wher es w iffere the ial cu cour ovat t is a ho orld ith t eir w the a l e o n i t a l s g u e l rs, ce ge w e re b cha ecto the to ore w w h er tea e be . Thr nda, , by socie Th eople the o to ing t ned llen rs m nal a o s a u e p n c g ty a re t p gin u n o h b u o o g p d reg ing e rs of gh th nd pr tting ng ark re to are l s not ould aditi . w u eu o r c n tr yo ve m whe ple ch i ho sua oble ions, cou a new is edu vidin o ti eo whi These h the or ec r r m n a t p e g a l c e e l al c yd g s a c a cr have ese em, ies. hic dge tive , o�. , in o ring es co ultur tiona h w a h t t a t i e e , s s l o l l tra e s t f cr nt ine lenge With her w down -ope of l wh e o nal sy qua l skill now me e age d d na r k m tio d s o a t c n o a , s e c t in S ta ine be ng ca be the y achin ys th ilos a ion ts a tio to r cha re tra g du alen rela es no an ing n o l g e d u a an ific t al or lea pro ng p base “wh do un nti da so c d rni ic stem ote neur t, an nt, yo e s p p y ng uctiv eople d on at s h l sy e re dse ese in p h . p , t ew , a e l d n r na ua hile re ave , entr g mi At p broa stay h vis catio a . n s s l r e r l o u ua to ve ,o os str ed ivid nova p a purp er tra tions a d o n n a n l t i i h ific eit go l tha eve ive es e Th duct hey d ls for ed to e qua tartin ro at t too forc ativ ot s e dp n h an ed t right s are ir cr k of tion. e d t s i e i h n r v t h e uca pro sing t e tal elop the le ed h v v i u it in creat to de e w uitab s m r e o Companies and organizations need many more people, who ord at h master the skills of realizing ideas and creating products and solutions for the benefit of the customers. These skills can be learned, trained, and developed. There exist plenty of stories about ideas vanishing into thin air – at the cost of both society and the individual. There is, therefore, a need to strengthen the ability to think in new ways, in terms of realizing ideas and being productive, for both the business community and for the surrounding community. It is also necessary for people to be trained under the conditions, which apply to real life in Greenland, so that young people gain a better understanding of their country, and learn how to build networks across its different regions. It is necessary to develop qualifications, so that young innovators acquire the courage to be productive in Greenland.

ed tion e n The educa for

The need for qualifications


dentified needs

»next move?« 11

Co-creating for

a better future This new initiative for education attempts to meet with those qualifications, which Greenlandic firms want fully-trained people to have, after completion of the education. The education is therefore built on practical training, where the young people learn, while working with real challenges. Combining ‘learning by doing’ with ‘learning by reflection’.

The participants will boost their learning, by executing real tasks for real people and organizations, thereby also contributing to the solution of real problems and challenges in the community. By getting involved practically, emotionally and intellectually, the learning curve is increased, and by working in teams, responsibility is also strengthened. The training is aimed at activating and stimulating the hands, hearts and brains of the young people.

d te anething a e r c Do, lop som deve Unders with curtioand, listen reflect sity and


The training follows a model with seven phases. The model is inspired by design thinking. It is an iterative process model, where there is an option for turning back to earlier phases, and where each phase, in a holographic way, contains elements from the whole model.

The phases are used as milestones, to ensure progression and high energy in the work of the trainees. Feedback and coaching are given in the light of implemented initiatives and activities, as well as achieved results.

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PING The ide a is dev into a c e lo p ed oncept a mo d e , a prot l or ano otype, ther for visualiz m of ation o f t h e idea. phase d In this rawing s, mod designs e ls a nd are ma de, and prototy t he pe is te sted on selecte d users to test its wor th.


5 4


Pattern s in the collecte d data and kn owledg e are identifi ed. The process is open and cre ative, aimed at d ideas. W eveloping new ork is c arried o differen ut in t direct io ns, and many id with eas, an d is fina identify lized by ing and choosin or m or g one e ideas , to be practice tried ou in the n t in ext pha se.


TION The cha llenge is identifi defined ed, and me asured. is put t The tea ogethe m r and ro les clarifi A joint ed. unders tanding of the aim, co ndition s, optio ns and the crit eria for success is establis hed.


data ar e obser and coll ved ected, people researc hed an d inter v The fie iewed. ld is co mprehe and the nded, needs o f the us are ide ers ntified. Researc carried h is also out in a wider c gain kn ircle, to own an d relevan knowle t dge in the are a.


YES! will be an educational institution, where learning occurs in interaction between the trainees, and in interaction with the surrounding world. YES! forms a creative environment, which takes different personality types into consideration. People

The education will be based on team spirit. The trainees will become conscious of the value of interdisciplinary co-operation, by solving real problems in teams. To lift jointly, becoming aware of one’s own competences and potentials, as well as keeping a focus on creating value, are core pillars of YES! The education builds on the following values and building blocks, which constitute the DNA of the education, and inform both its content and approach. The DNA of the education forms its identity and distinguishes it.


with this training, have an inner drive and energy making them natural catalysts for projects of various kinds. The trainees receive an opportunity to solve real problems and challenges, for the benefit of the Greenlandic society.


CO-CREATION We involve, inform and cocreate with our environment. We believe that products and solutions become better and more viable, when all stakeholders are involved.


ENTREPRENEURSHIP We believe that entrepreneurship is an efficient driving force to create value and development, and to improve society. We therefore focus on opportunities and solutions, even when everything seems impossible.


EXPLORATION We pay tribute to the pioneer spirit, and the courage to take new paths. For us, learning is something that can happen anywhere, in all situations and at all times. We believe that we need to confront the unknown, so that we, as a community and as individuals, can move forward and develop.






We believe that it is crucial to know yourself, your own strengths and limitations, in order to be able to enter fully into a creative process. The development of a strong self-respect and confidence, carried forward by experiences of success and a feeling of pride, is central to our way of working.


TEAM PLAYING We co-operate across a range of capabilities in multiple-skilled teams. We believe that we become better, wiser and richer as human beings, if we pool our abilities, and enter into meaningful, social contexts, where we all have the opportunity to fulfil a role. We believe that we can learn much from each other, if we make room, and are given the opportunity to join in.

We pay tribute to diversity, and to the fact that we are all different, and have varying strengths and interests. We will make room for the trainees to develop into unique personalities, and become the best version of themselves.


FOR REAL We evolve solutions to real social, cultural, environmental and commercial challenges. We believe that we, as human beings, learn best when we experience meaning, use ourselves wholly, and are occupied in handling real life challenges and seizing real opportunities.


ACTION We pay tribute to action as a transforming and developing force, regardless of whether our project succeeds or not. We believe that all people are able to act, if they are enthusiastic about something. Everyone can learn to fight for something, if they connect with their interests and convictions.


GLOBAL We see ourselves as being strongly connected with the rest of the world, drawing on knowledge and resources from everywhere. We pay tribute to ‘think global, act local’, and will build a bridge to the rest of the world, when and where it makes sense.

10 SUSTAINABILITY We aim to be in balance with nature, and to work for sustainable development. We believe that a healthy development is created, when we take good care of nature, its resources and each other. We pay tribute to recycling, responsible consumption and an eco-friendly way of life, with respect for, and in harmony with, nature.


SAY As part of the process in creating an identity, there have been several suggestions about what to call the education. A strong visual identity follows the name, which should express the essence of the education. The purpose and DNA of the education must be reflected in the name, and the choice of that name has therefore been an important decision. A Creation Camp was held in Nuuk in August 2012, where 14 young people in their 20’s were assembled for 3 days. At the camp, so-called mood boards were made, – collages where the participants were left entirely to themselves, to put words and pictures to the education. On page 17, one of these mood boards is shown. The participants had the chance of drawing up a concept for the education, including working with the identity.


Some of the words which surfaced repeatedly, during the camp were: positive, joy, initiative, strength, creativity, change, acceptance, opportunities, hope, drive, co-operation, energy, vision, development, explore, idea, alternative, new thinking, respect and ambition. When the words of these potential trainees were added to those wishes expressed by the business community, there was a clear indication, that YES! has a global

vision and are open for international interaction. The identity must build on positivity, joy and strength. And above all, an open and widespread invitation to say YES! to change, to the future and to each other. Therefore, YES! has been elected as the name of the education. By using YES!, the intention is to signal positivity and joy but also a raw strength, as in ‘yes, we can!’. Herein lies the incentive for being capable of making, and a willingness to make, a difference.


Maybe it’s u we are looking 4

Creative, full of initiative, curious and open, is that you? And are you committed, with a motivation for creating development and change in Greenland? If so, you are possibly one of those young people, who will be admitted to the first team when the education is ready to open its doors. Personality key-words: Creative, Enterprising, Full of Initiative, Curious, Open, Courageous, Committed, Driven, Co-operative. The education is for everyone in Greenland from the age of 20. There is no upper age limit, but the education mainly caters to people in their 20’s. In the future, YES! will also open its doors to people from abroad. However, the first team will solely be recruited among people who live in Greenland.


YES! emphasize the importance of the following capabilities: LANGUAGE You must be able to understand and express yourself in English, at a level corresponding to being able to see on-line tutorials, and hold a dialogue with English speaking teachers and mentors. PERSONAL COMPETENCES You must be driven, curious, creative, and willing to co-operate and see opportunities, as opposed to limitations. Originality and special abilities are welcome, but not a requirement. EXPERIENCES It is an advantage, if you have demonstrated actual initiative, commitment and energy. This could be in the form of having taken an initiative for one or more social or creative projects, or by having been very actively involved in various projects. Maybe you have personally made changes and developed. YES! is looking for young people with ambition. AGE You must be at least 20 at the time of application. There is no upper age limit, but emphasis will be put on admitting trainees in their 20’s. TRAINING There are no formal requirements, with regard to a certain level of education or to specific theoretical qualifications. The education can be supplementary to other training or ‘stand alone’.

Do you want to join in? Should you wish to be enrolled in the education, you will be required to undergo a systematic and creative process of application. The process is carried out, to ensure that our applicants are motivated and qualified, so that YES! can build a team of strong personalities, who will complement each other. The applications are assessed according to creativity, personal profile and proficiency in English, based on written, visual and aural materials. You could be better at speaking than at writing or the reverse, and in order to get the best overall assessment, all these aspects will be taken into consideration. Based on the submitted material, a number of people will be chosen for

If y has be our curiosit want t en aroused y , and o kn and ho ow more ab you out wh www.f w, go to o en ur FB aceboo p a k g .c and pr e ess ‘L om/YESGre IKE’. enla be able to follo Here, you w nd and ta w the proc ill ke p ess, creatio art in the n of Y ES! ­admitting

a boot camp. The boot camp lasts 2-3 days and will take place in Nuuk, where there will be a creative audition. young people The aim is to admit approximately 20 from abroad. However, trainees to the education. those admitted from abroad will never exceed more than 50% of the trainees in any one year. Opening the The right composition doors to young people from other The intention is to admit young people parts of the world, will strengthen the from all over the country, so that a global perspective, build relations and maximum of half of the trainees come networks, and contribute in creating from Nuuk. Above all, however, the an even stronger connection between focus will be on the qualities of our Greenland and the rest of the world. applicants. A great effort will be made In short, it will invite the rest of the to ensure that word is spread, so as world to be part of YES! to encourage ambitious and creative young people from every town and settlement, to apply for admission. When? The start date depends upon the In the first year, the education will funding of the initiative. The aim is consist solely of trainees from Greento begin the education at the latest land. Later, however, the intention by August 2015. Admissions will take is to open up for the possibility of place several months prior to this.


The truth is out there!

Central to YES! there are a number of expeditions, which the trainees embark upon, during their education. The expeditions go to a town, a settlement or another location in one of the four municipalities. Here also, the education will encourage co-operation and hands-on problem solving. Municipalities, towns, companies and NGO’s will be be invited to come forward with specific challenges for the trainees to solve. In connection with the expeditions, the trainees will receive a challenge, consisting of an identified problem or an unrealized opportunity. This could, for example, be litter in the streets (a problem), or the development of new marketable products for cruise ship tourists (an opportunity). Each challenge will be described in an Expedition Brief and, in addition, there will be a number of creative obstructions and limitations guiding the process. Furthermore, concrete demands will be made as to the end product, documentation and delivery. Challenges during the expeditions can be of a commercial, cultural, environmental or social character. More often it will be a combination of these areas, and there will be a focus on expanding the field, ensuring the trainees a range of challenges from most of the fields of topics to the right.



Identity, culture & design · Youth culture · Music · Language · Film · Gastronomy

Climate, environment & nature · Waste · Environmental considerations with new industries · Ecology · Climate tourism · Alternative energy

Health & social conditions Labour market, trade & products

· Alcohol · Incest · Violence · Loneliness · Obesity

· Products for tourism · Hunting, a dying line of work · IT opportunities · Entrepreneurship · Mining and raw materials




l p Im


F YES! is constructed as a full-time 2-year education, beginning in the Autumn, and ending in the Summer of the second year. The model for the education consists, in outline, of a pilot start-up expedition in Nuuk, two expeditions to other towns, settlements or municipalities, a period abroad, two periods with work experience and a free-subject final project. During the entire educational process, a coach will follow the members of the team, including during the


expeditions, and guiding each of them and experiencing a project from on their personal journeys. beginning to end. Each time, it will conclude with a phase of reflection During expeditions, the teams will for personal learning. follow an iterative process model consisting of seven phases. See the EVALUATION AND model to the right. In each project, FEED-FORWARD and during each expedition, the After each expedition and period individual trainee will experience the with work experience, the team will seven phases again and again, in be evaluated both collectively and order to become trained in creating individually, in relation to the effort,

Reflecti REFoLnECT I O n o i t N a t n e N O I T m A T e l N E P M r o E d u L c t P i o P R O D M UnCTIO I typing o N t G N o Pr OTOTYPIIdeatio n I D E R ATION P work RK O d l W e i F FIELD P R PreparaEtPARATIO ion N which each individual has exerted, and the knowledge and competences, which have been gained. The evaluation also assesses the ability of the team, to incorporate experiences and recognitions into the process, and into the product, along the way. At the conclusion of each expedition, the team will be asked to reflect, evaluate and put into perspective their own learning, and will then be assessed on their ability to do this.

Furthermore, the trainees will be assessed, in relation to the degree to which they have achieved the qualifications, which the education emphasizes, during the process. The focus is on process and learning, rather than on results. During the education, examination is replaced by a number of oral debriefings with the coach and the educational leader, at the

end of each major expedition or assignment. As a part of the final project, there will be a more formal examination, with external grading and a written evaluation. Here, an external examiner, with professional knowledge of the field, and another external examiner, with knowledge of the process, will complement the internal examiner. The trainees will be allowed to produce their final project individually or as a group.



s e s s a l C s e s r u Co Creation Camp

Workshops whe re the trainees de velop and work on sele cted problems, gu ided by a facilitator. Creatio n Camp can last a sin gle day or several days. T he trainee develo ps and experiences a stru ctured process, w ith the freedom to expa nd with his or he r own ideas and creativ e thoughts.

ter s o o B t e s d Min more personal

here Sessions w ed, and are unfold s e c n te e ition, comp mple amb a x e r fo , practiced These stamina. d n a s u c fo elfhere the s w , s n io s s are se ainees is g of the tr in d n ta rs e und ned. strengthe


At YES! the trainees will be introduced to a wide variety of fields, subjects and techniques. Different training methods will be applied, in order to enhance learning while the trainees produce and create. Team Buis foldcuinsingg on strengthening Session trainees the role, which the will play in a team. There on be an emphasis oking activities such as co orts, sp g together, playin singing or hiking.

Master Class

Interactive lectures an d pep talks, where pe ople with practical experie nce of different aspects of life, share their knowledge and insights. Trainees are inspired, by what others have had of interesting expe riences, and how they have tac kled them. Master Cla sse s could take place on Skype, for example, in the case of international contributors.

s Expedition e expeditions are

Th nments, developmental assig based upon concrete . challenges in real life s, During the expedition els od m ld the trainees unfo e, tic ac pr and techniques into d will also usually in teams, an s oces of work and unfold their own pr a team coach. learning, guided by

Work Space

The educatio n is seen as a work-place , where ther e is an actual job to do. Th e physical bas e for the education w ill therefore be designed as a creative pla ce o f work. The trainees will continuo usly need to develop co mpetences, when they experience sp ecific challen ges. In other word s, there will be a constant sh ift between the training of sk ills needed to carr y out tasks, an d a real-life, practical execution of these tasks.

Community Work

Definite tasks, where trainees are asked to do something good for children, the elderly, nature, etc . They are hereby trained in active co-ci tizenship. The tasks may last fro m a few hours till several days.

Crash Course

ionss will normally s s e S g in h c Coa Coaching session basis, as

lar on a regu ses, take place e need ari th n e h w a well as ally or as e individu b it r e e d th a whe o be m m will als team. Roo to-peer tive, peerfor collec ifferent here the d w g in h c a co ach other ers give e b m e m joint team this way, In . rd a ening feed-forw r strength fo n e k ta ility is arning. responsib ork and le w s r’ e th each o

Short, effi cient cours es where the trainees tr a in, and obtain experience with specifi tools and c skills, technique s. The cou an instruc rses are le tor. Crash ad by Courses a brainstorm re, for inst ing, budge ance: ting, even facilitation t making, , filmmakin g, intervie networkin w techniq g, presenta ue, tion skills, proje ct managem ent, prototypin g and social media.



y n a m hats worn by a fully-trained change agent

Participants at YES! will have different strengths and flairs, for filling out different roles. The trainees will work in teams, and the team members will learn from each other, and unfold their competences at their own speed, and in each their own way. Every trainee receives an allround schooling, and undertakes a wide range of practical studies. Knowledge of own strengths, both personal and professional, is central to the education, as well as the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. The ambition is to support trainees, so they expand their unique personalities, and to give them a mind-set, a working method and a set of tools, which makes them capable of living out their own dreams and enterprises to the fullest. Therefore YES! will focus on the roles and qualifications to the right.


BUSINESS DEVELOPE R You can wo rk through the business including bu aspects of a siness mode n idea or a product, ls and finan ce. You focu bringing the s on custom product to m ers and arket.

DESIGNER You can wo rk creatively and focused are then de to transform signed, test ideas into p ed and adju rototypes, w sted, so tha hich is capable o t the final pro f creating re duct /solutio al value for n others.

ENTREPRENEUR You connect yourse lf with your own pa ssion, and develop an valuable initiative, alo idea into a ne or together with ot he rs. YE S! un folds an enterprising and oppo rtunity-oriented mind -set.

EVALUATOR own experiences, and t knowledge from your rac ext d an , on ect refl You can improved next time. works and what can be at wh e, niz og rec to s use thi

PROJEC T MANAGER You can be a driving force and an inspiration. You can lead yourself and others through the process, and are able to organize, arrange and plan dev elopment sequences. You can manage finance, and rais e money for the realization of the project.

RESEARCHER ation. You will improve sources to gather inform t en fer dif ny ma le, op use pe You can iewing , by obser ving and interv ge led ow kn n tai ob to y n. your abilit phone, Skype or in perso whether it be via e-mail,

TEAM PLAYER You join inter-disciplinary teams consisting a whole range of competences. You are an active and valuable partner, and have a thorough knowledge of your own strengths, weaknesses and development processes. You can give and receive feedback.


A world without silos

YES! will be a platform for productive co-operation across sectors and regions. The education will also build a global bridge to relevant international experts and knowledge centers. Co-operation and involvement are two of the core values of the education.

EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS YES! will seek co-operation with all the educational institutions in Greenland, with a view to strengthening the synergy between the different education choices. At the same time, a co-operation could be established, regarding the use of teaching resources, with selected educational institutions, just as joint developmental projects could be initiated, involving trainees, as well as trainers.


PRIVATE BUSINESSES, PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND NGO’S Businesses, authorities and nongovernmental organizations are invited to be actively involved with the education at several levels: · A s task commissioners/clients, who point out defined challenges, which they want the trainees to solve, in interaction with other players, preferably from different sectors. · A s teachers, speakers and mentors by providing qualified employees. · A s participants at the courses and other activities, which the education offers, with a view to developing the mind-sets, qualifications and skills of their own employees.

All players are invited to contribute actively to the development of the education. A circle of interested parties will be established, where co-operation between organizations and sectors can be initiated, and where sparring with the leaders of the education can take place.

A PRODUCTIVE PARTNERSHIP For all actively involved organizations, there is an opportunity to make use of the education for internal development of employees, and for inspiration for new products and business areas. By letting employees become involved as mentors and trainers for the trainees, their own knowledge and experience will be strengthened. There is also an opportunity, for an organization and its employees, to let themselves be inspired by the trainees, by welcoming them, and allowing them to make positive “disruptions”, which will contribute to strengthening an organization’s own spirit of innovation.

The ambition is, that the education will build a bridge between different sectors, and encourage an active and productive partnership, where all the involved parties are strengthened with regard to entrepreneurship, innovation and business development.

Example of collaborators • Private businesses and companies, owned by Greenland’s self-government. • Departments within the self-government. • Municipalities, including innovation centers, business development units, etc. • NGO’s and other organizations. • Educational institutions.


Behind the scenes Legal structure

The education is, in the initial phases, organized and registered as a membership association. The name of the association is, and its domicile is Nuuk. It is the purpose of the association, to establish an independent institution with its own governing body.

Governing body

The governing body will be assembled with a broad range of professional platforms in mind, consisting people with experience from different institutions and organizations in Greenland and abroad. A wide range of competences and qualifications will be represented, such as management, financial and legal insight, knowledge of NGO work, insight into the creative industries, knowledge of teaching, experience from the world of education, knowledge of social media as well as PR and marketing. Finally, and not least, the trainees will also have a voice in the governing body.

The institution

The head of the institution

is employed full-time, with the overall responsibility for the running of YES!. The head focuses on the organization, the business aspects and communication. This includes, among other things, recruiting and handling sponsors, marketing and press contacts, logistics relating to expeditions, the education website and the production of material for it.

The head of training and method

is employed part-time, and focuses on the development of the education and the content. This includes, among other things, the development of the competences and qualifications of the trainees, continual sparring with the team coaches, recruitment and briefing of facilitators, the development of focus and content for expeditions, and co-operation with international educational environments.

From the start, the institution consists of 3.5 full-time employees: a head of the institution, a head of training and method, and two team coaches. Trainers are coupled to the education as ad hoc guest lecturers, facilitators or experts for shorter periods of time.



Team coaches

are the two persons, who are employed full-time as facilitators and sparring partners for the young people. They are focused on the training and development of the young people. These two team coaches will be in daily contact with the trainees, welcome external trainers, and assist with practicalities in the field, with administrative work at the institution, and follow the expeditions. They will consult regularly with the head, regarding the progress and the development of the young trainees’ qualifications. For teams in the future, these team coaches could be recruited among previous trainees who are, at that point, fully qualified.

All trainees will have an external mentor during the two years of training. This can be an employee from a company, or another resourceful person, who wants to assist a trainee with good advice, coaching and support. The mentor role is unpaid. The circle of partners is encouraged to provide mentors, and some form of matchmaking process will be arranged, so that both trainee and mentor select each other, based on mutual respect and sympathy. They need to establish a confidence in each other, so that the dreams, interests and development of the trainees can be at the focus of their relationship.

Trainees Ad hoc employees

The trainees will be regarded as a kind of employees or consultants, and will not be considered as pupils or students in the traditional sense. It is they, who are in focus, and a democratic structure will be developed, to ensure that they take part in the governing body, in addition to their own forum, where they can present the ideas they have, regarding improvements to or strengthening of the education. The trainees will also play a role in seeking out external teachers, whether it be domestically or internationally. They will thereby take responsibility for their own learning journey.

All other facilitators, experts, masters, trainers etc. will be attached to the education on an ad hoc basis for a week or two at a time, or in certain cases for half or a whole day. So, the expertise in the education is primarily centered on the pedagogic method, and on the development of more process-related qualifications concerning entrepreneurship, business development and innovation. Experts with other qualifications and knowledge will be brought In relation to the education, in from the surrounding there will be a partner circle, community and from all where a number of interested over the world. parties will meet on a regular basis. The partner circle will take an active part in the continual development process of the education.

Partner circle

International board

Furthermore, an international board of advisors, inspirators and experts will be established. Here, international researchers and practitioners will participate, in order to challenge and strengthen the teaching methods and practical content of the education. Additionally, they will assist in establishing the bridge to the rest of the world.




The business model of the education rests on a number of different financial sources. The underlying philosophy is, that those who harvest the benefits of the education, will also take part in paying for it, so that a wide circle of financial backers in the community will contribute, to ensure a strong ownership and commitment, which will result in the success of the education.

Trainee grants

Companies, public authorities and organizations have the opportunity to finance one or more of the trainees. The payment will cover the full-time education, and form the basic salary for the trainee, during the education period of two years, equivalent to the sum of a normal government-funded student grant. The basic salary will ensure that the trainee is able to afford everyday expenses, such as food and accommodation. Trainees from abroad will, of course, raise their grants in their home countries. Additional bonds between trainee and company occur, when a personal mentor is found, for the trainee, in the company in question, and when the trainee commits to an internship in that company, during the education.

Customer payment

Companies, public authorities, organizations and others have the opportunity to take on the roles of commissioners and customers, who order solutions for real-life challenges and/or problems, which the trainees then work on. Each task will focus on a challenge, which one or more customers have commissioned. Effort will be made to form a wider circle of at least 2-3 customers for each challenge, to support the development of inter-disciplinary co-operation, as part of the product. The customer’s payment will, in part, go to the trainees as payment for the work, and a wellearned supplement to their basic salary.


makes the world go round In-kind sponsorships

The education will make an appeal to companies, who do business with products and services, which could benefit YES!, to sponsor these fully or partly. It could be sponsorships in relation to transport, the Internet, IT-equipment, provisioning, housing or other project-specific services.

Partner payment

Companies can back the initiative, and become part of the circle of partners by supporting it with an annual specified sum of money.

Basic funding

The basic financing of the education for the first 3-4 years will be sought covered by 1-2 major international foundations, which possess ambitious social agendas. The education, YES!, aims to co-operate with foundations, which wish to contribute, actively and efficiently, to the development of a strong Greenlandic labor market and society. Foundations which see the necessity for training change agents, who will be the driving forces behind societal change, and thus create a positive impact for many others, after they have completed their training at YES!

The long run

Whereas trainee grants, customer payments, partner payments and in-kind sponsorships can continue in the long term, financing from foundations is calculated to cease, when the education enters its regular phase of operation. In the long term, the education will apply for basic public funding, so that the education becomes financially secure, well into the future.



around t h e ors

e e d v u i c t a a t v o

ld wor 38

The aim is to train Greenlandic trainers during the first years. Furthermore, a number of trainees will subsequently join the corps of trainers, and play the role of team coaches, after having completed YES!

YES! builds on the concept, that the trainers will come from all over the world, and from all sectors. The aim is to find the best instructors, facilitators and speakers. The focus is on dynamic and inspiring personalities, who master interesting and relevant qualifications and skills. YES! will invite people who are not normally associated with education, such as artists, who can teach creative processes, the boxing trainer, who can work with the fighting spirit, the journalist, who has great experience in collecting knowledge in the field, the psychologist with insights into personal processes, or the script writer, who knows how to construct a story. The list goes on…

The education will establish an international network of partners, consisting of progressive educational institutions, aimed at exchanging resources, co-operation between trainees and trainers, as well as pedagogic inspiration. Contact has already been established with, for example, the KaosPilots (Denmark), Hyper Island (Sweden/USA), YIP (Youth Initiative Programme Sweden) and Team Academy (Finland).

Likewise, YES! will also find suitable trainers in Greenland, in existing educational institutions, as well as in companies, public institutions, NGO’s etc. In the world of YES! everybody can, with the appropriate training, become a trainer and facilitator… even the trainees themselves.

All trainers and facilitators will be given an on-line induction to the values, focus and working methods of YES! Furthermore, the trainers will be briefed directly by the head of training and method and/or the team coaches.

In time, an even greater and wider international network of trainers and progressive educational institutions, from other countries and other parts of the world, will be established.


Telling Telling Telling the story YES! will market and brand itself by using a number of different media and communication platforms. Communication with its surroundings will be part of the education’s way of being in the world, and an integrated part of the value, which the education gives to Greenland. YES! does not distinguish between internal and external communication, since everyone in Greenland and many abroad are in its potential sphere of communication.

All marketing, communication and branding will be based on the DNA of the education, you will find the YES! DNA on page 14. A special profile for communication will be developed: a tone of voice, which correlates to the graphic identity, and supports overall the development of a strong educational brand.

The education will make contact with a group of younger Greenlandic role models, who will function as ambassadors, participate in campaigns for YES! and lend spotlighted recognition to the education. These role models will be, for example, well-known musicians, athletes, artists or entrepreneurs. Some of them could also apply for admission on team 1. All of the young people from the first team will become role models, by means of PR work, and will thereby pave the way for the next wave of young people, who wish to apply for admission to the education.


Join the movement right now!

The tone of voice will be young, dynamic and enterprising, and thereby seek to express the core identity of the education, as a transformative and changecreating force in the community. Communication will prepare the way for co-operation and cocreation. The focus will be on the future, and on opportunities. Finally, the tone of voice will emphasize a straight, free-and-easy and cheerful communication, without compromising the seriousness of content and form.

for the development of YES!

Role models

Take part & present your ideas

Tone of voice

Stakeholders Communication will be aimed at several different stakeholders, although a cornerstone of the communication strategy is, that we are all have the same interests, concerning a stronger Greenland in the future.


OUNG PEOPLE Young people are potential trainees at YES! The education caters for young people in their 20’s, Y but also teenagers will be in focus. YES! will try to appeal to, and awaken dreams in young people, who are not aware of their own strengths and options.

ommunication will also address young people from other countries, as these are seen as potential trainees. C Furthermore, communication will be aimed at Greenlandic trainees outside of Greenland, through organizations such as Avalak and the Greenlandic Houses in Denmark.

ommunication aimed at young people, will go through educational institutions, social media, the electronic media C and, of course, verbally.


ARTNERS Partners comprise all the companies, organizations and public institutions and their employees, who P actively support the mission of YES! These are larger companies, as well as smaller entrepreneurial companies and NGO’s, which work with the business community, social conditions, the environment, etc. In addition, there are educational institutions, municipalities, departments and other public authorities.

ommunication with partners will primarily take place directly, and through different organizations, networks and C personal relations. Furthermore, various networks will be established, where partners and interested parties of the education, can meet regularly, and contribute to the further development of YES!


HE COMMUNITY The community is made up of all other citizens in Greenland. It is essential for YES! to have a T widespread, positive image, in part, in order to spread the mind-set of the education and, more broadly, to inspire to transformation and entrepreneurship. But also in part, so that the trainees will be well-received and welcomed, when they travel round the country, on their planned expeditions.

ommunication to and with this group will primarily take place through the national media, including TV, weekly C newspapers and radio. An application will be made for the funding of a TV documentary series, with the general population in mind. Last, but not least, all citizens will be invited to join the social media platform of YES!, in order to bring forward ideas, discuss ways and means, and actively be involved in helping changes occur in their own community.


I NTERNATIONAL PLAYERS International players are facilitators, experts, researchers and international educational environments, with which the education co-operates. Greenlandic trainers and others who actively take part in unfolding the competences of the young people, are also part of this group.

ommunication with this group will take place in English only, and primarily through the education website and C social media platform, where a regular flow of short films will be uploaded. Furthermore, special material for communication, and video instructions to facilitators will be developed, to ensure that they are well-prepared, and comprehend the basic values and mission of the education. Finally, Twitter and other platforms, where people with resources find much information, will be used actively, to place the education on the global map.


F INANCIAL SUPPORTERS The financial supporters of the education are primarily private foundations and companies, which will ensure the existence of the education. A channel of reporting, and the continuous involvement of these foundations, in the development of the education, will be agreed upon.


Broadcast yourself In order to reach as many people as possible, the trainees themselves will be responsible for producing an interactive Web TV platform, where they are trained to film and document their experiences. This way, individual experiences will be shared with the rest of Greenland.


VISUAL TRANSMISSION To be able to do this, the trainees will be trained in visual transmission, and will gain knowledge of the tools necessary, to produce relevant, strong and meaningful TV in a direct format. In order to form a competent base for the transmission of the trainees’ experiences, external professional resources will be brought in, to assist with defined aspects, in particular to coach and inspire. This way, the outward communication of the education will also start directly with the trainees themselves. A TV documentarian will be coupled to the education, in order to teach and adapt the reality broadcasts, made by the young people. This will be done, partly, to teach the young people how to communicate with, and involve a wider audience of interested parties and, partly, to spread knowledge of the education. Essentially, the ambition is to transmit the message of the positive and challenging aspects in transformation, which the direct form gives rise to! And, at the same time, inspire others to create change, by providing concrete suggestions, as to how it can be done in practice.




Alongside, or integrated with the trainees’ many video clips, YES! wants to produce a documentary series, which follows the young people on their expeditions round Greenland. This documentary series will be shown on KNR, in order to reach a wide audience in Greenland. The series could also be shown internationally, as an example of education and transformation in modern times.

The documentary is an important aspect in the documentation of the process of the education, as well as its benefits for the rest of the population. The trainees in the education will be asked to document and film the expeditions, on which they are sent. In this way, the trainees will learn by doing and, at the same time, these personal video clips will be uploaded continually, thereby reporting their activities to the local population. This is precisely the power of web TV, that it has a direct appeal to other young people. These will also be able to enter a dialogue with the trainees, comments, questions and answers. Young people today are masters of the Internet, and it is therefore vital and natural, to follow up on this platform of communication.

As a supplement to the documentary, and to all the material, which already exists on the Internet, certain crash courses will be filmed, in a format and length suited to the internet. These small films will continually be uploaded, in order to build up an online crash course knowledge bank, for the benefit of everyone in Greenland. At the same time, an on-line toolbox for future trainees will be developed, so that learning becomes increasingly available, as it is needed.

The series follows the challenges facing young people, the conflicts and victories encountered with a specific project, the challenges and the local population. The approach will be to tell a modern story of transformation about Greenland. The series will seek to inspire the rest of the population, to also think in new ways, and stimulate the desires, dreams, faith and courage of young Greenlanders to launch into creativity and change. Finally, the documentary series will provide a contemporary picture, from different parts of Greenland, and thus help to weave a complete story about present and future Greenland together.

In other words, the education will make use of a so-called ‘flipped classroom’ approach, where knowledge and instruction, over time, becomes available on-line, and makes room for more situationspecific sparring, coaching and facilitation on location. In addition, a clear strategy will be developed, for documenting and sharing the knowledge created within the education, for the benefit of more people, now and in the future. This is particularly important, so that the knowledge and experiences gained in the education, can reach the more isolated geographical areas.

The wish is, to use the education to spread a far wider transformational agenda, and to be an inspiration, so that many more people ask themselves, what they can do, and how they can participate in production and development in their home-towns and settlements.


The development of the education comes in 7 phases, which generally follow the YES! model on page 13. The method used for advancing the education is basically the same as the method, which the trainees will experience in the education. The tasks in each phase continue through several other phase time periods. Therefore, the phase titles simply refer to the dominant activity in that particular phase, and should be understood as a temporal guideline only.


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From April 2013 Fundraising for operations, conceptual adjustment. Organizing TV documentary and photo-documentation begins, graphic identity is developed.



As soon as possible The first team starts, continuous management and development of the education, based on acquired experiences. The following year, a new recruitment phase will be started with a view to starting team 2.


When sufficient funding is provided Management is recruited, website and marketing materials are developed.


Recr uitm ent

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When team 1 have completed their education Documentation and transmission of achieved results with team 1. Rooting the education in a lasting construction, including securing a long-term business model.


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YES! Co-creating an education

Credits and the small-print Publisher P.O. Box 4018, DK-3900 Nuuk Contact Editors and text Inaluk Brandt, foCus Nicolai Seest Graphic layout Najaaraq Kathrine Schmidt, Nuisi grafik Photos Inaluk Malene Brandt Nicolai Seest Jens Andersen Lasse Nymand Petersen

Translation Pikkoritta Consult

1. Edition, 1. Print run, April 2013: 1,500 copies

English proofreading Maria Holm Mike Lamb

Additional copies of the magazine in printed edition can be ordered from

Greenlandic translation Hans Møller Greenlandic proofreading Nina Jacobsen Reproduction and print G-grafisk, Denmark 2013 CO2 neutral production. Printed on FSC® Certified paper: Munken Lynx with vegetable printing ink and corn based dry powder.

The magazine may be seen in an online version at Thanks to Maja Biilmann Trolle, Susanne Andreasen, Allan Lynge, Mette-Ann Schepelern… for perusal and sparring. Thanks to everyone who has contributed actively and specifically at meetings, workshops, Creation Camp for their contribution to developing YES! to this stage.

Join the movement! If your curiosity has been aroused, by reading this magazine, then you are very welcome to get involved. YES! is co-created by all of us, who see the need for a new creative education, which will bring about change and progress in Greenland. Join the movement right now! On Facebook, you can take part, and present your ideas for the development of YES!

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