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Stronger Together The Parent School
Stronger Together
Parent School Partnership Offers Guidance and Support in Difficult Topics
The Parent School Partnership Committee is dedicated to fostering and elevating the dialogue between home and school. Committee members Ms. Rena Ashear, Ms. Amy Betesh, Ms. Sarah Chalouh, Ms. Michele Cohen, YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert, Ms. Esther Mishan, Ms. Nicole Oved, Ms. Amy Sasson, and Director of Campus Life Dr. Bethany Strulowitz strive to share relevant and important programming with parents several times a year.
The first program of the 2019-2020 school year, “Responsive Classroom,® Responsive Parenting,” gave parents a glimpse into Responsive Classroom,® the transformative, student-centered, social-emotional learning approach to teaching and behavior that is used throughout the Lower School classrooms.
For its second installation, more than 200 parents gathered at YOF last January to view an exclusive screening of “Like!,” a compelling documentary exploring how social media has changed today’s definition of human connection and challenged us in areas of mental health, self-worth, and social relationships. A panel discussion offering practical social media tips to parents followed the presentation.
“The Parent School Partnership is predicated upon the belief that children learn best when the essential partnership between home and school is nourished and nurtured. Through various educational programs discussing curriculum, classroom learning methodologies, social-emotional learning, and more, our dedicated parents can partner together with our stellar faculty to positively impact the lives of each of our students in a myriad of ways.”
As the pandemic took hold in March, parents were invited via Zoom to join Dr. Jerry Bubrick, senior clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, in learning various ways to provide emotional support to children in these challenging times. Dr. Bubrick shared the importance of sticking to routines as well as looking for the silver lining in our daily interactions and experiences. In April, Elementary School Director of Campus Life Dr. Bethany Strulowitz taught parents Responsive Classroom © strategies that could be used at home to help children develop greater selfdiscipline and responsibility.
Later in April, renowned lecturer, author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. David Pelcovitz, led a webinar entitled “Hope and Resilience in Challenging Times” in which he offered practical tips to parents on how to help children better master these two important symbols of strength.
Towards the end of the year, acclaimed author, lecturer, and parenting instructor Ms. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff guided parents in the best ways to create tranquility at home during a time of such unrest and upheaval. This event was coordinated in conjunction with Project SAFE.
In June, our own YOF faculty reading specialists shared tips and resources with parents on how to cultivate stronger reading skills. Also in June, YOF guidance counselors and school psychologists facilitated small group discussions with parents in breakout sessions about how to discuss tragedy and trauma in the media with children.
Seventh grade parent Mrs. Michelle Kopylov attended several Parent School Partnership events and found discussions helpful. “When other parents shared their concerns, it made me realize that I was not alone. The tips provided by both the guidance department and the other parents were excellent and led to longer, more in-depth discussions and strategies at home.”
“There is no greater moment for a parent-school connection than right now as we guide each other through
the pandemic together,” expressed committee member Dr. Strulowitz.
Now that in-person instruction has thankfully returned, the committee felt it was important to help parents ensure a smooth transition for their child to come back to the school building. On August 31, parents heard from YOFHS Director of Guidance Dr. Etty Mizrahi, Elementary School Director of Student Services Dr. Nicole Yossef, Senior Management of Global Operations Security Services Mr. Andrew McGrath, and pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, and member of the reopening medical committee task force, Dr. Judy Dayan Namer, with tips on how to talk to children and prepare them for the big change of returning to school.