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Little Leaf PEEPERS
Junior Rivkah Lahav shared her thoughts on the trip. "For me, the most beautiful part of the trip was the connection to both Biblical and more contemporary Jewish history. Both Rabbi Mizrachi and our tour guide had a vast pool of knowledge to share. I am so grateful to have been able to learn so much and in such a beautiful, meaningful place."
Pre-Shabbat, students visited the Israel Museum where they viewed the virtual reality presentation of the great synagogue of Aleppo. They ended their week in Mahane Yehuda Shuk. On Shabbat, the students took a walking tour of Yemin Moshe and Jerusalem’s Old City.
“It was special to be able to bring Tanakh learning to life by studying Torat Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael,” shared Ms. Harcsztark.
Early Childhood students were actively engaged in creative and fun hands-on activities throughout the fall. They learned the story of Thanksgiving, embarked on various art projects, took a colorful fall leaf walk, and enjoyed holiday snacks together.
The A2s read books about turkeys and painted with large feathers on an easel. They even used pipe cleaners to recreate the footprints of a turkey. Atideinu students baked pumpkin bread, apple crisps and pumpkin pies with their teachers’ help as they learned how to count, measure and mix the ingredients. Nursery children created patterns with pilgrims, graphed feathers, and rolled a die to place the corresponding number of feathers into Play-Doh turkeys.
Proud parents watched as their children read from the Torah and participated in tefillah. Participants were inspired by and showed admiration towards YOF’s rabbis and teachers as they learned important values and lessons from the parasha and discussed Jewish philosophy. Positive energy emanated from the Laniado Gymnasium as parents listened to their children sing passionately along with JBHS Dean of Students, Rabbi Naftali Besser, at Seuda Shleishit.
It was truly a day of unity and family.
A special thank you to Rabbi Besser, Assistant Principal Rabbi David Galpert and the Flatbush Family Committee for organizing such a special Shabbat.
Yeshivah of Flatbush Family Shabbaton is Dedicated by Haddad Brands Family Foundation.
Kindergarten students began learning Hebrew letters and were taught Hebrew vocabulary words relevant to the season. They also made fall mosaics using corn kernels that they dyed different colors with food coloring and vinegar. They had a great time celebrating Fall Harvest Day by counting pumpkin seeds, predicting whether their pumpkins would sink or float, and exploring fall-related foods.