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The theory of literature
Before introducing the definition of the theory of literature, let´ s first start by defining what literature is. It is not easy to define the meaning of literature. In the past, people only knew that literature consisted of poems, prose, and drama, but nowadays that definition is too absurd.
According to Harper ´ s magazine, the idea that literature contains multitudes is not new. For the greater part of its history, literature referred to any writing formed with letters. Up until the eighteenth century, the only true makers of creative work were poets, and what they aspired to was not literature but poesy.
We can understand then that literature is built from the way people think and talk. So then, what is the difference? And do we need the theory to analyze it? . The theory is not practice and vice versa, but they are related to each other and need one another. There will be no theory if there is no successive practice. Theory cannot stand for isolation because it will influence the thoughts of many people. It will not be a theory if there is no one supports it.
Basically, literary theory is a branch of literature that explains the principles, laws, categories, and criteria of literature that differ from those which are not literature. It was first acknowledged by Aristoteles in his book entitled Poetica.