4 minute read


Committed educationalist Anne Eadie, founder of The Answer Series, has been preparing learners for matric success since 1975. Take note...


You will be known as the class which had the most disrupted matric year in living memory. I’m sure you’re totally over hearing the term Covid-19, so it won’t be the main focus here. In fact, the sooner you can reduce the amount of headspace you give it, the better. If you’re feeling it’s all hugely unfair, that is normal. Give that emotion some airtime and then gently show it the door. Otherwise, it will bring you down during your exam prep when what you need most is to be boosted. These tips may well be the boost you need. But they aren’t just a bunch of nice ideas; they are an action plan. Even if you have a strategy that’s already working for you, it can always do with some refi ning. So, grab your notepad, this is for you too. The Class of 2020 – you – have an amazing opportunity to show the world that you can rise above challenges, and have a clear game plan for your future. The silver lining to this pandemic is that learners who embrace it, improve their methods of self-study and build momentum on their own, will be winners in the fi nal challenge to reach the fi nish line fl ying solo. Gaining confi dence this way is crucial! Learners with equivalent ability in and knowledge of a subject can achieve vastly diff erent exam results, depending on the confi dence factor. Here are 10 tips to get you exam ready and confi dent over the next few months:

1.Start today

Now is the time to begin. Taking a proactive approach is key – don't focus on what you haven't done, focus on what you can do, today and in the weeks ahead!

2.Find what works for you

Routine is important, but there isn’t a one-size-fi ts-all approach. Figure out what works for you and how to boost your energy levels – maybe it’s a healthy snack, a jog around the block, or even a 20-minute power nap.

3.Plan ahead

Take the time to write down what you need to cover for each subject and map it out in a time-table. It will do great things for your motivation once you see that every slot is important!

4.Don’t study all day

Make sure you schedule time for exercise, for a walk with a friend (while social distancing,of course) or watching an episode of your favourite series (if you can resist the urge for “just one more”). Getting the balance right and enjoying your time off will make you more productive when you do sit down to study – with no distractions.


Tell your family about your timetable. Paste it on the wall or send a screenshot to your family as a virtual Do Not Disturb sign. The other bonus is that your parents will stop nagging you about studying when they see you taking responsibility and doing your best.

6.Take notes

Don't just read through your work. Study a section and then write down everything you can remember from it. Knowing that you're going to do this makes you study in a more logical, alert way.

7.Do one thing at a time

Studying past papers is excellent prep for any exam. But working on one topic at a time is the most eff ective strategy, particularly as you build up your confi dence. The Answer Series is a good tool for topic treatment for all subjects, as well as exam practice.

8.Practice makes perfect

A cliché but true! Try each problem on your own fi rst, no matter how badly you do, before checking the solutions in the study guide. The best way to learn is from your own mistakes – you need to be able to pinpoint them fi rst, and then understand what to do next time.

9.Stay positive

The most important thing is to stay positive until the exams are done and dusted. It will be tough, but in the end, your results will refl ect all the blood, sweat and tears you’ve put in.

10.Have a game plan

When exam time fi nally arrives, use this mini check list to set yourself up for doing your best: - Double check that you’ve got everything you need before you leave home. - Don't arrive too early and allow yourself to be infl uenced by panicking friends. - Plan your time in the exam carefully – allow some time for checking at the end.

(11.Trust yourself!)

For more information, visit our website www.theanswer.co.za or contact us at


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