Hollywood International Filmmaker Magazine 2019 Winter

Page 11

The MOST UNUSUAL Acceptance Speech Ever


Hollywood icon Jane Fonda accepted her latest award while being arrested! The veteran actress and activist was unable to receive her career ac hievement honor at the British Academy Britannia Awards as she was taken into custody earlier that day during an environmental protest. But as she was led away in zip-tie c u f f s b y p o l i c e i n Wa s h i n g t o n D C , she took the opportunity to look into a nearby camera and deliver her speech.

F o n d a , 81 , s a i d , ” T h a n k y o u B A F T A f o r t he S tanley Kubr ic k award f or excellence in film. I’m sorr y I’m not there, I’m ver y honored.” It was the third time in three weeks she had been arrested as part of a pledge to wage a campaign of civil disobedience to bring more awareness to the climate change crisis. To s e e w h i c h s t a r s D I D m a ke i t t o t h e Britannia Awards stage, see our repor t on t he ceremony towards t he bac k of t his issue.


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