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Fun and Fortune: Bu y Style!

One of the more unusual, yet undeniably appropriate, collectibles recently released is the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot Deck and Guidebook (Insight Editions; $27.99 retail), which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the much-beloved, awardwinning series Buffy the Vampire Slayer , which was created by Joss Whedon and ran for seven seasons — a total of 144 episodes — first on The WB and then on UPN, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as the all-American teenager who must confront her fearsome destiny.


The Tarot Deck and Guidebook put a Buffy -flavored spin on the practice of Tarot card playing and reading, which began sometime in the mid-15th century and has become a popular practice around the world, particularly for devotees of divination (i.e. fortune telling). The 78-card deck features all the popular characters from the series — Willow, Angel, Spike, Giles, Xander, and of course Buffy — in original illustrations rooted in traditional Tarot iconography. The accompanying volume explains the meaning of each card and instructions for easy readings and includes original, all-new Buffy artwork. For more information, visit https:// insighteditions.com/products/buffythe-vampire-slayer-tarot-deck-andguidebook. !

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