Global Brand Annual Report 2016

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Forward In a world that is in need of more understanding and intercultural exchanges, than ever, YFU continues to figure out its place on the market, establishing ourselves as the trustworthy and reliable option with deep knowledge about intercultural understanding, and to serve the communities around us. As we close to the second year of the Global Brand, we can celebrate that there is now only two National Organizations that hasn’t joined the efforts. In this annual report, we want to show you some of the result and activities that have taken place to strengthen the YFU identity. The Global Brand Team has consisted of three staff (2.6 FTE) and a total of seven interns. There will always be more requests and ideas than what we can manage to deliver, but we also appreciate that there is such an interest and drive in the network to continue to push for a stronger YFU and network. As we continue to work with a challenging market situation, a need for more focused efforts and effectively used resources, it’s important to keep the eye on the ball and cooperate within our network. To make informed decisions and to keep track on results and adjust quickly to the changing environment. The Global Brand Team promise to continue to support the network in the recruitment efforts and will shape our resources and projects around the key aspect of driving more traffic into leads and in the end program participants. We are looking forward to work with you yet another year, on our path to create a better world. Kattis, Manon, Veronica

Strengthening Online Presence & Marketing Marketing Campaigns Trainings Host.Family

Strengthening Fundraising & Partnership Projects Strengthen Fundraising and Partnership Projects for N.O.s

Strengthening Participant Recruitment & Diversification 2016 in Numbers Market Research and Messaging Marketing Collaterals and Templates Country Promotion Campaigns Host Family Recruitment Support Package Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment

Strengthening Our Global Brand Guidelines and Resources Branding Projects Global YFU Presence Global Brand Interns

Strengthening Online Presence & Marketing

Marketing Campaigns In 2016 the Global Brand Team delivered 10 ready to use marketing campaigns, to be used both online and offline, to promote cultural events, holidays and special celebrations around the globe. The campaigns save N.O.s time and resources, prevent us from duplicating work and help N.O.s streamline their social media efforts.

12 Campaigns •• Carnival

•• Host Mother’s Day

•• Rio Olympics

•• Cultural Diversity Day

•• International Thank You Day

•• Setsebun

•• Eurovision

•• Lunar New Year

•• International Day of Tolerance

•• Host Father’s Day

•• Orthodox Easter

•• Happy Holidays

Find them in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 2. Promotional resources > Ready to Use Campaigns

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Marketing Campaigns

Trainings How to create your Social Media strategy Do you need help to create a social media strategy that reaches your target audiences and strengthens your online visibility? The training is accompanied with several tools to make planning and implementation of your strategy easier. Find the training in the Media Library at > Global brand > 2. Promotional Resources > Training > How to create your social media strategy

How to track your Social Media efforts Do you want to learn how to track your social media efforts and find out what works to reach your target audiences? This training will help you be more efficient and effective in social media management. Find the training in the Media Library at > Global brand > 2. Promotional Resources > Training > How to track your social media efforts

How to incorporate Ready to Use Campaigns into your Marketing Strategy This training helps staff in charge of marketing to plan and implement a Ready to Use Marketing Campaign (created by the Global Brand Team) successfully. The benefits of using the Ready to Use Campaigns in your N.O.’s marketing strategy are: saves you time, each N.O. has access to branded posts, visuals and photos, shows how marketing campaigns could be planned and structured, and provides your organization with new target group perspectives. Find the online training here.

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Trainings

Host.Family In 2016 YFU International Secretariat’s IT team was able to buy a new web domain: A chance for YFU to set the standard on what a host family is and what it means to host an exchange student. The main goals of the website are for our visitors to understand why cultural exchange matters and be curious about hosting. The website will show that YFU values diversity and that all types of families are welcome to host. Another aim is to let our website visitors recognize the extensive experience and knowledge YFU has regarding hosting. The current website is structured around the following topics: •• Who can host

•• Hosting experiences

•• Hosting opportunities

•• Tips from host parents

•• Impact of exchange

•• FAQ

•• Sign Up The website is an evolving project that will be expanded over time. The Global Brand Team welcomes host family experiences (stories, photos and videos) from all national organizations to be able to continuously update the website with new content. Pleas send your content to or share through a Dropbox folder or

Host.Family | 10 + 11

Strengthening Participant Recruitment & Diversification

2016 in Numbers


new photos received via the Photo Uploader

1497 new photos added in 2016

2867 available photos


videos and shorts for Study Abroad, Host Families and Volunteer Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | 2016 in Numbers

Activity in our Branding & Marketing Facebook Group


“85 Global Brand Team posts to announce new resources and trainings.”

rebranded N.O.s, 7 new ones in 2016

“40 N.O. posts with questions.”

“70 N.O. posts about sharing ideas, branding progress and resources.”


ready-to-use campaigns produced

“This equals one post every other day throughout the year!”

2016 in Numbers | 14 + 15

Market Research and Messaging Market Research Based on the International Strategy the Global Brand Team carried out a first global market research during 2016.

YFU is facing the challenges of a changing world. What do we know about our market and stakeholders? The goal of the survey was two-folded; to determine what our stakeholders think and feel about their experiences with YFU, and to better understand those that have not chosen to participate in a YFU program. It deciphered what students look for in a semester or a year abroad, and what adults look for when considering allowing their child to study abroad, or to host a child. Understanding these desires and preferences is imperative to creative effective marketing strategies, desirable programs, and a memorable intercultural experience. There were just over 1700 respondents to the survey which included options for individuals who had participated in YFU, those who had not, and for those who did not know that YFU existed. The analysis was broken up into segments based on respondents’ answers to these questions, including: •• Participants ▫▫ Host Families ▫▫ Students ▪▪ Latin American Regional Students ▪▪ Asian Regional Students ▪▪ European Regional Students •• Non-Participants ▫▫ Those who are interested in YFU for themselves ▫▫ Those who are interested in YFU for someone else The full report is available here.

What made you choose YFU? Social Media Discovery Reputation (25%) Scholarships & Financial Aid (13%) YFU Values (9%) Sympathetic Organization (9%) Program Setup (11%) Countries Offered (12%) Special Interest Programs Opportunity to understand different cultures (14%) Advertising (2%) Other (5%)

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Market Research and Messaging

What makes students choose YFU? (2010+) World Reputation (22%) Scholarships & Financial Aid (10%) YFU Values (8%) Sympathetic Organization (15%) Program Setup (12%) Countries Offered (11%) Special Interest Programs (2%) Opportunity to understand different cultures (10%) Advertising (2%) Other (8%)

How do students hear about YFU? (2010+) World

Which modifications to the YFU program would you like to see? Students World 2010+

Word of mouth (30%) Social Media (11%) Online Search (23%)

Through Other Organizations (2%)

Access to more financial support/scholarship (21%)

Other (7%)

Access to Alumni Network (12%)

Through Your Institution (School, work, etc) (27%)

Advertising and Marketing (more visibility) (11%) Reducing the program duration (5%) Extending the Program Duration (11%)

Including Specificity to the Program (science, business, sports, etc) (17%) Participating in academic organization/school program (12%) Involving Professional Organizations/Companies (11%)

Messaging The Global Brand Team started a project to build up our messaging resources – targeting more specific areas, needs, and target groups for YFU. The first pieces that got done are available are focusing on Scholarships, and translating our Values into messaging format. Also messaging pieces were delivered to address the following specific groups of host families: empty nesters, experienced host parents, same sex couples, and single parents.

Market Research and Messaging | 16 + 17

Marketing Collaterals and Templates During 2016, the Global Brand Team developed several marketing collateral templates to meet the branding development needs of the YFU network. The efforts to expand the marketing resources available consisted of offering support to small N.O.s within the YFU network in their re-branding and outreach strategies, and developing general design templates to be freely customized in-house.

Small N.O. Support The Small N.O. Support project consisted of providing additional focus to small National Organizations in the YFU Network to support their marketing and re-branding efforts. The project saw the participation of YFU Poland, YFU Indonesia, YFU Romania, YFU South Africa and YFU Moldova (ongoing). The promotional package intended for both printing and web publishing included: •• 1 Brochure for Study Abroad and Host Family Recruitment, with the opportunity to expand to additional audiences where needed •• 1 Flyer for Study Abroad and 1 Flyer for Host Family Recruitment •• 1 Bifold Flyer for Study Abroad and 1 Bifold Flyer for Host Family Recruitment •• 1 General Poster

Design Templates As the Small N.O. Support project developed, the Global Brand Team was able to adjust the original designs into general templates for customization to the whole YFU network. These templates can be found in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 4. Tools & Templates > Marketing Collateral Templates and include: •• 3 Bifold Flyers

•• 2 General Sheets

•• 2 Roll-ups

•• 5 Brochures

•• 3 Poster

•• 2 Stationaries

•• 4 Flyers

Country Promotion Campaigns In 2016 the Global Brand Team delivered 13 country promotion campaigns to support student recruitment. Each campaign includes text, photos and videos as well as numerous suggestions on how to incorporate the campaign into your online and offline marketing activities.

13 Country Promotion Campaigns •• Argentina

•• Finland

•• Sweden

•• Brazil

•• Germany

•• Switzerland

•• China

•• Italy

•• Uruguay

•• Ecuador

•• Mexico

•• USA

•• Denmark Our aim is to create a country promotion campaign for each N.O. over time. Find them in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 2. Promotional resources > Ready to Use Campaigns > Country Promotion for Outbound Students From each of the country promotion campaigns a special web page was created to highlight each country and to create interest among potential outbound students for these countries as their exchange destination.

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Country Promotion Campaigns

Country Promotion Campaigns | 20 + 21

Host Family Recruitment Support Package Trainings The series of online trainings Get Ready for Host Family Recruitment was designed to support office staff in host family recruitment before and during the intense recruitment season. Some of the topics discussed included: How to showcase YFU values during recruitment season? Why and how to keep track of your host families to learn from your recruitment cycle? Branding during host family recruitment and wow to identify possible partners and ask for their support. •• Get Ready for HF Recruitment 1 •• Get Ready for HF Recruitment 2 •• Get Ready for HF Recruitment 3 •• Get Ready for HF Recruitment 4 The goal of the training Lead Management for HF Recruitment was for N.O.s to master the process to capturing and converting every generated lead into a participating host family. We discussed how and when to engage with potential host families to provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision as well as how to overcome the most common objections against hosting. These resources can be found in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 2. Promotional Resources > Ready to Use Campaigns > Host Family Recruitment > Lead Management for Host Family Recruitment.

Ready to Use Campaigns Targeting empty nesters, returning host families, same sex couples, and single parents. These resources can be found in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 2. Promotional Resources > Ready to Use Campaigns > Host Family Recruitment

Resources The following resources were created to save time and resources for N.O.s and to provide guidance in the branding process: •• Inbound student profile template to represent your inbound student in an appealing way to potential host families. •• Cheat sheet on how to use our Global Brand during host family recruitment to support N.O.s efforts.

participants for marketing purposes. •• Press release topics and talking points for N.O.s to use during host family recruitment. •• Materials to highlight host moms and dads during Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

•• Tips on how to collect experiences from program All resources are available to download from the Media Library.

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Host Family Recruitment Support Package

Feedback Process 33 N.O.s participated in the follow-up survey regarding the host family recruitment support package. While over 70% of respondents believed that the materials provided by the Global Brand Team were simple to use and straightforward, just under 40% of respondents agreed, or strongly agreed, that the materials were helpful in the recruitment process. While the majority of respondents (75%) believed that the recruitment materials were provided at an appropriate time, more than 25% of respondents believe that the materials were too late. The majority of respondents (83%) believed that there were sufficient resources for the recruitment process. The materials that were used the most were: 1. Campaign targeting Returning Host Families (66.6%) 2. The Inbound Student Profile Template (66.6%) 3. Lead Management for host family recruitment (62.9%) The materials that were used the least were: 1. The Same Sex Couple targeting materials (40.7%) 2. Mother’s Day (59.2%) The average grade of the Host Family Recruitment materials prepared by the Global Brand Team is 6.8/10.

Noteworthy Comments “Families are hosting refugees rather than ‘wealthy exchange students.’ How can N.O.s work around this?” Many N.O.s noted the difficulty of requiring volunteers and employees to translate the English materials into their home language. “I also suggest having like a checklist for staff in charge of recruitment to follow on the different materials produced and assure using as much as possible.” “We are looking for HFs all year around, not just for the ‘new season’. Therefore, I think it would be amazing to have some HF recruitment material all year around.” “What would be absolutely fantastic would be a collection of different real and authentic host family stories e.g. on”

Host Family Recruitment Support Package | 24 + 25

Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment Do you want to increase the number of outbound student leads converted to YFU exchange participants? The online training on Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment focuses on how and when staff and volunteers engage with outbound student leads and their natural parents to provide them with the information they need to make a well informed decision at each stage of the decision making process. The training includes worksheets that can be used (and customized) to support your recruitment staff in their everyday work. Find the training in the Media Library at > Global brand > 2. Promotional Resources > Ready to Use Campaigns > Outbound Student Recruitment > Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment

Lead Management for Outbound Student Recruitment | 26 + 27

Strengthening Fundraising & Partnership Projects

Strengthen Fundraising and Partnership Projects for N.O.s Together with nine N.O.s we have explored how YFU could establish national partnerships with the Scouts. Through online discussions and then lots of work by one of our interns, we now have an almost ready package that will present the concept, highlight alignments between the organizations, describe possible activities, how to approach etc. to make it easier for N.O.s to take the first step in establishing a relation to the Scouts in their country. During the next couple of months, the resources will be available in the Media Library. After the YFU Academy External Outreach Training in 2015, we have focused our resources on putting together a Fundraising Library of resources for planning, executing and evaluating successful fundraising. Together with YFU Finland and YFU Estonia, we identified the needs and useful support to get more N.O.s started with actions within this field. Another follow-up from the YFU Academy training has been occasional Skype calls around a specific outreach topic, and a physical meeting of a group of National Directors after the ND-meeting in October. The goal has been to learn from each other, and to share resources and knowledge, as well as identify needs and possible cooperation.

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Strengthen Fundraising and Partnership Projects for N.O.s

Youth For Understanding Intercultural Exchange

“YFU advances intercultural understanding, mutual respect and social responsibility through educational exchanges for youth, families and communities.”

Why be a YFU sponsor?

In-kind donations allow our organization to focus on the student experience through scholarships, program enhancements, and student services.

Your company will gain recognition in our national organization and our community for your generosity and quality products.

By sponsoring YFU, your company will be able to help students call the world their home and create a better future for us all.

“It is vital that any student who has the desire to embark upon an exchange experience be able to do so, regardless of their financial circumstances.” What is YFU? Youth For Understanding is an intercultural exchange program based in over 50 countries around the globe. What does my contribution go towards? Your donation will assist orientation preparation. This event is the student’s first experience with YFU and is important for their transition to living overseas. How does this benefit me? All donations to YFU are eligible for tax write-offs and exemptions. YFU will also provide recognition locally for your generosity. For more information, visit yfu.xx

National Organization Title Address Phone Number Website

Strengthening Our Global Brand

Guidelines and Resources Internal Brand Guidelines Our global brand is strongest when it shares its key visual and message elements across the entire network. That’s why everyone in your national organization that works with our global brand (volunteers and board members) should do so in a consistent way. No matter if they manage social media channels, design merchandise or create school presentations. The Global Brand Team has created Internal Brand Guidelines, which are less detailed compared to the YFU Brand Manual, but provide all the necessary information your volunteers and board members need. Find the branding guidelines in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 3. Manuals & Cheat Sheets > Cheat Sheets > Internal Brand Guidelines

Media Library Designers Folder & Visual Resources In 2016, the Global Brand Team started to gather visual resources to address the growing needs and interests to produce design-oriented material. The Media Library now serves this purpose by collecting visuals in the so-called “Design Folder”, where designer within the YFU network can find: •• InDesign Templates ▫▫ Layouts for print and web publishing, from brochures to flyers and roll-ups; ▫▫ General templates to setup your own customizable material; •• Illustrator and Photoshop Templates and Mock-ups ▫▫ Vector-based visuals, such as maps, callouts and icons; ▫▫ Photoshop mock-ups to present your ideas; ▫▫ SoMe templates and tools for producing new campaign content; •• Video Material ▫▫ Raw Footage of Students, Volunteers and Host Families, that is growing over time; ▫▫ YFU Logo and Icons Animations and Templates; ▫▫ PremierePro and AfterEffects templates for animating your own icons, or producing your own videos; Find the Designer’s Folder in the Media Library at > Global Design Folder Find the visual material in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 7. Graphic Resources

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Guidelines and Resources

Target Audience


Utbytesstudent Description of your target audience.


Color CMYK 70 / 0 / 30 / 0  RGB 0 / 180 / 185 #00b4b9


Talking Points

see the world up close make the world your home upptäck världen, bli utbytesstudent

• Under ett studieår utomlands med YFU lär du dig ett nytt språk, upplever äventyr i ett annat land och får en djup förståelse för någon annans kultur • Som utbytesstudent genomgår du en enorm personlig utveckling, du lär dig att uppskatta skillnader och välkomna likheter inom olika kulturer, det är ett positivt första steg på en livslång resa med internationella möten • YFU passar för dig som är sugen på att utforska andra vägar, är öppen för nya upptäckter och att komma till insikt om att det finns många olika sätt att leva • En annorlunda väg till fler vänner, nya utmaningar och ett spännande sätt att bli mer självständig

Target Audience


Natural Parents Description of your target audience.


Color CMYK 70 / 0 / 30 / 0  RGB 0 / 180 / 185 #00b4b9


Talking Points

make the world your home strive to increase cultural understanding

• YFU har en lång erfarenhet och ett stort nätverk av människor i alla våra utbytesländer • Vi finns där även för dig som förälder • Ett försäkrat sätt att upptäcka världen • Ungdomar som åker med YFU genomgår en enorm utveckling på det personliga planet, ger positiva intryck på sin värdfamilj, vänner, skolor, lärare och grannar, och har förmågan att påverka hela samhällen • Framtida arbetsgivare anser att internationella erfarenheter är bra och utvecklar kompetenser som de eftersöker

8 / 12

YFU Manuals and Guides | Cheat Sheet | N.O. Brand Guidelines

Branding Projects During 2016, the Global Brand Team worked on two branding projects, following the occasion of YFU’s 65th year anniversary and the development of the Virtual Exchange program by YFU USA. These projects serve to provide messaging and visual integrity during the branding process, by structuring the core values of the programs and fostering effective and continuous development for the future. Through these projects, with a consistent branded approach, YFU continues to strengthen our global brand and the awareness of the organization.

Virtual Exchange The Virtual Exchange branding project introduces the vision of YFU USA to build intercultural relationships that reach far and beyond the restrictions of a physical exchange. The messaging and intent of the Virtual Exchange program have been translated into visual material as part of YFU USA’s launch of the program. The branding package includes: •• establishing the visual branding objectives and development; •• diagrams for the core components of the program; •• supporting icons and symbols; •• web platform visuals; •• a set of layouts for printing and web publishing that provides an overview of the program and facilitation techniques;

65th Anniversary The 65th Anniversary branding project consisted of producing visual material that promotes the vision and accomplishments of our funder, Rachel Andresen, and aligns with our network’s ongoing efforts and accomplishments. The branding package includes: •• a 65th YFU Anniversary package, consisting of a main graphic, supporting icons and callouts; •• Rachel Andresen illustration in line with the previous Martha Bigliani Scholarship illustration; •• a 60th YFU Germany Anniversary package, consisting of a main graphic, supporting icons and callouts; Find the 65th Anniversary package in the Media Library at > Global Brand > 7. Graphic Resources > Anniversary Package

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Branding Projects

Global YFU Presence One project under 2016 was to strengthen the public face of YFU on a global level, as well as support the IAC in translating the International Strategy into possible actions and projects in the field of External Outreach. As part of strengthening YFU’s identity and set the ground for successful external outreach, such as partnerships and fundraising, we completed an additional part of the makeover, adding a section of our international leadership to the site to give an important face to YFU. During the second half of 2016 we also made a push for a livelier and updated social media presence. Thanks to a trio of amazing interns, we got our message through on both Facebook and Instagram, and were able to increase traffic and visibility for the network. They primarily worked with Facebook and Instagram, but also updated our Pinterest account with country boards. The aim was to create a post at least once a day and create an analysis based on the level of interaction on said posts. Posts emphasized the many opportunities YFU provides and the adventures participants can take around the world. Also, posts celebrating international holidays and celebrations while making sure they were interactive posts that people could start conversations and provide recounts about. Our interns also created YFU’s own Mannequin Challenge! #YFUMannequinChallenge

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Global YFU Presence

Global Brand Interns One way to increase the capacity, knowledge and cultural awareness of the Global Brand Team is through our amazing interns. During 2016 we were fortunate to welcome seven interns to our team! Starting at the end of January, Elina Torma and Karine Nelly joined us as home-based design interns, while Angie Bai and Soyoung Kim joined us in Washington, DC to support marketing and research efforts. In September, Karine continued as our design intern, and she was joined by Eline van Ongeval, Sydnie Kremin and Amelia Benedicto, that completed the external outreach efforts from DC.

Karine Nelly A Graphic Designer with a deep passion, who truly believes that the exchange programs can change the life forever, not just for the student, but for everyone around. Karine joined us for a full year, and has worked on graphics for campaigns, new icons, templates, and some brochures. But she also took on the challenge to lead her own projects and created social media campaigns and trainings. Her knowledge in Microsoft Office also allowed us to create certain templates by using word and power point, to support partners that are lacking the proper design software.

Elina Torma A YFU alumn with a knowledge in video-editing and with a creative mind. Elina spent the first six months of the year as a part-time intern with us. Her main activities included several videos as well as creating logo packages for newly onboarded N.O.s.

Angie Bai For her spring semester, Angie joined the team and her focus was on how YFU can benefit from new social media channels, and added content ideas to the social media channels listed in the global marketing strategy. Angie is from China, but getting her university degree in the States, was able to reflect on, and give the Global Brand Team insight in, the differences in culture and communication styles between China and the “Western countries�. She also shared her perspective on how she feels Chinese families can be convinced to host an exchange student.

Soyoung Kim Soyoung also joined us for her spring semester, originally from South Korea, she did an exchange semester as an intern. Her focus was on our marketing research and competitor analysis, supporting YFU in getting a deeper knowledge about what’s already on the market and what type of programs that each of our largest competitor is offering.

Global Brand Team | Annual Report | 2016 | Global Brand Interns

Sydnie Kremin For her fall semester, Sydnie joined us to focus on marketing, communication, and data analysis. Starting up where Soyoung left off, and finalizing the market research and compiled a set of useful resources for the New Program efforts in YFU. But her main focus was to help build up the Fundraising library, creating tools and instructions to make it easier for a N.O. to get started.

Eline Van Ongeval Eline joined us from Belgium and spent her fall semester as an intern on our team. Her main focus was to create more country campaign packages; research and compile text and images. She also took all the packages that was done and started to create specific websites for these countries on Eline also joined Karine in creating social media trainings and resources.

Amelia Benedicto Our final intern 2016 was Amelia, who also spent her fall semester with us in DC. She focused her time to supporting the partnership efforts for the Scouts and AIESEC. Preparing presentations, finding alignments and compiling resources and best practices.

After this year, I can say that this internship was worth each second, it doesn’t just improve my resume, it improved me as a professional and as a person. I brought all the knowledge to my professional life, and I’m pretty sure that I’m going to carry each co-worker to my personal life too, as friends. Thanks a lot YFU for this amazing opportunity! This certainly changed my life!” Global Brand Interns | 42 + 43

Global Brand Team | Annual Report Year 2016

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