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Flatbush Highlights
Giving 100%
Kindergarten classes celebrated the 100th Day of school on March 9th. Students participated in 100-themed activities and writing prompts. They created cereal necklaces, stacked cup towers, connected chain links, and decorated paper hats with 100 design elements. Morah Ninette’s K134/136 students took a trip into the future to see how they would look at 100 years old.
Poetic Pop-Ins
In celebration of National Poetry Month, Lower School students enjoyed a visit from a Pop-in-Poet. Faculty and staff members visited classrooms to expose students to the genre of poetry. Students listened to the poems, discussed the unique style of poetry, and explored the messages conveyed in the poems.
Culmination Jubilation
Sixth grade girls and their mothers celebrated their Bat Mitzvah together with a delicious dinner and lively dancing. The theme was Day 6 of Creation: Man and Animals. The girls learned a few Torah sources together with their mothers and discussed what it means to be created “םיקולא םלצב”. The students then introduced a slideshow which showed pictures of the five Bat Mitzvah events that led up to this special night. At the end of the night, each student was presented with a beautiful keriyat shemah al hamittah. The Bat Mitzvah program was coordinated by Ms. Evelyn Benhamu, Ms. Naomi Hamui and Ms. Rachelle Tawil.
7th grade boys and their fathers celebrated their Bar Mitzvah together with a beautiful morning of tefillah, breakfast, and learning in honor of this milestone. The Bar Mitzvah program is coordinated by Rabbi Avraham Benhamu. Mazal Tov and Mabrook!
Playing with Patterns
Ms. Michal Schulman’s Fashion & Design class visited the Textile Art Center where the students learned about indigo, a mysterious dye that has been documented since the 4th century B.C.E. After understanding the history and science behind the indigo dyeing process, the students experimented with several shibori techniques to create patterns on the cloth samples.
Flatbush Family Fun
Flatbush Family gathered together for the first ever Purim day celebration! The morning began with Middle and High School students reading Shacharit and Megilat Esther. Lower School students exchanged mishloach manot and enjoyed a carnival complete with a magic show, live music and face painting. YOF guests enjoyed a mesibat Purim and had the opportunity to give matanot l’evyonim.
Something Fishy
In early May, 60 students set sail out into Peconic Bay aboard the Fin Chaser with JBHS faculty members Rabbi Charles Safdieh and Ms. Annie Savdie. This dedicated group of fishermen and women left at 4:30 AM to head out to Greenport, Long Island but it was certainly not for naught—the group caught more than 800 porgies! Many of the students brought their catch of the day home to their families for dinner. The trip was coordinated by Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi.
YOF hosted the FIRST Lego League Explore Expo in April. Four YOF Elementary School teams competed against four other schools in coding, creativity, perseverance, and design skills. All four of our teams won awards — two teams won for coding skills, and two teams received awards for design skills and perseverance. The students all learned valuable information about energy and how it is used in our daily lives. The Naomi Houllou A”H Ladies Auxiliary helped make this event possible, along with several coaches, mentors, and volunteers.
The Dr. Albert Montague A”H STEM Institute is dedicated by Julie and Steven Montague.