Chiang ya ting_ 2018portfolio

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YA-TING 2016-2018



我,就像點 很單純.很簡單

About me I began to learn art since I was in junior high school. Hence, I started to cultivate a sense of beauty. When I was in college, I learned about the craft design so that I am familiar with handmade works. Now, I major in industrial design in NTUST and focus on the study of user experience. I hope to realize a design which more fits for users and combines with craft design to create various value.





Exchange student in France



Research of Golden Pin Award X Taiwan Design Center

English(IELTS 6.0)


Graphic Design X NTUST



System of Chatbot X institute for information and industry


MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in - Arts&

Design Product Design Group Workshop 2017

Paper Modeling XL Workshop

2017 Interactive design of wisdom baseball court X Industrial technology research institute

Awards 2018

15th Y.S. Award- A.E.G (Adjustable Elastic Garment)


8th Starups Campus- Codii


User Experience Design Award - Martlist


Braun Campus Prize Taiwan - A.E.G (Adjustable Elastic Garment)


Tic100 IOT Solution Contest - A.E.G (Adjustable Elastic Garment)

KEDGE business school, France (exchange student)


Red dot design Award Finalist- AED on the go

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan


14th Y.S. Award- AED on the go

Master of Industrial design


iF world design guide - Anti-potholes Bike light

National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


14th Y.S. Award - Anti-potholes Bike light


ifeel X institute for information and industry


Bachelor of crafts design

Experience Design 01_ Golden Pin Design Award 02_ Chatbot design 03_ Smart court design 04_ Ifeel design

01_Golden Pin Award x Taiwan Design Center 參賽者對於金點設計獎的服務體驗流程研究 x 台灣創意中心

Year/ 2018 Genre/ Service Design Tool/ Ui. Ux. Persona. SBP. CJM Concept/ This project is belong to Service Design, and includes two main parts. One is

interviewing the winners of Golden Pin Design Award, the other is sending the questionaire by email to know their experience of participation. However, we collect and analysis their needs during the whole process, and use customer journey map to

gather the behaviors. After doing customer journey map, we use service blue print to redesign their needs and add our new ideas into the processes. It is important that we also supply concrete and different perspective in this project.

in a survey of 1168 paticipants: 02

Using SPSS to understand

reliability in the questionnaire.

Using open question and

interview to know paticipants' needs.

Interview we interview five different design company, which including from design studio to design compamy. In addition, they are also the winners of Golden Pin Design Award, we want to know their experience of whole competition.

Care about Benefit

Care about

Care about



Users' Group According to the interview, we can divide into four different part of participants.

Care about Meaning

Customer Journey Map

we can realize the whole process through interview ing and doing some research. And then, we can follow their pattern to make Customer Journey Map. It is very

convenient to help us to understand whole process and know where can we improve. This project also make Service Blue Print to redesign the process.





System of Sign up

Build up systematic definition

propagate benefit of award

According to the conclusion,

Some touch point in SBP

We can generate media

because of the poor user

than before. They can also

to make more people know

some participants give up experience. This project can use UX to optimize the

procedure of system of sign up.

can add more visual design

redesign the trophy of award and Golden Pin, so that there will be more people who want to collect or increase their willigness of participation.

exposure on official website

this award. On the other side, they can cooperate with

another field of enterprise to earn more revenue, and increase exposure as well.

02_Chatbot x III 社群行銷商務助理服務系統體驗研究 x 資策會

Year/ 2017 Genre/ User Interface design Tool/ Ui. Ux. Sketch. Zeplin Concept/ This project applies Semantic Community Analysis and Mobile Business Technology to construct the smart serive of business assistant. In addition, this project want to develop business robot. Our team use User Experience to explore the possible of business robot. There are two phares in this project. One is to realize the smart service

of business assistant; the other one define element of design and design some interfaces which include two different systems.

Framework of system

Add conversation

Log in






Add conversation

choose function of



manage the list


manage the list

Classification of system




In the beginning of the system, there are distrubing two different parts of the system. One is for who want to use conversation training, and they can upload

conversation and edit parameter. On the other side, some business company can

create a new robot, choose which functions are satificated with their needs. They can also edit conversation to be more interesting or more natural.


Design elements

Final Screens This page show a part of interfaces. This is designing for business company to

create a simple robot. We redesign the icon of iBot and give it a new color. This part of interface compare to some system of chatbot builder, it is easy to use and tangible some part of programing in the whole system.

03_Smart Court Design 互動設計之行動智慧球場 x 工研院

Year/ 2017 Genre/ User Interface design Tool/ Ui. Ux. Persona. Brainstorming. SWOT. Business model canvas Concept/ This project is smart baseball court design. It combines two different devices during

watching baseball game at home. People can use mobile phone to gamebling the baseball game, and use VR to see different kind of perspectives in the same time. They can watch Television as realistic as being baseball court in person.

Framework of system


Design of VR

Application of AR

Sport community

Application of VR

online prediction

existing of platform

According to the research, we understand technology of VR and interview some of player who interested in watching baseball game. Through their information,

we can analysis and consider possible of technology and business. And then, we develop concept of service and interfaces to realize scenario.


Customer Journey Map


Persona Kevin

He is used to watching baseball game on TV, but he consider that it is not realistic for him. He also plays sport lottery in every baseball game. But sometime it is difficult for him to realize a platform and reules of sport lottery. Expection

Using VR to raise the reality of watching baseball game

Intergrating the platform of soprt lottery and boardcasting some news

Except for baseball game, adding some interesting interaction in the whole


Final Screens These interfaces show the whole process of playing

sport lottery. From before playing baseball game to

how to bet the game. The players can use mobile phone to know situation of game and then use VR to be personally on the scene.

04_ Ifeelx III 輿情分析使用者介面設計 x 資策會

Year/ 2017 Genre/ User Interface Design Tool/ Interview. Ui. Ux. Concept/ This project is about public opinion analysis that is a popular way to collect big data. And then company can use flatform to analysis data and do some promotions for customers' needs. This project interview 13 users, which includes engineers and

developers from backdesk and frontdesk. With their comments of interfaces, we

can design and improve the interfaces. In addition, adding user experience in this interfaces, so people can use them more and more efficient.

Framework of system

03 13 Interview





02 Quantification

Closing case

final Screens After interview, we analysis users' needs and add UX to improve the usability. We save big frame, adjusting some detail of interfaces or intergrating system together.

And other content gives the screens some reality and enables room for further development.

Freedom Design 01_ AED on the go 02_ Codii 03_ Martlist 04_ XL paper workshop 05_ Tea banquet

01_AED on the go Power bank can save your life.

Genre/ Product design Award/ Reddot design award- Finalist 14th Y.S. Award- Merit Award Designer/ Chiang ya-ting, Ke cheng-han, Ho tsai-cheng Concept/ AED CARD is a product that replaces the original AED power to the portable power bank and becomes portable AED. The principle of AED CARD is to use the graphitene

from industrial technology research institute, in order to achieve small size but big amount of discharge, with the gyro and accelerant to identify the user who has the large amount of displacement which refer to the fall. At the same time, it can produce the alarm to attract the people around.

Problem AED machines were put in public places, but do you know the specific places where they were? Therefore, when the accident happens, people always cannot find the AED machine immediately to give someone who needs help.

2nd death of heart disease

Survival rate

decreasing 7-10%


1 minute

Research According to the research, the heart arrhythmia can cause the heart stop, but if it can be given the electric shock within one minute, the success rate can reach up to 90%. However, after every one-minute delay, the success rate will decrease 7-10%.

According to the top ten causes of death of the National Health Service in recent years, the top three causes of death are from heart disease.

Ideation Sketch

Target user

how to use

1/ Gyro and accelerant identify the big

2/ When the wounded is unconscious, other

3/ Someone who has unstable physical

4/ Connect with the mobile device

alarm to attract people nearby.

AED CARD in the wounded’s wallet through

When emergency happens, the people

which the AED CARD provided until the

amount of displacement and produce the

people can call the ambulance and find the the alarm.

condition must bring this card all the time. nearby can assist to rescue.

and power bank. And follow the steps, ambulance staff come.

Prototyping1 1/ 2/ Paper prototype

3/ 4/ We use the card case as the appearance of the prototype.





Prototyping 2 We printed the label on the patch by printing.

After the first test, we also completed the second prototype by UV curable resin and painting.

02_ Let's launch a toy revolution. ''Teach kids the concept of programming.''

Genre/ Product design, IOT Award/ 8th Starups Campus Designer/ Chiang ya-ting, Ke cheng-han, Cheng kai-jen, Zhang yu-xuan Concept/ Children can learn programs by using musical creation methods, using the arrangement of blocks and the patterns we present. Let music be visualized and tangible, they can learn the concept of program by arranging the function blocks we provide and can also improve their five senses training. It is a STEAM toy for 4-9 year-old children to play.

in a survey of 200 parents: 10



They care about children's

some different suggestions.

cultivate beauty.

Promote our idea and also gain

logical training and the ability to

age/ 30-40 years old TA

Female, source of stable finance

age/ 4-9 years old USER

Children, not familiar with programming

Because the process of learning

programs through literature is very similar to the process of

learning through music and we can make the programs tangible,

we decide to let the children learn programs in music.


Colorful, Block, Mellow


Suggestion 1/ Remove the other two sides of the joint so that the users can more be more intuitive.

2/ Increase fool-proof design at the joint, with one end recessed inward and the other end outward, so that it allows users to operate more easily.

Children Testing

Take our models to the 6 year-old children to play and do the observation. From our

observation, although the kid was excited due to the music and vivid color of the blocks, we found that the kid can not follow the steps that we set up before. Moreover, he would try to find new ways to play such as playing the blocks on the head.

Redesign the prototype After the children testing, we removed the joints from two to one

so that it is more consistent with the user's usability. Besides,

we improved a fool-proof design by adding recesses inward and the other outward.

Function With the function of wireless

propagation, all data is sent to the chip for voice interpretation and playing.

Master block


Music block

It is an important concept of

Children can match different

adjusted a number of times.


learning programs and can be

instruments with different

Step 1 Use the card with the theme to listen to the melody of the music, and visually make it possible

for the child to reconfirm if there is something wrong.

Step 2 Arrange the limited blocks through the analysis of

the music. If the arrangement order is wrong, give immediate feedback and correct the order.

Our product can send some data to application via Wi-Fi and put these data on cloud .

Moreover, we can collect the special data which can apply for educational institutions and families so that teachers and parents can follow educational condition of children

Business model Kindergarten

Cloud vendor Percentage


Free product



Cram school for programming


Precisionadvertising Commission



Analysis behavior of use


Supplier Precisionmarketing


Cram school for music

Landing Page


Genre/ Service design, UI, UX Award/ UXPA Designer/ Chiang ya-ting, Ke cheng-han, Pei lu, Jian sin-en Concept/ Martlist is an APP that brings convenience to consumers of physical access to supermarket. It can enhance the intelligent interactive shopping experience of consumers in the physical store. Besides, it can also collect and integrate consumers’ information of multiple supermarkets through the Li-Fi, which is a positioning system, and map information to give direction to decision makers.

physical evidence



APP mall

electric car


customer journey line of interaction front-of- stage interaction

Before going out search make a list


During the trip ride motocycle drive cars walk

shopping cart Escalator Electronic locker

to the mall

find parking place rent shopping cart put bag take Escalator

cash machine Escalator

Credit card machine

Weighing label machine

cash machine



POS machine

after checkout



get in line

stamp invoice 发票盖章

Random consumption


eat food

use cart

find products

Anti-theft device

ask question product on sale

parking place

cashier products

membership points

turn back shopping cart

Returns Delivery 3C merchandise

check invoice goods

line of visibility back-of-stage interaction

paper DM

mobile GPS

Place cart


electric DM




Wireless scanner


price tag


sale manpower





Weighing label

Smart list

line of internal interaction support process

cart management

inventory management

membership system management

Equipment maintenance

human replacement products

human resource

Wireless scanner

timely replenishment management

Phone checklist

Human Management

human management

Sales management

No intelligent parking system

Bulk payment management

Website Management

human management

logistics management

Find the car system

human management

Promotional intelligent management

Service Design

in a survey of 451 consumers: 66%

They will confirm the details of goods and invoices.


They have a list of habits before going to the supermarket.


They will use the mobile phone to record the purchase list before going to the supermarket.

Pain point

Before going out

To the mall

After shopping

Parking is hard to find

Many promotional methods

Credit card no privacy

Make a list

Out of stocks

Long time to get in line

Lockers are full


Use the coupon Match invoice with product different to find cars


BOBO Age/ 25-45 Goal/ can use mobile phone habit of supermarket shopping

UI Flow

Key Function Smart locker/ Smart parking/ Checkout online booking


Smart list


List of products

Online booking

One-click matching

Color Planning The gradient of light green to blue-green is the main tone which represents the refreshing impression of“natural”, “life” and “healthy”. Let users have a “fresh” and “young” experience when using it.

04_XL Paper Workshop Happy Tree Friend.

Genre/ design Matrial/ Cardboard Designer/ Chiang ya-ting, Tsai guo-ling , Lin min-wei, Cheng yu-ting Concept/ Happy tree friend is a space recreation. Everybody can have more space for picnics

or outdoor activities by using it. We use VR technology and scanning programs to

simulate the height and actual furnishings and the cardboard is cut into pieces by laser. Finally, these materials assembled into entities and our team had a good experience in these workshop.


We are a group of people who love nature and enjoy picnicking in nature, but there are many houses on land in modern society. Therefore, there are no extra parks or open spaces for us to use for picnic.

solution We use cardboard to create a different space and create a different structure to seat on so that we have different innovations in society. We can have a picnic not only in parks, but also in other spaces.

Air Prototype

3D Scanning

VR Sketch

Digital prototype Real size

AI Traces

Changing perspective

160cm View

Better communication

170cm View



Scale prototype

Real prototype 1

3 Tree test





Redesign traces

Real prototype 2

Redesign traces

Real prototype 3

Handmade prototype Test structure

The picture from left to right is the process of our prototype making. From the very beginning, the single-layered structure to the double-layered structure failed because it could not bear

the weight. When we built the third model, we added the pillars that can support the weight of

the center. The shape is designed with the most stable triangle structure, not only can support children's weight but also allow adults to sit on.

Real tesring

prototype 1

prototype 2

prototype 3

This is a very interesting workshop. This is the first time I have used cardboard as a material for creation. I think the material of the cardboard is very special as it can be as simple as using a slot structure or using different designs of the structure that can make a solid object.

Reflection 1/ VR - See different perspectives 2/ VR - better communication 3/ VR - not enough detailed skecth 4/ Structure redesigning / 3 prototypes triangle / layers / pillar 5/ Tree Testing & human be tree 6/ Happy ending & Learn a lot

05_Tea Banquet Enjoy Eastern culture and redesign traditional crafts.

Genre/ Crafts design Exhibition/ Young designs' exhibition, Taipei Matrial/ Glass, Bamboo Size/ Cup 4x 4x 4.5 cm, Teapot 19.5x 13x 8 cm Designer/ Chiang ya-ting Concept/ The work’s concept derived from Chinese mountains and water. This work is made with glass and bamboo, and demonstrates the beauty of crystal glass and a typical

character of perseverance with its bamboo-woven case for heat-proof. Under lamp

light, it reflects the philosophy of Chinese painting and mountain landscape in tea making.

Bamboo Waving & Carving Process of learning bamboo waving and bamboo carving with craftsman- Zhang Xianping in Zhunan, Taiwan.

Hollow Blown Glass Process of learning how to blow hollow glasses with craftsman- Liu Rui Dian in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Glass craft is a local craft in Hsinchu, so I would like to take advantage of the resources here, and redesign the product.


Suitable for red tea & green tea.

Right/ Young designs' exhibition, Taipei Left/ Taipei EXPO park, Taipei

Customized Design Other Material Design

Bamboo can not only be made on glass, but also can be customized on different materials and have different special feeling.

Craft Design 01_ Hakka 02_ Wind city 03_ Virtual & real 04_ Passion 05_ Sketch





Poly/ Brass/ Enamel

3D print/ Brass silver-plated



Freedom creation

Evening bag

Glass/ Copper

Copper/ Brass silver-plated/ Waving/ Clay/ Acrylic

Needle pen W1. W3

Needle pen W1. W3. W5. W8

Needle pen Milk pen Copic C series R27. B24. B32. YR21. E34

Needle pen Milk pen Pastel Copic C series/ W1. W2. W3 G14. G07. E34

Needle pen Milk pen Pastel Copic C series R27

CHIANG YA TING Mobile/ 886-981-501-712


我,就像點一樣構成 很單純.很簡單 這就是 24 歲的我

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