EYP-Ukraine - Report 2012

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Annual Report European Youth Parliament – Ukraine 2012

FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................3 HISTORY OF THE ORGANISATION ..................................................................................................................4 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................5 EYP EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................................6 EYP-UKRAINE SESSIONS IN 2002-2012 ..........................................................................................................7 KEY FIGURES 2012..........................................................................................................................................8 VINSPRING NATIONAL SELECTION CONFERENCE ..........................................................................................9 KYIV REGIONAL SESSION..............................................................................................................................10 1ST ODESA INTERNATIONAL FORUM ...........................................................................................................11 3rd INTER-RAIL TOUR ....................................................................................................................................12 MINI-SESSIONS AND EYP-WEEKENDS ..........................................................................................................13 TRAINING FOR EYP-TRAINERS......................................................................................................................14 VOLUNTEERS COORDINATION .....................................................................................................................15 UKRAINIAN DELEGATIONS TO INTERNATIONAL SESSIONS .........................................................................16 NGO G20 SUMMIT .......................................................................................................................................17 EYP PROJECTS ..............................................................................................................................................18 SOCIAL INITIATIVES AND OTHER PROJECTS .................................................................................................19 BUDGET AND PROJECTS FUNDING ..............................................................................................................20 YEAR TOPIC 2013 .........................................................................................................................................21 2013 PLAN ....................................................................................................................................................22 PARTNERS IN 2012 .......................................................................................................................................23

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


FOREWORD Dear friends, I would like to address you on behalf of the “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” and express our gratitude to all those who have helped us make the year 2012 so successful. During this year we were honoured to work with a big number of partners and sponsors and managed to involve many new members, which has resulted in the successful implementation of all the events planned and introduction of some new initiatives. With this report we would like to present all projects and initiatives implemented by our organisation in 2012, as well as to announce project ideas for the next year. All in all, in 2012 we have managed to involve more than 1000 young people in our projects, which took place in 19 regions of Ukraine. Due to intensive regional development, more than 300 young people from all over Ukraine have officially registered as members of the organisation. Thanks to joint efforts of our members and partners, EYP-Ukraine has hosted 2 big sessions, namely the National Selection Conference during which a selection of Ukrainian delegation to 6 international events abroad (e.g., the 69th International Session in Istanbul and the 71th International Session in Amsterdam) took place. Also, we have successfully organised a big training project – Training for EYP-trainers in Carpathian region, and a unique annual project – Inter-Rail Tour of EYP-Ukraine, which involved more than 550 young people into mini session projects in 15 cities of Ukraine. In addition, EYP-Ukraine has strengthened its status of an active actor in the process of civil society development in Ukraine. This year we have organised 2 rounds of NGO G20 Summit for youth organisations and launched a number of social projects. Also, we have confirmed our commitment to environmental protection, having conducted all educational events of 2012 under the umbrella topic ‘Naturally Connected’ and having given up the use of plastic items at our events, thus raising awareness of environmental issues among our members. In 2012 we have been honoured to cooperate with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine within the framework of the 5th Kyiv Regional Session. We were happy to see System Capital Management, “Open Hearts” Charitable Foundation and Group DF among our partners; some projects were supported by Tetra Pak Ukraine and Raiffeisen Bank. Also, we find it worth mentioning that EYPUkraine has gained a valuable practical experience of cooperation with such youth NGOs as AIESEC and JCI. Also, several projects have been organised in collaboration with GIZ (German International Cooperation). In 2013 we are planning to remain as active as in the current year and continue our work towards development of Ukrainian society. In 2012 we managed to reach a brand new level in our cooperation with partners and have created a set of partnership proposals. I would like to thank all those who supported us in implementing our plans and express my hope on continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the future! I have a firm belief that through mutual efforts we will be able to actively contribute to the development of the Ukrainian youth with help of our educational projects. Anna Suprunenko President of EYP-Ukraine Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


HISTORY OF THE ORGANISATION International Youth NGO “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” (EYP Ukraine) represents one of 35 National Committees of the European Youth Parliament. Registered with the Government of Ukraine on February 18, 2002, it is a full-fledged participant of civil society development process in Ukraine. De facto, EYP Ukraine has been successfully operating in Ukraine since 2000, involving young Ukrainians in activities of one of the largest European platforms for debate, intercultural encounters, educational work and exchange of ideas among young Europeans. Annually EYP-Ukraine conducts a National Session selecting delegations to represent Ukraine at EYP international and regional sessions in Europe, as well as regional sessions in Ukrainian cities and other youth projects. During its lifetime, EYP-Ukraine has acquired professional expertise and valuable experience in organizing different kinds of youth events: regional and international sessions, national conferences, trainings and workshops etc. Moreover, EYP-Ukraine has been a key partner in organization of UN Youth Summits on Millennium Development Goals in Ukraine as well as a key youth partner of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine as it pertains to the organisation of Europe Days in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine. Experienced and talented young people ready to volunteer their time and efforts to implement interesting projects is the most valuable resource we possess. The official web-site of the “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” is www.eyp-ua.org. 12 th ANNIVERSARY OF EYP-UKRAINE On June 12, 2012, EYP Ukraine celebrated its 12th anniversary. Besides the official part, during which the founders of the organisation, partners and members of the Board delivered speeches, participants took part in real EYP-Teambuilding, discussions and intellectual activities.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Departments ensure efficient functioning of EYP-Ukraine and create the heart of the organisation. Each Department is led by a Board Member and is supervised by the President of EYP-Ukraine. Members of the Departments are committed members of EYP-Ukraine who work on voluntary basis, gaining useful professional skills. The current organisational structure of EYP-Ukraine looks as follows:



Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


EYP EVENTS MINI-SESSIONS AND EYP-WEEKENDS Mini-Session or EYP-Weekend is a two-day event which aims to promote the organisation and trains youth to participate in bigger EYP-events, such as the National Selection Conference. Despite the relatively brief format, the structure of a mini-session is similar to the structure of international EYP events and includes Teambuilding, Committee Work and the General Assembly. The main advantage of mini-sessions is the possibility to organise them in many regions of the country. During the annual AllUkrainian Inter-Rail tour, mini-sessions occur simultaneously in many cities united into regional “chains” (North, South, West, East, Centre etc.). NATIONAL SELECTION CONFERENCE National Selection Conference (National Session) in Ukraine takes place once a year and aims to select its best participants for the Ukrainian delegation, which will represent Ukraine at International Sessions. National Sessions are held in all 35 National Committees of EYP. National Selection Conference usually lasts for 4-5 days, during which delegates work in committees, discuss political, economic, social and cultural issues that are on agenda of the relevant committees of the European Parliament. National Sessions usually gather 100-130 participants, together with international committee chairs, journalists and board of the session. REGIONAL SESSIONS Regional sessions of the European Youth Parliament are held throughout the year in different parts of Europe and, usually, gather nearly 70-100 participants (delegates, journalists and chairs) from different European countries. During 4-5 days delegates in international committees discuss political, economic, social and cultural issues that are on agenda of the relevant committees of the European Parliament. The result of the session is a Resolution, which contains ideas and solutions, discussed in committees and approved at the General Assembly of the session. INTERNATIONAL SESSIONS International Session of the European Youth Parliament takes place three times a year (in spring, summer and autumn). Usually, it gathers about 340 participants (delegates, journalists, chairs, teachers, international organisers) from 35 European countries. During 10 days delegates are working in international committees to develop solutions on political, economic, social and cultural issues that are on agenda of the relevant committees of the European Parliament. The result of the work in a committee is a resolution, which contains ideas and solutions, discussed in committees and approved at the General Assembly of the session. Those resolutions, which are approved at the General Assembly, are passed to the European Parliament as the European youth initiative. To participate in an International Session one has to take part at a National Session and be selected to represent the National Committee.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”



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Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


VINSPRING NATIONAL SELECTION CONFERENCE The 6th National Session of EYP-Ukraine took place in the beginning of the spring in Vinnytsia. During 4 days delegates from all over Ukraine have discussed ecological, political and economic issues. The main organizers were Violetta Kolisnichenko and Andriy Naavhust.

Type: National Session of EYP Topic: “Naturally connected” Date: 2-5 of March, 2012 Number of participants: 134 Budget: 88 217.07₴

In addition to the “green” topic of the session, which was present in committees’ discussions, EYP-Ukraine presented for the first time one of its important initiatives – an ecological cup, which every participant of the session could take home as a reminder of both the event and the concept of staying eco-friendly. As a result of productive work in committees and intense debates during the General Assembly, delegations have been selected to represent Ukraine at International Sessions in Istanbul and Amsterdam, as well as at International Forums. At the Opening Ceremony participants were welcomed by the representatives of the Regional Council and sponsors of the session. The event was supported by FIG “SCM”, CF “Open Hearts Ukraine” and Food Bank.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


KYIV REGIONAL SESSION The 5th Regional Session of EYP-Ukraine in Kyiv took place between the 4th and the 7th of April, 2012.

Type: Regional Session of EYP Topic: “Blue planet: Red alert? Think Green!”

This event was organised with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The team of organisers was headed by Evheniia Melekhovets (Head of PR Department) and Tetiana Korniichuk (Member of PR department).

Date: 4-7 of April, 2012 Number of participants: 102 Budget: 110 762.09₴

More than 100 representatives from 16 European countries gathered at the Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University to discuss the most urgent ecological issues, which were grouped under the main topic of the session: “Blue planet: Red alert? Think Green!”. Within 8 committees delegates were discussing the global warming, safety at nuclear power plants, alternative energy sources, recycling waste, sustainable water management, saving biodiversity etc. The session has been presided by Riaan Stipp from Germany. Among the honourable guests of the session were Dr. Alan Flowers – Member of the Governing Body of the EYP. At the Opening Ceremony participants were welcomed by the representatives of the hosting institute and sponsors of the session. The event was supported by FIG “SCM”, CF “Open Hearts Ukraine”, Group DF, as well as by Food Bank and Obolon Company.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


1ST ODESA INTERNATIONAL FORUM 1st Odesa International Forum took place at the end of the summer.

Type: International Forum of EYP Theme: «The sunrise of ECOunity»

From 16 to 19 of August, 2012 Odesa hosted guests from 17 European countries, who arrived to participate in the International Forum of EYP-Ukraine. The topics of all 8 committees were all united by the core theme – “Sunrise of ECOunity”. The committee work has been efficiently coordinated by the experienced team of 9 moderators, and the session has been presided by Ms. Valentina Mina from Cyprus.

Dates: August 16-19, 2012 Number of participants: 84 Budget: 70 022.80₴

Anna Lachykhina and Vitalii Ovsiuk were the head-organisers of the Forum. Together with their organising team, they spent over 6 months preparing the event. During the Opening Ceremony the participants were greeted by the officials from the Odesa City Council, as well as by the representatives of Odesa National Architecture Academy and sponsors of the session. The event was supported by numerous sponsors, such as FIG “SCM”, CF “Open Hearts”, Group DF, Food Bank, Tetra Pak Ukraine Company and Obolon Company.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


3rd INTER-RAIL TOUR 556 people have become participants of the Inter-Rail Tour, organised by EYP-Ukraine. The Tour took place during September 10-16 in 15 Ukrainian cities.

Status: EYP-Ukraine Inter-Rail Tour Topic: «Smart technology = Practical Ecology» Dates: September 10-16, 2012

The event gathered in total 505 delegates, 17 chairpersons, and 34 organisers. Delegates from different cities such as Lviv, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Kremenchuk, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kryvyi Rih, Sumy, Zaporizhzhya, Luhansk have taken part in the event. The representatives from Ukraine, Portugal, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Georgia moderated the work of committees.

Cities: 15 Number of participants: 556 Budget: 37 938.00₴

The event was supported by numerous sponsors, such as FIG “SCM”, CF “Open Hearts”, Food Bank, Tetra Pak Ukraine Company.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”



EYP-weekend: Sumy Topic: “Eco-Year in Ukraine” Dates: February 18-19, 2012 Number of participants: 37 2 nd EYP-weekend: Cherkasy Topic: “European Integration of Ukraine: Problems and Perspectives” Dates: April 24-25, 2012 Number of participants: 24 3 r d EYP-weekend: Ternopil Topic: “EURO 2012 is on the Horizon” Dates: April 27-28, 2012 Number of participants: 30 4 th EYP-weekend: Simferopol Topic: “Challenges of 21st Century: Traditional vs. Alternative Sources of Energy” Dates: June 14-15, 2012 Number of participants: 12 1 s t Alumni Weekend of EYP Ukraine Range of trainings: the analysis of long-term EYP-Ukraine strategy, the identity of the organisation and establishing closer relationship between its members, teambuilding, leadership, communication. Dates: September 29-30, 2012 Number of participants: 35 1 s t Francophone Session of EYP Ukraine Topic: “New perspectives of French-Ukrainian Cooperation” Dates: December 8-9, 2012 Number of participants: 30



Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


TRAINING FOR EYP-TRAINERS Training for EYP-Trainers known as T4ET took place between 16th and 22nd of July in the picturesque Carpathian village of Yablunytsya. Being completely isolated from external world, 13 participants plunged into the intensive training programme. The training was led by experienced EYPers and senior trainers of EYP Academy: Maria Manoulescu (RO), Tapio Schrey (FI), Chris Tripp (DE) and Benoit Viault (FR).

Type: EYP Training Dates: July, 16-22, 2012 City: Yablunytsya Number of participants: 21 Budget: 41 755.73₴

Participants with the help of trainers strived to get profound understanding on how group works, to explore how to enable personal growth in the team, to practise their leadership, training and chairing competences. By the end of the training everyone was satisfied with the result of the work and admitted that Ukrainian nature had a truly positive influence on their productivity. T4ET project was head-organised by two very talented Ukrainian EYPers Lyubov Dvoretska and Oksana Korchak and organised with the on-site help of Nazar Zhovtovskiy, Nataliia Kalyn and Roksolana Pidlasa. Thanks to the efforts of these people, the financial support of Raiffeisen Bank and EYP alumni, T4ET became indeed a successful project.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


VOLUNTEERS COORDINATION EUROPEAN VILLAGE During one month from the 2nd of June till the 1st of July 2012 the European Village has warmly welcomed Ukrainian and international guests under the Arch of the Friendship of Nations in Kyiv. The event attracted its guests with various events and entrainment programme. The coordination of volunteers of the European Village was entrusted to the EYP-Ukraine as the partner of the head-organizer of the event – the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. Kseniia Choni and Iryna Garbuz, members of EYP-Ukraine, have coordinated the volunteers. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION On the 4th of December, 2012, the International Organization for Migration, Mission in Ukraine, held its Sixth Combating Human Trafficking Awards Ceremony. Unfortunately, every year thousands of Ukrainian citizens become victims of human trafficking and that rates Ukraine as one of the most prominent human trafficking countries in Eastern Europe. The Ceremony recognised the most active organisations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the fight against modern-day slavery. The awards were delivered by the public figures and representatives of diplomatic community in Ukraine. EYP-Ukraine was honoured to once again be the direct partner of the International Organisation for Migration in organising and carrying out this event by engaging the members of our organisation in volunteering. Oleksandr Guzenko, the newly elected Secretary of EYP-Ukraine, was the volunteers’ coordinator. «DON’T GIVE AIDS A CHANCE» On the 29th of November, 2012 Ukrainian State Service on Countering HIV/AIDS and Other Socially Dangerous Diseases in cooperation with the German Community for International Cooperation (“Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH”) have organised an All-Ukrainian Youth Forum “Don’t Give AIDS Any Chance!” in the building of Ukrainskyi Dim, Kyiv (Eng. “Ukrainian House”). EYP-Ukraine was responsible for the technical side of organising this event, the coordination of the participants and was therefore the official partner of the project.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


UKRAINIAN DELEGATIONS TO INTERNATIONAL SESSIONS In 2012 Ukraine was represented by the three delegations at the International Sessions in Istanbul (Turkey), Tallinn (Estonia) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands). 69TH INTERNATIONAL SESSION IN ISTANBUL Over 220 delegates from 30 countries of Europe have participated in the session. The event was held under the patronage of the European Commission President and European Parliament President, theme of the event was “Bridging the Cultural Divides of Europe”. The Ukrainian delegation consisted of the following members of EYPUkraine: Oleksandr Guzenko, Iryna Garbuz, Violetta Kolisnichenko, Andrii Pyvovarov, Valeriia Kharlanova, Dmytro Kharchenko, Olha Shvets and Alina Poliakova. 70TH INTERNATIONAL SESSION IN TALLINN The session hosted 350 delegates from 35 European countries. The event was held under the patronage of the President of Estonia Mr. Gendrik Ilves, who was also a guest at the session. This time the Ukrainian delegation included Oleksandr Guzenko, Iryna Garbuz, Ievheniia Melekhovets, Oleksandra Gipsh, Olha Shvets, Violetta Kolisnichenko, Dmytro Kharchenko and Olga Popovych. 71ST INTERNATIONAL SESSION IN AMSTERDAM The event gathered 350 delegates from 35 countries of Europe under the common session topic: “Ending the Crisis”. Delegates from Ukraine: Tetiana Korniichuk, Liza Aleksandrovych, Lydiia Zhgyr, Kseniia Bochkariova, Iuliia Pustovoitova, Victoria Movchan, Ilona Pavlus, Uliana Furiv. INTERNATIONAL FORUMS Ukrainian delegations have also taken part in numerous different summer EYP International forums, happening all over Europe: Krakow, Menden, Batumi, Iberian, Budweis. Ukrainians have also participated in these events as chairpersons, journalists and presidents of the forums.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


NGO G20 SUMMIT The most powerful youth NGOs of Ukraine by the initiative of AISEC, JCI and the “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” have worked out a joint strategy in the framework of the First All-Ukrainian Summit of the youth organisations “NGO G20 Summit” that took place on May 19-20, 2012. In order to help define the current problems and priorities in the development of Ukraine the following honourable guests were invited to the event: Member of the Club of Rome, Founder of the Economic Forum in Davos Mr. Bohdan Havrylyshyn, the former Minister of Finance of Ukraine and former Vice-Prime Minister of some governments Viktor Pynzenyk, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of Ukraine in 2008-2010 Mr. Pavlo Polyanskyi, Executive Partner of Ernst&Young Mr. Artem Kozlovskyi, Dean of the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School Mr. Oleksandr Savruk, Press-Attaché of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine Mr. David Stulik, the Founder of the company “Prosto Traning” Mr. Artem Mykhailyuk and PR Director of “Microsoft-Ukraine” Ms. Yaryna Klyuchkovska. As a result of a the two-day analysis and group discussions, the leaders of the youth organisations have signed a Memorandum on joint development strategy and actions of youth organisations in Ukraine until 2020 in the following prioritised working directions: -

Increasing the level of culture in Ukraine;


Youth entrepreneurship and cooperation with business;


Development of civic movement in Ukraine;


Development of science and education;


European integration and Ukraine on the international arena.

During November, 23-25, the Second Summit was held. Here, the representatives of the leading youth organisations discussed the forthcoming steps of implementing the Strategy and developed specific project implementation ideas. The Head-Organiser of the Second NGO Summit in Ukraine was Kseniia Choni, Member of EYP-Ukraine.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”



The official corporate newspaper of EYP Ukraine, also known as EYPigeon, is a project of the PR Department of our organisation, which was established in 2011. The newspaper comes out four times a year and is a kind of digest of EYP-Ukraine’s events. The main aim of the publication is to highlight the activities of the organisation and offer its members to develop their journalist, individual and professional skills. Among the permanent columns of the newspaper are "What's New?", "Initiative EYPers", "Lucky EYP Number", "Face Control", "EYP Abroad" and others. EYPigeon is aimed at a wide audience, including both foreign and national readers, since it comes out in English and is published on the Internet. Currently there is a team of journalists working on this project headed by Mariia Shcherbak. SPEAKING CLUB

This is a project founded by the PR Department and aimed at providing opportunities to practise and develop the knowledge of English and promote EYP. Each meeting has a general topic, in the framework of which the participants hold a discussion in English. The average length of such meeting is two hours, during which each participant has a chance to express his/her opinion and listen to the points of view of others. In the process of the speaking club the participants get acquainted with the work of our organisation. Furthermore, each meeting of the speaking club has its own special feature. For instance, it could be a special phrase that everyone tries to use as often as possible during their conversations. The person, who uses the phrase the most number of times, gets a special reward. And each time this special feature is different. RESEARCH AND POLLS

EYP-Ukraine is an active participant of the European Youth Polls, as well as an organiser of its own social research, such as the research regarding the availability of wireless Internet access at university campuses across Ukraine. Ukrainians are among the most active participants of the EYP Polls. In particular, this year the following polls took place:  The policy of control over internet due to widespread piracy. 3484 participants, of them 162 Ukrainians (5th place in the overall number of participants per country)  How can Europe overcome the debt crisis? 3566 participants, of them 139 Ukrainians (7 th place);  Discrimination of sexual minorities' rights. 5626 participants, of them 331 Ukrainians (5th place);  Did the EU deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? 3189 participants, of them 141 Ukrainians (9th place). YOUTH NGO FAIR

Since 2011 the “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” is creating a platform for representing youth organizations among the students of Kyiv universities. A series of presentations takes place over the course of one week at different universities. In 2012 the youth NGO fair took place at the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), Dragomavov National Pedagogical University and at Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU). The aim of the NGO fair is to engage students to the work of youth NGO, establish relationships between the NGOs and plan future cooperation.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


SOCIAL INITIATIVES AND OTHER PROJECTS SUPPORTING THE INITIATIVES OF THE OPEN HEARTS FOUNDATION - MERCIFUL VALENTINE In the framework of all-Ukrainian charity project “Merciful Valentine” the active members of EYPUkraine collected money for charity purpose by selling over 250 thematic post-cards in 10 educational establishments in Ukraine and even abroad. - OPEN HEART The aim of the Programme is to develop socially engaged and culturally aware society with a conscious outlook on life, to develop the creative potential of each personality, discover its inner beauty, to shape a professional volunteer movement of the Foundation. EYP-Ukraine is one of the main partners of this project. YAZDAMKROV Members of EYP-Ukraine joined this charity project on promoting blood donation in Ukraine. LET’S DO IT, UKRAINE! 2012 EYP-Ukraine began its “green year 2012” dedicated to ecology and environmental protection by establishing a partnership with the civic initiative “Let’s Do It, Ukraine!” (in Ukrainian – let’s clean up Ukraine), which is a part of the global initiative “Let’s do it world!”, founded in 2008 in Estonia. The project ‘Let’s Do It, Ukraine! 2012” began on November 19, 2012, with a public event at the Independence Square in Kyiv, involving hundreds of participants, including Ukrainian EYPers. RACE UNDER THE CHESTNUTS Our organisation was once again represented among the participants of this annual charity run in Kyiv. MEETING WITH JERZY BUZEK Members of EYP-Ukraine took part in the meeting with former European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek.

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


BUDGET AND PROJECTS FUNDING The following results are based on the financial reports of the Vinnytsia National Session, the 5 th Kyiv Regional Session, T4ET, 1st Odesa International Forum and the 3rd Inter-Rail Tour of EYP-Ukraine. Total budget of 2012 year: UAH

377 819 (€ 35 982,81)

Total number of project participants: 882 Average project budget: UAH 69 739.14 Funding sources Governmental Institutions Other organisations and Grants Charity Funds Companies In-kind contribution Cash income Membership and participation fee, charity contributions Total


Amount, ₴ 60 000,00₴ 21 407,55₴ 72 000,00₴ 102 400,00₴ 25 223,00₴ 61 278,00₴ 35 511,00₴

Amount, € € 5 714,29 € 2 038,81 € 6 857,14 € 9 752,38 € 2 402,19 € 5 836,00 € 3 382,00

377 819,55₴

€ 35 982,81

Funding sources 16%


Governmental Institutions Other organisations and Grants


Charity Funds Companies



In-kind contribution Cash income

27% Membership and participation fee, charity contributions

Spendings in year 2012, UAH Administrative expences InterRail Tour Odesa International Forum T4ET

Kyiv Regional Session VinSpring National Selection 0







Spendings, UAH

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”



VALUE EUROPE! Known as the cradle of all modern nations, Europe lays claim to be a homeland some of the most outstanding artists, scientists and philosophers in world history. In particular, this multifaceted continent is responsible for the development of the present world and modern society. However, the economic advantage of European producers is becoming less tangible while the consequences of the debt crisis raise concerns about the inefficiency of the biggest integral union in the world (the European Union) and the currency shared by most of its members (the Euro). Moreover, contrasts in the social statute of the various European countries are strikingly obvious. In 2012, the Nobel Peace Prize was rewarded to the European Union in recognition to the longest peaceful period on the continent, while 2013 was proclaimed to be the Year of Citizens in the European Union. We believe that now is the time for Ukrainian youth to speak up on the topic of continental development. Despite all the diversity and conflicts of interest we still share the basic European values freedom, dignity, rule of law. It is a high time to see the bigger picture and start appreciating our common history, culture and values. Value Europe!

democracy, freedom, human rights

sustainable development

economics, international trade and cooperation

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine�


2013 PLAN

NATIONAL SELECTION CONFERENCE Date: 6-10 February, 2013 Place: Ivano-Frankivsk Number of participants: 140 2 N D JOINT SCHOOL SESSION Date: 26-28 April, 2013 Place: Kyiv, International Relations Lyceum # 51 Number of participants: 55 KYIV ROAD SAFETY SUMMIT Date: 7-12 May, 2013 Place: Kyiv Number of participants: 130 LVIV INTERNATIONAL FORUM Date: 29 July – 4 August, 2013 Place: Lviv Number of participants: 120 4 th INTER-RAIL TOUR Date: 16-22 September, 2013 Place: 15 cities Number of participants: 500+ MINI-SESSIONS, WEEKENDS, GENERAL ASSEMBLIES Places: Kyiv, Ternopil, Ostroh, Dnipropetrovsk, Stakhanovo, Yalta (full list to be announced) Number of participants: 40 delegates per event TOTAL AMOUNT OF PARTICIPANTS: 1500+ TOTAL BUDGET: UAH 500 000.00+

Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”



Annual Report 2012 “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine”


Contacts: “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” P.O. Box 409B, 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine info@eyp-ua.org www.eyp-ua.org

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