MAY 2013
MAY 2013
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Contents 06/
PUBLISHER’S LEttER Pretty as a PIcture
24/ 09/
FYI tIPs for a healthy heart
NAtURAL APPROACH too tIred? Get your lIfe Back! By Dr. Sharon Norling
FROM tHE HEARt dancInG WIth our local schools enhances students’ self-confIdence and self-esteem By Alicia Doyle
COMPASSIONAtE EAtING red BrIck PIzza—offerInG Gluten- and daIry-free oPtIons and so much more By Bianca Rose Martinez
Special Health Bulletin Unconventional Heart Risk Factors for Women—be Aware! By Dr. Alon Steinberg
CONNECtION DR. BLANCHE GRUBE “Why am I not GettInG PreGnant?” By Alicia Doyle
Health View 1 Health Screenings
Health View 2 A Guide for Women Who Want a Better Man By Wayne M. Levine / Director, BetterMen Coaching
Beyond Green Living Nature Desperately Needs You to Stop Purchasing Products with Chemicals By Jan Tucker
Personal Story End Obesity Now By Rhetah Kwan, consultant, certified coach
Post Expo News YHC Magazine 2013 Spring Health Expo
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Pretty as a
It consists of the usual daily skin care regimen to fight gravity and stimulate collagen, and running to the gym to keep those abs and glutes tight. Weekly it could be a massage, if time allows, and monthly it’s hair styling, facials, body wraps, waxing, manicures and pedicures. oh, the maintenance we endure in order to keep up our appearances! But what about your inner appearance? my father, being an artist, always told me that a painting is only as good as the preliminary sketch. think of your physical appearance as the finished product and your inner well-being the preliminary sketch. If you are not feeling well, all the mineral makeup in the world will not cover your fatigue or imbalances. the female body is incredibly complex; hormonal imbalances affect every aspect of your overall well-being. your immune system, being 70 percent in your gut, affects how you fair through stress levels and flu seasons. your skin, being the body’s largest organ, shows what is going on internally. have you incorporated your annual health checkups and screenings into your maintenance program? most health screenings are annual events and we certainly have time for those. they shouldn’t interfere with the nail appointments. In this issue, we offer vital information for health screenings and healthy heart updates. discover the root cause of fatigue with proper testing, and learn how the purchasing of everyday chemicals is harmful to us and to the earth. dr Blanche Grube of centers for healing in newbury Park speaks candidly about the link between toxins and infertility. this and much more! ladies, please take care and treat yourselves with love and respect. If you need a support system to remind you to get an annual wellbeing screening, then put one in place. your body is a gift. your life is a gift. With Peace, love, Blessings and Gratitude,
You truly are what you eat… ..Be sure to check out the FOOD & NUtRItION issue for valuable information on this important subject. Available June 1st
Board Certified Biological Dentists Specializing in: • Holistic & Sedation Dentistry • Laser Dentistry • Ozone Treatment • Biocompatibility Testing • Mercury Free • Heavy Metal Free All surgery done on premises
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Jan tucker, mBa ACCOUNtING
donna Bryant SALES ExECUtIvES
marIan Green lInda Perry aPrIl Juels CONtRIBUtING PHOtOGRAPHERS
tony BakhtIar; mary myers; Jeff sloane
SHELLEY CHILtON, CSA, LRE, LvN Hospice, Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facility Administrator, Access TLC Health Care, TLC Home Hospice, Access TLC Home Health Care KAtIE GREELEY, DC United Family Chiropractic Specializing in Pediatric Chiropractic Care
alIcIa doyle; rheta kWan; Wayne levIne, ma; BIanca martInez; sharon norlInG, md, mBa; alon steInBerG, md; Jan tucker, mBa COvERAGE AREA INCLUDES
monthly to ventura county, West san fernando valley, malIBu and the coneJo valley; aGoura hIlls, calaBasas, camarIllo, encIno, moorPark, neWBury Park, northrIdGe, oak Park, oxnard, sImI valley, tarzana, thousand oaks, ventura, Westlake vIllaGe, West hIlls, Woodland hIlls
StEvEN GREENMAN, DDS Specializing in Advanced Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry, Snoring & Sleep Apnea HILDA MALDONADO, MD Specializing in Functional Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine & Hormone Therapy SHARON NORLING, MD Board Certified OB/GYN, Holistic/Integrative Medicine, Medical Acupuncture, Nutrition & Functional Medicine DENISE NOYER-EREZ, LAC, FABORM Licensed Acupuncturist Specializing in Women’s Health DANIEL SLAtON, DvM Westlake Village Animal Hospital ALON StEINBERG, MD, FACC Board Certified Cardiologist
DAvID vILLARREAL, DDS Centers for Healing Specializing in Holistic Dentistry
www.YHCMAGAZINE.COM The opinions expressed here are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the publishers or management of YHC Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Publication of the name or photo of any person or organization in YHC Magazine should not be construed as an indication of that person’s expressed opinion. Advertisers and their agencies assume responsibility and liability for the content of their advertisement in YHC Magazine. Photographers whose work is published in any advertising or editorial content within YHC Magazine agree to indemnify and save harmless the publishers from all liability, loss and expense due to a photographer’s failure to gain a model release. YHC Magazine is not responsible for loss of or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, unsolicited artwork, or any other unsolicited material. Unsolicited material will not be returned. YHC Magazine’s liability in the event of an error is limited to a printed correction. YHC Magazine does not assume liability for products or services advertised herein.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Get Active
Eat Better
Lose weight
Stop Smoking
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day, five times a week.
A heart-healthy diet is low in saturated and trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars and high in whole grain fiber, lean protein and a variety fruits and vegetables.
If your BMI (body mass index) is 25.0 or higher, you will benefit by bringing your number below 25.
If you want to live a long and healthy life, breaking the nicotine addiction will be very important.
Manage Blood Pressure
Keep blood pressure levels to less than 120/80. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can hurt or kill you.
Control Cholesterol
Reduce Blood Sugar
If your cholesterol is 200 mg/dL or higher, you need take action. High cholesterol can cause blocked arteries, which may lead to a heart attack.
If your fasting blood sugar level is below 100, you are in the healthy range. If not, you may have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
MAY 2013
DR. BLANCHE GRUBE, D.M.D. President of International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
“Pregnancy without the proper balance of hormones released by the body is difficult to achieve at best and impossible at worst.”
“There is probably nothing more frustrating and infuriating to hear for someone who has done it all right and is expecting some of life’s rewards at this point in their lives,” said dr. Blanche Grube, co-founder of centers for healing in newbury Park along with her partner, dr. david villarreal. While their practice is dedicated to safe mercury removal and elimination of oral infections, they also perform all phases of dentistry and welcome new patients. “the percentage of infertile couples has steadily increased over the years until it has reached epidemic proportions,” dr. Grube said. “What most couples don’t realize and in fact don’t even consider is that their infertility can come from a series of problems in their mouths and from the mouths of their parents. mercury has the ability to change a person’s dna and the repair mechanism for damaged dna so mercury toxicity changes can be passed on from one generation to the next.” dr. Grube is referring to toxicity in the mouth in the form of both heavy metal toxicity and chronic infections. “toxicity can come from heavy metals, as is common in mercury amalgam fillings (which most people recognize as silver fillings) and in chronic infections which are not so easily recognized—coming from root canals and in jaw bone cavitations,” she said.
SILvER FILLINGS chronic exposure to mercury from silver fillings causes mercury to enter the bloodstream and immediately attach itself to proteins in our blood.
“all of our antibodies and hormones are made up of proteins,” dr. Grube explained. “once these proteins in our bloodstream are attacked by mercury coming from our silver fillings and/or from a high consumption of fish, they are no longer recognized as something useful in the body but rather something to be gotten rid of.” “Pregnancy without the proper balance of hormones released by the body is difficult to achieve at best and impossible at worst,” she further emphasized. “the department of health and human services has made a recommendation of no more than one to two fish meals a week for a pregnant woman,” dr. Grube said. “I believe it is more important for the woman who is trying to get pregnant to limit the amount of mercury being absorbed by her body.” “compared to 50 years ago, the amount of mercury found in our fish is much higher and if I were pregnant or trying to get pregnant today I would eat absolutely no fish at all,” dr. Grube added. “It goes without saying that if someone were trying to get pregnant and had mercury fillings in her mouth, it
continued >>
MAY 2013
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“Why am I not Getting Pregnant?”
Biological dentists are very capable of consulting a patient on how to stay well and have a better quality of life and not just how to best fix their teeth.
would be a good idea to first remove the fillings properly—preferably a year prior to getting pregnant.”
CAvItAtIONS cavitations are areas in the jawbone that are chronically infected. “these are usually sites where teeth were extracted and the sockets did not heal properly. the most common sites for cavitations are the wisdom teeth sites,” dr. Grube said. recent research in Germany has shown these areas of chronic infection can lead to the release of chemicals that depress the immune system and contribute to the growth of tumors in the breast and other parts of the body.
“therefore, it is a good idea to check your mouth for chronic jawbone infections prior to getting pregnant,” she said.
BIOLOGICAL DENtIStS Biological dentists are trained very thoroughly regarding the effects on the body of dental materials and infections. “a biological or holistic dentist is much more than someone who is mercury-free or is willing to take out your silver fillings and replace them with white ones,” dr. Grube said. as a board-certified biological dentist, dr. Grube has had thousands of hours of continuing education in subjects like nutrition, homeopathy and energy medicine. “Biological dentists are very capable of consulting a patient on how to stay well and have a better quality of life and not just how to best fix their teeth,” she said. dr. Grube and dr. villarreal are known in the profession as seminar junkies, “meaning that we travel several times a year and sometimes every month to further our education so our knowledge and expertise is always on the cutting edge,” said dr. Grube, adding that their youngest patient is 2 ½ and the oldest, 92.
dr. Grube has been involved in the dental field for more than 40 years with over 20 of those years as a biological dentist. she graduated in 1982 from the university of medicine and dentistry of new Jersey and holds a second doctorate in Integrative medicine from capital university in Washington, d.c. “my consuming passion is and will always be to help my patients achieve better health and better quality of life through safer dentistry,” she said.
centers for healing is located at 1000 newbury road, suite 225, in newbury Park. for more information call 805.375.2233 or visit
MAY 2013
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Unconventional Heart Risk Factors for Women—be Aware! By Dr. Alon Steinberg
HEART DISEASE IS THE NUMBER ONE KILLER OF WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES. one in three women die of heart disease while one in 36 die of breast cancer. It is a myth that heart disease is a man’s disease. In fact, more women die every year from heart disease than men. one woman each minute dies from heart disease and 63 percent of women who die suddenly from heart disease have no warning symptoms. heart disease usually refers to coronary artery disease or arteriosclerotic plaque in the heart arteries. a heart attack or myocardial infarction is a sudden closure of the heart arteries due to rupture of plaque in the heart blood vessel. unfortunately the first sign of heart disease for many women is death. the best way to combat heart disease is through prevention. Waiting for symptoms to appear may be too late.
Women with metabolic syndrome have 30 times the risk of developing diabetes compared to women with no risks (men have 23 times the risk)!
A level of more than 30mg/dl increases a woman’s risk of heart disease by 50 percent (25 percent of women are in this range).
3. Triglycerides higher than 150 mg/dl. 4. Blood pressure higher than 130/80. 5. Fasting sugar higher than 100mg/dl.
one needs to understand her heart disease risk factors and work to prevent them. many are aware of the usual major risk factors of heart disease: • • • • • •
Hypertension (high blood pressure). Diabetes. High cholesterol. Smoking. Family history. Age.
more than 20 percent of u.s. citizens have metabolic syndrome and most never heard of it. the majority of these people are overweight or obese. alone each of these risk factors is significant but together they synergistically increase your risk. In fact an eight-year study (Wilson, circulation 2005) showed women with metabolic syndrome had four to seven times higher risk of developing heart disease than women with none of the risk factors (men have three to four times the risk). Women with metabolic syndrome have 30 times the risk of developing diabetes compared to women with no risks (men have 23 times the risk)!
But surprisingly the usual risk factors are not always predictive of who gets heart disease. many women present with a heart attack with no risk factors at all.
If you have diabetes you have a heart-disease equivalent. this means you have the same risk of having a heart attack as someone who already has heart disease! metabolic syndrome is essentially a precursor to diabetes and puts one at a significant risk to developing heart disease too.
let’s explore some unconventional risk factors you may not be aware of.
the bottom line is, you don’t want to have metabolic syndrome, and you do not want to develop heart disease and diabetes.
Metabolic Syndrome
luckily, metabolic syndrome is modifiable. the best way to combat metabolic syndrome is through awareness. With weight loss and exercise it is usually reversible!
metabolic syndrome is a conglomerate of five different findings usually stemming from abdominal obesity. factors released from abdominal fat cause havoc in your system, increasing your blood pressure and causing insulin resistance. If you have at least three of the following five risk factors, you have metabolic syndrome: 1. Women with abdominal waist size of 35 inches or above (40 inches for men). 2. Women with an HDL (good cholesterol) of under 50mg/dl (men under 40mg/dl).
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) We are discovering inflammation of the arteries is a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Inflammation is a normal response to infections, injury and disease. It also plays a role in initiation and progression of atherosclerosis or plaque. It has been heavily linked to heart attacks and stroke. high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-crP) is a protein found in the blood that is a marker for inflammation. the Physician’s health study showed hs-crP to be associated with a threefold risk of heart disease. In harvard’s Women’s health study, hs-crP was found to be more accurate than cholesterol for predicting heart disease in women. In fact hs-crP was the strongest risk factor of the 12 studied. continued >>
MAY 2013
| 15
Hilda Maldonado, M.D. Regenerative & Anti Aging Medicine
• Over ten years of experience using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy • Specialized testing for metabolic factors • Hormone balancing • Nutritional supplementation • Lifestyle changes (individualized diet and exercise) • Stress management • Education • Judicious use of medications as required Dr. Hilda Maldonado is board certified in Internal Medicine and additionally she is a diplomate of the American Academy of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine.
a simple blood test (hs-crP) can be performed by most labs. results range as follows:
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• Less than 1.0mg/L is low risk for heart disease. • 1.0-3.0 mg/L is intermediate risk for heart disease. • Greater than 3mg/L is high risk for heart disease.
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• More than 10mg/L usually means other sources of inflammation should be evaluated as the cause (examples are recent or chronic infections or inflammatory diseases such as lupus or severe arthritis). lifestyle changes are the first line treatments to lower your hs-crP—eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, quitting smoking, and drinking less alcohol. aspirin can also lower hs-crP. statin agents are the strongest treatment (lipitor, crestor, simvastatin, etc.). the JuPIter trial showed that people with an elevated hs-crP with minimal risk
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The best ways to combat high lipoprotein(a) are lifestyle modifications with diet and exercise as well as aggressive treatment of your other risk factors.
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factors, including normal cholesterol, achieved a significantly lower risk for heart disease by using a statin agent.
Lipoprotein(a) the Women’s health study showed that high levels of lipoprotein(a) are associated with increased cardiovascular risk in women. lipoprotein(a) is not routinely measured in a cholesterol panel blood test. certain people are genetically predisposed to high lipoprotein(a). It is made in the liver and consists of ldl (bad cholesterol) bound to an apoprotein(a). the level is easily checked by a simple blood test. • The normal lipoprotein(a) level is less than 10mg/dl. • A level of more than 30mg/dl increases a woman’s risk of heart disease by 50 percent (25 percent of women are in this range). • A level of more than 100mg/dl increases a woman’s risk twofold (just more than 1 percent of women are in this range). managing lipoprotein(a) is difficult. the B vitamin niacin is the only thing that significantly decreases lipoprotein (a). many patients cannot tolerate niacin due to significant flushing that occurs when the capillaries increase in size and more blood flows through them.
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the best ways to combat high lipoprotein(a) are lifestyle modifications with diet and exercise as well as aggressive treatment of your other risk factors. the next time you sit down with your health care provider, discuss your cardiovascular risk. ask them whether or not you have metabolic syndrome and ask them whether they think it would be beneficial to be tested for hs-crP or lipoprotein(a).
Dr. Alon Steinberg is a board certified cardiologist practicing with Cardiology Associates Medical Group with offices in Ventura and Oxnard. He is currently the chief of the division of Cardiology at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura. For more information go to or call 805-278-4020
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| 17
• Pelvic exam and pap smear: the pelvic exam is a complete physical exam of the pelvic organs. It is also used to detect vaginal infections and sexually transmitted diseases (stds) such as chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and human papillomavirus (hPv).
Beginning at age 40, have a mammogram once every one to two years.
• Mammogram: Beginning at age 40, have a mammogram once every one to two years. a mammogram produces images of each breast’s inner breast tissue on film, using a very low dose of radiation produced by a machine specifically designed for mammograms. mammograms can help identify malignant tumors within the breast and help detect the development of cancers. thermography is another diagnostic test for the detection of breast cancer. • Blood pressure: have your blood pressure checked at least every year. If it is over 130/85, most doctors recommend having it checked more often. also, people with diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems and other serious medical conditions may need to be monitored more closely. • Bone Density: this test, also called a bone mineral densitometry (Bmd) or dexa scan, evaluates bone mass and helps find areas of low bone density. this test is usually done at the age of menopause and every two years thereafter to screen for osteoporosis and osteopenia, the first step of calcium loss.
Here is a list of health screenings to keep in mind: • General Check Up: no matter what age you are, you should get a full check up including weight and height once a year. If you haven’t already, call your doctor soon to schedule an appointment.
• Blood test: at every yearly check-up, a blood test should be done to detect diabetes, cholesterol levels, complete metabolic panel, thyroid function (tsh, free t3 and free t4), complete blood count and vitamin d3. • Colorectal cancer screening: Beginning at age 50. this may involve a stool test, a rectal exam, a colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy or double-contrast barium enema. If the results are negative, one can wait another five to seven years till the next screening. this screening may be done more frequently if the test results are positive or if polyps have been detected. • Urinalysis: this test is done to determine glucose levels and for any blood and protein that might suggest hepatitis or problems with the bladder or kidney. • Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: for people over 65, this ultrasound test looks for stenosis tightening, clogging and may help predict strokes.
A Guide By Wayne M. Levine
for Women Who Want a Better Man
“Do not introduce your kids to a man until you are certain it’s a relationship that has long-term potential.”
If you ignore the work you need to do to learn your lessons, you’ll continue to meet that same wrong guy.
I RECEIVE A LOT OF VERY INTERESTING PHONE CALLS AND EMAILS from women who are frustrated, sad, hysterical, angry, frightened, hopeless and who desperately want something to change—noW! these women, who are in great emotional pain, want a better relationship, a new relationship, a more loving husband, greater intimacy, to be cherished and respected, for their kids to have a good male role model, or to live happily into their senior years with their best friend. some of these women ask about matchmaking services. they figure, “If you’re making better men, will you introduce me to one of them?” Well, no. I don’t matchmake. my job is tough enough as it is. But what I can do is share some wisdom that may help you support your man to be a better man, father or husband, or help you to be the kind of woman who will attract that better man.
Find Your Voice If you didn’t have a voice in your home when you were a girl, it’s likely you haven’t had a voice in your relationship, either. that means you’ve gone along to get along, to avoid conflict. that never works in the long term. how you feel matters. What you believe has merit. to be in a relationship as an equal, you have to respect yourself enough to find your voice and learn to tell the truth, to yourself and your man.
Don’t Accept the Unacceptable you’re in a lousy relationship or have suffered through a series of such relationships because you accepted behavior from him that was unacceptable. usually these redflag behaviors were present from the start but you chose to ignore them hoping you could change him and live happily ever after. all that does is set a precedent for those behaviors to continue. stop being the victim and demand better for yourself.
Relinquish Any Notion of Having Control Over Him We are controlling—both men and women—when we feel insecure in our environment. We desperately and often unconsciously attempt to protect ourselves and make ourselves feel comfortable and safe because of previous unpleasant experiences and trauma. that control always extends to him. he might initially go along with you because of the upside of having you in his life. maybe he liked mommy to take care of him. maybe he didn’t have the self-confidence to lead his own life. But eventually, being controlled will push most men away and they’ll blame you entirely for it—even though they were complicit. you really have no control. What you do have is the ability to be your best you, and to invite those you care about to have honest and loving relationships with you.
Seek Joy in Your Life What’s the point of working so hard if you can’t experience joy? It’s a question men and women ask themselves. It’s such a shame most people don’t demand to have joy in their lives. many people have no idea what true joy feels like, let alone how to find it. It exists, despite what your life may have shown you. spiritual readings, taking some risks by doing new things, and finding happier and more energetic friends, can help you discover the joy that’s waiting for you.
continued >>
MAY 2013
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Receive Support from Women do not do this alone. cultivate relationships with other women you respect, who have relationships like the one you want to have, who are connected to their sensuality and celebrate being women. you can learn from these women and share your wisdom with them.
Don’t Forget About Your Relationship are you focusing all your energy on your kids, living vicariously through them? know what happens to marriages like that? they disappear when the kids leave the nest. fear, frustration, sadness and hopelessness may be keeping you from continuing to seek solutions to your relationship issues. don’t quit! your marriage and happiness depend on it.
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If you want to attract a solid man, don’t talk about your past relationships until well down the line. Don’t whine about life, politics or finances. Be positive. Talk about what you love to do, eat or visit.
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Learn Your Lessons Whatever caused your last relationship to end badly is just waiting to do the same to your next relationship. learning your lessons can be painful and painstaking. But there’s no shortcut to becoming the best woman you can be. like all things important, this will take commitment, time, energy and sweat. But do it and you’ll not regret it.
Put Your Kids First the biggest mistake single women can make is to forget that their children must always come first. that means not throwing them under the bus in your attempt to attract a man. do not introduce your kids to a man until you are certain it’s a relationship that has long-term potential. that means several months at the very least. I tell men, if a woman introduces you prematurely to her kids, it’s a sign of loose boundaries and other hidden issues. don’t be that woman. respect your kids by carefully introducing a new man into their lives. otherwise, they’ll likely experience serious negative consequences.
Take Care of Yourself Be fit. eat well. dress attractively. Be proud of yourself and your appearance. all of this, combined with the other efforts you’ll make if you follow these suggestions, will help you to be the finest woman you can be. that’s gotta make a difference!
Stop Complaining stop complaining to yourself, to your husband and certainly to the men you’re dating. I can’t begin to tell you the horrific stories I’ve heard from men about their initial dates. If you want to attract a solid man, don’t talk about your past relationships until well down the line. don’t whine about life, politics or finances. Be positive. talk about what you love to do, eat or visit. complaining is what we do when we’re too lazy to make changes. I recommend making the changes. remember, if you’re single, you’re going to meet a man who is a good match for the woman you are today. If you’re happy with who you are, you’ll meet a man who appreciates who you are. If you ignore the work you need to do to learn your lessons, you’ll continue to meet that same wrong guy. If you’re married, remember nothing will change until you expect and demand better for yourself, your kids and your relationship. you have the power. It’s now time to make the commitment and get the support you need to see it through. Good luck, ladies.
wayne M. Levine is the director of BetterMen Coaching in Agoura Hills. He teaches men to be the best men, fathers, and husbands they can be through individual, couples and group coaching, both in the office and via phone. Wayne is also author of the best-selling book, Hold On to Your N.U.T.s—The Relationship Manual for Men. Find out more and get a copy of Wayne’s book at
MAY 2013
| 23
Nature Desperately Needs You to Stop Purchasing Products with Chemicals By Jan Tucker
WE WOMEN ARE THE MAIN CONSUMERS IN OUR FAMILY. WE RUN THE SHOW AND MANUFACTURERS KNOW IT. they cater to us. they give us what we want so they can profit. as consumers, we have a daunting responsibility we’re not taking seriously when we shop. this article is your wakeup call. We absolutely need to stop brushing the subject of chemicals in our products under the rug and seriously start acting. the word is out everywhere we look—products made from unsafe, synthetic chemicals are harmful to our health and our planet—not just a little harmful—we’re talking harmful on a huge scale. how can a woman know this and keep buying the brands that ply her body and the bodies of everyone in her family and those entering her home with chemicals? It’s easy: 1. Everyone does it. 2. We don’t believe there is a real problem. 3. We love our brands.
87,000 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S. Only 7 percent have been tested for their effect on the human body.
only for 413 chemicals (180 of these cause cancer in human animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, 208 cause developmental problems). • 216 chemicals and additional endocrine-disrupting compounds are directly linked to breast cancer according to the Breast Cancer Fund.
How Harmful Can Chemicals Be? following are just a few of the facts I’ve collected over the years from the Breast cancer fund, environmental Working Group, and a harvard study that motivate me to buy and use only pure products. • 87,000 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S. Only 7 percent have been tested for their effect on the human body. • 95 percent of these were developed since World War II (ending 67 ½ years ago).
• It is the matrix of chemicals from all sources that cause us harm, meaning that minute amounts in each product do count. • 1 in 8 women get breast cancer. Only 1 out of 10 breast cancer victims has a history of breast cancer in her family. • 1 in 8 men get prostate cancer. • Autism increased 400 percent in the last 20 years (7-fold in California). • Childhood asthma and respiratory issues increased 200 percent from 1980-2005. • Childhood cancer increased 27 percent from 1975-2002.
• In 2005, the U.S. manufactured or imported 42 billion pounds of chemicals per day (that’s enough for 136 pounds for each individual—every day). • Annually more than 2.5 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released to our environment. • 7 percent of just the top 20 chemicals discharged are known or suspected to be toxic to the developing human brain. • Conservative estimate: 202 industrial chemicals have the capacity to damage the human brain. • 278 additional chemicals are considered neurotoxic by the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. • Most of these chemicals are commonly used.
• We have 600,000 cases per year of mild to moderate IQ loss at birth (mental development and retardation issue). • Regarding the last four bullets, scientists cannot explain these increases. They are turning to our environment to find the causes. Look back at the second bullet and think about the connection to chemicals and these increasing epidemics. Again, 95 percent of our chemicals have been developed since 1945. Do you see a connection? are you surprised by these facts? I hope they motivate you to stop purchasing products with chemicals.
What Has Been Done to Curb the Problem? the problem is so serious that the Breast cancer fund, the environmental Working Group and a handful of others have been actively working toward federal reform regarding chemicals and endocrine disrupting hormones in our products for more than 20 years.
• Chemical pollution may have harmed the brains (lowered the IQ) of millions of children worldwide.
But this is a slow, tedious process with many setbacks due to counter-lobbying, payoff activities, cronyism by product and chemical manufacturers, and insufficient legislation. these are huge, powerful industries we are up against.
• 1 out of 6 children has a developmental disability, usually involving the nervous system.
so far, only BPa and phthalates (two hormone-mimicking, endocrine disrupters) have been regulated. It is not enough.
• Only a few substances—lead, mercury, phthalates and BPA, are controlled with the purpose of protecting children. • EWG study: the placenta of 10 newborns studied in 2005 showed an average of 200 industrial chemicals in their bloodstream (a total of 287 chemicals), and they tested
studies have linked phthalates to sex organ deformity and un-descended testicles in baby boys, and according to forbes (aug. 2012), also to birth defects, infertility, early puberty, asthma, adhd, obesity, diabetes and cancer. five phthalates, after 50 years of production and use, were banned by the u.s. consumer Product safety Improvement act of 2008—but only in children’s toys and other specific products. continued >>
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the same forbes article last year reported that a center for health, environment & Justice study found phthalate levels far above the federal limit for toys in a variety of unregulated popular vinyl back-to-school items such as backpacks, lunch boxes and bags, and binders. the problem simply was not solved by the 2008 regulation. In July of 2012 the fda finally banned BPa in baby bottles and children’s drinking cups (but only because manufacturers already stopped using it as a result of consumer wishes—and they want to impress us). It still has not been banned in baby formula containers. BPa has been linked to problems with the brain, prostate gland and behavior of fetuses, infants and children—the fda started being concerned about this in 2010 although they still claim it to be safe. It is also linked to obesity, diabetes, early onset puberty, hyperactivity, abnormal reproductive cycles, impaired immune function and breast cancer. used since the ’60s, BPa is ubiquitous. It is found in the lining of food and beverage cans, certain plastics (recycle number 7 in particular), eyeglasses, dental fillings, tableware, medical devices, sunglasses, cds and dvds, electronic equipment, auto parts, sports equipment, bulletproof glass, and our payment receipts to name a few. We still have BPa in our bodies—90 percent of us test positive for it in our urine, and it is still found in breast milk, pregnant women’s blood and umbilical cord blood.
Chemicals are a Hidden Problem—That’s Why You Need to Pay Attention smoking was a hidden problem many years ago. some old advertisements even claimed smoking makes you healthier—really?!? But after decades of ads romanticizing the act and giving it widespread acceptance, we now know for a fact that smoking causes cancer. this is undisputed despite previous denials by the tobacco industry.
2920 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. 1 block West of Hampshire Rd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 805.379.2400 26
But guess what? It’s not just the nicotine in the tobacco that’s the problem! according to the national cancer Institute (, there are more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 of them known to be harmful and at least 69, carcinogenic.
fertilizers and insecticides are used to grow tobacco. artificial flavorings and chemicals to keep the cigarettes burning are added. to name a few other chemicals, cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, acetone, methanol, arsenic, cyanide, butane, cadmium, ddt and tar. my father passed away from emphysema and oat cell lung cancer which metastasized to his liver. the doctors linked his cancer directly to his smoking habit, which he had stopped 10 years prior to his death. do you think our problem with chemicals in our products is any different? If so, think again. years from now you will see that all of us have been experimental subjects, and blindly tricked consumers. We will know that the increasing incidence of the killer diseases currently felling us are indisputably linked to the chemicals we eat, breathe and absorb through our skin every day of our lives—delivered to us through countless products, through the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Collectively We Have the Power to Change This—If we Begin to Pay Attention! Back to the statistics. female consumers spend the money—this gives us more power than the u.s. government has to stop our major problem with chemicals—cold. But our power is useless if we continue to put our blinders on every time we shop. the blinders need to come off. Just because other shoppers think chemicals are okay, and they want their familiar
brands, doesn’t mean it’s okay to close your eyes. We all need to wake up. and we all need to help each other wake up. that’s why I’m writing this article. ever since I wrote an article about the Breast cancer fund for this magazine in 2008, I have totally reformed my consumer buying habits and my husband has, too. We help each other. our home is a pure haven of products from mother nature. We love our pure life. It’s fun, it’s rewarding, it’s healthy, and it’s the thing to do. the company I started as a result helps everyone buy only safe products without going through the hassles I had in order to find chemical-free, affordable products that work. lest you visit my website and think, “I don’t trust her recommendations because she’s making a profit.” you may want to think again. I’m a retailer. I can sell any product I want—I’m not limited to the ones currently offered on my site. the truth is, I have researched tens of thousands of products to find the ones that are safe, affordable and also enjoyable to use. affordable, safe products are few and far between and the search is daunting. I’ve done it for you. I’m your friend. the chemical companies and manufacturers who continue to make products with chemicals despite the facts are not your friends. Please stop giving them the power to continue destroying us. I sincerely hope you will take this information to heart and really listen this time—so closely that you can’t help but avoid the chemical-laden products every time you shop.
It’s Not Really a Hidden Problem Any More It was a hidden problem, but now that you know about it it’s not hidden any more. It’s time for you to take this information seriously—now—before it’s too late. think about alzheimer’s, autism, add, cancer, diabetes, asthma, allergies, birth defects, early puberty, infertility, retardation. you have the power to reduce these problems in the future. together we can do it. the antidote is simple—stop using products made from chemicals. they are harming you. they are harming your family and children everywhere. they are harming our precious planet. If we stop buying them, they will disappear from our shelves. together we can solve this problem. manufacturers give us what we want. every time you put your blinders on and buy a product that contains even one harmful chemical, you are casting your vote that it’s okay for manufacturers to keep producing more of them. It’s up to you. the government can’t help. think about it. Please keep thinking about it. then do the right thing!
Jan tucker is founder of White Lotus Living, whose vision is all about positive thinking, returning to basics, tuning in with nature, unifying the world with compassion, and through all these principles—ultimately—world transformation. It’s about truth. is also a place for consumers to learn about and gain access to truly green, natural products.
MAY 2013
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Too Tired?
Get Your Life Back! By Dr. Sharon Norling
“I AM SO TIRED I DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY I NEED FOR MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, MY JOB OR FOR ME.” summer is a time for lots of activity. trying to keep up with the children or your responsibilities is difficult. fatigue is a common health problem. approximately 20 percent of americans complain to their doctors of fatigue. however, in my practice when I ask the question, “are you fatigued?” the answer is, “yes,” about 90 percent of the time! most causes of fatigue aren’t revealed through our annual physical. your physician may have ordered a chemistry panel. the labs were normal and he or she says, “you’re fine.” But you know you are tired and lack energy. there are days when you are exhausted even though you may have slept eight or nine hours. some days you’re so low on energy you’re drowsy by lunchtime and you need a nap by mid-afternoon. at the end of the day, the thought of sex can seem ridiculous. the phrase, “are you kidding?” is often expressed verbally or mentally.
“By age 60 approximately 17 percent of all women will have a thyroid disorder and most won't know it.“ American Thyroid Foundation
...women in the study who slept seven to eight hours per night had the lowest risk for major weight gain.
you deserve to live your best life with abundant energy. What’s making you so tired all the time? stress, poor eating habits, overwork, even medical treatments can wear you down and cause fatigue. Perhaps you are bored, worried or not getting enough exercise.
Fatigue is not Simple fatigue may result from poor sleep, worry, boredom or lack of exercise. But let’s look further. Anemia can cause fatigue especially in women during their reproductive years. anemia can be caused by low iron, folic acid or B12. But many times anemia is not the cause. men are tired, too. It is often harder for a man to admit he is tired. thyroid hormones affect metabolism, brain development, breathing, heart and nervous system functions, body temperature, muscle strength, skin dryness, menstrual cycles, weight, cholesterol levels and more. low thyroid can cause the following symptoms: • • • • • • • • • •
Fatigue. Depression. Weight gain. Hair loss. Low libido. Memory loss. Loss of outermost eyebrows. Cold intolerance. Body pain. Dry hair.
a simple blood test, tsh, is not enough to make the diagnosis. a complete thyroid panel is required, including a tsh, free t3, free t4, thyroid antibodies and a reverse t3. If the tsh is greater than 2.50 you probably have decreased thyroid function. according to the american thyroid foundation, by age 60 approximately 17 percent of all women will have a thyroid disorder and most won’t know it. Adrenal Fatigue is often the culprit. do you feel tired, suffer from lack of sleep, and have joint pain or muscle stiffness? do you frequently catch the flu or colds, feel anxious and depressed, and have headaches or gastrointestinal disturbances, difficulty concentrating or remembering, or experience various allergy symptoms? do you have difficulty getting up in the morning, feel more fatigued from 3 to 5 p.m. and get a second wind in the evening? are you craving salt? do you feel lightheaded? do you or others see you as not your old self?
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Recent studies show that less than five hours of sleep can double your risk of being diagnosed with angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke.”
“eighty percent of people will suffer adrenal fatigue at some point in their lives,” says dr. James Wilson, author of the best-selling book, adrenal fatigue: 21st century stress syndrome. you may be one of them. specialty testing is available to determine if low adrenal function is causing your fatigue.
Neurotransmitter imbalances such as low norepinephrine, low epinephrine or low glutamate can cause lack of energy, lethargy and fatigue. low levels of serotonin and GaBa can cause insomnia leading to fatigue, anxiety and depression. the brain produces more than 100 neurotransmitters which control every thought, mood, pain and pleasure sensation we feel, as well as our energy level, motivation, appetite and cravings. neurotransmitters even regulate how well we sleep, our sex drive and our ability to focus and concentrate. When out of balance, mood disorders and addictions can result.
Use quercitin, an all-natural antihistamine instead of the over-the-counter allergy meds. You’ll feel relief without the drowsy side-effects.
Insomnia is all too common. harvard states a good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being. lack of sleep not only affects alertness and energy, but it weakens your body’s defenses against infection, increases anxiety, and boosts your risk of chronic illness. there’s compelling research indicating that sleeping less than six hours may increase your insulin resistance and risk of diabetes. and recent studies show that less than five hours of sleep can double your risk of being diagnosed with angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke.
Hormone imbalances such as low levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone significantly impact our sleep, our energy and our sense of well-being.
lack of sleep can cause weight gain! In the nurses’ health study, 70,026 women were studied to see whether not sleeping enough increased the risk of future weight gain and even obesity. researchers concluded that self-reported sleep restriction impacts your ability to burn calories and increases the risk of weight gain. In fact, they reported that women in the study who slept seven to eight hours per night had the lowest risk for major weight gain.
While testosterone is also a female hormone, men with low testosterone experience fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy, depression, irritability and low libido in addition to muscle-wasting, weight gain and erectile dysfunction.
It’s also a safety issue. the centers for disease control and Prevention recently reported that one in 24 adults say they have recently fallen asleep while driving. sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million americans of all ages.
When your neurotransmitters are tested they can be balanced using specific amino acids the body uses to make more neurotransmitters—and they don’t have side effects!
Having allergy attacks?
Balancing these hormones is very important because they also interact and support the thyroid hormones, neurotransmitters and the adrenal cortisol function. they really are dancing hormones.
start by looking at your sleep habits. late night horror movies are not recommended. If you are light-sensitive, use a mask. and what about the animals? some of my patients are so sleep-deprived they can barely function. upon further questioning, I find they are sleeping with so many animals it sounds like they are sleeping in a kennel. do you or your spouse snore? If so, be evaluated for sleep apnea. Other causes of insomnia are prevalent. hormone or neurotransmitter imbalances, stress, low blood sugar and pain can all contribute to your lack of sleep. hidden infections, toxins, prolonged emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, weight gain and medications can all cause fatigue. hidden food allergies and gluten are common causes of fatigue.
Dealing with Fatigue fatigue is not simple but there are solutions for the symptoms. you can have an abundance of energy! keep your sense of humor and laugh a lot! a life of meaning and purpose, a life in balance with connection, community, love, support and a sense of empowerment are essential for health. overwhelming stressors such as social isolation, overwork and disempowerment create enormous strain on our nervous systems, leading to burnout and breakdown.
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find the underlying cause of your fatigue. seek a knowledgeable practitioner who can find the pieces of the puzzle and provide the solutions to your symptoms without just writing a prescription. you deserve to have energy, strength, restful sleep, motivation, joy, laughter, happiness, clear thinking, peace, healthy digestion, balanced hormones and a pain-free body. choose to live your best life. you deserve it.
Dr. Sharon Norling brings a lifetime of education, training and passion in both conventional and natural medicine. Using specialized testing she finds the root cause of symptoms and illnesses and uses effective natural medicine whenever possible. More information on these topics can be found in her book, Your Doctor Is Wrong. Her practice is in Westlake Village at 818.707.9355.
MAY 2013
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End Obesity
Now By Rhetah Kwan, consultant, certified coach
Ketosis is the term used to describe the body’s process of using fat as the primary energy source.
WITH SO MUCH INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON WEIGHT LOSS TODAY, KNOWING WHERE TO BEGIN IS OFTEN OVERWHELMING. many people who struggle with weight issues end up in an unhealthy pattern of gaining and losing the same weight, known as yo-yo dieting. the solution to this cyclical habit is twofold—adopt a light version of the ketogenic approach to healthy eating and retrain the mind to prevent self-sabotage.
What is a Ketogenic Diet? many people rely on sugar-based foods as their primary energy source. these foods provide only temporary relief from hunger, causing people to give into craving repeatedly. a ketogenic approach, by contrast, promotes fat burning. ketosis is the term used to describe the body’s process of using fat as the primary energy source. the human body experiences small periods of ketosis overnight during sleep, burning fat naturally to maintain proper glucose balance and sustain basic bodily function. During ketosis: • The liver releases stored carbohydrate (called glycogen) and converts it to glucose. • Muscle tissue breaks down to produce glucose by way of gluconeogenesis. • Fat cells release triglycerides that can be metabolized into ketone bodies by the liver. for safe, maximum weight loss, we recommend forcing the body into a mild ketosis during the daytime hours. In the first two stages of this program, the dieter eliminates sugar and most carbohydrates from their diet, causing the body to burn fat for energy. over time, in successive phases, the person can reintroduce healthy complex carbohydrates and moderate amounts of fat in proportions that continue to promote weight loss and maintenance.
Key Elements Make the Difference The following aspects of a mild ketogenic diet are safe and integral to achieving overall success. • turn fat into energy. using foods that encourage the body to burn fat, such as vegetables on the low glycemic index and proteins isolated from fat and carbohydrates, is imperative. this approach lowers the load on the metabolic organs so the body will start repairing the inflammation that results from yo-yo dieting.
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Counting calories as an approach to weight loss often results in feelings of frustration and deprivation. A better approach is to focus on the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.”
• Increase muscle mass. muscle is valuable for its calorie-burning benefit, burning twice as many calories as fatty tissue. Protein is the building block for muscle. eating more protein helps build muscle mass. • Satisfy hunger cravings. not all food consumption is driven by hunger. as such, a weight-loss program must afford foods that satisfy both body and mind, while naturally allowing the hunger cravings to disappear. Participants learn to integrate the wide variety of protein supplements available today with vegetables and lean proteins instead of their sugary counterpart to feel satisfied and stem the cravings.
By B y Appointment Ap A pp po ointm tment nt Only y 805-370-5365 Bodywraps ps Suddenly Slimmer Bodywra ap 2 26 695 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Blvd 2695 d. age, CA CA 9136 Villag 62 Westlake Village, 91362 mention this ad for ffo or $25.00 $25 25.00 off ff yo your our first visit
• Eliminate calorie counting. counting calories as an approach to weight loss often results in feelings of frustration and deprivation. a recent study in the Journal of the american medical association (Jama) states that maintaining an ideal weight is not dependent on the number of calories consumed but the composition of those calories. a better approach is to focus on the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. • Use nutritional supplements that support health. to function optimally, the human body needs a foundation of the right nutrients which are largely missing from the standard american diet (sad). supplementing the foods with vitamins, minerals and essential fats is necessary for optimal health.
• think differently about food. no change in eating or the accompanying weight loss will be permanent without identifying the emotional triggers that cause overeating. addressing the feelings of frustration and hunger with protein-dense foods affords participants the emotional bandwidth to address those triggers while still burning fat.
Retrain the Mind When facing obesity, the most effective solution for weight loss is one that can be sustained through a lifestyle change that facilitates maximum health. to make changes to the body without an accompanying change in mindset won’t result in long-term success. Work with a coach to identify mental and emotional obstacles to achieving goals and being content with life. coaches can provide tools like integrated behavior modification techniques to aid the commitment to self which is necessary to see the program through.
Tips for Success the cyclical pattern of repeatedly losing and gaining weight leads to feelings of failure. learning how to maintain weight loss is critical to interrupting both the physical and emotional cycle. These five tips address the mental and emotional aspects of maintaining weight loss: • Nutritional support. the body knows what to do when supplied with the right nutrients. like an apple tree, it must be fed, fertilized and pollinated to bear fruit. Provide the body with herbs and minerals that support digestion, and balance the body’s ph to support fat burning. • Eat a variety of healthy foods and consume water. select a varying assortment of low glycemic vegetables. choose a new vegetable each week or prepare old favorites differently. collect recipes from others and amend them to remove unhealthy ingredients. experiment with spices and vegetables that support the weight loss process. start sipping water early in the morning and keep sipping all day long. try to consume half your body weight in ounces every day.
• Pay attention to your thoughts. a process called inquiry, made popular by author and speaker Byron katie, asks four self-directed questions to help determine what false beliefs may be impacting the ability to achieve desired goals. choose love, joy, adventure and the abundant gifts life has to offer. • Exercise and breathe. Breathe and stretch every day. keep moving. however minimal exercise may be in the beginning, make it a part of every day. choose parking places that require more walking. opt for the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Walk, hike, dance, stretch or do yoga. the body wants to move—so let it! • Seek support and accountability. seek a respected accountability partner. Build a consistent track record by keeping commitments made to self. Be patient and forgiving when mistakes and lapses occur. Work with a coach. coaching provides accountability, guidance and support and affords clients the emotional space to foster creative growth. there’s no question about it—losing weight and keeping it off is a daunting task. With an abundance of options and diet programs to choose from, selecting the right one and getting started can be overwhelming. a mild ketogenic approach to weight loss has scientific data behind it. It unlocks the body’s fat stores and makes losing the weight feasible. the newly-learned approach to eating, when coupled with a retrained mind, is a recipe for positive results. the confidence gained from this approach will foster success and unlock a whole new life for people who follow this path.
about the author: Rhetah Kwan is a Certified Life Coach, business consultant, consummate mentor and facilitator for The Work. She has supported both allopathic and alternative health professionals and entrepreneurs to improve their health, their image, and expand their business. For more information, please call 503.452.0399 or send email to Rhetah is grateful to her friend and business associate, Dr Amron Bevels-Wilson who supports her on her health journey and with this article.
MAY 2013
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Dancing With Our Local Schools Enhances Students’ Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem By Alicia Doyle
ASK ANY DANCE STUDENT OR TEACHER HOW BALLROOM DANCE HAS AFFECTED THEIR LIVES, AND THEY WILL TELL YOU IT HAS GIVEN THEM THE OUTLET AND OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN HOW TO EXPRESS THEIR EMOTIONS IN A POSITIVE WAY, ACCORDING TO MARIA DURANT, FOUNDER, CEO AND DIRECTOR OF DANCE 4 WELLNESS. “the desire to feel needed, included, special, loved, and to learn how to express feelings of resentment, anger, frustration—all can be done without speaking one word, through the power of connecting to another human being,” said durant, of Westlake village. “our children aren’t outside playing anymore; they aren’t taking physical education classes daily to help them deal with growing up and becoming teenagers,” she said. In the world of facebook and social media, and increased online bullying, children are struggling to find their individuality, cope with social and gender issues and tolerate differences. “If they are involved in an activity like dance that teaches them how to communicate in a healthy way, they learn how to respect their peers in a way they might have otherwise avoided,” durant said.
“This program has more than just a positive effect on these kids. It teaches them it's okay to be different from one another and that we have to respect each other’s differences.” Melanie Dayan
The Fordney Foundation
I have seen young individuals who have gone from being so shy they could barely introduce themselves to me, become the most outgoing and self-assured people.”
In an effort to meet this need, durant launched dancing With our local schools (dWols)—an effort created through a partnership with dance 4 Wellness and the fordney foundation for dancesport. “We started our program with four schools that saw the same need in our community for this program we did,” durant said. “through the donation of a grant, mrs. marilyn fordney made it possible for us to send professional instructors to each school to teach the students how to dance.”
Professional Dance Instruction the nonprofit effort is designed for fourth through eighth grade students in the conejo valley unified school district and surrounding districts. students learn various popular styles of ballroom dance, including swing, tango, salsa and even waltz and fox-trot, all instructed by professional ballroom dance instructors. “this program has more than just a positive effect on these kids,” said melanie dayan, assistant director and head instructor for the program. “It teaches them it’s okay to be different from one another and that we have to respect each other’s differences.” “dWols enables each child to feel comfortable in their own skin,” dayan added. “the transformations, whether subtle or grand, make it more than just worthwhile for me as their instructor. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to help build up and influence these intelligent, talented, and uniquely-individual kids.” the idea for the effort began when marilyn fordney approached durant’s dance 4 Wellness studio with the concept of creating a nonprofit program that would be no-cost for parents and schools in the conejo valley. “as a former educator and school textbook writer, she saw a growing need in our community for youth to engage with their peers in an activity that would teach them self-confidence, assertiveness, teamwork and trust,” durant said.
In 2002 marilyn fordney created the fordney foundation to help children and young adults learn and benefit from ballroom dancesport. during the previous three years, after moving to agoura hills, she and her husband tried to bring ballroom dance into local elementary schools. “some of the benefits of ballroom dancing are that it is beautiful, graceful, elegant and sophisticated,” fordney said. “students acquire the skill of how to work as a team, develop social skills and learn how to get along with others.” this sport requires top physical conditioning, she added, and improves communication, creativity, spatial ability, stamina and endurance. “there are many positive psychological benefits because it elevates one’s selfesteem and can actually assist in students reaching a higher level scholastically,” fordney said. “Besides developing muscle power and good balance, they gain an appreciation of music and rhythm.”
How DWOLS Works the schools receive a grant donated by mrs. fordney, which enables the dance 4 Wellness studio to create a 12-week program, with each school receiving 12 to 30 hours of ballroom dance instruction. “We send highly-qualified and nurturing professional ballroom dance instructors that have experience working with youth,” durant said. at the end of the program, students participate in “dancing With our local schools showcase,” in which they perform two of their best dances with their class in front of the other schools, parents and school teachers. the next showcase is scheduled for may 18. “the event has traditionally been held at a middle school gymnasium,” said durant, noting that students receive medals for participation from the fordney foundation, and have had the chance to meet advanced youth dancesport competitors who show where they can go with their dancing. for instance, during a past showcase, the youths met a former u.s. youth Ballroom dance champion who was in the hit movie, high school musical. continued >>
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A Proven Non-Drug Treatment for
Depression ...without medication side effects ...right in doctor’s office
“the purpose of the showcase is to create awareness and camaraderie between all students and schools, as well as to prove to the fordney foundation that our community values this incredibly generous grant,” durant said.
Filling a Need since its inception, dWols has been offered to every school in the conejo school district, as well as the las virgenes school district and surrounding charter schools.
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for instance, this program was offered to all 23 elementary and middle schools in the conejo school district, 13 elementary and middle schools in the las virgenes school district, plus four charter schools. “this makes a total of 40 schools contacted, of which only 12 have participated,” durant said. “other schools refused it simply because they felt they had too many activities for the kids, although Pe has been cut down to once a week at the same schools,” durant said. “and the fordney foundation has extra grant monies they have been donating to other states—like utah— that practically beg for these opportunities, because our community is not taking advantage of this now. as parents, grandparents, and members of our community, we need to demand these programs be offered.” Past participants include conejo elementary, cypress elementary, ladera elementary, acacia elementary, Banyan elementary, colina middle school, los cerritos middle school, sequoia middle school, river oaks academy, Bridges charter school, mates charter school, and earths magnet school. resa Brown, director at river oaks academy, said dWols has taught her students grace—a personal quality not found in a textbook. “It has enhanced
our students’ self-confidence and selfesteem in ways we could never have predicted,” Brown said. “It has taught our children dedication to the group and commitment to personal improvement. It has brought us together as a true community of learners.” dayan said the program has a tremendous positive impact on students. “I have seen young individuals who have gone from being so shy they could barely introduce themselves to me, become the most outgoing and selfassured people,” dayan said. “Besides building their self-esteem and self-confidence, it seems to bring out a sense of teamwork and collective dedication.” cara fairneny, whose 13-year-old daughter, rhiannon robertson, participated in dWols at the river oaks academy, said activities like dance are important to middle school children because it builds their confidence in such an emotionally-tumultuous time in their lives. “rhiannon has become more confident in herself,” said fairneny, of simi valley, whose daughter is in her second year with dWols. diana sprout, whose 13-year-old son, dylan, experienced dWols at river oaks academy, said the program has increased the boy’s confidence, helped him socially and is a great form of exercise. “It is critical that boys and girls of this age learn to act appropriately around each other,” said sprout, of chatsworth. “the look of pride on dylan’s face when he put on his suit and danced at the showcase…put family and friends to tears.”
On May 18, Dance 4 wellness will present its annual DwOLS Showcase. For more information, call 805.991.6113, email or visit
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YHC Magazine hosted the 2013 sPrInG Into health exPo, april 21st @ the hyatt Westlake Plaza in Westlake village. an interesting variety of quality local businesses focused on supporting health and a healthy lifestyle presented their products and services in the grand ballroom. the doors opened at 10 am and the crowds kept coming all day. the day was fun, interactive and fast paced. yhc magazine hosted a networking vendor party at the end of the day with live music, wine & food. What a fabulous day!!! PHOTOGRAPHY BY TONY BAKHTIAR, THE ART OF IMAGERY PHOTOGRAPHY
MAY 2013
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Red Brick Pizza— Offering Gluten- and Dairy-free Options and so Much More By Bianca Rose Martinez Photography By Jeff Sloane
AFTER GIVING UP DAIRY YEARS AGO FOR ETHICAL AND HEALTH REASONS I HAD COME TO ACCEPT THAT IF I WANTED TO ENJOY A PIZZA I’D HAVE TO MAKE IT FROM SCRATCH. a few months ago a friend told me that redbrick Pizza offered a non-dairy cheese option. now on those nights when I’m feeling less ambitious in the kitchen, I can order a pizza from red Brick and never be disappointed. I have to admit the first time I visited their ventura location I had a few reservations about going to a chain restaurant. But, surrounded by big box stores and corporate logos, it was refreshing to discover some of the green qualities that make them so unique.
Red Brick is a certified green business by Ventura’s Green Task Force and hosts Best Practices workshops to inspire other businesses to make more sustainable choices.
James Panagoti, owner of Red Brick Pizza
aside from their delicious pizzas, red Brick is an incredibly eco-friendly establishment—from the recycled paper towels in the restrooms to the reclaimed barn wood used to create many of their tables and counters. even their pizza ambassadors sport organic cotton uniforms. they use local produce in their recipes as much as possible and offer many local and organic beers.
red Brick also hosts charity cafes, in which all the money from food purchases for a particular evening are matched and donated to a local charity. the ymca, food share and several local schools are among the organizations that have benefited. they even hosted a charity cafe for a fellow employee to raise money for a new bike after his had been stolen. continued >>
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“Red Brick offers gluten-free pizzas and sandwiches along with nondairy cheese options.”
owner James Panagoti is behind many of red Brick’s innovative ideas. his vision of a more sustainable world has inspired him to create a business model that helps and supports the community and the environment. red Brick is a certified green business by ventura’s Green task force and hosts Best Practices workshops to inspire other businesses to make more sustainable choices. like an artist always adding a few more highlights to a masterpiece, James is excited about the possibility of adding solar panels as well as harnessing some of the heat energy from their powerful 1,000-degree brick ovens. red Brick offers gluten-free pizzas and sandwiches along with non-dairy cheese options. they have worked closely with the celiac disease foundation and have had several meetings and inspections to eliminate the risk of contamination during food prep. knowing all these great things I feel even better about patronizing this forward-thinking restaurant. I’m confident they will continue to be a source of quality food and inspiration for other businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. the ventura restaraunt is located at 4990 telephone road. red Brick currently has 20 locations across the u.s. and Internet ordering will be available soon. for more info, visit
Bianca Rose Martinez is an artist, public speaker and author of the book, Compassionate Eating Conscious Consumption for Mind, Body Spirit & Planet. She also teaches organic vegan cooking classes in Ventura. For free recipes, class schedule and other services please visit
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MAY 2013
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MAY 2013