DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M2 JOURNAL - Panel and Fold Yifei Qiu, Zijian Shi, Xianghan Wang Yifei Qiu 825853, Zijian Shi 784044, Xianghan wang 741538 Joshua Batterham Russo Panel and Fold Group 2 (Stool)
Personal Space Analysis
When looking at personal space of a person; we tried to focus one individual person since each person have there own taste and preference. The diagrams indicates the specific personal space of one of our group member. Personally he doesn’t like to be touched on his arm and shoulder, and he also feel unsafe and uncomfortable when people standing close to him behind. We also see personal space as the comfort zone of people that in what range they will feel comfortable when engaging with others.
Personal Space Analysis
These images represents the personal space when people are encountering each other. We are interested that when close friends or couples meet each other the two separate personal spaces can merge into one. If you trust each other enough you will feel relaxed when you are with your friends.
Sketch Design Development
This design was developed from one of the sketch model produced in the M1 journal. We thought about instead of repelling others away from the personal space, we wanted to attract people to come and communicate with the person. We looked at the natural world and found that some animals use colors to attract others; and the shape of this design actually came from the feather of a peacock. We imagine the design to be very noticeable in the front view and less significant in the side view. The design aims to gain attention from others and attract them to engage with the person.
Peacock Image 1
Refined Sketch Model
The model combines the sketch design and the triangular shape from one of the sketch model from the M1 journal
The sketch model is a small part of the sketch design that we wanted to try out and play around with. We found out that the previous sketch model has nearly no control to the folding of the model, we tried to add some more control to the new experiment.
2nd Skin proposed design V.1
When developing this design, we thought of people who are not that tall and eye-appealing; especially in a crowded place. People may often do not notice them and accidentally bump into them. We thought that it is a invasion of the personal space. Instead of wearing actual ‘defensive armors’ to prevent others from invading you personal space; we are trying to express the idea that by occupying the space around the person to show the personal safety zone of a person; and also by showing off a significant sculptural design; the person can gain more attention from others when walking through a crowded people flow so that people do not bump into and invade the personal space.
Development Model
2nd Skin proposed design V.2
The main theme of this design is ‘connection‘. This design is developed around the idea of represent the connection between people when people engage with each other and how they can form a potential space between each other. This design is designed to be fit on two different people that are close to each other; the design on itself can provide some protection of the person’s head but when meeting with the other part of the design, twoparts come together and can enclose to form a space.
The shape formed when two people encounter each other with the design. The design on one person / one part
Precedent Research Puppet Theatre by Huyghe + Le Corbusier
Regular Geometries, Organic forms, Clear Carving lines.
Image 3
Representative prototype of the precedent
Image 2
The entire Puppet Theatre are built with more than 500 individual polycarbonate panels that are folded into triangular shapes and diamond shapes. These regular shapes allow the structure to be very simple to assemble and move; since each individual shapes can be interlocked together easily and form a complete self-standing structure. Layers of moss covers are installed into the panels; compared to the light-weighted structure, the moss covers appears to be floating slightly above the structure.
Precedent applied to design Regular Geometries, Organic forms, Clear Carving lines.
Representative prototype of the precedent
The sketch model also shows a diamond shape on the other perspective and also forming a interior space.
Development #1 Refining the structure and keep the shape
Development #2
The idea of individual small particles forming a complete and unity structure really influenced our designs. We all considered triangular elements in our own sketch designs but we were all trying to insert them randomly without control. This puppet theater showed us a great example of using small systems to form a larger structural system.
Design development - Version #1
This concept of this design is to gain attention in a crowded situation. This design is based on people who are very shy and feel unconformable to express their emotions. People who are shy and unsocial can easily be discriminated by others since they can’t even express they are angry. And for the shape of this model we looked at a image showing the emotions of a person that are exploding and ejecting out of his mind. We tried to present the person’s feeling and emotion by these spikes showing that he or she is a person with emotion and attitude but just too shy to express. Also the design is suspended on the shoulder of a person since shoulder is the widest part of a person and can maximum the effect of attracting attentions.
Emotion exploding Image 4
The interior of the model
The model shows a single layer of the design. The spacing between the spikes can give the design more visual deepness and allow people to see through the design and the different shapes or colors.
Design development - Version #2
Influenced by the precedent examples; also developed from our previous designs. This design aims to create a interesting form that can attract others to engage and explore with controlled patterns. During the process of examination and exploring, we found this interesting folding pattern that allows a single sheet of paper to form spaces. And by jointing the folding edges, it makes the structure more stable and with more depth. We also wanted to keep the idea of colorful surface to attract people. The design looks quiet simple in the front view but when walking towards it; the gaps formed by folding are showing more of the different colors in the inner layers. This can attract people to explore more on this design such as how they are connected or the colors inside.
Perspective Left
This prototype is a part of the second developing design that is made out of hard color cards. The joints are connected with fabric lines and tapes. In the further development harder material and better connection method need to be improved. Side
Testing Effects
Prototype on human
Prototype on group member when sleeping.
Appendix Image 2, 3: ENVS20001_2016_SM1_ImportedContent_20160128045120/Puppet%20Theatre_MOS.pdf Image 4: Image 1: