Background The past decade has seen a proliferation in sound-based scholarship and the increasing significance of audio culture – as simultaneously a site for analysis, a medium for aesthetic engagement, and a model for theorization – identified as the ‘sonic turn’. Notably, most of this scholarship and cultural production focuses on the sensory, methodological, economic, social, aesthetic, philosophical and psychological dimensions of the subject, already covering a wide range of approaches. Yet, sonic events do not only take place within the spectrum of the living and the perceptible, what we may call the life of sound. The sonic features a largely untouched but fascinating relationship, for example, to counterfactual and counterfictional thinking, to the zones of transmission between life and death, to subaquatic, Cthulu-esque, non-human forms of life, and to unsound, vibrational milieus inaccessible to the senses.
My main research area is the relationship between sound and human beings. I want to explore the graphics of sound, this poster is composed of dynamic graphics, I program through processing, and when the microphone detects changes in sound, the size and rhythm of the image changes. I tried to find the invisible power of sound and explore the relationship between sound and non sound Extensive discussions and contacts with other professions were established during the event
The Sound Of Memor What's the connection between sound and human memory, For a period of time, I saw a shopping cart every day, so, what is my relationship with this car, this is a moment or a segment of my life. This segment exists in different spaces, and I want to find resonance in this space, so I made this device with aduion. First I describe the shopping cart in a passage, generating geometric figures or images by the frequency and vibration of sound. In the end, this figure represents my memory. This device can also be used to explore different topics, through the vibration of sound, to help people discover the connection with object.