Fig 2.1
B1 Research Field Horizontal Draping Fabric Forming The concrete panels were designed in a way to maximise the unique characteristics of the fabric form concrete and it included flexibility and softness of the fabric, opposing to the permanence and hardness of concrete, varieties in the elasticity and permeability of different fabric types, and re-usability of formwork.[2.1] The wall cannot stand by itself. Therefore, the team use the composite system to support each other, internal reinforcement system support external cladding make dust and moisture outside. The team composed prefabricated interior and exterior panels as the rain-screen system. The structural performance was integrated into the vertical interior panels as embedded columns to hold exterior panels, instead of depending on the steel frame as the accepted approach for the concrete panel wall system. Their experimental process was mainly focused on different types of fabric, the proportion of cement mix ingredients, sewing patterns of fabrics, and configuration of rigid jigs as well as the reinforcement and attachment systems. Plastic was used for the representation of the top half of the mock-up to ease the immense weight construction task by heat draping the plastic on the same jig frames. The final mock-up resulted in a 2.4 meters tall by 1.2 meters wide, half-scale model, weighing over 360 kilograms
Fig 2.2
Fig 2.3
Fig 2.4
The project is about to illustrate how a P wall looks like in the external environment open to the elements. Weathering P wall is an excellent example of demonstrating how our bike shelter perform in the outside environment while many variables like rain, plant and birds nest challenging our design. The undulating forms would collect dust, pollen, soot while it last. Moss would take root in the subtle groves of fabric texture. Bird and other creatures would make the holes their homes.[2.2] This project is not an exercise in Romanticism. The goal is the wall need to be touched, used, worn soiled and to be made unclean. All those elements create a unique design of P wall itself, and it is the best demonstration of how our bike shelter looks like over time.
Weathering (P WALL)
B2 Case Study 1.0 P wall panel is different than each other. They are all unique to each other as their unique shape and points. All unique part should intergrade into a panel smoothly. Therefore, the form of P wall modular is essential to the whole project. To explore how to create P wall in modular. Form-finding process the top priority at this stage. By changing the different location of anchor points, the depth and angle of curves and position and line weight of straight lines result in separate P wall panel.
Successful Panels
The first one had the advantages of the lightweight and variability. The broad curve can be easy to make and use the sandwich method to create an ultra-thin panel. However, because the complexity of increasing variability, it is hard to make a small-scale board and it is hard to make because too many wires need to be connected in such small areas which lead to low workability. On the other hand, the variability and lightweight can be the good reasons to ignore problem on scale to the large-scale architecture. Because most large-scale designs have a smooth surface to fit the large panel. Even if it can only make in large scale. One tricky thing is the lightweight and variability of panels can let people thought the large board are made by many small boards.
This panel can be very fixable to the sc surface like irregular and uneven surfa the variability is not functional in this p wire can quickly make this panel into a its shape. The only variable is the dept is because of X shape, connect diagona production lead to hi
They all have advantages in many ways. They are variable, high workability, lightweight and flexible to the le. Therefore, they are easy to fit most surfaces, and fast produce characteristic makes them are possible to make in reality but not the thing in our imagination.
cale. The varying size can fit any ace to create a P wall. However, panel. Because by using X shape any scale, but it is hard to change th of the curves. The good news al wires is easy, and it causes fast igh workability.
This panel has cycle shape inside, and it has advantages in the variability and workability. By exploring this shape of P wall panel. The curves, line weight and supporting points can be changed to make another unique panel which causes good variability. The scale is controllable to make it we can use fence wires, by changing the shape of diamond shape we can get the many different panels in this shape. However, the weight is the biggest problem of this panel, because there are too many curves, it is hard to control the depth of curves which will cause too many plasters in the panel lead to heavy dead weight, and it needs special reinforcement in the architecture.
B3 Case Study 2.0
As further test, we realize the P wall panel cannot stand on its own, so we need to design a structure component to let P wall put on it until got final bike shelter. We do have alternative option which is we can design special pattern to let P wall panel can stand on itself but the limitation of our knowledge we do not how to achieve that. After research and consideration. We have two options of structure component which are grid shell and modular. They do have advantages in practicality, openness, structural capability and gradient. Modular structure has the consistency in modularity with P wall panel but not easy to build and design. Grid shell is easy to manufacture and build.
Modular structure has many challenge in the design process. The practicality is the con of this structure component. Because we need to do many experiment to know how we can produce this kind of structure and design connection of each modular. Even the structure is more changeling than P wall panel itself. However, it has less effect on structural capability when opening is large. The gradient is varying because we do not need to bend material to create opening so steeply or smooth slope is possible to be made.
Grid shell is the common structure component and it has many existing techniques to help us to design and build. However, the characteristics of openness and structural capability contain each other. If requires high strength structure, the opening will be relatively smaller than before. The gradient determines if the shape of grid shell is graceful. Luckily, the larger opening gives smooth gradient which is great thing.
At the first place, we decide to use a modular structure with P wall panel. However, we did not successful combine them. The modular has a fancy shape, and in reality, it is hard to built and hard to design. Furthermore, after exploring the P wall panel pattern, grid shell and modular structure. By crossing compare to site analysis and our structure and P wall design. I think grid shell and light-weight P wall panel will be the best choice. Moreover, this grid shell can be built in modular parts, so grid shell gives the consistency in modularity with P wall panel.
B4 Technique: Development
B5 Technique: Prototypes
Like the original P wall produce procedure. We built a frame and use reinforcement bar to create the shape of P wall panels. We chose plaster as material and high-elasticity fabric to use the gravity of form panels. By exploring how the fabric affects forming panel’s shape, we use different material and even combine different equipment to test the workability of the modular making process. We tested two-way and one-way extensible and nonextensible fabric. However, the one-way extensible fabric will limit gravity effect, so the panel’s curve will not reach our expectations. Moreover, the non-extensible fabric cannot form the P wall pattern at all and it will leave marks on the panel, so we decide not use this fabric anymore. Furthermore, when we combine two fabrics will make a gentle slope on the panel which is a successful attempt.
The design proposal is combined P wall panel external and grid shell internal as structure frame. The grid shell frame leans on the tree will increase its strength and use of light-weight P wall panel make the design proposal is achievable. The project is open architecture as a bike shelter. If people store their bikes in a round shape, it will not look like a mess. If in the public holiday, nobody stores their bikes, the shelter more like a decoration on a tree makes our university more beautiful.
B7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES From the start to do this project, we confuse how the P wall can stand on its own. While the further development we realize the pattern could be the key to let P wall panel stand by itself. However, the structure pattern beyond our knowledge, so we decide to use composite system to let panels to be the external cladding and use grid shell to be the structure system and they both have characteristics of modularity. Furthermore, as we exploring the performance of different fabric. We chose different extensible fabric and even combine two in one to test if we can get easier method to form the model. Eventually, the two-way extensible fabric works better because it can help model to form into any shape and it can be used in many times. As the material of P wall panel we test plaster and concrete. Plaster is fast set but just because of this, we can hardly to form a shape we want to do. On the other hand, concrete set is too slow, we hardly can illustrate our prototype in time, so we just decide to explore the use of fast set concrete and formula of mixture to accelerate the harden process of concrete. We did lots of thing that even explore modular and grid shell structure system and they are not easy to learn. Then we chose modular as our structure system and panel will be external cladding. However, we did not good. So we will focus on the grid shell, P wall panel itself and even the structure pattern on the panel let it can stand on itself on the next stage.
References 2.1 “Horizontal Draping Fabric Forming”, 2018 < horizontal-draping-fabric-forming/> [Accessed 19 April 2018] 2.2 “Weathering (P_Wall) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 < category/projects/weathering-p_wall/> [Accessed 20 April 2018] “P_Wall(2006) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 < projects/p_wall2006/> [Accessed 20 April 2018] “P_Wall(2009) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 < projects/p_wall2009/> [Accessed 20 April 2018] “P_Wall(2013) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 < projects/p_wall2013/> [Accessed 20 April 2018] “Seed (P_Ball) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 < projects/seed-p_ball/> [Accessed 20 April 2018]
Image References Fig 2.1-2.3 “Horizontal Draping Fabric Forming”, 2018 < horizontal-draping-fabric-forming/> [Accessed 19 April 2018] Fig 2.4 “Weathering (P_Wall) « MATSYS”, Matsysdesign.Com, 2018 <> [Accessed 20 April 2018]