2 minute read
Women?s International Day and Mothers' Day
IN celebrat ion of Wom en?s Int ernat ional Day and Mot her ?s Day t his March 2023, t he Great Foundat ion UK, a regist ered charit y, endorsed by t he Depart m ent of Tourism London, is going t o have it s first -ever search called, The Filipina Am bassadress for Wom en?s Int ernat ional
With several nominations and deliberation, we have come up with five finalists to showcase their advocacies as women based on their achievements, to inspire and empower other women in our society and to highlight the Filipino culture and traditions
The f ina list s a nd t heir a dvoc a c ies:
Susa n Lovet t
My Advocacy:
?Helping people to start rebuilding their lives ?
I am active in organising charitable events to raise money to help people in need and suffering from terminal illnesses
M a ric el Cha mpion
My Advocacy:
To support the Anti-discrimination group to give awareness and be compassionate to everyone as much as possible and wherever possible regardless of their nationality, religion, and sex preferences
I experienced being discriminated against when I was livingin the Middle East This discrimination has affected my mental well-being and self-confidence
Joy Aba los
My Advocacy: is all about my family
I have three children, my youngest is diagnosed with ADHD and ODD and I study hard to learn BSL to communicate with my eldest who is born deaf
My family and my partner are always my inspiration to stay strong and move forward in life
The event will start at 16:00 in the afternoon and be followed by a family and friends disco party on 18 March 2023 Saturday at Hawkinge Community Centre Heron Forstal Avenue Folkestone Kent CT18 7FP
Thank you t o our m ajor sponsors:
East Sussex College
David Gr mes optic an Remy?s café Kul narya
Bexhil Hast ngs St Leonards F pino Community
For m ore inform at ion:
Jennif er De Vera
My Advocacy:
Involvement, participation, and motivation
I learned that "Development starts when you can spend 1 hour for yourself" It might be an hour to the gym, 1 hour of reading, 1 hour of free online courses, 1 hour of learning new skills as long as you try to improve yourself every day outside work and household chores
M a rc ia lot a M a xwell
My Advocacy:
To seek justice for those facing violence, poverty, and discrimination and help more of God?s children experience life in all its fullness
Spec al t hanks:
The Ship Inn Sandgate Marco Perre Wh te Caro ne A nsworth Kent Filipino Commun ty Cagayan de Oro Ta ent Centre and M ndanao Ta ent Centre Internationa Me D zon
07972850111 or 07537946949 fawi uk23@gmail com
FB:Filipina Ambassadress for Women?s International
For t icket s: Under 16?s free w it h accom panying adu t
FAWI - Search for Filipina Ambassadress for Women's International 2023 Tickets, Sat 18 Mar 2023 at 16:00 |
Proceeds: Gawad Kalinga Philippines and Women?s Victims of Violence
Published by: International Women?s Day (IWD)