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Gardens to Help OurCommunity

feet from the founda on ofa house,at least 25 feet from a sep c or well,and away from areas where ponding persists a erstorms. Once you have located the perfectarea comes the joy ofchoosing beau fulplants to adorn your new rain garden. Ifyou are nota plantexperthere are some suggesons.

In a sunny space Bu erfly Milkweed,Bee Balm,Turtlehead,Black­Eyed Susan,Coneflower,and Blue Wild Indigo are lovely addi ons. To create variety among the flowers,add grasses like Switchgrass and Li le Bluestem. Finally,nothing saysa Nantucketgarden like the addi on ofna ve shrubslike Beach Plum,Azalea,Bayberry,Elderberry,Huckleberry,Sweetfern,and Wintergreen.

These plants willnot just add beauty to your home and yourlife,severalalso have medicinalusages and can be used to make simple teas, nctures,salves,orasgarnishes. According to Ava Rollins ofACKlimate Nantucket,Bee Balm can relieve nausea, PMS, and sore throats, and its leaves are a beau fuladdi on to pesto fora summerdinnerparty. Elderberriescan be stored in glassmason jarscovered in brandy or vodka to create potent ncturesreadily on hand forcold season come autumn. Finally,beach plumsmake a deliciousjam. Throughoutmy childhood,my grandmotherwould bring jars and jarsofherdelectable beach plum jam to share with family and friends.

In shadier areas,you can plantCinnamon Fern,Cardinal Flower, Blue Flag Iris, Goatsbeard, Wild Bleeding Heart, Columbine,Sensi ve Fern,Spicebush,Rosebud Azalea,Highbush Blueberry,Turtlehead,Sweet Pepperbush,Blue Dangle Huckleberry,and Bleeding Heart.

In wet areas,na ve beau es like Goldenrod,assorted Asters,and Lowbush Blueberrieswillthrive.Ava advisessaving money and skipping the Juice Barline by blending fresh blueberries and honey to make delicious summerpopsicles.

While allthis informa on may seem overwhelming,the best part about rain gardens is once you have chosen your flowersand plantsto accessorize the garden,the only upkeep is weeding and pruning.

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