Portfolio Product Design
I-Chen Wu
INDEX Easy Mommy Project 4
Milk Powder Container Design
About Me
NeverDeadline Project 1
Safety Harness Design
Wars of Paper Arts Project 5
Folk Toy Redesign/ Souvenir Design
Butterflight Project 2
Floor Lamp Design
Project 6
Functional Toy Design for Aging People
Project 3
Book Stand
Popular Culture Design Works
City Impulse
Clothes Hanger
Health Donuts
Project 7 25|26
Exhibition Design
75|76 02|03
About Me Personal Info
Technical Skills
Nationality | Republic of China (Taiwan ) Gender | Female Date of Birth | March, 1, 1989
Sketches Research Computer Graphics 3D Modeling/ Rendering
2007-‐2012 Industrial Design Department of NCKU 2004-‐2007 National Tainan Girl’s Senior High School
Mandarin Japanese English German
| native | N4 | iBT 91 | Basic
Extra Curriculum Experience 2011.11
Participated in the course of Innovative Toy & Children’ s Products Forum held by the Taiwan Toy Union 2011.07 Participated in the course of Shoes Making held by Footwear & Recreation Technology Research Institute 2011.05 Participated in the Young Designers’ Competition (Product Design / Exhibition Design) 2010.08-‐09 Practical trained in Playhouse Design 2010.03-‐07 Cooperated with Landseed Company 2010.05 Participated in the 6th International Design Workshop @ NCKU 2009.10 Participated i n t he S ervice D esign Workshop h eld b y S outhern Taiwan University 2009.09 Participated in the Joint Design Workshop @ Chiba University, Japan 2009.08 Participated in the Interaction Design Workshop held by Southern Taiwan University 2009.07 Participated in the NDD Design Company workshop
u W n e h C This portfolio is a selection of my design works during my 4 years in t he d epartment o f i ndustrial design at NCKU; also, it is a record o f m y t houghts, a nd m y learning process. If you are interest i n m y w orks, w elcome to contact me. I hope you could enjoy my works.
I-Chen Wu
Contact Info
E-‐mail juleedio@gmail.com Address No.48, Denan St., South Dist., Tainan City 702, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone +886 917198931
2011.08 2011.05 2011.05 2010.07
Talentrepreneurship Innovation Callaboration: Tic100 Innovative business model competition Young Designers’ Competition/ Product Design Young Designers’ Competition/ Exhibition Design National Museum of Taiwan History workshop
| Award for Excellent | Nomination | Award for Excellent | Award for Excellent
Activities 2010.07 2009-‐2010 2009-‐2010 2008.02 2007-‐2008 2007
ơ OE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design Planning the Competition of Sport of Art & Design University of Taiwan Section Chief of Activities of Industrial Design Department of NCKU Participated in the Vollyball Competition of Sport of Art & Design University of Taiwan Joined the Group of Vollyball of Industrial Design Department @ NCKU
Project 1
NeverDeadline Safety Harness Design
2011 Young Designers’ Competition@Taipei
D r e v
d a e
e n i L
This graduation design project lasted about one y e a r , a n d w a s t h e longest project I have e v e r a t t e m p t e d . T h e g r o u p I w o r k e d w i t h e n t e r e d t h e Yo u n g Designers’ Competition in 2011 in Taiwan with this project, and we got a special recommendation for our efforts.
Course Topic: Graduation Design Designers: I-Chen Wu I-Chun Chou Yueh-Ching Lin
Reasons for this topic
Target Users
The safety of construction workers is a significant issue in Taiwan, and even though government regulations stipulate that those who are working on tall structures should a l w a y s w e a r a s a f e t y h a r n e s s , m a n y accidents still occur. Therefore, this project aimed to address this issue by integrating the fastener into the form of the harness. In addition, by using different colors and materials, the functions of the various parts of the harness are clearer to users, meaning that it can be easily worn and intuitively adjusted. When used in conjunction with the rescue system, it is hoped that this harness could help protect the lives of all individuals who work on tall structures.
Construction workers, who need to climb up and down while working, usually work on tall structures.
e n i L
Research Method
Sources Collection
We observed workers on tall structures m a n y t i m e s , a n d a l s o d e s i g n e d questionnaires to better understand their f e e l i n g s a b o u t t h e s a f e t y h a r n e s s e s a v a i l a b l e o n t h e m a r k e t , a n d t h e i r experience of wearing them.
We did a large amount of research on safety harness design all over the world in order to learn from the experiences of others.
D r e v
d a e
Harness design in the world
Safety Regulation
When designing any product, understanding the s a f e t y r e g u l a t i o n s i s e s s e n t i a l , a n d t h i s i s especially important for products such as safety harnesses.
Petent Observe
We also collected existing patents regarding safety harnesses, with a particular focus on the buckles, hooks and main harness structures.
1 Questionaire & Analsis
the questionnaire
the statistics of the questionnaire The questionnaire gathered the following information: personal details (age, gender, job content and experience), experience of falling (whether they had fallen in the past, when was the experience, the height, the p l a c e , t h e r e a s o n f o r f a l l i n g o ff , t h e problems they encountered after falling) and wearing safety harnesses (the kind of harnesses they have wore, the problems they encountered when wearing then, how long they usually wear a harness, and w h e t h e r t h e y a r e s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e harnesses now on the market). We asked 21 workers, with 20 being male, and the one female being a manager. Most o f t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s w e r e hydropower-engineering workers, with work experience ranging from 3 months to 20 years. Most of them had used a full body safety harness. When asked about their feelings when wearing a harness, they complained about the complex process of o u t i n g i t o n , a n d s a i d t h a t i t w a s uncomfortable, heavy, ugly, and made it difficult to move.
h a r d t o m ove when working
wear har ness for 0-4 hours per time in average
take of f the har ness when eating or resting
wear the harness completely
Specifically, 71.4% of the participants thought it was hard to move when working;; 51.4% wore the harness for 0-4 hours a time on average;; 85.7% would take off the harness in their break time;; and only 66.7% of them would wear the harness as it was designed to be worn (for example, some would not fasten all the buckles).
lightness comfort providing safety goodness for moving goodness for working
The results of the questionnaire showed that lightness, comfort, safety, and flexibility were the most important elements for the respondents, while ease of storage, ventilation, and sense of safety were the second most important. Finally, the least important items were self rescue, comfort when falling, reflective, less buckles, no buckles, and a place for holding tools.
e n i L
d a e
D r e v
easiness to be stored ventilation sense of safety
self-rescue comfortable falling reflection lower sence of existence less buckles non-buckled combining the tool package
Conclusion After confirming the design direction, w e o r d e r t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f t h e problem. First, we want to solve the problem that workers encounter when w o r k i n g , t h a t i s t o e n h a n c e t h e flexibility, which is also the main problem of the existing harness. Second is the comfort problem. We depart the situation into 3 parts: when wearing and taking off, when working, and when falling. Furthermore, we want to plus the self-rescue function. The problem of the existing harness is that, workers could not climb back after falling.
Idea Sketches
Design Standard
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e d e s i g n s tandards, we de v eloped many different ideas of the safety harness, including the details. After that, we chose several feasible ideas to work out the details.
[Nimble Moving] - storage of tools - easy to operate - easy to carry - storage of hook - storage of rope
[Comfortable wearing]
e n i l d a
- when wearing - when working and moving - when falling
[Self/Others Rescue]
e d r ve
[Remide/ Alarm] - color - sound
e N
Design Features To reduce the discomfort of wearing safety harnesses at work, we have narrowed the shoulder parts to maintain the flexibility of the shoulders and hand. In addition, unlike a traditional harness, we used a buckle adjustment system to collect all the loose ends. Furthermore, we decreased the number of the buckles so as to reduce the weight, simplify the harness, and reduce the possibility something catching it.
Ventitation Material W e i m p r o v e d t h e efficiency of heat transfer t o p r o v i d e l o n g - t e r m c o m f o r t b y u s i n g s p e c i a l ventilation material.
Breast Buckles W e n a r r o w e d i n t h e s h o u l d e r p a r t s t o m a k e more space for both arms.
Loop Adjustment T h e l o o p s y s t e m c a n i n t e g r a t e e v e r y e n d o f e a c h h a r n e s s s t r i p a n d adjust the harness size to fit many body sizes.
Lower D-ring Position We designed a flexible rope c o n n e c t i n g b o t h t h e D - r i n g a n d t h e h a r n e s s , s o a s t o make the smaller hook easier hook up and disconnect from the D-ring.
Flexible Rope
e n i l d a
e d r ve
This flexible rope can reduce discomfort if a fall occurs, as w e l l a s i n c r e a s e f l e x i b i l i t y and the range of movement.
e N
We a d d e d r e s c u e a n d q u i c k r e l e a s e f u n c t i o n s t o t h e h a r n e s s t o d e c r e a s e t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f a c c i d e n t s happening.
3D Modeling
After deciding the design details, we made a 3-D model of the product.
1 Double-Rescuing System T h i s s y s t e m c a n h e l p p e o p l e r e s c u e c o-work er s who fall from scaffolds , and protect them from scaffolds are about to c o l l a p s e . W e d i v i d e d t h e s a f e t y r o p e b e h i n d i n t o t w o p a r t s , o n e f l e x i b l e , a n d combined them with a quick release hook.
Get a grip!
Escape!!! Help!!
Run Run
W h e n y o u r c o - w o r k e r f a l l s down, and needs some help.
All you have to do is to use your s a f e t y h a r n e s s t o g e t h i m b a c k onto the scaffold.
Rescuing others
e n i l d a
e d r ve
Self Protection
Many scaffolds collapse at construction sites in Taiwan. However, if the workers can feel the collapse, and then quickly cut the connection between them and the collapsing scaffold, they may have chance to escape. We thus lowered the original position of the D-ring from the back to the waist, so that workers can n o t o n l y e a s i l y c o n n e c t t h e h o o k w h e n w e a r i n g t h e h a r n e s s , b u t a l s o disconnect. Therefore, the main approach to rapid assembly and disassembly is to minimize the original hook and maintain the original mechanism, so that the workers can familiarize themselves with the mechanism quickly.
e N
H o o k u p t h e s m a l l e r h o o k o n the scaffold nearby. Ta k e o ff t h e b i g g e r h o o k f r o m the scaffold and give it to your co-worker to help him turn and climb back.
W h e n p e o p l e f a l l d o w n f r o m t h e scaffold, their body will slump in the h a r n e s s . T h i s m a k e s i t h a r d f o r f a l l i n g w o r k e r s t o t u r n a n d c l i m b b a c k . F u r t h e r m o r e , i f a p e r s o n hangs like this for over ten minutes, t h e y m a y f a c e t h e d a n g e r o f a m p u t a t i o n b e c a u s e o f b a d circulation. Therefore, we developed a rapid rescue method:
The rescuer connects the smaller h o o k t o t h e s c a f f o l d , a n d t h u s p r o t e c t s h i m f r o m f a l l i n g w h e n helping others.
The rescuer gives the bigger hook to the falling worker to help them turn around and climb back on the scaffold.
Project 2 ButterfLight
Chinese Style Light Design
I n t h i s p r o j e c t , w e practiced working like a c o m p a n y t e a m . W e analyzed the data we h a d c o l l e c t e d a n d discussed the design of new products.
Course Topic: Personalized Product Design Designer: I-Chen Wu
t t
L f r e
t h ig 18|19
Yue-Yue Design Company Intro
Yue-Yue Design Feature
Style & Visual image
Yue-Yue Design is a Chinese style design company. We have designed six kinds of products of lamp, which were d e s i g n e d b y s i x d i f f e r e n t designers. Each lamp has its o w n u n i q u e c h a r a c t e r , representing different Chinese cultural elements. We hoped that these lamps could make u s e r s e n j o y t h e E a s t e r n atmosphere, learning more about Chinese culture.
Though the floor lamps, which are available on the market, have many diverse styles, mostly based on simple and elegant Western styles. The Eastern style usually gives the feelings of being heavy and retro. To our eyes, we made the traditional elements no longer rigid, combining them w i t h m o d e r n e l e m e n t s t o impress everyone.
Using modern techniques to interpret classical elements, and adding some Chinese elements into the design of the floor lamp, such as unique colors, shapes, totems, or some abstract concept, so that the light would no longer be just an empty beauty, but be elegant and full of meaning.
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L f r e
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Product Analysis Form image analysis At first, all of the members collected a large amount of pictures of floor lamps, analyzing the colors of the main body, cataloging them into 8 kinds of colors (including red, orange, yellow, green, b l u e , g r e y, g o l d e n a n d s i l v e r ) . Furthermore, we turned the pictures f r o m c o l o r e d t o b l a c k a n d w h i t e , analyzing the form and shape by cross analysis (soft-hard, complex-simple). At the end, we decided on the standard of our design.
Color Image Analysis
t h ig
At this stage, we analyzed all the floor lamp pictures we collected. The content included whether they had stick-like parts or not, whether the angle of light was adjustable or not, what kind of light source they had (single light source, whole body light source, or dispersing light), and whether or not they were single material or multi-materials.
t t
L f r e
Brain Storming -635 Method We used the 635 method to rapidly develop a large amount of ideas, trying to catch the images and ideas of Chinese culture.
2 3D Modeling & Working Model
Design Concept The ButterfLight is developed from the shape of butterfly, which is usually p r e s e n t e d i n o l d C h i n e s e b o o k s . Butterflies have beautiful shape and color;; Chinese people like the metaphor of flying as dancing.
t h ig
central x12
L f r e side
t t
Design Feature 1 Personalized
2 Single Material
3 Scene
T h e B u t t e r f L i g h t h a s 1 2 pieces of wings, and all of them can be put upside down at pleasure of the users.
The whole product is made by a c r y l i c ( e x c e p t t h e center--lamp part).
Because of the acrylic, when the light is on, the user can see the beautiful light from the edge of the 12 pieces of wings, extending to the floor.
Project 3 Popular Culture Design This is a design project for the particular group who loves Lohas and practice Lohas in their life. In this project, we a i m e d t o d e s i g n f o u r kinds of product to fit their lifestyle.
Course Topic: Seminar on Creativity of Popular Culture Designer: I-Chen Wu
s a h o L
Cloth Stand Chair
3 Research Method-KFC B y u s i n g t h i s m e t h o d , w e c a n understand what kind of images and feelings the Lohas group likes. The research steps were as following:
Collection of the LOHAS Related Image In this step, we collected about 100 images related to Lohas for the participants who are sympathetic to this way of life.
What is LOHAS
s a h o L
In this project, we aimed to d e s i g n c l o t h e s h a n g e r, f l o w e r p o t , c h a i r , a n d bookstand, which fit the lifestyle of the Lohas group.
The lifestyle of pursuing the healthy and sustainable life which ranges from making people healthy to no discharge and no energy resources are Lohas. The Lohas group thinks that everything comes from the earth, so then give them back to the earth. In this way, they can achieve the sustainable condition.
3 Weight of Abstract Words
17% 18%
Satisfication Health
Enjoy Life Life Force
Weight of Concrete Words
Interview 1
०ዠ 䇂
०ዠ 䇂
哨㤇 ⦤枎
ᆼ 哨㤇
⤽⹐ 沥ག
ᜟ⚣ 浵疈
We asked them to choose the picture that best represented each group. We asked them to write down several abstract and concrete words to represent each group of pictures.
哨㤇 ᆼ ⤽⹐ ᜟ⚣ ᆼໄ 枎 ឥᚯ ພ㔮 㹶· 缜暟 䆻嗨 ⦤枎 哨㤇 沥ག 浵疈 嗨
ɲ甫 䇂
䟛 ۮ
10.43% 14.83%
We ask ed the participants t o individually, group the pictures we had collected in any way that they wanted.
s a h o L 2
Natural Material
Anaylsis After the interviews, we gathered the words written by the participants, and counted the number times each word appeared.
Give Me More Green
s a h o L
This product was made of paper pulp and totally handmade. The surface of the clothes hanger had the texture of paper pulp. Furthermore, the user can see some patterns of green leaves from the hollows in the hanger.
Process Sketches B a s e d o n t h e a b s t r a c t a n d concrete words, we tried to sketch some ideas to fit the meaning of the words.
3 Model Making Process In this process, I produced paper pulp by myself. I collected as much newspaper as I could, and then soaked and stirred it. Finally, I produced one piece of reprocessed paper that still had the texture of paper pulp.
Paper Pulp The participants like to use something with textures, and paper pulp can achieve this.
3D modeling After discussing with the professor, I chose three ideas and then made 3-D models of them.
s a h o L
3 Look Up at the Sky with the Green Have you ever rested on the grass, looking up at the blue sky? This flowerpot expresses t h e n a t u r a l d e s i r e o f L o h a s people: live with the nature, and live in it.
s a h o L
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3D Modeling
s a h o L
Model making process The model includes two parts;; first is the wooden human figure, and the second part is the wooden. Because I needed a thick human-figure, I asked a factory to make it for me. I made the frame by myself. Finally, I covered the entire model with waterproof and wood-color paint.
3 The Smell of the Sea The smell of the sea remained in the bookstand that was made of driftwood picked from the sea. When you read books, you sit by the sea.
s a h o L
Process Sketches In this step, I drew some sketches, and analyzed the relation of each idea to Lohas.
3D & Working Model
After discussing with the professor, I chose three ideas and made 3-D models of them.
Model Making Process
s a h o L
The difficulty in making this model w a s b e y o n d m y i m a g i n a t i o n , because there were few machines for the size of the driftwood I picked. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e s u r f a c e o f t h e driftwood was not smooth, so that I could hardly cut a smooth circle through the wood when I tried to make the model using a jigsaw.
Driftwood Driftwood is a good material for this project, because it still has the texture of the wood. In addition, it is totally f r o m n a t u r e , w h i c h i s o n e o f t h e elements of Lohas.
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3D Modeling & Working Model
Communicate with the root Whenever sitting under a tree, I can hear the tree breathing, talking and living.
s a h o L
Model Making Process
In the process, I sanded all the boards after cutting them, and painted them with waterproof paint. In addition, I used many circles to connect each board to produce the roots of the chair. Finally, I nailed the branches of the chair to the roots.
12/13 44|45
Project 4 Powder Container Design 2009 OVERSEA’S JOINT WORKSHOP @ TOKYO Sponsored by Basilic This was a project in which we cooperated with the international stu- dents from Japan and Korea. It was sponsored by a powder container c o m p a n y o f Ta i w a n , Basilic, which wanted to design a new product which would be sold in b o t h Ta i w a n a n d i n Japan.
y s
m o M
y m
Course Topic: international workshop Designer: I-Chen Wu Shih-Hou Chong Mizunuma Takasuke
rocess  Design  P
o m M Â y my s a E survey Â
survey Â
in  Taiwan
in  Japan
4 3
expect sponsor
problem of  products
people parents
target  tree model
compara s
Target Company
1 M e e t  t h e  d e m a n d s  o f Â
The  Basilic  Company  was  established  in  1995,  and  the  initial  business  was  to  distribute  drugs  and  vaccines.  Recently  they  started  to  produce  baby  products,  and  they  not  only  develop  new  items,  but  also  manage  sales  channels.
Product Analysis
p a r e n t s  i n  J a p a n  a n d  Taiwan. Â
2 Solve  the  existing  problems Â
of  milk  powder  containers  on  the  market.
Target User
O u r  t a r g e t s  a r e  p a r e n t s  i n  Taiwan  and  Japan  who  need  a  portable  milk  powder  container  when  they  go  out  with  their  babies. Â
M Â y s Ea
Material Analysis P.P ‡ 5HF\FODEOH
‡ 6WURQJ ‡ +HDW UHVLVWDQW WR   about  1 “ ƒ&
‡  Acid  resistant ‡ +HDW DQG FUDVK UHVLVWDQW
4 3 Design Targets After analyzing the preferences of customers, and the problems and the advantages of the current products, we tried to combine various elements to produce the best solutions.
Market Research
To understand the demand o f t h e u s e r s a n d t h e problem of the products, we used following step:
1 2 3
Interviewed parents. Interviewed product sellers to know the best-selling products and the possible reasons. Made questionnaires to get different opinions.
The simple use of this product makes it more attractive to parents.
Use by 1 hand To keep one hand free, the container is designed so that it can be used with only one hand.
Can be compacted
less use
Similar reason with the feature” small size.” We wanted to minimize the size, making this product user-friendlier.
y m m o
We found that parents in Taiwan had similar ideas as t h o s e i n J a p a n . We a l s o analyzed the best-selling products and the worst selling products both in Taiwan and in Japan.
M y s Ea Japan
Simple process
For parents, milk powder and the container occupy a lot of space, and minimizing this can make traveling with a baby easier.
Market Analysis Taiwan
Small size
1 Most use
Recycling can save the money and the environment.
Decrease the possibility of contamination
F o r p a r e n t s , s a n i t a t i o n i s o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t considerations in choosing a baby product. When they are outside, dust in the air may containmate the milk powder when they open the container to feed their babies. Therefore, decreasing the possibility of contamination would be an important direction for the container design.
4 3
Sketch by IChen Wu
Sketch by IChen Wu
y m m o
Process Sketches A cc ording to the target we had developed, we started to do brain storming and sketch some possible solutions.
M y s Ea
4 3 Velcro
Hanger EVA
Cover Opener
Hanger Milk Powder
p.p. plastic beg
Model Making A f t e r s e v e r a l l e n g t h y discussions, we decided to choose several practical s o l u t i o n s t o m a k e t h e models, so as to see the feasibility of our ideas.
Final Product Comprises four plastic bags and one EVA cover.
During the work, we came u p w i t h a b o u t 4 - 5 prototypes and discussed the advantages and the disadvantages of each type to improve our ideas and make them more complete.
Inside the Cover
M y s Ea
We had tried many kinds of materials to make the product. The final materials we chose were as the following: Cover: EVA Opener: magnet Main body: EVA has the property of To a c h i e v e t h e g o a l o f P.P. Plastic b e i n g w a t e r p r o o f . b e i n g a b l e t o u s e t h e B y a n a l y z i n g c u r r e n t Therefore, by using this product with one hand, we products on the market, material, the parents can spared no effort in trying we knew that sanitation keep the cover clean and many ways to make the was a key point for the d r y e v e n i f t h e y s p i l l opener open much more container. P.P. was one some milk powder on it. easily. Finally, we decided of the best choices. It Moreover, they can wash to use magnets, which was c a n e n d u r e h i g h t h e c o v e r a n d d r y i t inspired by bags used to t e m p e r a t u r e s ( a b o u t easily. contain glasses. With this 1 1 0 ± Û & a n d i s material, parents can easily environmentally friendly. open the opener using only Furthermore, it is flexible, one hand, leaving their w h i c h m i n i m i z e s t h e other hand free to handle volume. other things.
y m m o
Choice of Materials
Outside the Cover
Use one hand to squeeze t he ends of t he opener together, and use the other h a n d t o p o o r t h e m i l k powder in.
3 4 2
S o f t l y p i n c h t h e s i d e s together to close.
Attach the Easy Mommy to the mommy’ s bag by the hanger.
Prepare to go out with your baby.
Put the plastic b a g s i n t h e cover.
When you are outside, and the baby is crying for milk. Yo u c a n e a s i l y p u l l o n e plastic bag from the cover.
y m m o
M y s Ea How to use this product.
Squeeze the ends o f t h e o p e n e r together to open it.
Poor the milk p o w d e r f r o m t h e p l a s t i c bags into the baby’s bottle.
After going back home, y o u c a n w a s h t h e container and then hang it on the wall to dry it.
8 56|57
Project 5
Wars of Paper Art
Folk toy redesign
2010 museum sustainable development workshop This was a project to redesign one of Taiwan’ s t r a d i t i o n a l f o l k t o y s , w h i c h w a s c o m m i s - sioned by the National Museum of Taiwan His- tory.
Course Topic: workshop competition Designer: I-Chen Wu Li-Hua Ma
e p a
P f o
s r
t r A r 12/13 58|59
5 3
Wars of Paper Art Target Market The visitors to the National Museum of Taiwan History
Target User Families
t r A r
Design Feature This game combines the history o f Ta i w a n a n d a f o l k g a m e ( “On-A-Biao” ), a memory shared by each adult of Taiwan. Though O n - A - B i a o h a s g r a d u a l l y disappeared from the market, we wanted to design a new game to help parents not only relive their childhoods, but also teach and play with their kids, which would i m p r o v e t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p . Furthermore, the plot of the game, which we called Wars of Paper Art, was revised to reflect the real history of Taiwan, which gave the game an educational value.
s r
P f o
e p a
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5 3
Background Original game Background
The History of On-A-Biao In the past, OAB had changed forms and materials many times.
I n t h i s p r o j e c t , o u r m i s s i o n w a s t o combine a traditional Taiwanese folk game with Taiwan’ s history. Therefore, we chose the On-A-Biao (Taiwanese pronunciation, abbreviated to OAB) to combine the game with one famous and i m p o r t a n t a s p e c t o f h i s t o r y f o r t h e Taiwanese, Zheng’ s Occupation of Taiwan.
There were forms like circle, square, circle with decorative border, and so on.
Also, OAB’ s materials changed from time t o t i m e , w h i c h r e f l e c t e d t h e m a i n industries of Taiwan at the time, such as from hard paper to plastic.
Folk toy
The characters on the cards usually reflected cult icons or trends popular at the time, such as animals, cartoon characters, famous people or gods.
t r A r
Original Playing Rules
There have been many kinds of rule for playing On-A-Biao (OAB). The most popular rules are the following:
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The History of Zheng At about 1680, the Dutch occupied Taiwan. Zheng, a Chinese pirate who had resisted the Qing Dynasty, attacked the Dutch army, and then won the war.
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P f o
Two-player game
Both of the players have their own OABs. They have to use their fingers to bounce their OABs. If one OAB bounces onto another, then the owner of the upper OAB wins the game. Traditionally, the winner gets to keep the loser’s OAB.
Multi-player game
Every player puts some of his or her OABs together and piles them up. After deciding the playing order, each player uses one of his or her OABs to hit the OAB pile. The more OABs the player knocks down, the more OAB cards they get to keep.
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Product Whole product
The whole product includes one map, sixteen chance cards (eight for the Dutch and eight for Zheng), and eighteen OAB cards (nine for the Dutch and nine for Zheng).
The map has been revised from a g e n u i n e h i s t o r i c a l m a p , a n d includes historic spots such as ” Chih Kan Tower” ( 赤崁樓 ) and “Anping Old Fort”(安 平 古 堡), which were then occupied by the Dutch.
Dutch Chance Cards There are four cards of reinforcement, two cards of mist and two cards of defeat in battle. Reinforcement
Mist A m i s t c o m e s d o w n y o u r
navy’ s view, so the navy is f r o z e n f o r o n e t u r n a n d cannot be moved.
Defeat in Battle
Chance Cards
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When the OAB is bounced onto the yellow circle on the map, the owner of the OAB has to take one chance card, the accident described on the c a r d b e i n g r e v i s e d f r o m r e a l history.
There are four cards of tide, two cards of bad weather and two cards of insufficient food.
t r A r Tide
OAB Card
P f o
General x 1 Navy x 3 Army x 3 Flat x2
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e p a
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The general has two l i v e s . W h e n h e i s attacked, the owner of t h e g e n e r a l c a n choose to lose one life or to give the enemy’ s flat back.
T h e n a v y c a n o n l y move on the blue area (ocean), except if your army dies out.
It can only move on the green and brown area (ground), except if your navy dies out.
Bad Weather
The weather is so bad that the navy cannot move at the next play. You do not have enough food f o r t h e a r m y. T h e a r m y cannot move at the next play.
It has No ATTACK FORCE. It is used to occupy enemy’ s forts or ships. If it is beat by the enemy, the owner of the flats may get it back by attacking the general of the enemy. After getting into the occupied area, the flats will be protected from attacking.
A large tide helps attack. You can move twice at the next play.
General looks down on the enemy, so the army cannot move at next play.
Zheng Chance Cards
Insufficient Food
Because your relief forces come, you get two shoves of your OAB on your next turn.
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Scenario န န
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P f o
1Arrangement 2 Playing Order
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Arrange all the On-A-Biaos on the map. The Zheng’ s OAB should be put on the lower left corner with the blue ship on the map, and the Dutch’ s OAB should be put on the upper right corner with the red forts.
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After the arrangement, the players have to decide the playing order.
Defeat Each Other Both the players have to use their OABs to bounce on the other’ s OABs. The army could o n l y m o v e o n t h e ground, and the navy could only move in the water.
Occupy by the Flats
Use the flats to occupy the enemy’ s forts or ships.
5 Winner & Loser If one of the players’ flats or the general is defeated, then the other wins the game. If the opposing player occupies all the ships or the forts then the player loses the game.
Project 6
Health Donuts
Functional Toy for Elder People
s t u n
This is a practical train- ing project. This product is a functional exercise toy for aging people, who usually live in nursing h o m e s . T h e H e a l t h D o n u t s h e l p a g i n g p e o p l e e x p a n d t h e i r chest;; moreover, it can improve the relationship between people because of the social benefits.
Course Topic: Internship Designer: I-Chen Wu
h t l a
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6 3 Goal
To combine the chest expanding r o p e w i t h p l a y i n g t o y, m a k i n g e x e r c i s e m o r e i n t e r e s t i n g To combine the chest expanding rope with playing toy, making exercise more interesting for elderly people. for elder people.
+ Expand Chest
Playing Toy
Target User
Senior citizens who may live in nursing house.
Data Collection & Analysis
Market Position
We collected many different kinds of chest expanders of different brands, including domestic and international brands. We investigated the p r i c e s , t h e m a t e r i a l s , t h e colors, the features, and the sizes of every chest expander w e h a d c o l l e c t e d . A f t e r preparing all the materials, we u s e d t h e c r o s s a n a l y s i s method to decide our target position on the market.
h t l a
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s t u n
We wanted to design the product with vigorous colors and functions of play.
6 3 Senario & Design Feature
orbit Function When playing the Health Donuts, elders can exercise their wrists and expand their chest to achieve the goal of exercise by playing games.
s t u n
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Combining the two halves of the donuts by placing one on top of the other with the ball inside.
h t l a
How to Play
When the Health Donut is opened there are two tracks, one in each half, for the ball to roll along. By moving each half, the user is able to make the ball roll around and from one side to the other.
6 3 Senario & Design Feature
Combining Health Donuts Health Donuts can be joined together by using a buckle and strap.
Materials The body of a Health Donut is made out of rigid plastic, while the strip is made out of flexible plastic.
s t u n
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h t l a
By linking Health Donuts together, many people can play at the same time, improving their health and their relationships.
Project 7
City Pulse Exhibiton Design
2011 Young Designers’ Competition This was my first time to design an exhibition, so this experience was very important to me. This project was one of the e n t r i e s i n t h e 2 0 11 Y o u n g D e s i g n e r s ’ Competition, and in total it lasted for about a year, from data collection to 3 D m o d e l i n g a n d rendering.
P y t i
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Course Topic: Graduation Design Designer: I-Chen Wu Yong Pan Yen-Ru Lai Shaou-Shun Wang Yu-Ton Chang
7 3 Design Concept We wanted to make visitors feel peaceful and comfortable when visiting our exhibition, so we used repeating elements in the forms, materials and colors to achieve this.
Floor Plan
Peaceful and warm.
Design Elements
P y t i
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Because we wanted to present a simple, warm and attractive exhibition, we used a large amount of flexible white fabric, yellow lights, white scaffolds and grey perforated plates in the structure.
flexible fabric, yellow lights, scaffolds, perforated plates.
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Island Exhibits Area
Multimedia Room
Route 1
Interaction Area
Route 2
Staff Rest Room
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Route Two routes are available to visitors, depending on whether or not they want to stay in the multimedia room.
P y t i Main Visual Wall
Information Counter
Entrance & Exit
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Entrance & Main Visual Wall
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Information Counter
Entrance & Exit
Main Visual Wall
Information Counter
The entrance and the exit a r e i n t h e s a m e c o r n e r, d i v i d e d b y a s h e e t o f clapboard, in order to make b e s t u s e o f t h e l i m i t e d space.
W e p u t t h e n a m e o f o u r university – NCKU - on the scaffold, and lit this from behind using yellow lights. In addition, an aluminum plate was also hanging from the scaffold with the Chinese character for mind cut out of it, representing the theme of the exhibition.
W e u s e t h e s a m e m a t e r i a l s t o represent the counter, making visitors feel the same atmosphere from the counter.
P y t i
In addition, we put the s e l l i n g b o o k s , w h i c h include all the exhibits, on the scaffold shelf.
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Exhibition Area
Exhibition Areas
Island Area
When planning the space, we first examined the dimensions of all the exhibits and then u s e d s t e e l b o a r d s a n d perforated plates to make the exhibition stand. Lighting was t h e n a d d e d t o s h o w t h e exhibits and the space in the most attractive way possible.
An island area was put in the middle of the space for objects t h a t n e e d t o b e s e e n f r o m different angles. This was also a design element that controlled the flow of people through the exhibit.
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P y t i
A text introducing the exhibition was written on an aluminum sheet, which visually echoed other elements in the space.
Island Area
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Darkroom Darkroom A r e l a t i v e l y d a r k r o o m w a s designed to better display some of the items, such as those with lights. A flexible fabric was used to achieve this, and this design element was also repeated in other parts of the space.
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Multimedia Room Multimedia Room We produced several video clips to play in this room to explain various parts of the exhibition. In addition, this space had some seating so that visitors could stay here and rest a while, enabling then to slowly take in the meaning of the space and the objects.
the outside of darkroom
7 3
Interaction Wall This wall was designed so that visitors could write their feelings about the exhibition, and as t i m e p a s s e d i t c a m e t o represent the collected ideas of many people, thus becoming another, collaborative exhibit.
P y t i
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Interaction Wall
I-Chen Wu
Keep going,