Yi-Ching, Peng's
Yi-Ching, Peng's Portfolio
目錄| Contents
01. 社區營造志工| Community Empowerment Experience ...........08 02. 特殊孩子親子夏令營| Special Need Children Family Camp .....12 03. 得獎| Awards ....................................................................................................14 04. 名片設計| Handmade Business Card ..................................................22 05. 插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design................................24 06. 藝術治療工作坊| Art Therapy Workshop ...........................................48 07. 隨身手札| My Journal ...................................................................................54
「讓社會、環境更好的設計」是我從一直想做 的事,這本作品集呈現的了一些我嘗試與追尋 天命的過程,希望你會喜歡。
It has been my aspiration to utilize my interests for improving our environment and society more well-
living through art and design. This portfolio shows the process of finding my calling. I hope you enjoy.
社區營造志工 Community Empowerment Experience
Our Art Team. A proactive, enthusiastic and energetic team that loves to share. We want to add the warmth in each other’s life through interactions. We hope to create behaviors and experience sharing with others with art as media. Every activity is a small action of seed sowing. Through the nourishing by art, the audience will start with themselves and care about everything around them and pass on the love. 8
社區營造志工| Community Empowerment Experience
My Response Art : The Song
2014 Woods, Toy bricks, Woolwn yarn, Bulb, Nests This installation art is a well-known music score: Home! Sweet Home. When audiences stand in front of this work and try to hum, they will immediately know what the song is. Singing this song, they will recall memories of home. Whether the memories are happy or sad, they are unique. When working with children from dysfunctional families this process helps me to rearrange my own thoughts on home. 10
社區營造志工| Community Empowerment Experience
As a volunteer to work with several children who came from dysfunctional families in Kaohsiung First Community University. Cooperating with those teachers and social workers, our art team used non-guided methodology to help the children participate in the activities during the class. By the end of the period of the companionship, Professor Chang and our team held an exhibition together in Kaohsiung SinPinPier - Absolutely Art Space. We not only exhibited the children's artwork, but also some response arts from our art team. This experience gave me the opportunity to organize the experience and to observe the countertransference in the classroom while being the companion. Furthermore, it strengthened my belief that my passion for art is deeply connected to the area of psychology. Therefore, I started to rethink my design career.
特殊孩子親子夏令營 Special Need Children Family Camp
An immature person chooses security rather than love; a mature person chooses to love and openly bear the risk of sadness. 12
特殊孩子親子夏令營| Special Need Children Family Camp
One of the reasons for the fear of special needs in our society is that we don't have enough knowledge. In the past, I failed to understand the reality of their journey until I attended this camp. This camp gave me a chance to know more about special needs children and their families. I not only learned a lot of relevant knowledge but also experienced a little journey with those families. The embarrassment as they walked through their neighborhood, the painful moments of trying to explain their child’s behavior. Raising children with autism, brain damage, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, down syndrome, reactive attachment disorder and many others is not easy. I expect myself to be the one who is willing to help and support them in this society and hope that my profession in art and design will not only beautify this world but also make it better.
First Place Award in the Adult Category
第三屆海峽兩岸青少年創客大賽 the 3th Cross-Strait Youth Maker Competition August. 17. 2018 —— August. 27. 2018
( 上海| Shanghai )
“We are trying to give residents and authorities more time to take action and avoid casualties.”
APP 前後端
獎項 | Awards
多數對人體有害的氣體及空氣微粒無法用肉眼或透過嗅覺察覺,以致於我們暴露在危險之中仍 不自覺。因此,我們打造的產品項目,是想透過手機 APP 和網頁來提醒我們察覺周遭的環境
變化,尤其是氣體的部分,以至於能保障我們的人身安全及財產。此項目分為室內及室外測站, 兩者底層各連結各種感測器 ( 偵測 CO、CO2、LPG、PM、溫度、濕度等 ),並透過新興的通 訊技術 LPWAN 進行資料的傳遞,可將測量結果即時傳送到雲端或使用者的手機及網站,讓資 料能全部、簡單的呈現於使用者眼前。若某項氣體濃度超標,甚至可以依據測量結果來啟動致
動裝置 ( 如 : 自動排氣窗戶 ),依此可以有效降低環境中之有害氣體的濃度,達到守護我們人身 安全及財產的目標。
APP 介面設計 15
Most Outstanding Award
Judges' List Award
the 10th Macau Design Biennial
Young Pin Design Award
Sound Time
Interactive Concept Album 指導老師:黃志瑋 老師
獎項 | Awards
「晷」-古時人們以日影測定時間的儀器 「音晷」,意指(記錄)時空裡的聲響。 晝夜交替的時間流動,形成了人類自古以來的生活節奏, 隨著時代發展,各式的感官刺激影響了我們與環境互動
的模式。生活周遭容納了各種聲音,而每個聲音會因為 人的經驗,象徵著許多不同的符號與意義,在生活裡一
What kind of memories and images are aroused in you from every sound that you hear? The sign of sound has some commonalities among people, but it can also be unique and personal in the sense of personal experience. In this work, we collect many sounds from our lives and recode them into a new sound. We try to make some nonverbal expressions with these voices. We believe that when you are listening to this album, you will encode those sounds you hear again due to your unique experience.
負責項目:命題、行銷企劃執行 / 聲音採集
應用設計學生組佳作 教育部智慧電子跨領域應用專題
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Ministry of Education Smart Electronics Integration
Nationwide Students’ Picture Book Creation Award
繪本創作|生氣阿怪 Picture Book
Angry Monster
指導老師:張金玉 老師
ANGRY Mo NsTER Narrated and Illustrated by Yi-Ching,Peng
I created a monster in my journal and wrote a little story for it while I was angry. After I shared this artwork with Professor Chang, she encouraged me to make an intact picture book. In order to communicate with my reader, I started to organize this angry experience and rethink this emotion. This experience created an opportunity for me to become reconciled with my anger. Furthermore, this picture book received a college Honorable Mention award of Nationwide Students’ Picture Book Creation in 2014, which gave me much joy and a sense of accomplishment. After attending the Jill Freedman narrative therapy workshop in 2017, I realized that I was using the method of Externalization when I created that angry monster. I was very surprised to discover the self-healing ability of humans. It made me more curious about the methods of art therapy.
獎項 | Awards
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:26
立體組 銀獎
Silver Medal Award Asakula Naomi Construction Design Competition 3D Craft Section
立體創作|魚兒魚兒書中游 Three Dimentional Works Little Fish Swimming in A Book 指導老師:張金玉 老師
獎項 | Awards
魚兒魚兒書中游 游來游去樂悠悠 倦了臥水草 餓了覓小蟲
樂悠悠 樂悠悠 書裡世界真自由 Little fish swimming in a book. Little fish swimming in a book. Swimming here and there so carefree and happy. When you are tired, you rest on the seaweed. When you are hungry, you look for bugs to eat. Happy and free, happy and free. Life in the glittering book kingdom is so carefree.
Handmade Business Card
在這個特別的時刻 與你相遇
Nice to meet you at this unique moment.
名片設計| Handmade Business Card
遇都是一場獨一無二共創體驗,手繪 的名片讓互相認識的過程中增加了 人與人之間的溫度以及趣味性。 To me, no moment in
life will ever be the same.
Therefore, all my business cards are hand-made and tailored for each unique encounter.
05. 插畫與設計 Illustrations and Graphic Design
2008 Marker, Watercolor pencils
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Leopard Cat 2014 Pencils
Leisure Time
2015 Watercolour, Watercolor pencils
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Japanese White-eye Couple 2014 Watercolour, Ink, Pastel
Snowy-browed Flycatcher 2014 Watercolour
The Rain Sparrow 2018 Adobe Photoshop 28
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
New Year's Resolution 2014 Watercolour, Watercolor pencils 30
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Coffee Shop Owner 2015 Watercolor pencils
Fighter Aircrafts 2015 Pencils
Traced Portrait of Arthur 2013 Adobe Photoshop 32
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
2013 Microsoft Paint
Self-portrait 2011 Adobe Photoshop
Gift Day
2015 Watercolour, Watercolor pencils
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
When Worms Come Together 2018 Adobe Photoshop
The Door of My Heart 2018 Adobe Photoshop
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
The moon, The mood, The move 2018 Adobe Photoshop
Right Here, Right Now 2018 Pencils
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Good Job, Case Closed 2018 Adobe Photoshop
Have No Idea..... 2018 Watercolor
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Lonely Doggy 2013 Microsoft Paint
Advertisement Design 2017 Adobe Illustrator
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Logo Design : Eat a Book Restaurant 2018 Adobe Illustrator
USB Drive Illustration Design 2012 Adobe Illustrator
Penguin Couple 2015 Adobe Photoshop
Figure Design 2012 Adobe Illustrator
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Heat Man
2011 Clay, Acrylic color
Printmaking Monkey 2014 Rubber Stamp
插畫與設計| Illustrations and Graphic Design
Printmaking Hedgehog 2015 Rubber Stamp
Art Therapy Workshops
I have finally found a career path which could incorporate all my passions Human-Centered Design. 48
02.藝術治療工作坊| Special Need Children Family Camp Art Therapy Workshop
Art psychotherapy is not yet common in my country. Fortunately, thanks to those pioneers who introduced art psychotherapy into Taiwan, I have had the opportunity to test the water to ascertain if I am suitable for this field or not. I widened my knowledge of art psychotherapy by using a variety of methods such as reading, participating in online courses, workshops, and symposium, which were relevant. After two years of exploration I realized that my enthusiasm for the field of art psychotherapy had increased. When listening to and reading stories about how those pioneers were trained in a place, which has a long history of development of art psychotherapy, I feel admiration for their experiences. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to gain appropriate professional knowledge and professional training.
My Future Home 2016 Collage and drawing.
The lecturer guided us to create career maps. I chose an IKEA catalog to do the collage first, so that is the reason why there were a lot of house elements. When I finished this work I felt very satisfied because the whole process was just like shopping. It turned out that my dream is to have a beautiful and harmonious home. Moreover, we keep a lovely dog. Hey! Welcome to my home.
藝術治療工作坊| Art Therapy Workshop
The Secret
2016 Advertise pigment, Clay The lecturer shared social incidents of incest and sexual assault on children. In order to experience the feeling of keeping our secrets undetected while living in the same environment, we share a piece of paper with other partners for painting, and this is part of my painting. The case story shared by the lecturer made me feel very uncomfortable. I took this feeling unconsciously to draw this picture. The more I painted, the more I felt scared. So I used clay and paint to keep stacking the original paintings. This covering behavior reminds me how those terrible social incidents are dealt with. Everyone covers up those ugly and scary things so that they don’t have to deal with them. They then live in a world of self-deception so that everyone can continue to live well.
Apart, A Part 2016 Clay
The theme of this art therapy workshop is farewell. The lecturer asked us to think of a person or a thing we missed and to use clay to make something which can represent it. I made a mother holding a baby. This work made me feel warm at the time. I saw that I long with eagerness to return to infancy and to receive full attention and care from my mother. Next, the lecturer asked us to dismantle the original works and use the same material to make a new one. Although I was really reluctant, when I was ready, I used the same clay to make a reading woman. In this process, I experienced the power of art therapy. My thoughts had been transformed and I knew that my mother was still with me in a different form, just like the clay. I felt so touched and shared this experience with my mother and showed my love and appreciation to her. I dealt with the emotional separation from my mother, comforted my inner child, and once again raised my will to grow up.
藝術治療工作坊| Art Therapy Workshop
09. My Journal Keeping a journal has always been a habit of mine. I use it to document my life: where I go, who I was with, or what I was doing on a particular day. I express my experiences in many different ways, like words, cartoons, drawings and collage. I don’t take my entries too seriously because the artistic outcome is not the most important thing to me but the process. It is rewarding and relaxing to engage in artistic activity. My journal is about time, place, and feeling. It is actually a daily diary rather than a perfect, finished piece of art. I always carry it with me so I can sketch or take notes no matter where I am.
09. My Journal
09. My Journal
09. My Journal
e-mail pycrgb@gmail.com Mobile Phone 0436335291 website https://innerchildart.space/
Yi-Ching, Peng's
Portfolio 2019