Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School Open House Brochure 2023

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ןמרברב לאוי םש לע שובטלפ תבישי לש ןוכיתה רפסה תיב


THE YESHIVAH OF FLATBUSH JOEL BRAVERMAN HIGH SCHOOL stands at the forefront of American Jewish education, and sets standards of excellence emulated by other academic institutions around the world.

OVER GENERATIONS we have graduated more than 12,000 students sharing our commitment for Torah, Mitzvot, and Zionism, and a love of the Hebrew language.

WE PRIDE OURSELVES on our unique complement of Jewish and American values and an education that synthesizes Torah and General Studies with an unparalleled offering of extra-curricular activities, all in an atmosphere of inquiry and exploration.




Our Mission is to...

Inspire, Challenge, and Support our students to grow into adults who have character, compassion, and scholarship, with a commitment to Torah u’Mitzvot, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

We Empower our Graduates to... Succeed, Lead, and Serve in institutions of higher learning, their communities and the world at large.

... איה ונלש הרטמה

םתוא רגתאל ,תוליעפל ונידימלת תא ררועל

םהל ש יש םירגובמ תויהל ולדגיש ידכ םהב ךומתלו

,תווצמו הרותל תוביוחמ םע ,המכחו,דסח ,תודימ

.לארשי תני דמלו לארשי םעל ... ונלש םירגובה

תא םידדועמ ונא
גיהנהל ,חילצהל
םלועבו םהיתוליהק EMPOWER. EDUCATE. INSPIRE. | 5
,תואטיסרבינואב ,תובישיב תרשלו

Core Values


תבהא / םימש תארי

AWE AND LOVE are the foundation for an ongoing relationship with Hashem which is cultivated in order to inspire commitment to Torah and mitzvot.

תווצמה תרימש / הרות דומלת

ONGOING STUDY OF THE TORAH through traditional and contemporary methods shapes the learner and enables lifetime observance of mitzvot.


HONESTY, TRUST, AND CONDUCT in accordance with the highest standards of integrity are religious imperatives and form the basis of community.

לארשי תנידמ

THE ESTABLISHMENT of the modern-day State of Israel is a divine gift and the initial fulfillment of a millennia - old national longing. It is our obligation to pray for, celebrate, support and strengthen its existence.

שדוקה ןושל

THE HEBREW LANGUAGE is a cherished and sanctified treasure of the Jewish people. Conducting Judaic studies Ivrit b’Ivrit and communicating in Hebrew is essential to a complete Torah education.


םיקלא םלצ

EVERY HUMAN BEING is created in the image of God and therefore should be treated with dignity, respect, and derekh eretz.


THE STUDY OF THE sciences, humanities and the arts fulfills the halakhic imperative to engage God’s world and prepares students to contribute productively to society.


ACTS OF LOVING-KINDNESS within and out of one’s social circles develop an individual’s character and foster arevut (responsibility to others).

תוכלמה םולש

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is founded on principles concomitant with Judaism and extends kindness to the Jewish people. We proudly support, celebrate and pray for the welfare of this great nation.


DILIGENT AND PERSISTENT EFFORT, especially when facing and overcoming challenges, are fundamental to achieving growth and excellence.



From our Head of School



I invite you to come and visit our Yeshivah to get a sense of the incredible energy and enthusiasm that pulses throughout our school. Immediately upon entry, the bright spaces of our new extension convey an air of inspiration. This year, we aim to complete our decade-long renovation of our facilities by completely updating our original building. However, inspiration is found in more than just our physical space.

Over the last several years, Flatbush has instilled more pride in its students than ever before. This did not happen by accident; it took the concerted effort of our entire dedicated staff to rise to meet the goal of our mission: to inspire, challenge and support our students as they grow into adults with character, compassion and scholarship, committed to Torah u’Mitzvot, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

Our academics are known for their rigor and high standards in both Torah and secular studies. All of our Judaic courses are conducted in Hebrew, using our Torah b’Ivrit model. Beyond the walls of the classroom, Flatbush offers unparalleled extracurricular opportunities and student support:


seminars, internships, clubs, teams, programs, guidance, college guidance, chesed, Yachad, Israel advocacy and much more.

Over decades, we have produced more than 12,000 graduates who are empowered to succeed, lead and serve in their communities, in institutions of higher learning, and in the world at large.

I serve as Head of School with the pride and humility which stems from the acute awareness that I follow in the footsteps of great leaders such as my mentors Rabbi Dr. David Eliach z”l and Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari.

Under their stewardship, the Yeshivah of Flatbush established and maintained itself as a flagship institution of Jewish education yet never rested on its laurels. These leaders consistently preached and modeled constant improvement and an insatiable desire to be better. This is the path we will follow as we prepare students for life in the near future and beyond.




AT THE HEART OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL is the day-to-day learning that takes place in every classroom and corridor of the building. Scholarship, curiosity, and ingenuity drive our lessons forward and create an atmosphere of contemplative study and intense focus.

We believe that the quest for knowledge and understanding is paramount and that we must use what we learn to improve ourselves and transform our world.


Judaic Studies


THE MISSION OF THE TANAKH DEPARTMENT is to create an environment in which our students can experience the unparalleled truth, beauty and complexity of the Torah while developing the reading and analytical skills they will need to understand the Torah independently. Our curriculum concentrates on sections of the Chamisha Chumshei Torah during the first semester and portions of the Nevi’im and Ketuvim during the second semester. Throughout all of our lessons, we connect the Torah’s teachings to core aspects of Jewish thought and philosophy. Ultimately, we want our students to see the Torah as the lens through which all aspects of life can be navigated and understood.


HELPS STUDENTS hone their textual, analytical and critical thinking skills on a daily basis. Our students study independently, learn in chavrutot, and interpret the Gemarah with confidence and depth, fully prepared for the finest yeshivot in Israel. Our aim is to help students appreciate the beauty and value of this most important link in the chain of Jewish text and tradition.


HALAKHAH IS EDUCATION FOR JEWISH LIVING. Every year, we familiarize students with key themes, concepts, terms, and personalities in Halakhah and demonstrate the practical aspects of Judaism including laws of tefilah, berakhot, Shabbat observance, kashrut, marriage, and various She’elot Veteshuvot. We inspire our students to understand the nuances involved in living a full Jewish life and use that to guide them in their everyday actions and lifelong decisions.

Jewish History

THE GOAL OF THE JEWISH HISTORY DEPARTMENT is to have our students understand and appreciate that they are vital links in a chain that goes back thousands of years. In the course of their studies, students will learn about the major events, personalities, and trends in ancient, medieval and modern Jewish history. Students will come to appreciate the relevance of Jewish history to their lives and see how the Ashkenazic and Sephardic communities they live in today were shaped and continue to be shaped by our rich and complex history.


Ivrit OUR COMMITMENT TO HEBREW LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND IMMERSION in an “Ivrit B’Ivrit” environment is unparalleled. Hebrew language classes allow students to develop skills in speaking, reading, writing and comprehension. We combine Hebrew literature with language-based grammar books to fulfill our mission of helping students develop a true connection to Torat Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

The Torah that we teach and learn at Yeshivah of Flatbush isn’t only a subject - it’s a way of life. It comes alive both inside and outside of the classroom. Rabbis, teachers and students walk together on the lifelong journey of finding and understanding themselves in the many words of our Torah.


General Studies


FOCUSES ON DEVELOPING a student’s written voice, developing critical thinking and agency as readers and analysts. Students become more active and skilled readers who ask probing questions and interact with the text. They are able to organize and articulate their thoughts as writers, and build on the skills needed to write coherently and effectively in college and on a professional level.


REQUIRES three years of high school math including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and Trigonometry. Students are encouraged to take a fourth year of math as an elective and

can choose from Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, Business Math and Multi-variable Calculus. As intelligent and thoughtful problem solvers, armed with the appropriate knowledge, our students are prepared for success in college and beyond.


CLASSES HELP STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THEIR ROOTS, see connections to the past, comprehend its context, and think reflectively. Courses include Global and American History, Geography, Economics, Government and Civics. Ultimately, we hope to inspire students in their roles as responsible citizens and as active contributors to a society that is increasingly diverse and globally interdependent.

– The JBHS History Department is dedicated by the Bailey, Jerome and Horovits Families.

Science STUDENTS ARE GUIDED ON A JOURNEY through scientific inquiry, scientific practice and scientific literacy. That journey begins with the study of two of the core science disciplines: Biology and Chemistry. With that foundation, students can select electives from our wide course offerings which include several Advanced Placement classes. Students perform lab investigations and decode data analyses. This multifaceted approach promotes creative thinking and unleashes each student’s ability to problem-solve.


Art & Humanities



CURRICULUM prepares students for a possible career in art and design. Students are introduced to the language of arts and visual communication and begin to investigate theories of visual perception and the ways images influence culture and identity. Junior and senior AP courses allow students to master their skills before college.


& Improv THIS FRESHMAN COURSE encourages communication and expression through improvisation and theater. Students will learn to become active listeners and develop communication skills as they strengthen the dynamic of their class/ensemble.

Graphic Design THIS DYNAMIC

SOPHOMORE COURSE explores graphic communication and principles of design. Students will engage in the design process from idea development through final completion of their projects. In AP 2D Art and Design, the students develop a portfolio and create artwork that reflects their own ideas.


THIS FRESHMAN MUSIC TECHNOLOGY COURSE teaches students to identify the fundamental elements of music through hands-on experience with music production software.

Foreign Language

THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT instills in students a passion for language as well as the communities and cultures that they represent. The courses combine the expertise of native language teachers with multimedia classroom experiences. Students gain proficiency in Spanish in our 9th and 10th grade core with Spanish III, and in AP Spanish as elective offerings in grades 11 and 12. In addition, the department offers a variety of independent study courses in Arabic, Yiddish, Russian, French and Italian.


STEM Classes

– The Dr. Albert Montague A"H Stem Institute is dedicated by Julie and Steven Montague.

Computer Science Track

INCOMING FRESHMEN HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to enroll in our integrated Computer Science and Engineering program. This program is designed to maximize engagement with hands-on experiences. Students have the opportunity to explore the world of computers, programming, engineering, and design. Freshmen focus on computational thinking while learning web design in HTML and the basics of programming in JavaScript. The sophomore curriculum builds on that foundation through project-based learning that focuses on physical computing and engineering. The culmination of the program is the annual Engineering Fair when students get to showcase their creations to family and friends.

AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A

ALL HONORS SOPHOMORES in the Computer Science track take AP CSP, an introductory collegelevel computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science. This course is also offered to juniors as an elective, regardless of prior coding experience. In addition, the AP CSA elective, open to juniors and seniors, cultivates their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore the concepts of modularity, variables, and control structures.

Applied Engineering

THE NEWLY-REDESIGNED Applied Engineering elective gives students hands-on experience with designing, building, and programming a variety of devices. This course focuses on fabrication, as students build 3-D printers and learn to use them and other tools.



AP & Elective Courses

AT THE YESHIVAH OF FLATBUSH we pride ourselves on offering wide ranging and challenging courses to match student interest and to prepare our students for college and career.

Below is a list of just some of our AP and elective offerings.

• Advanced Studio Art

• American Sign Language

• AP 2-D Art Design

• AP Art History

• AP Biology

• Business Law

• Calculus

• AP Calculus AB

• AP Chemistry

• Coding and Robotics

• AP Computer Science A

• AP Computer Science Principles

• Creative Writing

• Criminal and Constitutional Law

• Drama and Public Speaking

• Economics

• AP English Language

• AP English Literature and Composition

• Entrepreneurship

• AP Environmental Science

• AP European History

• Fashion and Design

• Forensics

• Advanced Graphic Design

• Human Anatomy

• Journalism and Expository Writing

• Marketing

• AP Music Theory

• Nutrition and Physiology

• AP 2-D Photography

• AP Physics 1

• AP Physics C

• AP Psychology

• Spanish III –Advanced AP Spanish

• AP Statistics

• AP Studio Art

• AP U.S. Government and Politics

• AP U.S. History

• AP World History

• And many more…


Tsei U’lemad ®

IS A TALMUDIC TERM which means “go out and learn.” This innovative program, officially trademarked by the Yeshivah of Flatbush in 2020, offers students the opportunity to pursue their personal passions and interests through a variety of independent study courses. Courses change from year to year and are dependent on student interest and curiosity. Tsei U’lemad® courses are reflected on student transcripts and comprise an exciting and important part of learning.

• Arabic

• Architecture and Design

• Brain Health and Positive Thinking

• Effective Negotiation

• Experimental Psychology

• French

• Neuroscience

• Nutrition and the Prevention of Disease

• Personal Care and Healthy Behaviors

• Positive Psychology

• Principles of Intellectual Property

• Russian

• Safrut / תורפס

• Science Olympiad

• SHOAH: Holocaust Studies

• Virtual Enterprise: JV

• Yiddish




AT THE YESHIVAH OF FLATBUSH, we emphasize that personal growth and development is essential for each student. Whether it be inside or outside of the classroom, our dedicated teachers, guidance counselors, mentors and advisors work hard to connect with our students and guide them as they navigate daily life choices and challenges. Our meaningful trips, chesed activities, assemblies, seminars and classes enhance students’ religious and spiritual identities and allow them to grow into compassionate, conscientious and connected members of Klal Yisrael.



Guidance Department

THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT comprises an unparalleled group of mental health professionals including social workers, psychologists and creative arts therapists. Guidance staff help students, parents and faculty navigate the social, emotional and academic challenges of the high school years. Freshmen are matched with individual guidance counselors who follow them throughout their high school careers. The Guidance team provides a private and supportive relationship where students can freely share their feelings about academic challenges, social pressures, and family concerns.

Grade Advisory

EACH GRADE HAS TWO GRADE ADVISORS who help students navigate the daily experience of high school. Along with grade principals, the advisor tracks a student’s interests, academic performance, behavior and attendance and acts as a liaison between teachers, parents, the administration, and the student.

Project SAFE Classes and Programs

IN ADDITION TO THE SUPPORT provided by individual guidance counselors, all students participate in a weekly Project SAFE/Health Education class. These classes help our students build strong life skills and discuss body image, bullying, substance abuse, gambling, safe driving and relationships. The Guidance Department also collaborates with Project SAFE and brings in speakers to address pertinent topics with students.




THE SHIFRA HANON PATHFINDERS DEPARTMENT offers a four-year, individualized, mentoring and career-exploration program that offers academic, professional and extracurricular experiences to every high school student. This innovative program, that complements College Guidance, is an exciting way for students to strengthen their college portfolios, build resumés, network with industry professionals, and learn about themselves. The Pathfinders team schedules dozens of guest lecturers (many of whom are alumni), arranges trips, shares internship opportunities, organizes career fairs, holds individual self-discovery meetings and opens up a wide range of contacts and career connections. Each student is given the opportunity to discover and pursue his or her own unique path.

– The Shifra Hanon Pathfinders Department is dedicated by the Hanon Family.

The Four Goals of Pathfinders:

• Self-Discovery: Students learn about their strengths and interests through meetings and workshops with their Pathfinders Counselor

• Career Exploration: Students explore a variety of career fields to broaden their potential paths through trips, speakers, and Career Days

• Extracurricular Involvement: Students are offered hundreds of extracurricular choices that promote self-discovery, leadership, and relationship building

• Skill Building: Students acquire the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace, including resume writing, interviewing skills, and communicating effectively


College Guidance

THE COLLEGE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT’S mission is to educate students and families about the college admissions process, provide individualized support to all students about appropriate higher education options that suit their individual needs and goals, and work directly with students and parents as they navigate the college process.

College Guidance counselors are committed to supporting each student’s successful transition from high school to post-secondary educational opportunities. The team fosters an environment where students are actively supported in identifying their goals, building

balanced college lists and engaging in the college application process.

Beginning in junior year, the College Guidance department teaches a full curriculum to all juniors focused on familiarizing them with how colleges read applications, how to do college research and how to write a strong college essay. These weekly sessions are facilitated by the College Guidance counselors and allow all students to get a head start on their college process. All counselors also have a full-period Family Meeting with each of their students before the end of junior year.

– The JBHS College Guidance Department is dedicated in memory of Ruth and Ralph Gindi A”H.


Recent College Acceptances

• Adelphi University

• Babson College

• Barnard College

• Baruch College (CUNY)

• Binghamton University (SUNY)

• Boston University

• Brandeis University

• Brooklyn College (CUNY)

• Brown University

• City College (CUNY)

• College of Staten Island (CUNY)

• Columbia University

• The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art

• Cornell University

• Drexel University

• Emerson College

• Emory University

• Fashion Institute of Technology

• Fordham University

• George Washington University

• Hofstra University

• Hunter College (CUNY)

• John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)

• Lehigh University

• LIM College

• Long Island University

• Macaulay Honors College (CUNY)

• Marymount Manhattan College

• Massachusetts Institute of Technology

• New York University

• Northeastern University

• Nova Southeastern University

• Pace University

• Parsons School Of Design

• Pennsylvania State University

• Pratt Institute

• Queens College (CUNY)

• Rutgers University

• Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education

• Stevens Institute of Technology

• Stony Brook University (SUNY)

• The New School

• Touro College

• Union College

• University at Albany (SUNY)

• University of Delaware

• University of Hartford

• University of Maryland

• University of Massachusetts

• University of Miami

• University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

• Wagner College

• Yeshiva University


Campus Life

Al and Sonny Gindi Campus

THE AL AND SONNY GINDI CAMPUS is a warm school environment designed to encourage religious growth, academic and social advancement and engagement in our extracurricular activities. It is outfitted with state of the art technology and an uplifting architectural design that allows for plenty of natural light.

Stein Student Commons

THE STEIN STUDENT COMMONS has become the social hub of the Yeshivah. This corridor is always filled with activities providing all members of the school with a comfortable place to read, study and relax. Our Oved Family Plaza offers indoor and outdoor seating and leads to the Chalmé Family Cafe which is fully stocked throughout the day. These areas are a warm meeting place for our students.

Library and Breakout Rooms

MODELED AFTER LIBRARIES in large universities, our expansive space has become the primary home for independent learning and study. Filled with an impressive collection of books, periodicals and digital media, the library provides students with a bright and comfortable place to read, study and explore any academic or personal pursuit. The library also contains a phalanx of flexible-space conference rooms that allow for group study, small classes, extracurricular meetings and student-teacher consultations.


Religious Growth

FOUR YEARS OF CLASSROOM LEARNING and extracurricular experiences effectively challenge students to grow through a deep understanding of Torah by enhancing strong connections with Halakhah and by having meaningful relationships with mentors. Unique experiences such as Seminar, Rosh Chodesh Rikkudim, and Judaic Seminar Electives cultivate spirituality and inspire devotion to Torah and Mitzvot.

BenHaim Bet Midrash

THE BENHAIM BET MIDRASH is the spiritual center of the Yeshivah. At shacharit and at mincha, student prayers are uplifted daily by the sheer beauty of the space. Throughout the day, the room is filled with intensive chavruta learning and dynamic classes. The space is also home to our adult Torah education classes and after-school Torah study program.

After School Learning/Mishmar

EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHT, boys and girls from all grades join together to enjoy after school learning opportunities using the weekly parashah or an upcoming holiday as a springboard for further discussion. The participants use this time to explore Jewish themes in a deep and meaningful way and consider it an open forum to ask questions. The goal of these programs is for students to see and appreciate the Torah in a new light and understand its relevance in today’s world.


TEFILLAH IS AN INTEGRAL ASPECT of the Yeshivah of Flatbush experience. Our minyanim, both Ashkenazic and Sephardic, are structured to create the proper atmosphere for the service of Hashem. Led by rabbis and mentors, our minyanim are environments in which students are active participants in the prayers. Students learn both how to pray and what we mean when we pray.


EACH GRADE EXPERIENCES its own seminar. These seminars are created to imbue students with a greater love of Judaism and connection to Am Yisrael while enabling them to develop leadership skills and critical thinking. Seminar weekends strengthen the bond students have with one another and with the entire school community. Students participate in a ruachfilled communal Shabbat and engage in formal and informal learning sessions designed to stimulate discussions about a wide range of topics. These seminars provide some of the most memorable and meaningful moments of our students’ educational experience.



Chesed Activities

ACTS OF CHESED and community service are core facets of the Yeshivah of Flatbush curriculum. Our students learn compassion through action. We stress sensitivity and responsibility towards the world, which leads to confident, self-fulfilled individuals. All students are required to complete 30 hours of community service per year. This requirement introduces students to the value of volunteerism and inspires many students to become leaders in chesed/ community service. The majority of students exceed the benchmark, and make significant contributions to a vast array of local, regional, national and global causes and projects.

• Big Brother/Big Sister

• Blood Drive

• Chanukah Toy Drive

• Chesed Day

• Cooking for a Cause

• Clothing Drive

• Homework Help

• Hospital Meals

• Matanot Laevyonim

• Oneg Shabbat

• Outreach to Bridging the Generations

• Bikur Holim

• Peer Tutoring

• Pesach Packaging

• Purim Packaging

• Tehillim Commission

• The Tzedakah Commission

Chesed Mission

DURING WINTER BREAK, Rabbi Naftali Besser, Dean of Students, takes a group of students, parents, faculty and community members to Israel to perform acts of chesed for ten straight days. The trip’s itinerary includes visits to victims of terror, hospitals, rehab facilities, soup kitchens, and institutions that help children and adults deal with physical and emotional challenges. The trip has a monumental impact on all of its participants.

Yachad/Ohel Program

THE YACHAD/OHEL PROGRAMS provide our students with the opportunity to perform tremendous acts of chesed throughout the year. The purpose of these programs is to bring people with developmental challenges together with our high school students in social situations including shabbatonim, monthly learning programs, a theatrical performance and other events. These programs teach students the significance of interacting with people with physical and mental challenges and how fulfilling these experiences can be for all involved.


Love of Israel

TEACHING OUR STUDENTS to love, support and defend the state of Israel is central to our mission. The efforts of our Israel Activism Commission, our participation in the Celebrate Israel Parade and the sharing of our Israel Institute Newsletter inspire our students’ deep connection to our homeland.


Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaShoah the entire school gathers to celebrate, reflect, and mourn the sacrifices and accomplishments of the Jewish people and the land of Israel during special programs. Students contribute to the overall creation of these programs with their own ideas, writing and performance pieces.

Annual AIPAC Lobbying Trip

STUDENTS VISIT THE AIPAC OFFICES annually in Washington, D.C. and receive training from actual AIPAC lobbyists. The trip culminates with a visit to Capitol Hill where students get a chance to utilize their lobbying skills and meet with Congressional representatives from their district.

Celebrate Israel Parade

EVERY YEAR OUR SCHOOL PARTICIPATES in the Celebrate Israel Parade. Students can help design the school’s parade artwork, march with flags, or learn a dance to be performed at the parade. Students get to proudly show off their school, have fun and show public support for Israel.

Israel Activism Symposium

ISRAEL ADVOCACY EXPERTS from AIPAC, Students Supporting Israel and Stand With Us come to our school each year to give informative and engaging sessions on the best ways to advocate for Israel.

Israel in World Relations Curriculum

EVERY SENIOR will be prepared to discuss the hot topics relating to Israel on college campuses. Students are given the necessary skills and resources to intelligently examine these issues with their peers as they embark on life beyond the high school setting.




WE BELIEVE extracurricular experiences promote personal growth, heighten social awareness, and increase self-confidence. We help our students develop good sportsmanship and take a “can do” approach to challenges. Through the many opportunities that Flatbush offers, students often find their passion and are inspired to choose their future career and life goals.

We offer more than 150 extracurricular offerings and provide students with dynamic and inspiring opportunities. When students participate in our programs, they gain a better understanding of their personal interests, goals, identities and talents, and learn what it means to be part of a team.


The Arts

Audio Visual Squad

THE A/V SQUAD runs all events and programs in the school that require a media component. Students receive training on how to operate equipment and are assigned to work on different events throughout the year.

Open Studio

OUR NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART MULTIMEDIA LAB and Production Studio are open to students to record, rehearse, create and jam during lunch both lunch breaks and after school on Fridays.

Witness Theater

ONE OF THE MOST IMPACTFUL and unique experiences a student can have at the Yeshivah of Flatbush is to participate in our Witness Theater Program. Witness Theater brings together Flatbush seniors and Holocaust survivors through a partnership with Selfhelp Community Services. The year-long project connects the hearts and minds of the participants through an intergenerational collaborative journey. It culminates in a production of the survivors’ stories performed by the group on Yom HaShoah for the entire Flatbush community.

– Yeshivah of Flatbush’s Witness Theater Program is being generously supported through The William S. Levine Family Shoah Institute. program is being generoly supported



One of the most sought-after groups to join at YOF is the choir. Major annual performances include Yom Ha’Atzmaut, the Jason Botnick A”H Memorial Hebrew Play, Witness Theater and at the Evening of the Arts. The choir demonstrates what can happen when our students come together in unison and harmony.


The Arts

Hebrew Play

THE JASON BOTNICK A”H Memorial Hebrew Play, performed during Chanukah, is one of the artistic highlights of the school year. Open to students of all grades, the musical is conducted exclusively in Hebrew. Students design the backdrop and work on their own costumes and makeup. Past productions include, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” “Les Misérables,” “The Wizard of Oz,” “Cinderella,” “Beauty & the Beast,” “Aladdin,” and “Fiddler on the Roof.”

Masterpiece Theater

MASTERPIECE THEATER is a program in which students attend Broadway shows, operas and musical concerts. Students meet for preand post-sessions for each event to delve into the meaning and history of each performance.

Lunch 'n Listen

LUNCH 'N LISTEN is a monthly pop-up concert curated and performed by students, for students. Hundreds of students pack into the cafe to cheer on their friends and sing along at these lunchtime shows.

Traveling Troupe

THE VICTORIA AND JACK AINI Traveling Troupe brings the joy of music, dance and drama performance to the elderly on a monthly basis at various neighborhood community centers and nursing homes.


Evening of the Arts

THE ANNUAL springtime Evening of the Arts showcases the extraordinary talents of students and faculty in visual, graphic and performing arts. This multifaceted arts program offers musical numbers performed by the orchestra and choir. Solo acts range from pop to standards to classical music. Actors perform scenes from Broadway plays as well as interpretations of original student works. Students’ paintings, drawings, sculptures, graphic designs and photographs are on display.

JBHS Evening of the Arts is dedicated by Trina and Joe Cayre and Family.




OUR ANNUAL AWARD-WINNING literary and arts magazine is completely written, designed and published by students who join Pegasus staff as a writer, artist, graphic designer or editor. This publication won the First Place with Special Merit Scholastic Yearbook and Magazine Award in 2023 from the American Scholastic Press Association.

— The Pegasus Literature & Art Magazine is dedicated by Laura & Joe R. Tawil.

The Phoenix

THE PHOENIX NEWSPAPER, written entirely by students, comes out several times a year. Each issue features in-depth reporting on school news, upcoming events, sports, entertainment, Divrei Torah and more. The Phoenix also gives students the opportunity to voice their opinions in an appropriate forum. In 2023 (the 8th year in a row), the newspaper secured a First Place win from the American Scholastic Press Association in its high school category. We also offer Phoenix Live, a biweekly student life and news podcast. The first of its kind at JBHS, Phoenix Live is recorded at our Open Studio and can be found on Spotify under "YOFHS Podcasts."

Summit Yearbook

SUMMIT IS AN AWARD-WINNING, student-run publication that celebrates the journey of the graduating class. With space devoted to both academic and extracurricular pursuits, it seeks to embody the collective experience of four years at Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School. In 2023, the Summit won a first place Outstanding Yearbook Award from the American Scholastic Press Association.



Heritage Trip to Poland

THE HERITAGE TRIP TO POLAND offers a memorable experience for seniors to better connect with the lives of European Jews in the preHolocaust era and to understand the devastation of the Shoah. This program strengthens Jewish identity, awareness and the commitment to the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

– Poland Heritage Trip is part of The William S. Levine Family Shoah Institute.

Sephardic Heritage Trip

THE GOAL of the Sephardic Heritage trip to Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar is to bring to life the glorious history and culture of Sephardic Jewry in its original setting through visits to multiple cities, museums, archaeological sites and synagogues. Students experience the grandeur as well as the tragedy and ultimate destruction of Iberian Jewry. The trip enables students to better appreciate the richness and complexity of the history of Sephardic heritage.

Tanakh Israel Tour

THIS TOUR is a new experiential learning opportunity for 10th through 12th grade students. This week-long trip will take a deep dive into the narratives and values of the Torah. The goals of the trip are to build students' appreciation of Torah, Jewish traditions and the modern State of Israel while preparing them for challenging conversations on college campuses. From walking in the footsteps of Abraham and the battlefield of King David to visiting Hezekiah's Water Tunnel and the Mishkan at Shiloh, this trip is designed to bring the Torah to life.


Student Empowerment

Student Government

THE SGO, SENIOR COUNCIL AND CLASS REPRESENTATIVES work together to advocate and plan on behalf of all students. They incorporate special programs throughout the year including Color War, the Club Fair, Rosh Chodesh programs, a Chanukah Basketball game and a Purim fair. They even help design and offer their opinions on school merchandise. Participants also schedule monthly meetings with school administrators and class representatives to make sure that student voices are heard and included in school decisions.

Academic Teams

• Chess Team

• College Bowl

• Current Events

• Debate Team

• Math Team

• Mock Trial

• Model Congress

• Model U.N.

• Moot Court

• Reading Championships

• Science Olympiads

• Social Studies Olympiad

• Torah Bowl


Student Empowerment

This is a sampling of clubs recently offered at JBHS:


• Advanced Book Club


• Amazon Sales

• App Development Club

• Art Commission

• Artificial Intelligence

• Astronomy

• Athletic Media

• AV Squad

• Backgammon Club

• Battle of the Bands

• Blood Drive

• Book Day

• Book Room

• Boys Minyan Mentor

• Civic Literacy

• Color War

• Commissions Fair

• Community Culture

• Conservative Club

• Drama Troupe

• Drone Club

• Eco Commission

• Elective Fair

• Engineering Club

• Esports

• Fire Squad

• Fossils and Faith

• Friends without Borders

• Gabbaim

• Girls Minyan Mentor

• History Day

• Innovation Africa

• Israel Activism

• Language Arts Olympiad

• Library Squad

• Lobbying

• Lunch N' Listen

• Lunch 'n Lit

• Masterpiece Theater

• Mishmar

• Model Seder Commission

• Nutrition for a Cause

• Oneg Shabbat

• Open House

• Orchestra

• Parlor Meetings

• Partners in Reading

• Peer Tutoring

• Pesach Packaging

• Phoenix

• Photography

• Pizmonim Commission

• Poetry Slam

• Real Estate Club

• Robotics

• Science Club

• Shabbat Grams

• Shalom Task Force

• Spanish Heritage Day

• Spiritual Growth Commission

• Sports Analytics

• Spring Concert

• Start Up Commission

• Stock Market Club

• Sunday Chesed Day

• Tehillim

• Tzedakah Commission

• Wellness Commission

• Writers Club

• Yachad

• Yachad Play

• Yearbook



The Falcon’s Nest

THE FALCON’S NEST is the home of our interscholastic athletic program and is an integral part of the Yeshivah of Flatbush experience. Participation as a Flatbush Falcon is a privilege and provides our students the unique opportunity to display derech eretz and midot such as responsibility, teamwork, fair play, loyalty, leadership and sportsmanship within the framework of athletic competition. Teams practice in our new, state-ofthe-art Triangle Capital Gymnasium.

Jack's Gym

JACK'S GYM WAS BUILT IN MEMORY OF 2021 GRADUATE JACK CHARLES LEVY, A"H, and his recognition of health and fitness. Aside from an annual Fitness Day event, several physical education classes are held here. It is also open after school for students and sports teams.


• Baseball – Varsity • Basketball – JV & Varsity

• Cross Country – Varsity

• Flag Football – JV & Varsity

• Hockey – JV & Varsity

• Softball – JV & Varsity

• Outdoor Soccer – Varsity • Surfing – Varsity

• Tennis – Varsity • Track & Field – Varsity

• Volleyball – Varsity


• Basketball – JV & Varsity

• Cross Country – Varsity

• Dance Team – Varsity

• Gymnastics – Varsity • Hockey – Varsity

• Softball – Varsity • Soccer – JV & Varsity

• Surfing – Varsity

• Tennis – Varsity

• Track & Field – Varsity

• Volleyball – JV & Varsity

– JBHS Boys & Girls Varsity Basketball Teams are dedicated by the Oved Family.


We Can't Wait


Wait To See You!


Yeshivah of Flatbush

Joel Braverman High School

Al and Sonny Gindi Campus

1609 Avenue J

Brooklyn, NY 11230

718-377-1100, ext. 180

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