Hussein Yazid 699202 partx pages

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Studio Air Journal By Yazid Hussein



Table Of Contents Introduction Part A Conceptuslisation Introduction

A1. Design Futuring A2. Design Computation A3. Composition/Generation A4. Conclusion A5. Learning Outcomes A6 Appendix and Algorethmic Skecthes Reference list

4-5 6-11 12-17 18-23 24 25 26-27 28-30

Part B Criteria Design B1. Research Field B2. Case Study 1.0 B3. Case Study 2.0 B4. Technique: Development B.5. Technique: Prototpes B.6. Technique: Proposal B.7. Learning Objetives and Outcomes B.8. Appendix and Algorethmic Skecthes

32-35 36-43 45-51 53-59 60-63 64-65 66-67 68-69

Part C Detailed Design C.1. Design Concept C.2. Tectonic Elements C.3. Final Model C.4. Learning Objetives and Outcomes

76-87 88-93 94-103 104-105 3

Introduction My name is Yazid Hussein I am a third year undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Environments majoring in Architecture, at the University of Melbourne. My main field of interest in architecture is pursuing a career in green and sustainable architecture, that can deal with today’s global warming issues. I enjoy the works of many great Architects such as Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid and many others. I like to think of architecture as an extension of nature and as a result take most of my design inspirations from the natural environment and try and create a balance and harmony between the built environment and the natural habitat. I believe humans greatly impact the surrounding environement and natural habitat, so as a result I believe architecture should evolve in the future into a sustainable and green way of designing to help with the everchanging climate. My experience with digital designing involves the use of Autocad, skecthup and other plan based design software. I have never been exposed to 3D parametric based programs such as Rhino and Grasshopper, which makes this subject all the more interesting as I will learn a new software that is in current demand and may soon be the leading software in the future. 4


Architecture has no limits, it pushes the boundries and creates oppurtunites.


DESIGN FUTURING “architecture needs to be thought of less as a set of special material products and rather more as range of social and professional practices that sometimes, but by no means always, lead to buildings.� Williams, Richard (2005)


Design futuring analyses the consequences of design decisions and how they should change to cope with the ever changing world, especially the issue of sustainability. Tony Fry suggests that there should be a change in design theory and process in order for sustainability to be addressed. Furthermore, Fry raises the issue of ‘Design Democracy’ 1 entitling everyone to come up with ideas and design. I believe that having everyone collaborate and think together to find a solution and create a new design era is plausible. However, not everyone has the ability to design professionally and effectively like designers. In the future, many of our current energy sources would be depleted and so there is an over carrying theme of developing sustainable design sooner rather than later. Design should start focusing on meeting the needs of an increasing population, hence designers should think about design from a green perspective in order to meet the needs of the growing planet 2. Design has a growing importance and is a decisive factor for the future. Fry suggests that there is no relation between creation and destruction if the source is a renewable one and it’s a disaster when it is not, which raises the issue of current construction methods that rely predominantly on concrete being a great structural material however, is a very large emitter of carbon dioxide; acting as hero and villain at the same time. Future construction should find renewable or recyclable building materials that do not alter the workability and effectiveness. Designers have a role in creating projects based on the materials at hand and so this shift will impact designers into using sustainable sources, and potentially reducing carbon emissions.



This Building precedent is regarded as one of a kind in the world of architecture and built form. This building contributed much like what the leaning tower of Pisa did a new incite on curvature in building materials and pushed the envelope on the amount of bending occurring, reaching 350 mm. This building is the first building in the world to use vertical post tensioning for counter movement of the overhang and support the weight of the building with various stresses3. This kind of architectural design opened doors to this kind of innovation in parametric design in built form. Shortly after the completion of this project a few developing projects used similar aspects of design; whether the materials, post tensioning rods, or the ability to go further in the field of parametric modelling. The theory behind this project was due to the testing of eggs and the amount of pressure 1000 eggs can withstand before cracking which led to the dome like covering at the top. The main inspiration for this project was the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy. This develops greater possibilities for the future of skyscrapers and architecture in general. This is now a major tourist attraction in Abu Dhabi that is visited by people from all around the world. 8

Building: Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi by Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Comapny Architect: RMJM Year: 2011


This building is the venue for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and was built in 2009, by Asymptote. This was built on the manmade Yas Island in Abu Dhabi and features a wide variety of parametric design mainly in the hotel section of the building with various key influences and inspirations ranging from the aesthetics and forms associated with speed, veocity and movement; and the artistry and geometries forming the basis of ancient Islamic art and craft traditions 4. The curved roof structure is predominantly made of steel and diamond shaped glass panels that form the surface of this strange and encompassing design. This project clearly took the brief into consideration before the design stage started; this is evident in the race track shape and parametric look that is an analogy for speed in Formula 1 racing competitions. This project was started a revolution in the design of buildings with mathematical and vector like qualities later seen in the Capital Gate building. This hotel is visited many time through the year specifically throughout Grand Prix months, where Formula 1 enthusiasts gather to watch the races and feast their eyes on one of the modern day architectural wonders.


“The entire jewel-like composition of the project responds visually and tectonically to its environment to create a distinct and powerful sense of place as well as a breathtaking backdrop to the Formula 1 and other events that the building will celebrate�. The grid shell theory engaged dates back to inspiration from nature due to the organic and ornate physical appearance that is transformed by the addition of full colour capable LED’s at each connection point all of which are fully programable 5. The glass surfaces are designed to transmit the light across each panel independently, displaying a number of different colours for different events.

Building : Yas Hotel, Abu Dhabi Architect: Asymptote


Year: 2009


Design Computation “design computation is still only seen by many as ‘just a tool’ and remote from the real business of creative design [...]”. Frazer, John H. (2006)


Since the beginning of Architectural practice architects resorted to imagination from nature and their surroundings and translated that into drawn up ideas and plans. This all changed when computational design was introduced into the field of design. Computational design is regarded as the use of computers and mathematics to approach architecture and geometries 6. Computing has had an unprecedented effect on all fields of design, specifically architecture as it enhanced precision and automation of repetitive tasks, allowing ease in transformation of patterns and geometries. Design practices have changed over the past 20 years with increased reliance on digital software and computer aided design rather than hand drawing and drafting which was previously used in practice. Due to the ever changing and expanding computational software, the future of design and construction will rely mainly on computation and digital fabrication to solve future problems such as climate change 7 and the struggle that designers face with sustainability. These programs allow designers to design shapes, objects and geometries that were not achievable in the past through an expanding network of algorithms and functions that explore 3 dimensional shapes like never before 8. Computerized building programs such as Green star resulted in performance orientated design that allows for feedback and quick generation of source consumption by the design. Both building precedents chosen symbolise material behaviour embedding physical processes through computational design. Computation has enabled freeform complex geometries, having different volumes through new softwares that create algorithms that manipulate form and map different parameters creating many different variations hence, varying design possibilities and outcomes 9. 13


Building Precedent 1: ICD/ITKE 2011

Research Pavilion,

This project was designed by The Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and The Institute of Building Structures and Structural design (ITKE)and students from the University of Stuttgart. It explores the architectural transfer of biological principals of the sea urchins skeleton morphology, by the use of computational design and simulation. This building was generated purely by the use of algorithmic modelling and computational processes as it has a complex morphology that was built with extremely thin sheets of plywood (6.5 mm). The design of this pavilion clearly takes inspiration directly from nature by configuring a sea urchins scale morphology.




This type of complex geometry and engineering could only be available due to the use of computation as it takes into account; Heterogeneity being that the cell sizes are not constant and have to adapt to curvature, Anisotropy cells of the pavilion direct and orient themselves according to the mechanical stresses, Hierarchy the structure has a two level hierarchy 10. First is where the simple finger joints of the plywood sheets are glued together forming a cell. Second, screw connections join the cells together allowing assembling and dissembling of the pavilion. This research pavilion offered the opportunity to investigate methods of modular bionic construction using freeform surfaces representing different geometric characteristics. This type of design and construction brings future possibilities and potential refinement to this area of design which may lead to the future of architecture through the development of computation and digital fabrication, that make these designs possible.


[08] 15

Building Precedent 2: Bamboo Pavilion, 2010 Architect: Esan Rahmani + Mukul Damle Bamboo is a natural material found in Asia, it is readily available because of its renewable and inexpensive nature, has excellent properties in compression. It is commonly used as a roofing material, or for channelling water, for fences and floors. Due to bamboo’s sustainable nature it is often used in ‘green’ projects as it tends to be one of the few or only material used in construction, as a result of its very tough and light nature. This design was made possible by the use of computational design resources; that shaped the central funnel of the building and connected it from the base to the roof. The design allows for natural light to enter through the central funnel, while assuring that water does not enter and is collected through the funnel till the maximum level is reached and either sent to the ablution area or flushed 11. The building consists of three bedrooms, 3 storage rooms, living room, water storage funnel and toilets. The integration of the roofing system is what makes this house an efficient use of resources. Dissembling the roof by the use of computation allowed the designers to study each aspect of the building before it was even built. First the thin concave bamboo beams are set out, then the funnel also made of thinner bamboo sticks, and finally a interlocking layer of bamboo to direct water inside the funnel 12. The use of these digital programs resulted in a sustainable and comfortable building from with the use of minimal building materials. 16






Composition and Generation “Architecture is currently experiencing a shift from the drawing to the algorthim as the method of capturing and communicating designs� Brady Peters, 2013


In our current generation, the development of digital fabrication, modelling and computation had come a long way. What used to be drafted by hand, is now drafted by using computerization with greater accuracy and a smaller margin for error. This had an impact on architectural literature and practice mainly through algorithmic thinking that wasn’t available till recent years, parametric modelling which opened doors to the future of design and construction and scripting cultures that changed the view towards automation and enhanced the ability for buildings to take different geometries or be built by a robotic machine. Contemporary architectural buildings have an increasing complexity in both geometric shapes and structural and material engineering. However, through the use of algorithmic modelling this is made possible. Furthermore, the finite element (FE) algorithms allows for a complete rotation in an axes of a building creating a shape never thought possible for construction. Parametric techniques have helped endlessly in the composition and generation of new and unique ideas such as the ones mentioned in the building precedents. Through the use of parametric design models and built forms are seen and visualized in three dimensions before construction stages even begin, with the ability to know the maximum load and stresses these materials can withstand; which is something that could not be achieved before such technology. Scripting cultures allow for the exploration of different textures, materials , forms and structures. This is achieved by creating scripts that link data together and hence creating a building with predefined elements which increases opportunities for design in the future.


Building Precedent 1: Al Bahr Towers, Abu Dhabi (2012) Architect: Aedas The Al Bahr Towers by Aedas, is an excellent demonstration of parametric modelling, as it balances conceptual, contextual and cultural factors as well as the over riding issue of sustainability 13.


The building’s most important feature is its overhanging facades that block out the hot and dry middle eastern sun, while allowing the sunshine to enter the building by using fiber glass. The use of the culturally significant ‘mashrabiya’ lattice which is a traditional Islamic symbol14 communicates with the public and the audience while maintaining a strong architectural connection to the brief. The use of parametric design in the ‘mashrabiya’ lattice facade generates a mobile facade that opens and closes based on the temperature and amount of sunlight, which was only achievable through parametric modelling.





Obvious analogy for the building is it’s resemblence with the form of a pineapple, showing inspiration from nature


Building Precedent 2: Esplanade, Singapore, (2002) Architect: DP Architects and Michael Wilford The skin of the building was inspired by Durian having a triangular louver shape to block direct sunlight and heat but allow light into the building. This precedent shows a strong link from composition to generation and brought new innovations, with the use of an automated responsive facade. By the use of computational design (Rhino and Daylight Illuminance Daylight Simulation also known as DIVA) found the ideal projection of sunlight and the needed angle, degree of opening and number of louvers 15. This building shows computational design as a leading device towards sustainable design, much like the previous building precedent both having win sustainability awards. The use of compuatation here was crucial as it allowed for an exact measurnment of the amount of shade and light for an ideal and comfortable viewing environment. This was very helpful for the designers, as it enabled them to easily manipulate and find the most efficient and effective building envelope. [18]


There is a direct link between the two building precedents, as they both use computationally controlled facades that enable the building to function efficiently and sustainably. The main difference between the two is the shape of the external louvers and the process of changing from a fully closed facade to a semi open one. Both buildings show an excellent use of computation and paranteric modelling to achieve remarkable sustainable structures.





Conclusion Architecture has always been a way of communicating a message through built form. It translates culture, economy, politics, social level through design. Given that we live in the digital age, much more is expected from designers and this can finally be achieved through the use of computation in parametric, algorithmic modelling; which gives designers a faster and more accurate way of designing and creating interesting and unique designs. Computation brought a new way of thinking about forms and geometry like never before, the previous shift in the field of design was from hand drafting to Computer Aided Design (CAD) and that was for faster and more accurate planning, but now parametrics and algorithmic modelling allow for a full scope view of the project from before launch to after its finished. Personally I believe that the shift into the world of computational design is having a positive impact on architecture and design in general, and it may potentially take us towards a more sustainable future while maintaining the design’s integrity and aesthetics. 24

Learning Outcomes So far this semester studying algorithmic and parametric design through grasshopper and rhino has been a very interesting approach for design. I have never been exposed to such software before so it really allowed me to widen my design ideas and brainstorm out of the usual way of design. Parametricism, algorithmic scripting is the new approach for architectural design. Although the process of designing and generating ideas was challenging and new to me, I like how it showed me a way of design that I didn’t know was possible. Furthermore, learning about precedent buildings has really helped me explore geometric forms and question how the designers of such buildings came up with these shapes and forms, which is through computational programs. I hope to improve in the field of computational design and gradually master these tools which will help me advance my skills, imagination and direct me into the way of the future of design.



Algorethmic Sketchbook



Reference List Text Reference Text


[01] [02] Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, ethics and new practice (oxford: Berg Publishers, 2008, p. 1-7.

[03], Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company, 2011, < http://www.>

[04][05], Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi, Aldar, 2009, <>

[06][07] Oxman, Rivka and Oxman, Robert:eds (2014). Theories of the digital in Architecture (Londong; New York: Routledge).

[08][09] Big Think, “How has Technology changed Architecture?”, 2007, < videos/how-has-technology-changed-architecture>

[10], ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion, ICD (A.Menges) & ITKE (J.Knippers) Stuttgart University, 2011 <>, Bamboo Pavilion, Esan Rahmani & Mukul Damle, 2010, < http://esanrah-

[11][12]> [13], Al Bahr Towers, Aedas, 2012, <>


Karen Cliento, ‘Al Bahr Towers responsive facades/ aedas’ in Arch Daily, <http://www.Archdaily. com/270592/Al-Bahr-Towers-aedas/>


Shahab Din Rahimzadeh, Veronica Garcia, Hansen, Robin Drodgemiller, and Gillicer Isoardi, “Parametric modelling for the efficient design of daylight strategies with complex geometries” in Cutting Edge: The 49th International conference of the Architectural Science Association (ASA), (ASA, 2013)


Image Reference Image


[01], 2013, <> Accessed 10/3/15

[02], 2011, < php?t=854276> Accessed 10/3/15

[03], 2009, <> Accessed 10/3/15

[04], 2011, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[05], 2011, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[06] [07], 2011, <> Accessed 13/3/15, 2011, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[08], 2011, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[09], 2005, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[10],2010, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[11],2010, <> Accessed 13/3/15,2010, <> Accessed 13/3/15

[12] [13] [14]

ahr, 2012,, Al Bahr Towers, Aedas, 2012, < http://www.ahr-global. com/Al-Bahr-Towers> Accessed 15/3/15 ahr, 2012,, Al Bahr Towers, Aedas, 2012, < http://www.ahr-global. com/Al-Bahr-Towers> Accessed 15/3/15 29




ahr, 2012,, Al Bahr Towers, Aedas, 2012, < Al-Bahr-Towers> Accessed 15/3/15


ahr, 2012,, Al Bahr Towers, Aedas, 2012, < Al-Bahr-Towers> Accessed 15/3/15

[17], 2012, <> Accessed 15/3/15

[18], 2005, <> Accessed 17/3/15

[19], 2006, < see-and-do/arts-and-entertainment/architecture/esplanade-theatres-on-the-bay.html> Accessed 17/3/15

[20], 2006, < see-and-do/arts-and-entertainment/architecture/esplanade-theatres-on-the-bay.html> Accessed 17/3/15

[21], 2004, <> Accessed 17/3/15


Part B Criteria Design


B1- Research Fields

Tessellations Material Tesselation Tessellation is the arrangement of shapes repeated continuously creating a close and joint display. The best example of this is seen in nature; such as flowers, animals and landscape. Tessellations can be virtually any shape or size. Architecture defines this as patterns on buildings or the digital production of mesh patterns. Tessellation is often used to make large, complex forms; some implications of this type of design is the difficulty of producing it on non sheet materials. This used to be manually produced by hand but is now applied by the use of parametrics and computational design.



The field of Tessellations has many opportunities due to its aesthetically pleasing nature, creates building resemblance and connections and the ability to be used on many materials. There is much more to tessellations than the geometric patterning, although that can be used for decorative purposes; it can also be used for filtering light, defining space, communicating a message 1. In terms of parametrics tessellations tend to have potential and a number of opportunities evident in; the endless number of possibilities, generation of a variety of different models and the ability to address a large number of arrays across







Since the late 60’s young architects and students turned to inflatables as a way of design. The minimalistic materials and cost of production and ability to spark user curiosity and allows for user interaction are some of the main possibilities provided by the field 2. Designing with inflatables creates a natural looking from that blends in with the environment, due to the natural process of breathing; inflatable architecture uses the same logic to create creative and unique designs. Inflatables may not be the most suitable format for permanent structures however, due to its versatility can be explored within the construction of temporary architecture. The environmental aspect of inflatable architecture is a significant advantage and has a lot of potential for the Merri Creek project due to its minute environmental footprint and ability to connect with a wide range of users particulalry children and for its weather proof capabilities. 33

Building Precedent 1: Montreal Biosphere Architect: Buckminister Fuller




The Montreal Biosphere is a museum dedicated to nature and the environment, in 1990 it was bought by ‘Environment Canada’ and turned into an interactive museum showcasing the water ecosystems of the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence River regions. The building has a strong tessellated quality that uses a repetitive geometric shape that plays multiple roles by acting as the surface paneling and dictating the structural load bearing qualities 2. The multipurpose tessellation dictated the overall shape of the building and that aspect of a multipurpose tessellated surface is quite unique and would be a possible design opportunity for Merri Creek. Possible concerns could be in the areas of fabrication and finding a material that would allow for prominent tessellations with a material that would be renewable and sustainable, in this case steel was used; and that isn’t a sustainable material. Furthermore, the paneling can be explored for the design of a pavilion shelter or cave for Merri Creek that can possibly influence the shape of built structure. 34

Building Precedent 2: Media Tic Architect: Cloud 9 Studios


The Media Tic building in Barcelona by Cloud 9 Architects showcases an unusual facade system that is covered by ETFE plastic bubbles. The use of the ETFE bubbles lends the building a quality of transparency and also is an environmental control measure such as solar responsiveness that makes use of a ETFE diaphragm configuration that reacts based on the amount of sunlight, and has a high thermal efficiency acting as insulation 3.


This buildings combines both research fields of being tessellations and inflatables and creates an elegant and environmental structure. Possible design opportunities are the use of the ETFE plastic inflatable material as it is ideal for environmental issues and can perform in a variety of conditions and environments and has a long life span of 100 years making it durable. Possible implications of this design are the cost of manufacturing and ability to obtain this material. This kind of connection between tessellation and inflation will be explored for the Merri Creek design project. [12]


B.2 Case Study 1.0


B.2 IwamotoScott - Voussair Cloud




IwamotoScott - Voussair Cloud has a unique expression of tesselation across a 3-dimensional structure. The use of petals across the built structure creates a lightness and floating effect through the use of gaps and lighting. The material used is the main aspect of the structure, using wood panels that bend into anchor points and tesselate the geometry 4. The structural logic behind the Voussair Cloud is the implimentation of a catenary form finding method, that combines minimal surface gemoetry and the tesselation distribution. The building is a strong example of structural ambiguity and aesthetically pleasing surfaces.


A 1










Species 1- Shape Exploration+Kangaroo relaxation

Species 2- Joint/ split systems


G 1









Species 3 Minimal Boundry

Species 4- Tesseltaed Surfaces







The selection criteria for the 4 successful outcomes were made based on the possible design outcomes for the tessellations research field. These 4 variations were chosen based on factors such as, the ability to occupy space, interesting use of structural form and tessellated surfaces, ability to incorporate; materials and surfaces into the tessellation language to communicate with users. These examples were not pushed any further in exploration due to the effect it would have on the clarity of the tessellated design language and clarity. The 4 different examples are from different species aiming to incorporate different ways of exploring the definition through tessellation and surface properties. These examples provide a mixture of qualities that can produce differing architectural applications. The clear use of relaxation, tessellation, surface and geometry division can produce architectural designs such as pavilions, temporary structures or a tessellated language communicated to varying audiences through built form. Potential challanges with the use of these examples may be the develpment of tessellated surfaces on each geometry, given that some are irregular. However, this is one of the qualities of the tessellations research field, having the ability to produce outcomes even on irregular or modified geometries by using usually rigid materials such as wood .



B.3 Case Study 2.0


Nervi Palazetto, Rome, 1957





The Nervi Palazetto is an indoor sports arena located in Rome, Italy by Annibale Vitellozzi in 1957 5. This project really highlights the array of tessellations used in this elegant and classic design. This design has the potential to be redesigned parametrically by the use of Grasshopper and Rhino. The design potential in this building is the use of natural aspects and tessellation across the surface, shown not only in the dome structure but also in the supporting concrete columns. The design’s diagonal tesselation is the design aspect that the Merri Creek design might incorporate.

Reverse Engineering Process 1. First step of re modelling the Nervi Palazetto is to create 7 circles in Grasshopper that will from the overall structural shape. 2. Create different heights by using the move component and then dividing the curve into 30 points. 3. Reference each circle to an end point and create a 3 point arc and connect to a sweep 1 command to create the dome like configeration. 4. Explode the points and create 4 shift lists connected to a line which will create diagonal lines across the dome forming tessellations. 5. Once the segements are divided into 180 points around the circle by using the slider, the ‘Y’ shaped columns are connected by vertical lines. 6. List item command allows for a connection between a number of points between 0 and 3 to create the diagonal shape. Rotate and graft to cross reference 7. Create a thicker exoskelton by using the exowireframe and referencing the ‘Y’ shaped columns to create a thicker diameter. 8. Tesselation are made more prominent by hiding list items and other functions that are not needed to be visible.


ICD/ITKE 2010 Pavilion, Stuttgart [19]

The ICD/ITKE 2010 research pavilion is a modern exam[20] ple of surface manipulation and tessellated qualities through material characteristics. The use of thin and bent plywood strips with gaps allowed for tessellation across the surface of the temporary pavilion 6, creating a structure that stands out due to its unusual bent in geometry and eye catching tessellations. [21]


Potential ideas from this design and possible outcomes for the Merri Creek design, could be the flexible and unrestrained shape with an interesting vortex like shape pulling the structure inwards and the use of material such as plywood to create tessellations.

1. Start by referencing in 4 curves in Rhino Base, central funnel, and grid shell like envelope. 2. Divide curves into a number of points and explode tree branches and connect to an arc component connecting each curve to the next. 3. Loft the resultant curves to create the overall general shape of the pavilion, and connect to the rebuild command to loft all areas of the pavilion. 4. Because the structure is predominantly built in grasshopper there needs to be a component to connect all curves in a non regular and liner manner, so a geodesic curve connects points from the explode tree command. 5. Shift list is also connected to the explode tree command and to the geodesic curve with the boolean set to true in order to avoid any missing sections in the pavilion that have not been listed. 6. Another Geodesic component is placed to create a mixed mesh surface with diagonal lines from both sides appearing across the surface of the pavilion, all points are connected to a sin curve graph mapper to produce wave like strips. 7. The control points are manipulated to further enhance the look of the pavilion to compare to that of the ICD/ITKE pavilion in Stuttgart.


There are similarities and differences between the reverse engineered project and the original project such similarities are the structural orginsation and geometry of the ICD/Itke pavilion. The organisation of internal space in a circular and open way across the central funnel connecting the ground to the roof and inward bending structure. Some differeces are the tessellations used that have created a different overall look to the structure, which is something that wasn’t configured in the reverse engineered project. There is a lot of potential from this case study, with the overall structural composition and layout of the pavilion and the use of materiality to create a tessellated surface with the collaboration of tessellation and inflation to create a pavillion shelter, meeting location that will have the smallest ecological foot print hence a minimal impact on a natural and popular site. Through exploration of the tessellated surface and paneling with the incorporation of an inflatabale material such as ETFE plastic fitted across the surface of the proposed design to achieve something similar to the proposed ‘Traveling exhibition hall for everyday objects, 1967.’ by Antoine [22] Stinco.7



After reverse engineering the case study 2.0 project and deciding on a design concept that incorporates Tessellation and Inflation through the use of sustainable materials thus leaving behind the lowest carbon foot print possible. Possible materials to use for the design are multiple wooden materials such as Timber, Plywood, Bamboo and ETFE plastic as an inflatable material. This combination of renewable and sustianable wood and an effiecient inflatable surface will allow for the desired design concept and technique. This is a number of examples showing the connection between wooden strips shown in the ICD/ITKE 2010 pavilion and inflation to allow for a deeper understanding of the proposed design for Merri Creek that combines the two.







B.4 Technique Development


A 1











G 1















After Interim Submission comments I wanted to explore possible ways inflatables can make the proposed design, through a non symmtertical and less regular shape, by exploring the definition of inflatables a bit further and test if it would benefit the Clifton Hill Primary School and Darling Gardens design.







These Explorations are experimenting with the idea of form finding with inflatables, and contrasting the general look of a shelter and trying to find possible outcomes that can act accrodingly


B.5 Prototyping Prototype A


Prototype B

Prototype C

This is the prototyping stage of the design concepts and strategies - The Tessellation was cut onto the wooden surface to create a tessellated grid like shape. - The inflatable material is attached but no inflation occurs (due to the sunlight/temperature level not being exceeded) - Once that level is exceeded the properties of ETFE plastic allow it to inflate to 3 times its size and an inflated surface emerges through the tessellation taking its shape 8. - This process is repeated with different prototypes of different tessellations to see how it will impact the inflation. Each tessellation may have a different effect on the amount of sun that hits the inflatable surface. - The inflation of the ETFE plastic allows for light transmittance and thermal effieciency. - The use of ETFE plastic allows for a greater lifespan as it can live up to 100 years and has weather proof quali61 ties

The prototyping stage allowed for a better understanding of both the design principal and proposal as it put things in perspectives and allowed for a physical understanding of the connection between tessellations and inflatables. These particular prototypes test the concept of part of the surface of the proposed design, due to the current curved nature of the potential design that may come up with differing results, so further exploration of the design shape and form will take place. Due to comments made during the presentation of part B to further explore inflatables with a possibility of using it for form finding not as an actual roofing system. This stage of prototyping allowed for an understanding of the properties of fabrication materials for both tessellations and inflatables. Furthermore, the use of thin plastic to resemble inflatables came up with a set of results meaning that different plastic materials such as latex and silicone can produce different results, this is a possibility to look into further for part C.

Exploration with different types of plastics to form the inflatable surface.


Further exploration in Part C can be prototyping with different materials and testing how tessellations on a curved surface will be exposed to differing amount of sunlight and heat and hence will inflate at different times and sizes using the diaphragm technology from the Media tic Building.


B.6 Site Analysis and DesignProposal

Sun Path diagram showing the main control factor of inflation [28]




To Create a Pavilion shelter meeting point for users around Darling Gardens creating an easy drop off/meeting location for parents pickng up their children from Clifton Hill Primary School, which benefits the users of the site as it acts as a multi-purpose design proposal but specifically school children and their parents.

Analysis The site is home to many people of different ages and backgrounds, and takes up a large amount of space. It connects Clifton Hill Primary School to three different streets and locations. There is a clear lack of shelter and gathering point for the main users of the site, being the school children and their parents in this large open space. A connection is needed to scale down the area into a functional hub for the main users.

Potential area to place design, due to close nature to school, and prime sun path exposure. Large space with flat land that will help for a shelter pavilion that acts as a meeting and drop off location for school kids and their parents, but also can have multifunctional purposes.


B.7 Learning Objectives and Outcomes As the semester progressed the technical side of the subject began. Part B allowed me to explore the true nature of my research fields being tessellations and inflatables. It became a more physical and design oriented stage in comparison to Part A which allowed for a greater understanding by using the skills adopted in Part A in selecting precedent projects this reflected on my design and allowed m to select more relevant buildings that will have an impact on my design proposal. The decision to add inflatables to my existent research field was through the potential ability to explore the 2 hand in hand in my design and to the unique qualities of inflatable surfaces that would add a lot of exciting possibilities to my design. As digital technologies keep advancing I wanted to propose a design that made good use of these powerful and advanced technologies and through the power of computation that would be easily achievable. I chose my proposed design for the interim submission based on a few selection criteria; being that I sufficed the brief, the stake holders and used the potential of computation and tried something daring and creative. I based my design proposal on precedent projects that I wanted to incorporate and more importantly on what the stakeholders of the chosen site told me and I took their input and combined it with my personal interests a long with the research fields and precedent projects to come up with a design that proposed to the site in a meaningful way.


However, my objectives going forward are to analyse the comments made by the guest critics and my tutor and try to see where that could take my design as their feedback helped me look at my fields in a variety of ways. I also would like to explore possible ways of fabricating my proposed design depending on where it ends up going. Furthermore, I would like to collaborate with class mates in stages such as grasshopper scripting and fabricating and prototyping to gain a better understanding and learn by developing new ideas. By maintaining a effective and useful proposal for the users of Clifton Hill Primary School and Darling Gardens I would like to create a safe and friendly environment through my design to connect with children, their parents and other users, as the design will serve a multifunctional purpose.


Algorethmic Sketchbook Mathematical Patterning


Patterning and the exploration of mathematical funtions to produce patterns that occur in nature helpful for obtaining design ideas for possible tessellations.

Patterning seen also in nature but use a physics component to describe their movement and shape such as spider webs shown on the right.

[31] 68

Spider Web Task


Inflatable bench


Image Image

[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12]



Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 13/4/2015 Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 13/4/2015 Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 13/4/2015

inflatable architecture,, accessed 22/4/2015 inflatable architecture,,accessed 22/4/2015 inflatable architecture,,accessed 22/4/2015 Arch daily, Montreal biosphere,, accessed 18/4/2015 Arch daily, Montreal biosphere,, accessed 18/4/2015 Arch daily, Montreal biosphere,, accessed 18/4/2015 Aus Design, Media,, accessed


Aus Design, Media,, accessed


[13] Voussoir cloud,, accessed 19/04/2015

[14] [15]

Dezeen,, accessed 19/04/2015 Dezeen,, accessed 19/04/2015

[16] [17]


Mimoa, Nervi Palzetto,, accessed 22/04/2015 Mimoa, Nervi Palzetto,, accessed 22/04/2015

Image References Image


Reference Mimoa, Nervi Palzetto,, accessed 22/04/2015


Icd/Itke,, accessed 24/04/2015


Icd/Itke,, accessed 24/04/2015


Icd/Itke,, accessed 24/04/2015


Travelling objects,, accessed 24/04/2015


Travelling objects,, accessed 24/04/2015


Arca,, accessed 24/04/2015


Design boom inflatable,, accessed 24/04/2015

[26] [27] [28] [29]

Design boom inflatable,, accessed 24/04/2015 Design boom inflatable,, accessed 24/04/2015 Google maps, 1C1CHWA_enAU608AU608&ion=1&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.&bvm=bv.92291466,d.cGU&biw=1366&b ih=628&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=SyREVc-sA9LdoATNvoC4CQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ, accessed 29/04/2015

Darling Gardens , accessed 29/04/2015


Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 15/4/2015


Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 15/4/2015


Pixshark, natural and man made tessellations, accessed 15/4/2015 71

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[01], accessed 14/04/2015

[02] =PT33&dq=tessellated+architecture&source=bl&ots=Rr7kuLbE2M&sig =dM3osisKFR8ZHH36gke7_zNuU0s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=D4s7VaDGBtfs 8AX-4ICQDg&ved=0CDEQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=tessellated%20 architecture&f=false, accessed 17/04/2015

[03] [04], accessed 22/04/2015, accessed 22/04/2015

[05], accessed 27/04/2015


Icd/Itke,, 24/04/2015, accessed, 17/04/2015


Blow up, Inflatable architecture, Seen topham prestel, published 2006, accessed 29/04/2015


Tessellation/inflation,, accessed 30/04/2015




Part C Detailed Design


C.1- Interim Presentation feedback Following the interim presentation, some possible aspects of refinement to the design were suggested. The proposal was appropriate to the site and took the stakeholders into consideration. However, possible refinement of the technique and concept will produce a more wholesome and successful design.This is broken into 3 main aspects. - The geometric form is too symmetrical, try to enhance the form into something that would show greater use of computation, whilst maintaining the proposed concept and technology. - Consider and test a variety of materials representing the tessellated mesh and the inflatable surface and further research ETFE and its characteristics. - Environmental analysis of the site with regards to the concept. - Can possibly use inflatables as a for finding technique. The feedback from the guest critics will help refine the design and test the structural properties of the materials, and after further research of possible inflatable materials will allow for a suitable material for the site and for the concept and technology proposed. The use of inflatables as a form finding technique would be an interesting approach, that can be developed with the use of an inflatable formwork which would easily be optimised and chnaged through the use of computational parameters. This concept can maintain a connection between tessellation and inflation in a new and innovative way that would achieve and beniefit the design proposal set for the Clifton Hill children and their parents. 76

C.1- Design Concept Building Precedent 1 Radiolaria pavilion, Italy Shiro Studio


This Building precedent makes use of a toplogically optimised pavilion form with an organic tessellated quality across its surface. The main area of interest in this design is the ability for fabrication of site and quick assembly on site, due to it being fully fabricated through using the largest 3D printer to produce this 10 metre tall pavilion.1 The materials used consist of artificial sandstone with a coated barrier to replace the need for internal reinforcement. This material is compared to concrete in its durable and strong properties, with a more environmentally aware construction method.2 77

C.1- Design Concept Building Precedent 2 The Edinburgh Dome, Malvern Michael Godwin


This Building precedent combines the usual aesthetics of a dome structure with a new and innovative constructon concept and method. An inflatable is used as a formwork for the building by inflating at a constant pressure to create a dome that is then turned into concrete and can be used for many functions and purposes.3 The PVC inflatable used in the Edinburgh Dome can be easily carried on and off site and used again to create a more sustainable and unique building method.4 This is an unusual way of designing that explores inflatables through a new direction and can be computationally advanced to incorporate both research fields of interest. 78

C.1- Design Concept Site Plan

Chosen area of site for design: - Close Proximity to Clifton Hill Primary School - Good sun exposure - Flat land - Popular site area

After reseraching the site and creating a toplogical map to better understand the composition of the land, this area was chosen due to its flat nature and close proximity to the school. This part of the site is where most parents currently wait for their children and so the design woould ensure a continuity in the site’s uses and space division. The form created throught the use of an inflatable formwork will create a more playful and organic look to concrte and allow children to enter the shelter pavilion through the many tessellated openings each with a different experience. 79

C.1- Design Concept


The design concept creates a connection between the fields of tessellation ad inflation to create a unique pavilion form that acts as a shelter/ meeting and drop off points particularly for stakeholders being the children of Clifton Hill Primary School and their parents. The concept uses the technology used in the The Edinburgh Dome which produces a inflatable form work that dictates the form of the structure. The concept also uses an organic round tessellation that acts as openings to the pavilion shelter, each opening varies slightly in shape and size and aims to create a different eperience for users. The main goal of using inflatables was to connect with users and spark their curiosity, allowing for user interaction specifically with children. 80



The concept aims to create a connection with users of different ages and backgrounds through using an inflatable material that is environmentally friendly and can dictate the form of the dessign and contrast the usual uses and construction of concrete structures. Computation allowed for a better understanding and easy manipulation of tessellation affecting inflation and vice versa. Incorporating air into the design concept means that the form imitates nature of form in its generation and will be environmentally conscious.

C.1- Design Concept Explanation The inflatable material is anchored to the ring beam footings and is sealed by hot air welding. The inflatable is connected to an air generator that will inflate [06]

the formwork.5 The formwork is inflated by standardized air pressure that delivers air to the inflatable and allows for a compressive strength to resist the concrete


pouring process.6 Ropes and cables can be attached to further secure the shape of the dome and allow for certain shapes to be achieved.

Once the dome inflatable formwork is fully inflated the concrete is then poured on and needs approximately a day for the curing and setting process and can be used the next day.



C.1- Technique Illistration








C.1- Technique Explanation Steps

Step 1 shows the design proposal for the Clifton hill Darling gardens design at the end of Part B but due to comments, refinement of a new form was needed. Step 2 shows the exploration of millipede and testing of its functionality. Steps 3 and 4 look into the adaptability of forms and topological optimization with millipede through parameter changes that result in different form evaluation. Step 5 is a proposal for the pavilion that developed the inflatable formwork to a more complex shape. However, this was going to face fabrication issues which lead to Step 6 being a more dome like pavilion structure with a repeated tessellated quality that would act as the openings to the pavilion and hence creating a connection between inflation and tessellation for the users to observe and interact with.

Testing with Karamba was helpful in order to see the loads and structural forces acting on the dome. There were a few anchor points dropped in kangaroo at opposing locations, with the highest stress levels in those locations.


C.1- Design Perspectives, Plans, Sections & Elevations



2 Plan


1 2 Elevation 1

Elevation 2

Section 1

Section 2


C.1- Envisaged Construction Process


Ring Beam Foundation with the inflatable PVC anchored.



Inflatable PVC material is inflated with an air generator


Once inflation is complete the GFRC is poured


The strcuture is left for setting and curing.


C.2- Core Construction Materials PVC

- Economical - Reusable - Provides compres sive strength from the air pressure - Hot air welding for construction [13]


- Strong - Durable with the use of multiple sheets - Expensive - On site construction issues - Not many providers available [14] 88

C.2- Core Construction Materials Standrard Concrete

- Traditional - Durable - Labour intensive - Requires steel reinforcemnt - Dense and Heavy [15]


- Composite of cement, fine aggregate, water, acrylic copolymer, glassfibers 7 - Higher flexural and tensile strengths than normal concrete


- Durable, lightweight and more env friendly. 89

C.2- Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

This is a representation of the glass fiber reinforced concrete to show the nature of this material and represent its ability to bend and form complex shapes.

Glass Fiber Reinforced concrete ready to be poured. The glass fiber allows for a strong and rigid reinforcement without the need for internal reinforce[17] 90


ment or bracing.8

C.2- Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

Prototyping and testing with different inflatable materials with a construction process prototype model. Once the Ring beam foundations are set up the inflatable is anchored and welded into poisition. The inflation process starts and after fully inflating, the concrete is poured and due to the compressive strength that is provided by the airform it withstands the force and the structure is then left to cure and set.


C.2- Tectonic Elements & Prototypes Membrane Cutting, Inflating and Fitting Process


Membrane Cutting, Inflating and Fitting Process The membrane cutting process involved testing a few materials that would allow for inflation and fit around the 3D printed model. A fabric cloth material was chosen due to its flexibility, ability to inflate and for sewing and sticking purposes. The cloth was measured and cut to fit the intended size. Once the Tessellated openings were traced out onto the piece of cloth, they were cut off and removed.

The Fabric was wrapped around the model and held into position by taping the edges. Once the overall shape was traced onto the cloth, the piece was cut and was ready to be joined. A few methods were used to join the strips together but the use of tape worked best as it was the most rigid connection and didn’t leave any air space that would affect the inflation process.

A hair dryer was used to inflate the membrane formwork to the intended shape and once that was achieved the model was reinserted. The membrane represented the inflatable formwork and can be removed to reveal the final dome structure that was 3d printed.


C.3- Final Model 1:100


C.3- Final Model The final model was 3D printed by using the Powder 3D printer machine at the FabLab. The use of the Powder print allowed for greater accuracy and a more realistic representation of the intended concrete structure in reality. Furthermore, The use of the Up printer would have left supports that would not show the tessellation and interior spaces in the intended ways. The model was at a scale of 1:100 and was chosen due to size restrictions of the powder printer and the cost of fabrication. The model represents the main features of the site being the flat land and large amount of green space that promotes the idea of children and users interacting with the environment. The final model showcases the desired connection between the research fields of study as the there is a connection between the tessellations and the inflatable dome structure. The organic shape of the design connects with the site and achieves the purpose of creating a meeting point and drop off location for Clifton Hill Primary School children and their parents in the form of a dome pavilion.


Final Renders


The Clifton Dome








C.4- Learning Objectives and Outcomes After the final presentation feedback the design membrane for the inflatable was redesigned to fit the design better and the concept, by using a fabric material rather than thin plastic and by showing the inflation in the physical and through grasshopper. This helped refine the design and helped with the clarity of the concept and proposal. Through my course of development in Studio Air I have been to analyze and critique my progress since the first day of the semester. This studio has been very demanding from the start it pushed our designing capabilities to new limits and has been very rewarding, as it unfolded a completely new way of thinking about design and architecture. The design project allowed me to understand the amount of trials and errors that go into a design before reaching the final outcome. This was facilitated by the use of computation and parametric modeling through Grasshopper and Rhino. These tools although new, really allowed for a greater exploration of any design through the endless amount of possibilities that are controlled through multiple parameters. Studio Air emphasized the growing role and importance of computational tools in architecture and design and as I got exposed to different plugins in Grasshopper I developed an overall understanding of the amount of detail that can go into a parametric design that is not available through non computational methods. I think I would be able to explore future designs by using computation as it proved to be more efficient, effective and more interesting than previous design methodologies that I used.


Furthermore, Studio Air allowed me to explore digital modes of fabrication that I was never exposed to before, such as 3D printing and Laser Cutting, which allowed me to fabricate tectonic assemblies and complex models. Through my engagement with the brief and weekly algorithmic tasks, I was able to draw a meaningful connection between the algorithmic tasks and form generation that was needed for the design project and this seemed very technical for a beginner like myself, but through practice and a lot of trial and error it allowed me to develop meaningful designs. I found Studio Air very stimulating as it provided me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge of design and architecture and learn where architecture is heading to. Learning about parametric design opened my eyes to personal interests in architecture through choosing research fields and presented me with the opportunity to further educate myself and develop my learning in architecture.


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