2 minute read
Meteorological Technician
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS PROFESSION? I was always interested in the weather while growing up, and during my matric year I came across an advertisement that I saw as a great opportunity to follow my dream.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO AND WHAT WERE THE REQUIREMENTS? I did a National Certificate in Weather Observation, a tenmonth course run by the Regional Training Centre of the South African Weather Service. The minimum entry requirement is Grade 12, with 50% or more in Mathematics and Physical Science.
IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED TO WORKING WITH THE WEATHER? One needs to be reliable, have the ability to do routine work carefully and accurately, and be able to work in different environments. You have to be someone interested in the world around you (especially the weather).
IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS TRAINING? Formal training is essential for foundational knowledge, while experience gained while working takes it to the next level.
DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY ON THE JOB Each shift has a different focus – observing the weather at routine times from the office as well as in the surrounding areas. We have to be aware of expected conditions that might occur, and release upper air balloons to ensure that this information gets through to the forecasters. We also monitor the data being collected by automated stations. On other days we do field work, maintaining or reactivating our remote instruments.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE THE MOST? It is not only office based – you get to travel to the different weather stations under your control. I’m almost always informed about present and near future weather conditions.
WHAT ARE YOU LEAST ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT? Working through the holidays (Festive and Easter).
WHAT’S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER? Being interviewed for a children’s programme that was aired on national TV weeks later.
YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? I’m currently studying a BSc Environmental Management. It would be amazing to have a DUDUZILE DZONZI METEOROLOGICAL TECHNICIAN

career someday that includes both weather and environmental issues.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT IN THE METEOROLOGICAL FIELD? Be open to learning new things always; it really does get easier with time.
DESCRIBE YOUR JOB IN THREE WORDS Informative • Exciting • Fulfilling