3 minute read
3. Make the skull, follow the key words to show the aggressiveness of the skull and pinch the angles with light clay
4. Complete the four skulls, from left to right: ruthless, stubborn, brutal and sinister.
5. Add cold iron and mirror pieces to the original base
6. Fix them on an acrylic plate, cover with newspaper, wrap the bottle with newspaper to create the skulls of different heights, then add the symbols of blood vessels and viruses and insert the broken glass on the wrapped plate
Bringing violence to the end of life
—“A Cycle Of Violence From The DNA”
1. Make the skeleton of the clay figurine with aluminum wire, and then wrap it with light clay so that people can move their hands and feet. There are 30 clay figurines in total. After they are dried, put them roughly into the desired shape
2. Overlay the six skeletons in a group, glue them with hot melt glue, and then take down the clay figurines just made and glue them together one by one
Stop the violence
—“Seeking The Fragrant Scent Of Reflection”
3. Three clay figurines with the back facing up are left at the top as pillars to support the acrylic plate, and the acrylic plate is placed. The thickness of the acrylic plate is 5mm, and the test effect is
4. Insert the pre prepared vine from the middle, wind the branch of the vine on the clay figurine, and finally put on the acrylic plate and moss on the bottom
Project Brief:
To make people aware of the relationship between violence and themselves, whether they want to choose to take violence to the end or to stop it and reflect on themselves, the choice is theirs.
Growing up: violence is like a seed buried in each of our hearts, and it is up to each of us to make it blossom.
Headless people: Herd mentality has always been a virus in society at large, spreading among everyone without much independent thought.
Does violence always reap benefits for everyone?
Spread: Violence is 'contagious' and can be passed from family to family, from stranger to stranger, or across species. From a very small point, it becomes a large collective, like snowflakes converging into snowballs, the larger the size the more damaging.
The brain controls the body to produce violence, communication produces language, and language is part of violence. Everyone has their own definition of the world, which can be singular or varied, and these definitions are based on everything we see and feel.
Violence is never ending, and perhaps "violence" is a necessary part of the cycle, and the definition of everything is based on human perceptions, so "violence" is also essential.
Bringing violence to the end of life
A1: Label name and price
The label refers to each person's definition of something and the value is its place within each person. These labels are deeply "bound" to our veins.
A2: The terminal of the blood is the "virus of violence"
The blood of the people in the war did not stop the violence from continuing, but wave after wave of human anger made the violence more violent, and when the message was coloured by violence, it became a cycle that spread like a virus among people.
A3: The "stalking" of evil
There are both positive and negative emotions within the human heart, and most of what anger stirs up is negative, what with stubbornness, indifference and cunning. The battle between evil and evil is a contest to see who is the better fighter and what is the limit of violence.
B1: Peace that grows unchecked
In exploiting the herd mentality to get violence, it can also be used conversely as an advocate for less violence, and with one start, a crowd will follow.
B2:"The Human Step"
There are those who sacrifice voluntarily in the path of violence and those who sacrifice passively in the path of violence; however the sacrifice is made, both are undesirable. It is best if we can do it hand in hand, so that more people will benefit from each other. Follow the example of one successful example so that there will be more successful examples of resistance to violence.
B3:"Wisdom vine"
It is important to understand things thoroughly before taking the next step.
A or B
What is your Choice?
—“Seeking The Fragrant Scent Of Reflection” B