A Summer's Reading Storyboard

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“A Summer’s Reading” Storyboard Activity

Produced by: Grade 11 Leo Baeck High School English Class

The purpose of this project was to go beyond basic English reading comprehension, and into deeper levels of thinking. After reading George Malamud’s “A Summer’s Reading,” students were challenged to synthesize their knowledge and understanding about the story they read. Specifically, they were given 8 different sections from “A Summer’s Reading,” and asked to come up with a headline and illustration to depict the main events of each section. In the process, they had to employ various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Students were asked to synthesize their knowledge into headlines that capture the story’s most important

Students had to evaluate which details were important, and which weren’t

details. Students had to read and comprehend the story, “A Summer’s Reading”

The results are shown in the pages that follow. Many students invested a great deal of time, outside of the classroom, to produce a final result that is both accurate and displayed artistically. By revealing students’ viewpoints and giving them the opportunity for higher level thinking, this project serves as a quick example of the many types of tasks that can be produced in an engaging classroom. Certainly, there are many extensions to this project that can be continued to further deepen their thinking and continue to improve their English skills. - Yotam Hod, Teacher

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