By CAR ol BR ook S freela N ce writer
Every year, both the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office and Pinecroft Sedgefield Fire Department report to the Town Council regarding the number and type of calls each has made in the past year, usually comparing the activity with the previous year. Jan. 21 was the date this year for the reports.
Ironically it was snowing as PSFD Chief Derek Carson began by praising town staff for their work in clearing the roads in the snow and ice storm on Jan. 10.
Carson boasted that PSFD is still ISO Class 2 and has been so for several years.
The Insurance Services Office evaluates four major areas: fire department effectiveness, emergency communications systems, water supply, and community risk reduction. It is meant to evaluate a fire department’s ability to protect the community.
The local station, No. 46, is staffed by one captain, two firefighters and several resident firefighters who are cadets at GTCC’s training class.
“They come and learn not only the academic side but get to see the real life side of the fire station as well,” Carson said. “We use that to bring [some of them] in as full-time firefighters.
“Roads were very slick,” Carson said. “On one of our calls [there was] a long driveway and the road was slick. We got stuck and couldn’t get out. [We] called the town’s crews. They came with the loader and helped pull us out. That was a huge help for us. Having them around was very beneficial.”
The Jamestown station had the second highest number of calls for service, 758, of the 3,867 calls department wide. Of those calls, 440 were medical incidents, 24 fire incidents, 92 fire alarms, 46 motor vehicle accidents and 156 service/ good intent/false alarms. Some of these calls were
Survey results, Plan update top budget meeting agenda
By CAR ol BR ook S freela N ce writer
The Jamestown Town Council and department heads began its series of budget retreats on Jan. 23 but this one did not have a lot to do with budgeting for the 2025-26 fiscal year.
Town Manager Matthew Johnson said this year they were starting with updating the town’s Strategic Plan rather than the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to get a clearer vision of needed projects.
Citizen Survey results
Debra Mullis, the Town’s Lead for NC Fellow, presented results of the recent Citizen Survey. There were 312 responses of which 291 live in Jamestown. Some respondents work in the town. Approximately 10 percent of the population responded. However, the goal was 15 percent. Some questions were not answered. The majority of respondents were over 65 years old and most have lived here for at least 20 years.
Councilmember Pam Burgess would like to see the survey responses broken down even more between inside the town limits and the extra-territorial jurisdiction.
When asked if they trusted Jamestown staff and Council members to make the best decisions for the town, only slightly more than half agreed. Their primary source of news and updates about the
By CAR ol BR ook S freela N ce writer
Parks and Recreation
Director Scott Coakley had a lot to say in his quarterly report to the Town Council. He began by discussing Jamestown Park Golf Course operations.
“We’ve had a lot of cold weather and the month of January has been pretty grim on the golf course,” Coakley said of the 2025 outlook.
“We covered the greens Jan. 3 and hope to uncover them
town comes from Facebook and other social media, which was the preferred format to receive quick information. Text messaging was second.
Only less than half of the citizens feel informed and up to date about decisions and events but most agreed that the town supported events and community gatherings such as Music in the Park.
Respondents also mostly agreed that the town is kept clean and maintained along with the quality of waste and recycling services.
The public services in Jamestown rated high on the list.
Parks and recreation also rated high on the survey, with 282 people giving them a 5.4 out of a possible 7.
Respondents would like to see expansion of business retention and growth, partnering with business to fix up vacant buildings downtown, more investment in the public library, dog/kid/bigger parks and more events with better promotion.
Top areas of expanded services included water quality/safety, increased police presence by establishing a Jamestown police force and more dining and downtown businesses.
Less important services included golf course improvement (No. 1), public tennis or pickle ball courts, citywide broadband Internet and Styrofoam recycling at the fire station. Just seven responses behind
ee P l A n, Page 2
outside the town limits.
Carson is proud of the quick response time as calls come in and remarked that a new computer system will make the response even quicker. From the time the call comes in to Station 46 to the time the engine pulls out, an average of 1.56 minutes elapsed last year.
“Most times it’s a lot less than that,” Carson said. “The benchmark is 2 minutes.
Travel time to the incident was 3.56 minutes inside and outside of town.
Quick response time is important in fire situations.
In 2024, $1,382,400 in property value in Jamestown was exposed to fire but only $39,100 was lost to fire.
It is not just fighting fires for the department. Station 46 offered 28 fire prevention and public education programs the past year serving 8,852 children and adults. They also installed 21 smoke alarms or replaced the batteries. Several of these programs were conducted at Music in the Park events.
The firefighters themselves were offered 484 classes department wide resulting in 13,386 total staff training hours.
At the annual awards ban-
quet, crews from Station 46 in Jamestown received two Medical Life Saves awards. The award is presented to department members directly responsible for the use of any authorized medical act that results in the saving of a life. The patient must have been pulseless with no respirations as the department arrived but released to a hospital emergency department with a pulse and breathing.
PSFD recently posted the following on Facebook: “As we move in to 2025, we remain committed to providing the same high level of service to all those we serve in our community. Thank you for your continued support of our mission.”
The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office report will be in the Feb. 5 Jamestown News
ending an era
More that retirement, passing of former principal closes a chapter in school history
By no RMA B. denni S freela N ce writer
It has been decades since Dr. Stephen “Steve” Franklin Dalton retired from his position as principal of Ragsdale High School. But his passing on Jan. 18, 2025, almost seems like the end of an era. Dalton served the local high school from 1978 to 1992 as the school’s second principal, following the tenure of T.G. Madison.
Dalton’s approach to being principal was totally handson and could best be described in three words — respectful, approachable and encouraging as he related to staff, students and parents alike.
Dalton received an associate degree at Gardner-Webb College and transferred to Wake Forest University where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics. He started his career in education as a math teacher, but it was not long before he moved
into the field of administration.
“Dad felt he could have more impact on students as an administrator,” daughter Mary Dalton said. “He had a rapport with students.”
Dalton completed his master’s degree in education at Appalachian State University and earned his doctorate from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He served as principal at Union Hill Elementary and Allen Jay High School before being assigned to Ragsdale.
“He was very focused on making that school a good environment for everyone,” Mary said. “He always had a soft spot for students who had the most needs. He did a lot behind the scenes.”
According to Chris Greene, a school counselor when Dalton arrived at Ragsdale, he had a way of encouraging staff and students to reach for the stars and helping them get there.
She recalled his involvement with a math-
S ee e RA, Page 6
Covers to come off golf course greens
[Jan. 25]. Fingers crossed. This is the longest they’ve been covered since we’ve had this type of grass. We’re anxious to get them off.”
The number of rounds played in 2024 were nearly 1,000 more than the previous year – 6,519. This was even with closing nine holes for dam repair.
Food and beverage sales brought in $19,352, which is approximately $4,000 more than 2023.
Coakley said staff was looking to update the technology in the pro shop, per-
haps adding wireless and televisions where people can watch slide shows or gold groups could post live scores.
“We’re getting ready to start stormwater repair on hole No. 9 and will start draining the lake this week,” Coakley said. Repair work will begin in February.
New LED lights have been installed in the golf course parking lot.
Two dedication benches have been ordered and will be placed at the putting green.
“We are near completion of the new basketball court at Jamestown Park but the weather is not cooperating,” Coakley said. He added the new playground equipment is arriving.
The playground area will be closed until the new equipment and courts are ready.
“These improvements aim to enhance the recreational opportunity for visitors and contribute to the ongoing development of the park’s facilities.”
Photo courtesy Town of Jamestown
PSFd engine 46 at the Jamestown Fire department.
Photo courtesy Town of Jamestown A park rendering by the designer and builder, Game time.
dr. Steve dalton
dalton and wife Hilda were married 63 years. Just a man and his dog relaxing at home.
Photos submitted
From The Front
Jamestown Citizen Academy
Want a behind the scenes look at everything from parks and recreation to town planning to the wastewater treatment plant? Feel like asking the hard questions about how your tax dollars are spent?
Then the Jamestown Citizen Academy is for you! Beginning Spring 2025, the six-week Academy will have weekly evening classes. Classes will be located in Town Hall and include a few field trips around town. Class sizes are limited to 15 participants. No prior knowledge of local government is required; everyone will get to ask questions and learn together.
Citizens interested in joining the program should complete the form on the Jamestown website to indicate your availability. Academy participants for the first cohort will be selected by a committee of Jamestown staff and council members and announced in mid-February.
The deadline to apply for the Academy is Feb. 5.
the reduction at the golf course, however, was the suggestion that no reduction in services was needed.
The Council believed one question did not get the expected answer because residents did not know all the details. The question was: “Jamestown is the only municipality in the county that contracts with the [Guilford County] Sheriff’s Office to receive 24/7 coverage within town lim-
Other business
Town employee Chris Pierce was recognized in the Council’s Community Corner for "Driving the Best Town Vehicle" in the Jamestown Christmas Parade.
Robert Garland was appointed to serve on the Planning Board.
In his report, Town Manager
Matthew Johnson reminded the Council that loose leaf pickup ends Feb. 20. He urges residents to have their leaves out no later than Feb. 19 to ensure pickup.
Johnson also said the Town has been certified as Tree City USA for the 17th straight year. According to, “A city that takes care of its trees takes care of its people. Since 1976, the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program has recognized and supported the cities and leaders who create places to play, room to breathe, and beauty on every block. Tree City USA helps communities demonstrate and promote their commitment to a greener place to call home.”
Public Comment
Robert Frederick was the only
P l A n
F i R e
co N ti NU e D fro M fro N t
person who spoke during the public comment session.
He began by saying he still had not received the public documents he requested two years ago regarding the D.R. Horton deal.
He recalled that current Councilmember Sarah Glanville had been on the Planning Board at the time.
“[She] made a wonderful statement asking the town’s hired land use attorney who had made the proposed changes to the Land Development Ordinance,” Frederick said. “Her instincts were right on target that it was the [Jamestown] land development attorney Tom Terrell who made those changes. As we were to learn through other public documents, those changes were then represented by DR Horton as their own.
“The reason I made the public request for the emails was that we saw something very interesting 2 years ago. The public had a different version of the development agreement than the Council and some of the council had different versions from the mayor. At least one councilmember did.
“I made an inquiry into what was going on because there were things about that whole process that didn’t make sense. We had a draft development agreement version dated the middle of December that said it was prepared by and returned to Thomas Terrell on the front cover but the document itself and its metadata showed it had been authored by Marc Isaacson, D.R. Horton’s attorney. Terrell then charged Jamestown hours of time to review a document that he apparently had drafted but hadn’t. Horton’s attorney had.”
Frederick also noted that North Carolina General Statutes, which were quoted, had been misinterpreted.
“I’d like to please have my records documents for free without a $3,000 charge so I can really understand what happened,” he said. “If something wrong did happen it’s up to you to make that amends and make that change.”
The video of the Town Council meeting can be found at www. Click on “Live.”
its. Would you be comfortable with reduced public safety services?”
On the responses, nearly 90 percent wanted to keep the service as it stands, with no reduction.
“It would be good to know if [respondents] knew what the contract cost and if taxes will have to be raised to maintain that contract,” said Councilmember Sarah Glanville.
The contract with the
Sheriff’s Office was a topic at a 2024 budget meeting and a special July 9, 2024, Council meeting. It was brought out then that if the contract is canceled, coverage would not stop. Since they already pay Guilford County for the Sheriff, residents are basically paying twice for the same coverage. The Town pays around $500,000 per year for coverage.
The 2024-25 fiscal year
budget indicates $471,828 was allocated to the GCSO, with $274,898 of that being salaries. The Town usually purchases a new vehicle for the deputies each year but deferred in this budget year. The 2023-24 budget was $431,453.35. The current contract was signed Oct. 24, 1991, and is in effect until terminated or amended – and a proposed updated contract is presented.
Colón went over the success the Town has achieved since July of last year. Nearly every category has seen some improvement with several items completed or near completion. Some categories made no progress. New goals were added to most categories.
Other towns, such as Gibsonville, Pleasant Garden and Summerfield receive virtually the same service Jamestown does – at no extra cost.
Burgess suggested an inperson information forum for citizens with the Sheriff’s Office addressing the contract.
“We can’t make an informed decision without an open house,” she said. “We need citizen response.”
Completed projects include: fully utilize Town social media accounts, prepare a plan to implement government mandated stormwater regulations and install security measures at Town facilities.
The Council was asked to indicate on large charts which goals they saw as priorities. Several choices stood out:
• Short–term rentals;
• Develop and offer senior citizen programing and resources;
• Oakdale Mill;
• Bathrooms at Wrenn Miller Park; and
(For more information about the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office contract, see the July 17, 2024 Jamestown News.)
“I love the idea of following up with the questions you had,” Johnson said to Mullis. “More depth, more surveys,” Johnson said.
Councilmember Rebecca Rayborn agreed.
“We need to get more information out,” she said.
“The Council is faced with a difficult decision,” Johnson said, “balancing the needs of the citizens and the challenges that come with the fiscal policies.”
Councilmember Martha Wolfe suggested some additional questions in a new survey covering restrictions in the Planned Use Development (PUD), Oakdale Mill, dilapidated housing, and the growing popularity of short-term rentals.
Strategic Plan
The second half of the meeting concerned updates to the Strategic Plan, “a multi-year representation of the Town’s mission. It aims to serve as a roadmap for staff and Town Council over the next three to five years. This plan … further defines the Town’s strategic priorities.” Planning Director José
• Review historic assets and create plans to preserve and protect them;
Councilmember Burgess suggested having several “meet and greet” meetings with the Town Council so citizens can get to know them better.
All of the goals are prioritized as a priority, limited progress/unscheduled/ pending/deferred/moderate progress/significant progress/complete/near completion.
Completed projects since 2021 include a Parks and Recreation Master Plan to seek grant funding opportunities; review and upgrade Town mission, vision and core values; update the Comprehensive Plan; enhance code enforcement; construct a new Recreation Maintenance facility; prepare a strategic growth plan for Jamestown and surrounding ETJ areas for infrastructure and facilities; evaluate effectiveness of current solid waste and recycling collection; seek funding through the American Rescue Plan; perform a pay classification study, prepare a golf course strategic plan; and improve and build sidewalk and cycling connectivity.
The Strategic Plan is available at http://www.
Coffee Break
Salome’s Stars
WEEK OF FEB. 3, 2025
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) All that flattery and fawning shouldn’t affect any decision you have to make. Keep your focus on the facts and ignore all the hyperbole, especially if it gets uncomfortably personal.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your Bovine instincts are on the mark about a “favor” that you’re being asked to do. Agree to nothing unless you get a full explanation, which you would check out first, of course.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
A somewhat-unsettled recent period should give way to a smoother time going through the week. Use this quieter time to catch up on matters that you might have had to let slide.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Feeling a little confused is understandable with all those mixed messages. Take time to list the questions you have. Then present them and insist on answers that make sense.
LEO (July 23 to August 22)
Cupid can be very helpful for
Lions seeking a love connection. The chubby cherub also brings warm and fuzzy feelings to paired Leos and Leonas who already share a special love line.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Travel is favored this week, whether you’ll be globe-trotting or taking a trip to a nearby getaway. You might be surprised (or maybe not) by the person who wants to be your traveling companion.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Getting advice on your next business-related move is a good idea but only if your advisers are trustworthy. Get references you can check out before you make any decisions.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Getting a boost in your self-esteem is one benefit that comes with a job well-done. There are other plusses as well, including being noticed by all the right people. Good luck!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Make time to deal with family matters, especially where they concern your elderly kinfolk. Being there
for them from the start can help resolve problems sooner rather than later.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Getting a project started can often be difficult, but the good news is that you won’t want for lack of assistance from colleagues who would like to work with you. So, let them!
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A lot of workrelated issues might be raised this week, and you need to be prepared for whatever comes along. Things should be easier when it comes to matters in your private life.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) What might appear to be a very much unwanted change in your life right now could turn out to be a very welcome event after all. Give yourself a chance to see where it might take you.
BORN THIS WEEK: You exercise your strong leadership qualities well, which is why people believe in you and feel reassured by you.
Nosferatu (R) — Director Robert Eggers first made plans to develop a remake of the 1922 silent film Nosferatu back in 2015, and it took some time for him to get his passion project off the ground. After being teased for so long, the gothic horror finally came to fruition and landed Bill Skarsgard (It), Nicholas Hoult (Juror No. 2), and Lily-Rose Depp (The Idol) as its leads. Skarsgard’s eerie transformation into Count Orlok is his best work yet, with the cast describing the palpable fear of his character while working on set. Willem Dafoe, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Emma Corrin co-star as
other townspeople whose lives are suddenly connected through a chilling experience with the count. Out now to rent. (Amazon Prime Video)
Paradise (TV-MA) — Premiering Jan. 28, this drama series starring Sterling K. Brown (Atlas) seems so perfect for network television that it’s surprising it was developed for streaming only. Brown plays secret service agent Xavier Collins, the righthand man to President Cal Bradford (James Marsden). A relentless agent who stops at nothing to defend the president, Xavier receives the shock of his life when, one day, he finds the president lifeless in his quarters. As
an investigation commences, the president’s sudden death is shrouded in secrecy and lies by the White House, leaving Xavier to reveal whether foul play is at work. (Hulu)
Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy (TV-MA) — It was only a matter of
Strange But True
By lUCie winBoRne
• There is a Guinness World Record for “most matchsticks extinguished with the tongue.”
• Jimi Hendrix served as a paratrooper in the U.S. Army’s elite 101st Airborne division, though an ankle injury allowed him to leave the service with a welcomed honorable discharge after one year of the three he’d signed up for.
Medical students in 18th-century Scotland could pay their tuition fees in corpses.
• A statement in the end credits of the movie Frozen claims that Disney does not support the consumption of boogers.
• After Playboy founder Hugh Hefner funded some research in the 1980s that identified a subspecies of rabbit living in the Florida Keys, it was named for him: sylvilagus palustris hefneri.
• An IKEA in the Netherlands had to cancel its one-euro breakfast special because it attracted too many customers and caused highway traffic jams.
• Thomas Edison invented the tattoo pen.
• Rolex replaced, without charge, all the
watches that had been seized by the Germans from shot-down Allied pilots during World War II.
In its lifetime, the International Space Station will be hit by 100,000 meteoroids.
• During the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, two 20-pound propane bombs that were planted in the cafeteria failed to detonate. If they had, it is estimated that up to 488 students would have been seriously injured or killed.
Every year, Iceland gets wider by 2 centimeters.
• The U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal, has guidelines on what to do if you should stumble across a yeti (and no, we are not talking about the cup!).
Thought for the Day: “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” — Albert Schweitzer
time until the documentaries would start following the arrest of rapper/record executive Sean Combs (aka Diddy) for sexual misconduct. Peacock is the first with a documentary out now that details Combs’ childhood, his rise into the music industry, and now the recent sexual abuse allegations.
Guest interviews include past bodyguards, childhood friends, accusers, and former employees of Combs’ label Bad Boy Records. The allegations started to be taken seriously after footage was released of Combs assaulting his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura in 2016, but people in the documentary maintain that his criminal behavior began well before Ventura was subjected to it.
In Case You Missed It Emilia Perez (R) — This musical-crime film out now has been a controversial subject during the 2025 award season, after bringing home four Golden Globes over films like Wicked and The Substance. Best Sup-
porting Actress winner Zoe Saldana plays Mexican lawyer Rita, who receives a hefty offer from cartel kingpin Juan “Manitas” Del Monte in exchange for help with getting gender-affirming surgery. On a journey to live a more authentic life, Juan leaves his old one behind to become Emilia; however, she quickly realizes that this new life doesn’t excuse the sins of her old one. The controversy surrounding this film mostly consists of criticism about its lack of true Mexican representation, with Mexican actor Eugenio Derbez calling out Selena Gomez for her atrocious acting — I mean — accent. (Netflix)
Zoe Saldana, left, and karla Sofia Gascon star in Emilia Perez.
tutoring program. Honor
student Maurice Dana had asked Greene if she would serve as a volunteer staff advisor for an evening tutoring program. Dana recruited several other honor students to provide tutoring for those having difficulty with math.
When Dalton arrived at Ragsdale and learned of the program, he volunteered to serve as a tutor as well.
“We sometimes had as many as 75 students being tutored in geometry and Algebra I and II,” Greene said. “Dr. Dalton could have declined opening the building in the evening and closed the program down, but instead he enhanced it by his participation. It was another way he got to know students.”
Dalton not only made it a point to learn the names
of students, but could often pair students with their parents at school events. Living in the community and participating in community events gave him more opportunities to connect with students and their parents.
Dennis Carroll, a teacher at Ragsdale, says he was a perfect continuation of Mr. Madison.
“He did not make a lot of changes due to the founda-
Get into the game with spring sports! Kids will learn teamwork and build friendships while developing their skills.
tion already laid by Madison,” Carroll said. “Dr. Dalton was a people person and understood the importance of Ragsdale High School in the community.”
As principal, Dalton chose to mentor teachers who aspired to go into administration, providing leadership opportunities and work in administration that allowed them to thrive.
“Dr. Dalton was a mentor before mentors became fashionable,” said Carroll. “He was a role model of what a principal should be.
“He gave me confidence to go on and do other things,” added Carroll, who became dean at High Point University.
Other examples included Diane Frost, hired as a math teacher who later became superintendent of Asheboro City Schools, and Roma Joyce, an English teacher who became Dean of Education at Lees-McCrae College in Banner Elk.
“Dr. Dalton knew how to figure out leadership skills and let people go at it,” Carroll said. “He listened to teachers and students and respected their opinions.”
Suzanne Caudle, who taught at Ragsdale 32 years, noted that Dalton gave her
of their questions. He had a two-way open communication with them. I think he genuinely enjoyed working with young people.”
playing golf together. We like to imagine them playing together now,” Mary said, the hint of a smile in her voice.
numerous opportunities to advance in her career. She eventually became head of the science department, a position she held for 16 years.
“He was always there for me and always had my back,” Caudle said. “He respected me and my intelligence enough to allow me to do what I needed to do in education. He respected students and they in turn respected him.
“I was at Ragsdale so long, it was like my second home and he was part of it.”
What stands out the most for Vicki Craven was Dalton’s outgoing personality.
“He would walk into my classroom and ask the kids how they were doing. He wanted to hear what they had to say and answered any
Mary has received several comments from former students. One noted being lucky to have him as principal twice (Union Hill and Ragsdale) and others said they would not have stayed in school without his encouragement and help.
After his retirement from public education, Dalton became Professor of Education at Gardner-Webb University. He was not all work and no play, however. He was an avid golfer and had a long affiliation with the Jamestown Golf Association. His family is purchasing a bench to be located at the golf course at Jamestown Park, near one purchased by the Ragsdale family honoring former Jamestown Mayor Billy Ragsdale.
“Billy and Daddy were good friends and enjoyed
Dalton especially enjoyed Wake Forest sports, was a collector of antiques, a woodworker, and “fix-it man” for his family. He liked family dinners, often contributing something from the grill or making his signature chili or spaghetti sauce.
His passing leaves a large hole in the family dynamics.
Surviving are his wife of 63 years, Hilda (Cabiness) Dalton; daughters, Mary Dalton (David Middleton) and Susan Joyner (Mark); granddaughter, Melanie Gerou (Michael); grandson, Dalton Smoot; and greatgrandson Connor Gerou.
Immediate family will hold a private graveside service at a later date. Condolences to them may be sent online on Dalton’s tribute page at www.cumby
You have tremendous potential. GTCC invests in you, gets you ready for the workforce, and supports you the whole way through. Take the next step.
Photos submitted
(Above) An avid golfer, dalton often enjoyed playing with friends. Pictured left to right are larry Boswell, Bob lackey, Billy Ragsdale and dalton. (At left) dalton shows his lighter side as he dressed in Ragsdale’s tiger mascot suit.