- English Syllabus Freshmen 2025-1

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Teacher: Yessenia González

Email: yessenia.gonzalez@jupa.superate.org.pa

Dates: March10th – June 13th

Hours per week: 8 hrs.

Class duration: 95 min

Textbook: Speak Your Mind Starter (SYM S) / Speak Your Mind 1 (SYM 1)

Extra sources: Three or Three: An elementary pronunciation course / Pronunciation Pairs: An introduction to the sounds of English


Welcome, Freshman! This is an English course designed to provide first-year students of ¡Supérate! JUPA with different tools to develop and improve your language skills. You will learn how to speak, read, write, and listen to English in many different situations. You will do activities that are similar to the ones found in real life to put into practice your learning competences. This will make learning English fun and memorable. You will also learn how to think and learn by yourself. In addition, you will learn how communicate well in English and understand other English-speaking people. This is a new learning experience, so take advantage of the opportunity and enjoy every day in your new home, ¡Supérate!


 Identify the words and sentences when they are produced clearly and slowly in a familiar American or British accent.

 Identify speech that is very slow and carefully articulated, and answer in verbal and non-verbal form.

 Ask for repetition or clarification when needed.

 Understand basic questions and speech.

 Perceive and produce falling and rising sentence intonation to distinguish between a statement and a question.

 Produce words and simple sentences in such a way that listeners can understand them without misperception.

 Understand and provide basic information in present tense.

 Take part in a routine conversation on very simple predictable topics.

 Produce and understand questions and answers for simple topics.

 Communicate very basic information in writing.


By the end of the term, the students will be able to use vocabulary and specific structures to:

 Greet and introduce oneself and others

 Talk about nationality, and language

 Share information about one’s family

 Talk about classroom objects

 Talk about location

 Talk about routines and free time activities

 Ask for and give directions

 Talk about parts of the body and abilities

 Describe people’s appearance and clothes

 Talk about food and meals

 Express likes and dislikes


The course follows a communicative approach to language learning in which the student benefits from different activities that stimulate interaction. By actively participating in the class activities the students develop and reinforce the four language skills – listening, reading, speaking, and writing. These activities include pair / group work, games, reading and writing assignments, oral presentations, online activities, and role-plays. I act as a facilitator providing a context for the activities, as well as feedback and error correction. Additionally, you are encouraged to look for sources of language practice outside the class to improve your language ability.


This trimester is made of five (5) modules and two (2) units of the textbook will be covered in each one. I will inform you in advance the dates of the following graded evaluations:


The table below shows the dates in which each module starts and finishes:

Course Intro – Syllabus

1 1 to 3

Mar. 10th to Mar. 28th

2 4 to 6 Mar. 31st to Apr. 18th

SYM S / Unit 1 Me | Unit 2 My Place (pp. 5-23)

Vocabulary: Introductions and greetings, countries and nationalities, family, describing places, your things and prepositions of place.

Grammar: Be statements, subject pronouns and be statements, yes/no questions with be, be information questions, a/an singular and plural nouns, there is /there are.

Writing: An introduction. A text message.

SYM S / Unit 3 Life and Work | Unit 4 My City (pp. 25-43)

Vocabulary: Jobs, prepositions of time, daily activities, Places in a city, prepositions of place & clothes.

Grammar: Simple present statements and information questions, yes/no questions with simple present, adverbs of frequency, imperatives & this/that/these/those.

Writing: A post. A description.

SYM S / Unit 5 Free Time | Unit 6 Health (pp. 45-63)

3 7 to 8 Apr. 21st to May. 2nd

4 9 to 11 May. 5th to May. 23rd

Vocabulary: Free-time activities, subjects, types of weather, the face and body, food & feelings.

Grammar: Can/can’t, possessives, present progressive statements, have, some and any & review.

Writing: A blog. An online review.

SYM 1 / Unit 1 Who Are You? | Unit 2 Work / Life Balance (pp. 7-25)

Vocabulary: Forms, greetings, introductions, and goodbyes. Ordinal numbers. Work life, family and jobs.

Grammar: Be statements and yes/no questions. Information questions with be. Articles a, and, and no article.

Writing: A school calendar.

SYM 1 / Unit 2 Work / Life Balance | Unit 3 Fun and Games (pp. 17-35)

5 12 to 14 May. 26th to Jun. 13th

Vocabulary: Likes and dislikes, free-time activities, special events.

Grammar: Possessive adjectives and ‘s / s’. Simple present statements and yes/no questions. The imperative.

Writing: An online family profile. A special event.


In this class, WE:

 attend class regularly and punctually.

 are respectful of classmates and teachers.

 ask for permission if you need to go out.

 give valid justifications if you miss classes or arrive late.

 ask for help whenever you have questions or doubts.

 hand in homework on time.

 maintain a positive and cooperative attitude.

 participate in all classroom activities actively.

 use time wisely.

 keep tables and chairs neat and clean.

 take extra care of textbooks and computers.

 keep food and drinks outside the classroom.

Practice English inside and outside the classroom. Be a positive, contributing, and a respectful member in this class. Be polite and thoughtful of one another, too. Any behavior that prevents our class from functioning well or any display of disrespect will not be tolerated and may result in the following: verbal reprimand, removal from classroom, referral, or other consequence as determined by the Center Administration.

Late work, absences and make-up work

You can make up any work missed because of any absence that has been properly justified through the official channels. It is your sole responsibility to ask for such assignments up to the following week after your absence, if you wish to receive a grade.


Plagiarism, cheating or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. That includes passing any Artificial Intelligence (AI) work as yours. Any violation will result in a 1.0 for the assignment grade as well as a disciplinary referral.

Arrival and Dismissal

Come to class prepared. All students should use the restrooms, go to their lockers, and get their materials before class starts. I will dismiss you at the end of each class.


Cell phones and any/all other electronic devices must be TURNED OFF and/or PUT AWAY in your lockers for the entire duration of the class unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Disciplinary action will be taken if any device is used in the classroom without permission.

Note: This syllabus is subject to change. All modifications will be announced in due time.

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